Nuclear God of War

Chapter 417: The Body of the Devil into the Blue Sky

Earth Eagle, the president of the Grand Council of Heaven, heard Qingtian's answer and said with a smile on his face, "Qingtian, are you willing to stop this endless war?"

"President Earth Eagle, do I have that ability? At that time, Hesheng, Sirius* and others couldn't do it. Can I really do it? Qingtian said without confidence in himself.

"Qingtian, as long as you believe in yourself, I can give you the power to stop all wars, but you have to be prepared to sacrifice your body." President Earth Eagle said seriously.

"As long as human beings can stop the war, let alone let me give my body, I will not hesitate to give my life." Qingtian said firmly.

"Okay, it's really Xu*'s son. He really didn't let me down. Qingtian, come with me. I will give you the power to stop all wars. President Earth Eagle said seriously and with satisfaction.

In this way, Qingtian left with President Earth Eagle and entered the secret room of the main building of the Grand Council. After that, President Earth Eagle said, "This is the nuclear energy evolution device left by Sirius*, but it only has only a few opportunities for us to evolve into nuclear energy people. I don't know exactly a few times, so we have to do it. At that time, I won't use it."

"Nuclear Man! Does it have unimaginable power like the rebirness of the soul five years ago? Qingtian curiously asked the president of the ground eagle.

"Yes, it has that kind of power, but it is also quite dangerous, because once evolution fails or receives too much external interference, it may bring unknown damage to evolution people, even life-threatening." President Earth Eagle said not optimistically.

"No matter how dangerous it is, I will give it a try, because I want to stop this endless war of human beings. Please give me this opportunity." Qingtian said resolutely.

"Well, I believe you have this ability, but I really don't want you to be in danger. After all, you are Xu*'s son, and you can't be surprised. If it weren't for someone else, I would never let you take risks."

"It doesn't matter. Even if I die, it doesn't matter, because I also have a half-sister Qingchu. Although she is worried about me, she is always my sister. I hope you can take good care of my sister, okay?"

"Qingtian, don't worry, I will take good care of Qingchu. However, I believe you will be fine, and you should also have confidence in yourself. President Earth Eagle encouraged Qingtiandao.

President Earth Eagle continued, "Qingtian, go and have a rest first. Tomorrow we will start nuclear evolution for you."


Qingtian suddenly stopped when he said this, which made Hesheng very anxious. Hesheng asked Qingtian and said, "Qingtian, why don't you say it? Tell me quickly why there is magic in your body?"

"Hawa Sheng, don't worry, I will slowly tell you what's going on. After I left the secret room of the main building of the Grand Council, I went to see my sister Qingchu, but Qingchu's words deeply pierced my heart. As soon as Qingtian said this, his mood immediately became sad.


Qingtian found his sister Qingchu and said, "Sister, whether you recognize my brother or not, I will always be your brother. Can I have a good time with you?"

"No, that's impossible. You disappear quickly in front of my eyes, or I'll really be rude to you." Qingchu said with an angry expression.

"Qingchu, can you give me a chance?" Qingtian's expression seriously asked Qingchu.

"I gave you a chance, did you and your mother give my mother a chance? If your mother hadn't reappeared ten years after disappearing, would my mother have died? Qingchu said the past excitedly.

"However, your mother's death can't be all my fault, and my mother died for it." Qingtian said very sadly.

More than 20 years ago, Xiaoyan, Qingtian's mother, was pregnant and suddenly left Xu * without saying goodbye, which made Xu * feel sad.

Xu*, who was sad, became depressed and lived with alcohol all day until he met Qingchu's mother, Yue Wei. Under the meticulous care of Yuezhi, Xu* finally appeared and cheered up little by little.

Xu*, who cheered up again, found that he had formed a relationship with Yue Suspect who took care of him meticulously, so he married Yue Suspect. Soon after, the two had their own child - Qingchu.

More than ten years later, that is, the year before the nuclear jihad, Xu has forgotten his previous sad relationship and immersed himself in a happy life.

What Xu * didn't think of was that Xiaoyan suddenly came back and brought back the teenage Qingtian, which made Xu*, who had gradually forgotten the past, recall everything about the past.

Xu* found that his favorite person was still Xiaoyan, so he made an irresponsible choice to divorce Yue and start a new life with Xiaoyan.

