Nuclear God of War

Chapter 246: Son of Light Energy - God of Battle

Di Xiaoer heard someone talking. Looking back, it was the super god of war and asked, "What's going on?" What is that thing? Why did you absorb Hesheng?"

"This is a normal situation. The thing you mentioned is called the 'light energy sun wheel', which is one of the three treasures in the previous life of the son of light energy." Super God of War explained.

"Since it is Hesheng's treasure, why did it swallow Hesheng?" Di Xiaoer still said excitedly.

"That's not swallowing. The light energy solar wheel is to take the underground core of Ares and win, and take and win the divine consciousness left on Ares." Super God of War explained again.

"Will the divine consciousness of Hesheng also have self-consciousness like the divine consciousness of the First God of War? Will Hesheng go through any more tests? Di Xiaoer was still very worried and said victoriously.

"No, the consciousness of the First God of War has self-consciousness, which is a special case. The real consciousness does not have any thinking consciousness. Of course, the divine consciousness of the son of light energy will not exist either. The super god of war ghost explained to Di Xiaoer again.

The reason why the first god of war has a sense of thinking is that after the first god of war combines the god of war with the intelligent chip, the god of war has a sense of thinking to complete the most important mission of the birth of the god of war.

Di Xiaoer learned from the mouth of the super god of war that Hesheng would not be in danger, so she was relieved and said, "If Hesheng is really not in danger, then I will be relieved."

"Let's wait for the victory to come out of the core of the God of War. At that time, the victory will become extraordinary. Let's look forward to it together." The super god of war said excitedly.


At this time, Hesheng has been brought to the core of Eorra by the solar-shaped light energy wheel and enters a photosphere similar to the hero's proknel.

The light energy sun wheel brought Hesheng into the core of the God of War and quickly released Hesheng. Then it shrank into a light wheel with a diameter of one meter and suspended behind Hesheng. The center of the light wheel is aligned with the back neck of Hesheng.

He Sheng has not paid attention to what is behind him at all, because he has been attracted by the dazzling scene in front of him and can't divert his attention at all.

In front of Hesheng, a golden dragon coiled throne appeared. A pair of white glowing armor on the golden dragon throne fascinated Hesheng.

This white glowing armor is the super armor that surpasses the strongest God of War armor - the first armor, and the legendary strongest battle armor - 'God of War armor'.

[Son of Light Energy - God of War Armor: White armor like dazzling light, noble and gorgeous, and domineering. If the helmet is a golden crown, half of the blue mirror covers the eyes above the nose. The feet are on a disk made of a black dragon, with a backward curved half-moon bulge on each of the left and right shoulders, blue wings between the ankles and knees of the left and right legs, and a tapered red strip printed on the wrists and elbows of the left and right arms. There is a white faucet bulge in the center of the chest, with a golden cloak on the back and a sword on the left waist.

He Sheng looked at the God of War armor, showing envy and said, "This armor is really beautiful. If only I had it, it would be great."

As soon as Sheng's words fell, the god of war armor suddenly hung from the golden dragon throne, and the god of war armor over the golden dragon throne disappeared in an instant.

The armor of the God of War appeared directly above Hesheng's head, and then slowly fell down and integrated with Hesheng's body. When the God of War armor was completely integrated with Hesheng, the form of the God of War armor suddenly disappeared.

The strongest form before Hesheng, 'wearing a combination of blue and white armor, with blue crystals embedded in the armor, golden flame-burning hair, and the eyes turned into red crystals', and suddenly disappeared.

Now Hesheng has completely returned to the normal form of earthly people. Hesheng said very strangely, "Huh, why does this happen? Why did I go back to the same way?

When He Sheng was confused, He Sheng found a colorful light ball above the golden dragon throne, releasing a soft light, and Ling Sheng was intoxicated.

Suddenly, the colorful light ball appeared in front of Hesheng. Hesheng unconsciously raised his hand and touched it. The colorful light ball instantly crashed into Hesheng's body, and his body flashed colorful light.

This colorful light ball is the divine consciousness of Hesheng. When the divine consciousness of Hesheng flew into his body, the colorful light was instantly released on his body. At the same time, Hesheng suddenly fainted in the core of the God of War.


Guowei, wearing the first armor, has come to Di Xiaoer at this moment, but he did not say a word and quietly stayed beside Di Xiaoer and the super god of war.

Di Xiaoer asked Guo Wei curiously: "Guo Wei, according to the monitoring situation of Xiaolongzi, you have successfully stopped the Platinum Blue Star, and you have already returned to the God of War. Why did you just come back now? What's going on?"

