Nuclear God of War

Chapter 393: The Fury of Hesheng 3

Pingyan has nothing to worry about now. She said without hesitation, "My name is Pingyan. How can I ask my name to ask? What on earth do you mean?"

"What! You mean your name is Ping Yan, right? Xiao Jiaosi, one of the top ten generals of God Hunter, asked with great surprise.

"Why are you so surprised to hear my name? Am I the same as Sister Xiaoer, a legendary figure? Ping Yan didn't understand why Xiao Jiaosi was so surprised.

Menggatachi and Liekus, who are also the top ten generals, also don't understand why Xiaojiaoqi was surprised. Mengjiaoqi asked curiously, "Xiaojiao, why are you so surprised to hear that her name is Pingyan? What's going on?"

"Alas! All right, I'll tell you about it. The reason why I have three nuclear energy is that my master taught me two nuclear energy in addition to our ten generals' natural nuclear energy, and my master's name is Pingyan. Xiao Jiaosi replied.

Menggatachi and Liekus were very surprised. Liekus said calmly, "Xiao Jiaosi, don't be scared by the name of this girl on earth. Your master's master should be at least millions of years old, so the girl in front of you can't be your master's master."

"No, you're wrong. I heard my master say that my master is a reincarnation, so she (Pingyan) may also be my master." Xiao Jiaosi explained.

When Pingyan heard Xiao Jiaosi's words, she had an idea and said, "Xiao Jiaosi, since you think I'm your master, you should listen to my Xiaoer sister."

Menggatachi and Liekus hurriedly persuaded Xiao Jiaosi and must not let go of Di Xiaoer. Liekus persuaded Xiao Jiaosi and said, "Xiao Jiaosi, you must not let Hamidas go. She is the legendary king of nuclear energy. Once her nuclear energy fully awakens, our lives will be in danger."

"However, if this earth girl is really the reincarnation of my master Pingyan, if I don't listen to her orders now, won't I bully my master and destroy her ancestors?"

"No, there is no possibility, because her Pingyan can never be your master's master, because your master can't be reincarnated as an earthman." Liekus continued to persuade Xiao Jiaosi that Ping Yan was not his master of Xiao Jiaosi.

"You're wrong. My master is a strong man from a low-level planet. It's not impossible for her to be reincarnated as an earthman."

"Okay, Xiao Jiaosi, if you don't want to kill Hamidas, then give Hamidas to me and Tachi, and let me end her life." There is really nothing he can do about it.

"Well, I don't want to let Hamidatsu go, so I'll leave it to you and Tachi." Xiao Jiaosi nodded and said.

Xiao Jiaosi, who finished speaking, was about to throw Di Xiaoer, who was holding her right hand to Menggatachi and Liekus, but Ping Yan suddenly objected, "No, I don't allow you or anyone else to hurt my sister Xiaoer, otherwise, you are against my will."

"No, I won't go against your will, and I won't let anyone hurt Hamidas." Xiao Jiaosi agreed to Ping Yan.

When Liekus heard Xiao Jiaosi agree to Ping Yan, he said very nervously, "No, Xiao Jiaosi, you can't agree to what Ping Yan said. We must not let Hamidas go and then suffer endlessly."

"But I can't go against the meaning of my master. This is something I can't do." Xiao Jiaosi said helplessly.

Xiao Jiaosi helplessly let go of Di Xiaoer. Di Xiaoer fell to the ground weakly. His consciousness was very vague, and he fell to the ground and could not move.

Ping Yan was very worried about her sister Xiao'er's situation and said, "Sister Xiao'er, are you all right? Don't scare Xiaoyan, sister Xiaoer, wake up quickly."

"Well, I'll scare you, the girl of the earth today." Menggatachi quickly hit a nuclear energy to Di Xiaoer who fell to the ground.

"You bastard, I will never let you go." Ping Yan quickly moved to Di Xiaoer and said angrily.

Ping Yan was preparing to block Menggatachi's nuclear energy, but Xiao Jiaosi appeared in front of her and blocked Menggatachi's blow with her left hand.

Menggatachi said helplessly and said in frustration, "Alas! I said Xiao Jiaosi, it's okay if you don't kill Hamidas, but you can't stop me from killing Hamidas.

"I have no choice, because this is my master's will, and I have promised my master that I will not let anyone hurt Hamidas." Xiao Jiaosi said helplessly.

Menggatachi knew that he could not kill Di Xiaoer in front of Xiao Jiaosi. He could only think of other ways to kill Hamidas or even Pingyan.

Menggatachi persuaded Xiao Jiaosi and said, "Xiao Jiaosi, you should believe what I said. Your master's master can never be reincarnated on earth, and she can never be your master. Don't be deceived by her, the girl of the earth."

"Tachi, don't worry, I've found a way to determine whether she is my master, but you must not kill Hamidas before I'm sure whether she is my master." Xiao Jiaosi said with his own arrangement.

After hearing what Xiaojiaos said to Menggatachi, Liekus said, "Tachi, let's do what Xiaojiaos wants. We should believe Xiaojiaos."

"Well, then I will believe in Xiao Jiaosi once like you." Menggatachi agreed.

"Let's leave this to Xiao Jiaosi. Let's look for the Dilong fighter. What do you think?"

"What are you waiting for? Let's hurry up and look for the Dilong fighter." Menggatachi urged.

In this way, the two flew into the transport ship of the Demons and ordered the Demons in the ship to quickly search for the location of the Dragon fighter so that they could find the Dragon fighter.

However, the Damo star told Menggatachi and Huntingcus that their transport ship could not find the unactivated Dragon fighter, and where it is now.

Menggatachi was very angry and said, "You demons are really rubbish. You can't even do such a small thing. It's really pissed me off."

"Tachi, you can't blame them for this, because they are a transport ship, not a search ship, and it's normal that they can't find the unactivated Dragon fighter." Custar explained to Menggatachi.

"Then we can only rely on our own strength to find the nuclear power to take away the Dilong fighter, right?"

"Yes, Tachi, let's go now." Cous nodded and said.

After saying that, Liekus and Menggatachi flew out of the magic star transport ship to find a nuclear man with stronger nuclear energy on earth. →[End of this chapter]