Yue Xiao calmly agreed to Xu's divorce conditions. After she finished the divorce procedures with Xu *, a man walked in the center of the road in a trance. A flying car kept honing, but Yue Xiao did not respond at all. When the car found this, it was too late to brake.

After being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, Xu* and Xiaoyan hurried to the hospital. However, at this time, the suspect was in critical condition and the doctor had also issued a critical notice.

Xiaoyan, who felt that something was wrong, left the hospital and was preparing to investigate the hit-and-run vehicle. The car suddenly appeared in front of Xiaoyan and drove to Xiaoyan at full speed. The moment before she was hit by this car, Xiaoyan saw that the driver was Xu *'s brother who killed a gangster during the law enforcement. Brother.

At this moment, Xiaoyan understood why Yue was hit. The gangster's brother came to avenge his brother. However, when Xiaoyan understood all this, it was too late. She was also hit by the gangster and died on the spot.

The suspect in the hospital also passed away because of the ineffective rescue. Xu * became heartbroken when he watched his two women leave him together.

However, he did not fall this time, because he wanted to live well for Qingchu and Qingtian, and also bring the gangster's brother to justice.

Unfortunately, what Qing Tian said did not change Qingchu's mind. Qingchu said angrily, "Well, if your mother hadn't come back, my mother would not have been harmed by the wicked. Everything was your mother's mistake. In those years, why didn't she leave without saying goodbye? Why did I come back more than ten years later and break my originally happy home? I will never forgive you and your mother."

"Qingchu, you are my sister. Whether you recognize me as a brother or not, I will regard you as my sister. You are my eternal relative."

"You are not qualified to be my relative, let alone my father's son. My father is a great hero, and you are a coward. You don't deserve to be my father's son." After saying that, Qingchu turned around and left.

And Qingtian heard what Qingchu said: 'You are not qualified to be my relative, let alone my father's son. My father is a great hero, and you are a coward. You don't deserve to be my father's son.' After that, Qingtian was very sad.

Qingtian said to himself, "Am I really like what my sister Qingchu said?" I am not qualified to be a relative of my sister, let alone my father's son. My father is a great hero, and I am a coward. I don't deserve to be my father's son. No, it's not like that."

Thinking of this, Qingtian ran out of control. Qingchu's words really deeply stung Qingtian's heart, making Qingtian, who had always been calm, some emotions out of control.

However, Qingtian returned to the main building of the Grand Council as promised and entered the secret room with President Diying and members of the Grand Council, Xu Feng and other members.

Senator Xu, Qingtian's uncle, encouraged his nephew Qingtian and said, "Qingtian, I believe in you. You can definitely become a nuclear man, protect heaven and prevent all endless wars."

When Qingtian heard what his uncle Xu said, he didn't say anything, but entered the nuclear energy evolution device and signaled the president of the eagle to start the nuclear energy evolution device and let him start nuclear energy evolution.

Three days later, seeing that Qingtian was about to evolve, all the members of the Great Council also came to the secret room to wait for Qingtian to become a nuclear energy person.

However, the legislators did not expect that in these three days, they did not relax their bodies, relax their nerves, relax their consciousness, do not think about anything, and complete their evolution without distractions in accordance with the requirements of President Eagle and others.

During this physical time, Qingtian has been thinking about what his sister Qingchu said to him, 'You are not qualified to be my relatives, let alone my father's son. My father is a great hero, and you are a coward. You don't deserve to be my father's son'.

This made Qingtian restless and thought: No, it's not like that. I'm not a coward. I'm my father's son, and I'm qualified to be my father's son.

Because of the anger of the blue sky, the nuclear energy evolutionr transforms the gene of the blue sky's anger into evil nuclear energy cells, and little by little the evil power is born in the blue sky.

After Qingtian rushed out of the nuclear energy evolution, he couldn't control his body and said, "Why, why am I not qualified to be my sister's relative, let alone be my father's son? My father is a great hero, and I am a coward. I don't deserve to be my father's son. Why is that?"

Senator Xu saw that something was wrong and persuaded him, "Qingtian, what's wrong with you? Calm down quickly and don't be impulsive."

However, Qingtian ignored the persuasion of his uncle, Senator Xu, and continued to say angrily, "No, it's not like that. I'm not a coward. I'm my father's son, and I'm qualified to be my father's son. I want to prove everything, and I want to stop all wars. →[End of this chapter]