Nuclear God of War

Chapter 400: Three Energy in One

Xiao Jiaosi, Menggatachi and Liekus, one of the top ten generals of the Hunter, were very surprised to hear what the hero's protonuclear say. Liekus said nervously, "Hesheng, have you really recovered nuclear energy?"

"Although I have not fully recovered my nuclear energy now, I will still recover my nuclear energy to avenge my little sister. You can wait for death here." The victory in the hero's core said emotionally.

"I won't let you restore nuclear energy as you wish. I will definitely let Xiao Jiaosi subdue you, an earth monster, before you restore nuclear energy." Cuntius was too proud to remind and win.

After talking to Hesheng, Liekus turned around and said to Xiao Jiaosi, "Xiao Jiaosi, hurry up and destroy the hero's original nucleus and prevent Hesheng from recovering his nuclear energy."

"Cus, you are too few. What can he do to restore nuclear energy as an earthman? When will he be my opponent, don't you think? Huntingcus."

"Xiaosi, you don't know He Sheng. He may be the legendary God of War, the god of our god hunters, and our sworn enemy, so we must be more careful of him and never be careless." Cous reminded Xiao Jiaosi that he must not underestimate the enemy.

Xiaojiaosi is very clear about what Liekus said, and he will never take it lightly and said, "Shikus, don't worry, I will destroy the earth directly. Although I don't want to do that, if Hesheng is really powerful, then I can only do it."

"No, Xiao Jiaosi, you can't do that, because that violates the order of General Lunlongfei, so you can't destroy the earth." Cuse reminded Xiao Jiaosi.

"Well, since General Lunlongfei does not allow us to destroy the earth, I will not destroy the earth. In order to avoid long night dreams, I will destroy the hero nucleus you mentioned now. Xiao Jiaosi flew to the hero's original nucleus.

Liekus also reminded Xiao Jiaosi and said, "Xiao Jiaosi, you should be careful. The hero's original nucleus has the ability to reflect attack. You must be more careful."

"Cus, thank you for reminding me. I will pay attention to safety. Of course, I think I can smash the hero's core with one blow. Xiao Jiaosi answered Liekus very seriously.

The weak Di Xiaoer appeared in front of the hero's core and said, "Xiao Jiaosi, I won't let you get close to the hero's core. You can't hurt and win."

"Hamidas, do you think you have the ability to stop me?" Xiao Jiaosi said very seriously.

"I may not be able to stop you, but I can buy more time for Hesheng, which is what I want to do." Di Xiaoer didn't want to really stop Xiao Jiaosi, but only asked to buy a little time for Hesheng.

"You can't buy much time for peace, because I can bypass you now." As soon as Xiao Jiaosi's words fell, he had moved behind Di Xiaoer.

"Xiao Jiaosi, I can't believe your speed is so amazing." Di Xiaoer said in surprise.

"This is only one-third of my speed." Xiao Jiaosi said very seriously.

"However, it is impossible to hurt and win at your speed." Di Xiaoer is very confident that the power of Hesheng will become stronger.

"Really? I don't believe it's true, because I don't believe that Hesheng will have such a powerful nuclear energy." Xiao Jiao said with a smile.

Suddenly, the hero's original nucleus released a dazzling light and made a sound, saying, "If you don't believe what Xiaoer said, then I will show you my real power. At that time, you will believe what Xiaoer said is true."

"Okay, let me see your power. Don't hide in this ball, so how can I see your power?" Xiao Jiaosi didn't think that He Shengneng had much nuclear energy. He didn't feel that the hero's original nucleus released 100M Seavert's nuclear energy.

"Well, you don't believe my power so much, and I can only prove everything with facts." The winning tone in the hero's original core said seriously.

As soon as Hesheng's words fell, the exterior of the hero's original nucleus has completely turned into a blue water-like, like water, like metal and non-metallic gold flow nuclear energy, flashing a powerful dazzling light.

In an instant, the hero's protonuclear suddenly burst, and a dark shadow flashed by, dissipating without a trace, leaving only the shock wave nuclear energy generated after the hero's protonuclear explosion.

Xiao Jiaosi knew that Hesheng had not disappeared and thought to himself: Where is Hesheng now? Why can't I feel his presence? What is the reason?

Huntingcus reminded Xiao Jiaosi and said, "Xiao Jiaosi, I want to remind you that Hesheng is likely to attack you at any time. You must pay attention to safety."

"I can't feel the nuclear energy of this guy now. How can he sneak attack me? Curse, don't worry. Xiao Jiaosi thought that if he could not feel the nuclear energy of peace and victory, peace would not be a threat to him.

"No, Xiao Jiaosi, you're wrong. He Sheng can hide his nuclear energy. Only when he wants others to find his nuclear energy can we feel his nuclear energy." The gathering of Cuus reminded Xiao Jiaosi.

"Oh, that's right. It seems that I really need to be more careful. Curse, thank you for your reminder. Xiao Jiaosi thanked Cushi Road.

However, Xiao Jiaosi and Liekus did not know that Hesheng did not mean to attack them now. What Hesheng is most worried about now is his little sister Pingyan.


He Sheng, who came out of the hero's core, did not attack Xiao Jiaosi at the first time. He went to see the Pingyan of the magic arrow in his body.

Hesheng picked up Pingyan lying on the ground and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, wake up quickly. Don't scare me. Open your eyes and look at me quickly. I'm your brother Hesheng."

"Brother Hesheng, don't worry about Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan, I'm not dead yet." Pingyan opened her eyes weakly, looked at Brother Hesheng in a blue robe, and said weakly.

and Shengjian Xiaoyan opened her eyes and talked to him. She was very happy and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, it's really good for you to be fine. I'm really worried about you. I'm really sorry that I didn't protect you well. However, Xiaoyan, look at it. I'm going to avenge you now.

After Hesheng finished talking to Ping Yan, he raised his head to Di Xiaoer in the sky and shouted, "Xiaoer, come and protect my little sister. I'm going to teach these bastards like the God Hunter."

Xiao Jiaosi and others found the location of He Sheng. Xiao Jiaosi was preparing to fly to him, but He Sheng quickly moved to Xiao Jiaosi and said, "Although I haven't become a god now, don't underestimate my current power." →[End of this chapter] - [Season 4: The Mystery of the God of War! End]