Nuclear God of War

Chapter 430: The King of God of War appears

In the palace of the God of War on the North Pole of God of War, He Sheng has been knocked down hundreds of times by the Lord God of War, but Hesheng has not given up until now and climbed up from the ground again.

He Sheng was preparing to attack the Lord God of War again, but the Lord God of War suddenly said, "He Sheng, let's stop fighting. Something big has happened outside. I'm going to have a look. He Sheng, you stay here and continue to find ways to get your divine consciousness and complete the reincarnation of your gods.

"Wait a minute, Lord God of War, I want to go with you. If you have something to do, then I can't complete the test. I can't get the divine consciousness and become the real God of War." He Sheng asked to follow the main god of war to fight with Lunlongfei,

"This is a very dangerous battle. You haven't become a god of war. You can't die. You'd better stay." The Lord God of War persuaded and won.

"I'm really not the opponent of Lunlongfei, but I can still help you. Don't forget that you and other gods of war have no entity, and I have a body. You can attach to me to compete with Lunlongfei." He Sheng reminded the Lord God of War.

"Well, all right, He Sheng, come with me." The God of War can only promise and victory, because he knows that the body of victory is very important to them.

The God of War flew near the equator of the God of War with peace and victory. As he flew, he thought: Brothers, you must hold on and never have an accident.


General Lulongfei, the head of the top ten generals of the Hunter, looked at his hands and body and said in disbelief, "Is this the most powerful power of our Hunter? This is really too powerful, beyond imagination.

Lun Longfei was too proud to kill all the ghosts of war immediately. He said complacently, "You souls are all a group of waste, and I can make all your souls fly away in an instant. However, that's too boring, so I'm going to kill you one by one.

"My God of War will never make you too arrogant. I will definitely let you know that our God of War is not weak." Xiude said angrily.

"This is by no means your final say, because you have no ability to defeat me at all. I have the power of hunting gods, and my hunting power has awakened. Now who in the whole universe can compete with me! Hahaha." Lun Longfei said proudly.

The god of war said indifferently, "It seems that you are really arrogant. Don't you know that your hunting god's power is not an invincible power?"

"You are deceiving yourself. If there is really more powerful power than the god hunter power that our star hunters have, you will have used this power to destroy our god hunters." Lun Longfei didn't believe in such a thing.

"This power is not something that we can control. This power will only appear in the universe after the people who can control it appear. Once it appears, the god hunting power of your god hunters will not be the most powerful force." The god of war said calmly.

"You nonsense guy, I won't let you say another word." Lun Longfei angrily shot a white light to the god of war.

The god of war knows that he will definitely die. He closes his eyes and waits for the death of his soul.

Suddenly, the Dilong fighter appeared in front of the god of war and blocked the attack of the Lulongfei for the god of war. After the Dilong fighter was hit by the power of the hunting god, it was safe and sound, which Hesheng did not expect.

After He Sheng blocked this blow as the god of war, he changed from the Dilong fighter to the humanoid real body and asked, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, but you must be careful of the dragon flying. He can control the hunting power contained in his body." There is no way to remind the God of War and win.

"Don't worry, I haven't gained divine consciousness and haven't completed the reincarnation of God, so I'm not the god of war yet. The hunting power of the dragon flying should not hurt me." He Sheng laughed.

Lun Longfei saw He Sheng who appeared in front of him and said, "He Sheng, you saved my life before, so I don't want to kill you now. You'd better leave the Ares quickly, otherwise you will be killed like them."

"I really regret saving you just now, otherwise things would not be like this." He Sheng said with great regret.

"In fact, you don't have to regret it, because even if you didn't save me at that time, I couldn't die, because the hunting power in my body will always wake up. However, since you saved me, no matter what the result is, I still owe you a favor, so I don't want to kill you now. Go away." Lun Longfei wants to let go and win his life.

"I won't leave. I want to coexist with Ares. I want to defeat you now." He Sheng said confidently.

Hearing Hesheng's words, Lun Longfei suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, Hesheng, you are too overpowerful. Although my god hunting power is invalid for you, don't forget that I am still a nuclear man of the eighth-level nuclear warrior. Do you think you may be my opponent?"

"Anyway, I will never let you destroy the Gods. I want to protect the Gods like I protect the earth now." He Sheng said resolutely.

"It seems that I can only fight with you, but you can rest assured that I won't kill you. I just want you to stop me again." Lun Longfei said quite coldly.

