Nuclear God of War

Chapter 481: God Returns to Earth

Sirius* heard Sanxuan Yinxiang's report and asked Xu Feng, the president of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, and said, "Xu Feng, do you know the origin of the nuclear energy ball?"

"I don't know, because we don't know that there is a nuclear energy ball over heaven." Speaker Xu shook his head naturally and answered the Sirius* in front of him.

"If so, then I will let Sanxuan Yinxiang scatter the nuclear energy ball so as not to hurt ordinary earthlings." Sirius* said that he was very concerned about the people of the earth.

"No, you can't attack that nuclear energy ball, because Hesheng is likely to be in it." Guowei, the first god of war, appeared opposite Sirius*.

"Guo Wei, what did you say? You mean that Hesheng may be in the nuclear energy mass in the sky, right? Earth Eagle, the president of the Grand Council of Heaven, said very excitedly.

Guo Wei, the first god of war, said uncertainly, "I'm not sure, but I have felt the nuclear energy of Hesheng appearing on the earth, but I can't start the position of Hesheng."

"Guo Wei, don't you want to become a nuclear man? Why are you a nuclear man now? President Earth Eagle said doubtfully.

Kufeng around Guowei told President Diying excitedly: "President Diying, the current Major General Guowei is no longer the former Major General Guowei. He is now the first God of War who has completed the reincarnation of God."

"The First God of War! Kufeng, do you mean Guo Wei, he is now a god? The president of the ground eagle said in surprise.

"Yes, Major General Guo Wei, he is now a god and a very powerful god of war. He should have the power to destroy all the god hunters here." Kufeng expanded Guowei's power several times.

Sanxuan Yinxiang heard what Kufeng said and said angrily, "Earthman who speaks wildly, do you think the first god of war around you can defeat our Sirius*? Don't dream in the day."

"Are you talking about Sirius*? Is he the father of Hesheng? Sirius of our earth*? Guo Wei said in surprise.

President Earth Eagle said calmly, "We are not sure whether the Sirius* in front of us is our earthlings or their star hunters."

"President Earth Eagle, to be honest, I believe that he is the father of Hesheng, because his nuclear energy is too different from that of the star hunters around him. He has not reached the level of the star hunter at all." Guo Wei did not feel the nuclear energy of Sirius*.

San Xuan Yinxiang said in a good tone, "You don't have to guess anymore. Our Sirius* is the Sirius of your earth*. However, Sirius* is the highest general above the top ten generals of our Hunter. His status is above 10,000 people under one person, second only to our Hunter Emperor.

President Earth Eagle was very surprised to hear what San Xuan Yinxiang said and said, " Sirius*, are you really our Sirius*? If you are really our Sirius*, why do you want to let the Hunter destroy the earth?

"What! Do star hunters want to destroy the earth? Why don't I know?" Sirius* said with an surprised expression.

"Aren't you the highest general above 10,000 people under the planet Hunter? How can you not know that the Hunter attacks the earthlings? President Earth Eagle said with a little excitement.

Xianling, the star behind Sirius*, was very surprised and asked Sirius* blankly: " Sirius, is it true that you let the God Hunter destroy the earth?"

"No, I didn't. How can I let the star hunter attack our earthman? You know, I'm also an earthman. How can I let the star hunter destroy my home planet?" Sirius* explained to Xianling.

After explaining to Xianling, Sirius* turned around and asked Sanxuan Yinxiang, "Sanxuan Yinxiang, tell me if the star hunter has really invaded the earth?"

Sanxuan had to tell the truth: "Yes, we star hunters have indeed invaded the earth. Not only our third king star fleet, but also the ten generals have participated in the invasion of the earth."

"What! Are the top ten generals also involved in the invasion of the earth? Why don't I know about this? I'm the supreme general. How dare you hide such a big thing from me? Sirius* said angrily.

Sanxuan hurriedly knelt down to Sirius* and pleaded guilty: "Please forgive Sirius*. The reason why we didn't tell you the matter is that this is the intention of the Hunter Emperor, and we must obey."

"Since it means the Hunting Emperor, I don't embarrass you. Tell me why the Hunting Emperor destroyed the earth?" Sirius said in anger.

"We don't know why the Hunter asked us to destroy the earth." Sanxuan explained to Sirius*.

The abrupt existence beside him spoke for San Xuan Yinxiang: "Sianwolf*, you should know that what the Hunting Emperor ordered us to do will not give us a reason. How can we know the Hunting Emperor why he wanted us to destroy the earth?"