"This is because Guowei did not really integrate with the divine consciousness of the First God of War. Naturally, he could not maintain the power of the First God of War for a long time. Just now, I went out to supplement the power of the God of War." The super god of war answered the emperor Xiaoer.

After answering what Di Xiaoer said, the Super God of War said, turned around, looked at Guo Wei and said, "You have successfully passed two tests. As long as you complete another test, you can complete the three major tests and integrate with your consciousness."

"Then please tell me what my last test is?" Guo Wei asked in a low voice.

"Now make a hole in the Ares star, hit it directly to the underground core of the Ares star, and then successfully bring the victory, and you will complete the test." Super God of War explained.

"Is it that simple? You're not kidding me, are you? It's too easy, isn't it?" Guo Wei thought it was easy to say.

"It's really easy for you who have an entity, but for us who don't have an entity, it's as difficult as defeating the god of battle. There is no such possibility at all." Super God of War explained.

"Well, I'll let you see how I completed this last test now." Guo Wei said confidently.

After saying that, Guo Wei instantly used the first weapon of the first armor, turned into the first spear - 'Fire Xuan Spear', and then drilled into the ground of the God of War.

Super God of War looked up to the sky and sighed: "I have completed my mission, and the next thing will be done by yourself."

After speaking, the super god of war's ghost instantly dissolved and turned back to nearly a thousand god of war's ghosts, among which the first god of war's consciousness.

Di Xiaoer asked curiously, "Why did the super god of war disappear? Why did you suddenly release the fusion?"

"Our fusion body has completely disappeared, because our fusion body's task has been completed and does not need to exist. It has no meaning to exist." The god of war answered.

"Is it possible that the current Hesheng has gained his consciousness?"

"Yes, Hesheng has now acquired his divine consciousness, so the mission of the super god of war has been completed, and there is no meaning." The God of War explained.

When Di Xiaoer heard that Hesheng had got the divine consciousness, she smiled very happily and said, "That's great. Hesheng has got the divine consciousness. This is really great."

"Don't be too happy. Obtaining divine knowledge is just a small part of the reincarnation of God. It is not easy to completely complete the reincarnation of God."

"What do you mean?" Di Xiaoer asked anxiously.

"I don't know about this, because I just feel a little thing after becoming part of the super god of war. I don't understand the specific situation." The God of War explained again.

When Di Xiaoer was about to continue to question the souls of the god of war and other god of war, Guowei, wearing the first armor, held He Sheng flying out of the ground of the god of war and slowly landed on the ground.

When Di Xiaoer saw Hesheng in Guowei's arms, she was very worried about Hesheng and landed beside Guowei and asked, "Guo Wei, what's wrong with Hesheng?"

"I don't know why He Sheng is like this. When I saw He Sheng in the core of Ares, He Sheng was already like this." Guo Wei replied.

"What's wrong with He Sheng?" Di Xiaoer said very worriedly.

Di Xiaoer, who was worried about winning, was very nervous. She raised her head and asked the souls of nearly a thousand god of war in the sky and said, "Do you know what's wrong with Hesheng? Tell me quickly what's wrong with He Sheng?

The consciousness of the first god of war in the sky slowly fell and said, "I can only tell you now that peace victory will not be dangerous. I can't tell you anything else. Because I want to answer this question in this life.

After saying that, the first god of war will say to Guowei, "Guowei, get ready, I will completely integrate with you. The first god of war will become a thing of the past and disappear forever."

"What are you talking about? What do you mean? Guo Wei didn't understand the meaning of the first god of war.

However, before Guo Wei reacted, the consciousness of the first God of War had flown into Guowei's body, and Guowei's body flashed dazzlingly in an instant.

Guo Wei was completely integrated with the divine consciousness of his previous life, and the light released by his body became dim. When the light dissipated, a centimeter chip fell from Guo Wei and turned into ashes.

Guo Wei opened his eyes, squatted on the ground, looked at the unconscious Hesheng, and said, "Hesheng, you are the son of light energy - the god of battle. Wake up quickly and complete your mission."

Under Guo Wei's constant call, He Sheng slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and asked, "Brother Guo Wei, why am I here?"

"Congratulations, He Sheng, you have become the son of light energy - the god of battle."

"Brother Guowei, is that true? Do I really complete my reincarnation of God? He Sheng asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it's not." Guo Wei laughed. →[End of this chapter]