"I won't give up fighting unless you kill me." He Sheng will never waver in his own beliefs.

"Well, I can only make you completely lose the ability to fight." Lun Longfei suddenly moved to Hesheng and was ready to punch Hesheng.

However, the right fist waved by Lun Longfei was held by Hesheng's left hand, and He Sheng said indifferently, "Wan Longfei, do you really think I'm here to die in vain?"

"What! So have you become the God of War? No, no, if you have become the god of war, my hunting power can definitely hurt you. What's going on? Lun Longfei was surprised.

"Now that the Lord God of War has attached to my body, I now have the power of the God of War of the Lord God of War, so don't think that I am still the former me. I am not what I used to be now." Tell the truth to Lun Longfei.

When Lun Longfei heard Hesheng's answer, he was very worried and thought to himself: This is a little troublesome. On the earth, if my nuclear energy was not far higher than that of Hesheng, I might not have been able to easily defeat Hesheng, but now Hesheng is attached to the Lord God of War, and he has the power to compete with me. What should I do? Do it?

He Sheng, holding Lun Longfei's right wrist, threw the absent-minded Lun Long Fei high into the sky and said, "You are still absent-minded when fighting with me. Am I so weak in your eyes?"

After saying that, He Sheng waved a punch and hit a strong nuclear energy. This nuclear energy integrated into the power of the God of War was hit by the back of the wheel dragon flying thrown into the air, and then the wheel dragon flew out a scream.

He Sheng disappeared in an instant, appeared beside Lunlongfei, and punched Lunlongfei's body. Lunlongfei instantly hit the ground like an arrow away from the string.

Lunlongfei's body smashed the ground of the God of War into a pit dozens of centimeters deep, and then Hesheng fell like lightning from the sky and hit Lunlongfei with one knee, and Lunlongfei's body sank dozens of centimeters.

He Sheng rose into the air again, floated in mid-air, lowered his head and said, "Wunlongfei, I know your nuclear energy is more than that. You'd better use all your strength to be my enemy, otherwise you won't beat me."

"Hawa Sheng, don't force me. Once I use my nuclear energy, you will definitely die." Lun Longfei slowly got up from the ground and said helplessly.

"Do you really think you will be my opponent after you arm nuclear power? Don't forget that I am now a man with the power of God of War, and you will never defeat me." He Sheng said very seriously.

"Hang, you underestimate my power. Although my god hunting power is invalid for you, it does not affect the nuclear energy I have. I can become the head of the top ten generals of the hunting star, not because I have the power of hunting god in my body." Lun Longfei reminded He Sheng not to underestimate him.

After talking to Hesheng, Lun Longfei shouted angrily, "Eight-level nuclear warrior - nuclear armed - dragon wing armor!"

Suddenly, a pair of huge blue wings grew on the back of the wheel dragon flying, completely wrapping him. The pterosaur-like blue wings flashed with powerful nuclear energy, which He Sheng had never felt super power.

He Sheng, the God of War in his heart and body, said, "God of War, Lunlongfei's nuclear energy has reached a level I have never seen before. I'm worried that I'm not his opponent. What should I do?"

"Hawa Sheng, don't have any fear. Our God of War's biggest enemy is not the opponent in front of us, but fear. As long as we overcome our own fear, you can exert the power of the God of War to the extreme, understand?" The Lord God of War in He Sheng's body persuaded He Sheng not to be afraid.

"I'm not afraid. I'm just worried that I can't compete with the wheel dragon flying alone with my current strength. I'm not afraid of the wheel dragon flying." He Sheng answered the Lord God of War.

Although the Lord God of War persuaded and won not to be afraid, he would have a chance to defeat Lun Longfei, but in fact, he knew that it was a very difficult thing.

Because the main god of war has felt the nuclear energy of Lunlongfei, it has completely exceeded his phenomenon at this moment. He thought: It seems that it can only be more brothers to help Hesheng and let Hesheng have the power to defeat Lunlongfei.

Before Lunlongfei completed its nuclear armament, the main god of war quickly flew out of Hesheng's body and said, "Brothers, quickly integrate with me to help Hesheng, so that Hesheng has the power to defeat Lunlongfei."

"It's useless. Lunlongfei is the king of the God of War we have been waiting for. We don't have the ability to defeat him." Xiaofu God of War suddenly flew out of the body of the dragon.

"What! Lunlongfei is the king of the God of War!" The Lord God of War was stunned. →[End of this chapter]