Nuclear God of War

Chapter 456: The Conspiracy of the Hunter

Floating above the throne of the Eris Emperor, the Hunter Emperor, who existed with blue nuclear energy gas, explained to Huntercus, the top ten generals of Eris, and explained: "Cus, don't worry, I will protect and punish you because you have performed very well."

"Emperor Hunter, I don't need any rewards. I just hope I can do my best to serve you." Liekus knelt in front of the throne and said.

Lun Longfei, the head of the confused top ten generals of the Hunter, dared to ask the Hunter Emperor: "Excus, why did you let me destroy the Ares of War while asking Culus to stop me from killing and winning? Please make it clear to the Hunting Emperor.

"Now is the time to tell you my plan."

The Hunting Emperor will now tell Lunlongfei and Hunter Kus why he did not kill and win the most dangerous person.

The reason why the Hunting Emperor let Lun Longfei compete with Hesheng again and again, and let Lunlongfei let go of Hesheng again and again, is all because the God Hunting Emperor wants to make Hesheng powerful.

Now the Hunting Emperor needs to do one thing for him, that is, to become the most powerful man in the universe and have the power to defeat any enemy.

General Lunlongfei, who knelt in front of the throne of the Hunter Kus, continued to ask the Hunting Emperor, "Emperor, why do you want us to make the greatest threat of the Hunters and become the strongest in the universe? I really don't understand."

"Runlongfei, don't worry, I'll tell you why." The Hunting Emperor told Lunlongfei not to worry.

The Hunter continued: "The reason why I let Hesheng become the most powerful strong man in the universe is for us God Hunters to completely dominate the universe."

"God Hunter, I'm also confused. Let Hesheng become the strongest. How can we let the God Hunters dominate the universe? He won't help us. He can only be our enemy and will never be our friend. Hunting Cus also didn't understand the intention of the Hunter Emperor.

"Hahaha, you only saw the surface of the matter, but you didn't find the truth of it. Huntingcus and Lunlongfei, can you take a closer look at what I look like now and dominate the universe? The Hunting Emperor asked with a smile.

Lun Longfei looked up at the Hunting Emperor suspended above the throne of the Lord Hunter with a blue nuclear energy gas, and replied, "Eighting Emperor, you don't have a physical body now, and it is difficult to rule the whole universe."

When Lun Longfei said this, he suddenly understood the intention of the Hunting Emperor and said, "Ah, the Hunting Emperor, I understand what you mean. You want to have a strong physical body to win, don't you?"

"Well, that's right, that's why I want Hesheng to grow up quickly and become a strong man in the universe, so that after I get his body, I will become a well-deserved hegemon in the universe, hahaha." The Hunting Emperor laughed.

However, Cous asked disappointingly, "However, the Hunter Emperor, have you ever thought that after making Hesheng the strongest in the universe, do you still have the ability to control his body?"

"Cus, you are really annoying. If I'm not sure, will I do this? Don't worry, no matter how powerful Hesheng becomes, I can easily deal with him. There is also a trump card in my injury, which is to deal with him.

"Emperor Hunter, what should I do now?" Liekus asked.

The Hunting Emperor said very easily to Cus and Lun Longfei, "Lun Longfei and you have done a good job. You'd better have a good rest now. I will give you a difficult task in the future."

"Yes, the Hunting Emperor, General Lunlongfei and I will retreat." Liekus obeyed the order and said.

"Very good. Go and rest with Lun Longfei. I will give you a very difficult task in the future." The Hunter began to prepare his next plan.

After Huntingcus left the Hunting Palace with Lun Longfei, he asked Lun Longfei: "General Lun Longfei, do you think the plan of the Hunting Emperor will succeed? I'm a little worried, because that Hesheng is not an easy role to deal with.

"I don't know about this, but I still believe in the Hunter Emperor. His plan has never failed, so I believe in the plan of the Hunter Emperor." Lun Longfei trusted the Hunter Emperor's words.

"That's true. We should really believe in the Hunter Emperor and do our best to help the Hunter Emperor complete his big plan." Liekus said seriously.

"I'm going to do some personal matters. Let's separate here." After saying that, the dragon flew to the north of the God of War.

After watching the wheel dragon fly away, Liekus said, "I'm fine now. Why don't you go to the treatment center and see how Tachi is doing?"

After saying that, Cus turned around and flew to the treatment center of Hunter to see Menggatachi, one of the top ten generals of Hunter. What's the current situation is?


