Nuclear God of War

Chapter 373: The Disaster of Filial Piety 3

Xu Feng saw that the beautiful Yu Fengxin asked for help and said with an excited look, "Of course, there is no problem. I can tell you all the earthlings I know, but you also have to grant me a small request."

"What's the matter?" Yu Fengxin seriously asked Xu Feng.

"Can I stay with you?" Xu Feng said with some embarrassment.

"I thought you would put forward some conditions, but I didn't expect it to be such a simple question. This really surprised me." Yu Fengxin said very unexpectedly.

"Then you agreed to my little request, didn't you?" Xu Feng said very excitedly.

"Well, of course I can promise you this, but I don't understand why you only made such a simple request. Why? Don't you earthlings know how to take advantage of the good times? Yu Fengxin didn't understand Xu Feng's thoughts.

"Actually, I also know that this is a good opportunity to make conditions for you, but I don't want to annoy you and eventually cause you to kill me and find other earthlings." Xu Feng said timidly.

"Why do you think of us Yuxiang Xingren so cruelly? We Yuxiang are kind creatures. How can we easily deprive others of their lives? Yu Fengxin explained.

"However, you killed my two comrades just now." Xu Feng lowered his head and said.

"It's not our fault, and we don't want to hurt anyone. The death of your comrades-in-arms is an accident, so you can't blame their death on us." Yu Fengxin explained.

"I saw my comrades-in-arms die at your hands. Why do you say it's not your fault? Why is this?" Xu Feng's mood is a little out of control.

"Well, let me explain the matter to you more clearly, lest you misunderstand us. Our spaceship moves through a long range of different time and space, moving from outside the Milky Way to the earth. When the spaceship moves away from a different time and space, the spaceship will create a small black hole, which is the reason why your comrades-in-arms died.

"But what is the fireball emerging from the black hole? How do you explain it?" Xu Feng didn't believe Yu Fengxin's explanation and said.

"Let me explain to you again that the fireball is the extra energy generated by our space ship when moving in different time and space, and it is not what we deliberately release."

"You didn't lie to me? Are you telling the truth? You didn't kill my comrades-in-arms on purpose, did you?" Xu Feng said calmly.

"This is the case. If you hadn't strayed into the small black hole, your comrades-in-arms would not have died. Although this has nothing to do with us, it is still because of us, so I tell you, I'm sorry.

"No, don't say sorry. It's not your fault, so I can't blame you." Xu Feng in turn considered for Yu Fengxin.

After learning that Yuxiang Xingren had no malice towards their earthlings, Xu Feng began to tell Yu Fengxin and Yufengxin's grandfather about the situation of earthlings.


Lan Shike, vice president of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, heard Speaker Xu's words and said, "Xu Feng, what you said is not the key. Can you say some key points?"

"I will talk about this slowly. Please listen to it slowly and continue to talk about it." Xu Feng, the speaker of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, said very seriously.

After President Xu finished speaking, he continued to talk about what happened 18 years ago and said, "I have been with Yu Fengxin, a person from Yu Xiangxing, for a long time, and I fell in love with him for a long time, but something happened that we didn't expect."

"Xu Feng, what the hell is going on?" Vice President Lan urged.

Not only Vice Speaker Lan wants to know about this very much, but also Di Ying, the president of the Grand Council of Heaven, also wants to know these things and said, "Xu Feng, what is the unexpected thing you said? Can you say that quickly?"

"President Diying, listen to me slowly..." Speaker Xu said what happened 18 years ago in no hurry.


After half a year with Yu Fengxin, the two had fallen in love, and Yu Fengxin had also been pregnant. When they thought they would survive happily, an accident happened.

This sudden accident was that Yu Xiangxing rebelled. An evil force of Yu Xiangxing colluded with other intelligent creatures to attack Yu Xiangxing's ten-thousand-year-old dynasty.

Although Yu Xiangxing, an eternal dynasty, resisted with all its strength, it could not withstand the inner and external cooperation between rebel forces and alien forces and was about to be completely defeated.

'Yuxiang Star King' - Yude has no choice but to send a call for help to the whole universe. All Yuxiang Star people who have received rescue orders must return to Yuxiang Star to resist the invasion.

Yu Fengxin and her grandfather have also received the order to return to Yuxiangxing. Yufengxin had to obey the order of Yuxiangxing to return to Yuxiangxing to resist the invasion of alien creatures.

However, when Yu Fengxin's grandfather was preparing to return to Yu Xiangxing, he suddenly found that he received an anonymous email with the content: Yu Gang, your son Yu Yan is now in my hands. If you dare to return to Yu Xiangxing, I will kill your son Yu Yan.

However, Yu Gang, the grandfather of Yu Fengxin, had no intention of compromise and continued to prepare to return to Yuxiangxing to help Yuxiangxing resist the attacks of rebel forces and alien forces.

Yu Fengxin didn't want her father Yu Yan to be in danger. She persuaded her grandfather and said, "Grandpa, I don't want to go back to Yu Xiangxing, because I don't want my father to be in danger. Grandpa, can we not Yu Xiangxing?"

"No, we must go back to help Yuxiang Star King now, because we are the soldiers of Yuxiang Star King and must go back to defend our home." Yu Gang said resolutely.

"No, Grandpa, then my father will be in danger, so we can't go back." Yu Fengxin firmly opposed Grandpa's return to Yu Xiangxing.

Yugang was very angry and said, "Xiaoyu, I didn't expect you to care so much about your children's affairs. This is really not like our Yuxiangxing people's behavior. This is really like the idea of earthlings. It seems that you have really stayed with earthlings for too long. Maybe I shouldn't agree with you to be with Xu Feng."

Yu Fengxin refuted her grandfather Yu Gang and said, "No, Grandpa, I'm not because of Xu Feng. I'm because my father is my grandfather's only son and my only father."

"Yu Yan is indeed my only son, but I am a soldier. I must obey the order and return to Yu Xiangxing to fight for our Yu Xiangxing King." Yu Gang said resolutely.

"Grandpa, Yuxiang Star King - How did Yude treat you? You are a former general because you lost hundreds of soldiers in order to protect Yude's sister, but Yude did this?" Yu Fengxin said angrily. →[End of this chapter]