Nuclear God of War

Chapter 466: God of War Comes to Yu Xiangxing

Yu Xiangxing King - Yu Yan said desperately: "We should try our best to resist the attack of the star hunters. If we are really not their opponents, then we can really accept our fate. After all, their star hunters have long been able to destroy us. They have let us live for tens of billions of years, and we should also be contented. ."

However, Yusenxiang, the king of Yuxiang, the star warrior, disagreed with what Yuxiang king said and said, "No, Yuxiang star king, we can't give up. Although we may have the same ancestors as the God Hunter, that was tens of billion years ago, and we should fight for our own survival now."

"We really should fight for the future of our Yuxiangxing, but we are not the opponents of the Hunters at all. Whether it was tens of billions of years ago or now, we are not the opponents of the Hunters."

"Yu Xiangxingwang, are you a little too weak? If it were the previous Yude, he would definitely lead us to resist the star hunter without being as weak as you. Yu Senxiang said angrily.

"Yu Senxiang, do you regret helping me overthrow the Yude Dynasty?" Yu Yan asked in a low mood.

"No, that's not what I mean. I don't regret it, because what you have done over the years is many times better than Yude. You are a very excellent emperor, and I admire you very much." Yu Senxiang hurriedly explained to Yu Yan.

"Yu Senxiang, in fact, I have not given up protecting the people of Yu Xiangxing. I have taken action to let my daughter Xiaoyu go to the earth and bring my granddaughter Ping Yan back." Yu Yan told Yu Senxiang the truth.

"Yu Xiangxing King, I don't understand what you mean. Do you think your granddaughter can change anything? That's impossible. Do you want your only descendant to come back and die? Yu Mori said without understanding.

"Yu Senxiang, you don't know anything about this. According to Xiaoyu, my granddaughter Pingyan has the powerful Yuxiang nuclear energy that we Yuxiang people have never had. I believe that Pingyan's power is enough to compete with the God Hunter." Yu Yan explained.

Yu Senxiang doesn't think that Yuxiang's granddaughter has the ability to defeat the God Hunter. He said, "I expect your granddaughter to save Yu Xiangxing. It's better to expect my master's first god of war."

"Yu Senxiang, do you mean that there is a god coming to us Yu Xiangxing?" Yu Yan asked seriously.

"This is the situation according to the meaning of my master's demon ancestor."

"Then our Yu Xiangxing is really hopeful. If my granddaughter meets God, then we Yu Xiangxing can completely relieve the danger of destruction." Yu Yan said happily.

When Yu Senxiang heard what Yu Yan said, he was very confused, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he turned around and was ready to leave, but he was stopped by Yu Yan, the king of Yu Xiang.

Yusenxiang turned around and asked Yu Yan, "Yuxiang Xingwang, what else do you have?"

"Yu Morixiang, what are you going to do?" Yu Xiangxing King - Yu Yan asked.

"I'm going to ask my master Yushang Demon Anus when the First God of War will arrive at our Yu Xiangxing." Yu Mori answered Yu Yan.

"Well, you can go now. This is related to the future fate of Yu Xiangxing. You'd better go and have a look." Yu Yan agreed.

When Yusenxiang saw that Yuxiang nodded, he continued to go out.


At this time, the dragonxiao warship with Sheng and others has appeared in the planetary system where Yuxiangxing is located. The dragon-shaped acceleration has been turned off and is approaching Yuxiangxing.

The roaring dragon on the Longxiao warship flew back to the master Emperor Xiaoer and said, "Master, Yu Xiangxing has now been surrounded by the warships of the God Hunter. Are we forcibly rushing into Yu Xiangxing? Or think of something else?"

"I don't know about this. You'd better ask He Sheng or Guo Wei." Di Xiaoer said with a hard decision.

Hearing what his master Di Xiaoer said, Xiao Longzi turned around and slowly flew to Hesheng's side, landed on Hesheng's shoulder and said, "Hesheng, tell me, are we a strong attack? Or is it intellectual?"

"I think we'd better reduce some unnecessary troubles. Guo Wei Ge and Sa Rui can just enter Yu Xiangxing. Don't let the Longxiao warship enter Yu Xiangxing." He Sheng replied.

"Well, then I'll hide the Longxiao warship here and wait for you to come back." Xiaolongzi flew up from Hesheng's shoulder.

Di Xiaoer disagreed and said, "No, He Sheng, I don't agree with you, because I want to go there with you. Please take me to Yuxiangxing."

"Xiaoer, I'm worried that there will be a powerful star hunter on Yu Xiangxing. I don't want you to take risks. Don't go to Yuxiangxing with us, okay?" He Sheng said with concern.

"Hawa Sheng, do you think I'm your burden? So you don't want me to stay with you?" Di Xiaoer said sadly.

"No, no, Xiaoer, I never mean that. I'm really worried that you will be in danger, so I'm not going to let you go to Yu Xiangxing." He Sheng hurriedly explained.

"Hawa Sheng, if you are good for me, then you can go to Yu Xiangxing with me. I want to be by your side, okay?"