At this time, Hesheng had been brought into the temple by the Ring God. At this moment, Hesheng asked eagerly, "The Ring God, can you tell me now why your three rings are not the opponents of the Hunters, right?"

"Actually, we can resist the invasion of the Hunter this time, but I ordered that the Tricyclic King not be allowed to use the clean crystal and our Tricyclic rock iron."

"Why is that? Since the three rings have such strong abilities, why not use these powers? I really can't figure it out." He Sheng shook his head and said.

"If we use the power of our three-ring star to defeat this group of star hunters, the next group of more powerful god hunters will appear in the three-ring star. At that time, not only will our three-ring stars be in danger of extinction, but the joint efforts of our generations of gods will also be destroyed." The ring god explained.

He Sheng heard the explanation of the ring god, the more confused he became. He scratched his head and asked, "The ring god, I understand why you don't use the power of the three rings, but I don't understand that the efforts of several generations of gods you mentioned have been destroyed."

"This is a long story. I'll just tell you the key points." Huan Shen said seriously.

The Ring God told He Sheng that several generations of gods were trying to complete a plan to destroy the Hunter, and the core of this plan can only be completed after the appearance of the son of light energy.

Now that the son of light energy has appeared, it is time to end the domination of the universe, and the gods can finally fulfill their wishes to make the whole universe peaceful.

and Sheng were very surprised to hear what the Ring God said. He didn't expect that he would shoulder such a difficult mission.

He Sheng said blankly, "Huan Shen, according to what you said, I'm the key to defeating the Hunter now, right?"

"Yes, you are the key to defeating the Hunter. Without your appearance, all our previous efforts would have been in vain. Only you can give a fatal blow to the Hunter." Huanshen replied with a serious expression.

"Why me?" He Sheng said incompretiblely.

"Because you are the son of light energy - the god of battle, your mission of rebirth is to complete the last blow to destroy the Hunter." He Sheng said solemnly.

"Can I really finish that last blow? I don't even have the ability to defeat Lunlongfei now, let alone all the star hunters. He Sheng said confidently.

Guo Wei, the first god of war, persuaded the unconfident Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, don't forget that you are Hesheng. When you are on the earth, you can make anything impossible into a possible thing. You have to have confidence in yourself."

"Brother Guo, when we are on Earth, we are only facing nuclear people and nuclear beasts, but what we are now facing are star hunters who have ruled the universe for billions of years." He Sheng still said without confidence.

When Guo Wei heard what Hesheng said, he was very strange and thought to himself: No, Hesheng should hate the God Hunter to the bone. How can he not destroy the confidence of the God Hunter?

Guo Wei, who felt that Hesheng's behavior was not normal, asked, "Hesheng, aren't you going to avenge Xiaoyan? Why has the will to revenge been lost now?

"I didn't forget that I was going to avenge Xiaoyan's sister, but..." He Sheng said this and suddenly stopped talking.

Guo Wei realized that Hesheng must have other ideas. He walked to Hesheng and asked in an easy-going tone, "Hesheng, what's wrong with you? Why is what you said wrong?

"Nothing, the person who killed Xiaoyan's sister is Xiao Jiaosi, one of the top ten generals of the Hunter, so the person I want to kill is Xiao Jiaosi, not all the Hunters."

"Hawa Sheng, have you forgotten that we earthlings were fooled by the god hunters to kill each other? Did it almost perish? Have you forgotten how the Hunter invaded our earth?

"But that's only the behavior of some star hunters, not all star hunters, just like we earthlings, don't have good and bad? Do you think about an evil earthman and generalize all earthlings? He Sheng asked Guo Weidao.

"He Sheng, you are a woman's benevolence, which will mislead big things, and even make all intelligent creatures in the universe become slaves of god hunters." Guo Wei said angrily.

"Viagra, can you prove that all the God Hunters are evil? If you can prove that all the star hunters are evil, I will do my best to destroy all the star hunters. He Sheng questioned Guo Wei.

Guowei, the first god of war, was preparing to persuade Hesheng again, but the ring god of the three-ring star patted Guowei on the shoulder and said, "The first god of war, let Hesheng calm down for a while now. Let's not disturb him. Let's go out first."

"But, and beat him."

"Forget it, let's calm down for a while."

"Well, Huanshen, I'll listen to you." Guo Wei said helplessly.

After Guo Wei agreed to the Ring God, he followed the Ring God away from the temple of the Ring God and walked to the king city of the Three Rings. →[End of this chapter]