"Abruptly, you don't have to plead for Sanxuan Yinxiang, I understand." Sirius* said with understanding.

Xingling, the star queen, was very sad and said, "I didn't expect that you star hunters would invade our earth. Didn't you tell me that you never bully the weak?"

Guo Wei sneered and said, "Aunt Xianling, you must have been deceived, because they are star hunters who like to bully the weak. Each of them has the ambition to rule the universe."

"Guo Wei, are you telling the truth? Do they really want to rule the universe? Xianling said in surprise.

"They are born to want to rule the universe, because their brutal and murderous character makes them the most terrible life in the universe." Guo Wei reminded Xianling very seriously.

The confused star queen, Xianling, asked Sirius*: "S Sirius, didn't you tell me that the Hunter is a kind life that loves peace? But why are they the most murderous creatures in the universe?

"Xian Ling, listen to my explanation, I didn't expect that such an easy-going star hunter in front of us would have such a strong killing nature, which really surprised me."

"Sianwolf, now that we know the truth, do we still have to work for them?" Xianling seriously asked Sirius.

When Sirius* heard Xianling's question, he became hesitant and said, "Xianling, can you let me think about it?"

"What? Sirius, can't you let go of the power given to you by the Hunter Emperor? Xianling questioned Sirius*.


At this time, Commander Qiu Fengling has found the Optimus warrior who was kicked away by him - hope and said angrily, "You almost ruined my big thing. It will never be forgiven. I will let you disappear completely in the universe now."

"I'm here to attack your important people on the planet Hunter. I have put my life and death out of my life and death. If you want to kill me, I won't be afraid of death. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to kill your important people on planet Hunter." The Optimus warrior said without fear of life and death.

"Well, I'll fulfill you now and die." Qiu Fengling has a huge nuclear energy on his right hand, which is powerful enough to have 80G nuclear explosions, which can easily melt the Optimus Primera.

Optimus Samurai - Hope, looking at the nuclear energy from Qiu Fengling, he closed his eyes and said, "Hesheng, come back quickly, or our earth will be destroyed by the god hunters sooner or later."

Suddenly, the nuclear energy ball that attacked the Optimus Samurai suddenly dispersed and dissipated in front of the Optimus Prime, which surprised Qiu Fengling and said, "How is this possible? Why did my attack suddenly dissipate?

The Optimus Samurai opened his eyes and found that the nuclear energy ball that attacked him dissipated. He was surprised and said, "Who is helping me?"

"Of course, it's me and the winner, or who else can help you."

"Hawa Sheng! Is it really you? Come out quickly. If you have really returned to the earth, you can go to heaven quickly, where there are big people who hunters. If you destroy them, our earth will be saved. The Optimus Prime said excitedly.

"Don't worry, I won't let the star hunters hurt us earthlings again." He Sheng appeared beside the Optimus Prime.

Optimus Samurai - I hope to see that the person who appeared beside him is really Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, is it really you? I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

"Hope, I think I'll help you destroy him (Autumn Wind Zero) first. I'm going to heaven." He Sheng's performance is very calm.

"He Sheng, you have to be careful. He is really strong. You can't be too careless." Qingtian told Hesheng to be careful.

"I hope you count dozens, and then you can see if he, the star hunter, is still there." He Sheng waved his hand and said.

When the Optimus Samurai heard what Hesheng said, he really began to count, because he believed that it must be reasonable for Hesheng to let him do so.

He Sheng heard that the Optimus warrior began to move to Qiu Fengling and said with a smile, "It is also a great honor for you to be the first god hunter to kill after I return to the earth."

While talking to Sheng, his right hand has been placed on Qiu Fengling's chest. As soon as his voice fell, his right hand instantly released powerful nuclear energy, which melted Qiu Fengling's whole body in an instant.

After Qiu Fengling, the commander of the second king of the Starfleet, was melted by Hesheng, the Optimus Samurai only counted to eight.

He Sheng turned around and said to the Optimus Prime, who continued to count, "I hope, don't count it. We are going to heaven now."


Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council Headquarters Heaven Branch, Sirius* is still hesitating, which makes Xian Ling very anxious and said, " Sirius, I don't care about your choice, I will give up dancing with the star hunter again."

Xianling, who finished speaking, angrily threw her star queen to the ground and was smashed because it was made of crystal.

Sanxuan was furious when he saw Xianling smashing the star order: "It's unforgivable that you dare to break our star order." →[End of this chapter]