"Xiaoer, Yu Xiangxing must be very dangerous. I'm really worried that if you go to Yu Xiangxing, you will also encounter danger, so I really don't want you to go to Yu Xiangxing."

"Hawa Sheng, if you don't take me, I will go myself. At that time, I may be more dangerous." Di Xiaoer threatened and won the road.

Guo Wei, the first god of war, opened his mouth to persuade Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, just let Xiaoer go to Yuxiangxing with us, otherwise it would be really dangerous for her to go to Yuxiangxing alone."

"Brother Guowei, but I really don't want Xiaoer to go to such a dangerous place."

"It doesn't matter. I will protect Xiaoer. Can you rest assured now?"

"Brother Guowei, I'm sorry to trouble you." He Sheng nodded and agreed.

Di Xiaoer heard that Hesheng promised to take her to Yuxiangxing. She was very grateful and did not forget to thank Guowei, who spoke for her. She said, "Guo Wei, thank you for speaking for me."

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it. Well, it's time for us to go now. Guo Wei said very casually.

Di Xiaoer nodded with a smile and followed Hesheng, Guowei and Sarui to fly out of the Longxiao warship and fly to Yu Xiangxing.


Yushang Mozu has let go of the giant leopard Daxin, one of the top ten generals of the hunting star, and said to the giant leopard Daxin, "Leave Yu Xiangxing now and don't come to Yu Xiangxing again, otherwise, I will definitely kill you next time."

"Don't pretend to be a good person. I won't appreciate it. I'll be ashamed because I will come back." The giant leopard said angrily.

"If you can bring my rebel Xiao Jiaosi here, I'm really grateful to you. I'm going to abolish all the nuclear energy of my rebel now." Yu Shang Mozu said seriously.

When the giant leopard Daxin heard what Yushang Mozu said, he did not say anything to Yushang Mozu. He turned around and prepared to fly out of the atmosphere of Yuxiangxing and led his hunting god Daxin interstellar warships to evacuate Yuxiangxing.

Just as the giant leopard Daxin was about to fly out of the Yuxiang star atmosphere, Guowei, the first god of war, kicked the back of the giant leopard Daxin, and the giant leopard Daxin fell from the air.

After the giant leopard fell on the ground of Yu Xiangxing, Yu Shangmozu flew into the air to plead with the First God of War and said, "Please show mercy to the First God of War and don't kill this Star Hunter."

"He is one of the top ten generals of Hunter. You can't let him go, otherwise, he will definitely bring trouble."

"Please rest assured that the First God of War will not cause us much trouble, so please let go of the First God of War as a star hunter."

"Who the hell are you? Why did you plead for the star hunters? I feel that you are not a real Yuxiang star. Tell me, who are you? Guo Wei, the first god of war, asked who the demon ancestor was.

Yusenxiang, the king of Yuxiang Star Warriors, flew over and said, "He is my master, the demon ancestor of Yushang. I'm Yuxiang Star Warrior King - Yusenxiang. You must be the first god of war, right?

"If you are the Yuxiang Star Warrior King, then go and call your Yuxiang Star King over. Remember to let him bring the 'Yuguan' here. What I want to see is Yumo - the descendants of Yutang."

"I'm sorry, the first god of war, our Yu Xiangxing just had a coup more than ten years ago, and now Yu Xiangxing is no longer a descendant of Yutang." Xiang Yumori explained.

"How could this happen? Shouldn't you Yu Xiangxing have a coup? You people of Yu Xiangxing should not overthrow the Yu Dynasty. Guo Wei said doubtfully.

After Hesheng flew over with Emperor Xiaoer, Hesheng said to Guowei, "Brother Guowei, it's useless for you to think here now. We'd better meet the current Yuxiang Star King."

"Well, He Sheng, what you said makes sense. Let's go to see Yuxiang Xingwang now." Guo Wei nodded and said.

Guowei nodded to Sheng, turned around and said to Yusenxiang, "Yuxiang Star Warrior King - Yusenxiang, now take us to see your Yuxiang Star King."

"Please follow me, the first god of war, and I will take you to meet our Yu Xiangxing, the current Yuxiang star king - Yu Yan." Yu Morixiang said very respectfully.

After speaking, Yu Senxiang, the king of Yuxiang, the warrior, took Guo Wei, He Sheng and Di Xiaoer to see Yu Yan, the king of Yu Xiang.


When Yushang Demonzu saw the first god of war, Guowei followed Yusenxiang to see the Yuxiang Star King, landed on the ground, and whispered to the giant leopard Daxin, "Quickly take advantage of the first God of War to see the Yuxiang Star King and leave Yuxiang Star, otherwise I can't save you."

"Don't think that you let me go, and I will be grateful to you. That's impossible. Just wait for me to destroy Yu Xiangxing next time." The giant leopard Daxin stood up and said mercilessly.

A figure suddenly appeared in the sky and said, "You, a star hunter, really don't know what's good or bad. Yuxiang star is generous and let you live a little life. You go and prepare to attack Yu Xiangxing next time. I really can't stand it." →[End of this chapter]