
Chapter 027 Exploring the Way for Donation

Wei Xiaohai provided an Audi Q5, so that Zhao Ba can drive to the Bali shop. The road there is only this kind of off-road vehicle.

As Zhao Ba Neng expected, as soon as Grandpa Bi heard Wu Qing's words, he immediately nodded and asked Hu Rui for leave.

Wu Qing quickly warned Mr. Bi, but don't say it had anything to do with Zhao Ba Neng. After only a few days of work, he encouraged the employees to ask for leave. When Hu Rui went back, he did not deduct Zhao Ba Neng's salary.

"How long has it been since the old man didn't go back to the Bali shop?"

"There is no one at home. I haven't been back for two years. During the Spring Festival, the bar business is good, and it is difficult for Xiaorui to make a living alone, and I don't go home during the Spring Festival!" Mr. Bi wiped the corners of his eyes, which is a common problem of the old people.

"Oh." Zhao Ba Neng continued to chat with Bi Zhizhen while driving, mostly about the situation of Bali Shop.

After driving out of the national highway, the road conditions turned sharply, and the green in sight became less and less, and there were more and more skinny white stones.

The road is narrow and curved, and Zhao Ba feels very difficult to drive Q5. He has to reduce communication with Mr. Bi and look carefully at the road.

A four-wheeled tractor that is rarely seen in the city roared and surpassed Zhao Ba Neng's car with black smoke. The young man driving the tractor, under the big straw hat, glanced at the Audi Q5 with a sense of superiority.


Although Q5 is not his own, Zhao Ba can still be somewhat unbalanced.

"That should be from the neighboring village. Every weekend, when there is a market, a few tractors from the neighboring village will come to pick up people from the shop, 50 cents per seat, and rush to the town with a full car. Hey, in the past few years, I also like to sit, breathable and bright."

Bi Zhizhen's words made Zhao Ba speechless. Is this the modern new countryside? In Zhao Ba Neng's memory, it seems that the four-wheel tractor should have withdrawn from the historical stage a long time ago. Besides, the road administration doesn't care about pulling people with tractors. How dangerous it is!

"Tube? Xiao Zhao, do you think the people in our shop have money to sit on guests? Poor, digging in stone laby all year round is more tiring than a mule, and finally being half full. Alas, I thank Xiaorui. If she hadn't let me stay up in the bar, I guess I would have finished for the rest of my life!"

Zhao Ba Neng really didn't know Mr. Bi. Hearing what he said, he asked casually.

"My wife died early, and I had a son. He was honored in the counterattack. The army sent a banner, but in that era, there was not much money. After finishing my son's funeral, it was used up. In the first two years, my son's comrades-in-arms have come to visit. Now, many people have been laid off. Who still has the heart to come to me as an old man? Alas, Xiao Zhao, how is your family?


Zhao Ba Neng sneered and then smashed his mouth, "Sir, in fact, we are almost the same, almost!"


Mr. Bi picked up his sleeves and wiped the corners of his eyes. Inattention, his eye excrement came out again.

"How long will it take to get to Balipu?"

"This hasn't entered the dirt road yet. I guess it's only halfway. Slowly drive, old bones, can't stand the bumps."

Even the Audi Q5 is so bumpy that Bi Zhizhen can't stand it. Zhao Ba Neng really can't find words to describe this road situation.

Balipo is only half a street. To be precise, the whole Balipu is actually built along the mountain. Many houses themselves are half of the mountain walls, which is quite dangerous. Once flash floods break out and mudslides occur, the people in the house don't even have a chance to run.

Zhao Ba Neng stood at half of the street of Bali Shop and stopped the car.

A few dogs barked from far to near, three or two almost undressed children, with a shy face, built half of the stone into the wall, peeping at the gray off-road vehicle. Obviously, in the eyes of these children, the off-road vehicle is like a monster in the mouth of adults.

"Lao Bi is back, Lao Bi is back!"

The Bali shop is not big, and the village secretary is also surnamed Bi. Speaking of it, it has something to do with Bi Zhizhen. According to the generation of Bizhi's truth, the village secretary has to call him a cousin.

"Cousin, you haven't come back in the past two years. I've found someone to take care of the house for you. I go in and clean it once a month." Although Bi Zhi is really a cousin, it seems that the village head of Bali Shop is more like Bi Zhizhen's cousin, especially when he laughs, the gully on his face is even thicker than the teeth on the comb.

Bi Xiang, the village secretary of Balipu, is also the only village cadre in Balipu now.

"It's all gone, and all the people who can go are gone. The rest are either old or small. Brother Zhao, take a look at our eight-mile shop, but it's still a little popular?"

All the buildings are laid in the sun. Except for a few tiles on the roof of the old ancestral hall in the village, the other roofs are basically covered with thatched grass, and large pieces of stones are pressed against the thatched.

The old man and woman squinting at people under the eaves of thatched huts, children squatting in the shadow of the corner playing with mud, and several dogs that are skinny with only bones.

"Come on, take these chocolates and eat them!"

Zhao Ba can take out a bag of chocolate candy from the car, which is the first gift he brought to Bali Shop.

Children are the future of the nation, and these are the children that Zhao Ba can value most.

Their parents have left Balipu, and those who have made achievements outside will take their children away and leave their children in Balipu, which is undoubtedly the most difficult family conditions.

Bi Zhizhen chatted with Bi Xiang, and Zhao Ba Neng strolled around in Balipu.

The shopping is endless, because Zhao Ba Neng really doesn't want to play bare-hand rock climbing. I'm afraid that even the sheep may not be able to climb up in some rooms built. Looking at the innocent eyes ejected from the black hole door frame, Zhao Ba can rub his eyes.

Poor, so poor!

If he hadn't come here in person, how could Zhao Ba Neng dare to believe that there are still such poor places in modern society?

What about the money? What about the money allocated by the state every year?

Zhao Ba can return to Bi Xiang and Bi Zhizhen and ask loudly.

Bi Zhizhen just sighed, and Bi Xiang greedily took a bite of the cigarette butt that was about to burn the foam mouth before rubbing out the cigarette butt. "Last year, everyone in our village got ten yuan, poverty relief, ten eggs and a sapling..."

"The year before last, ten yuan, a chicken."

"The year before last, ten yuan, a sapling..."


ten yuan. The number is only enough to drink a glass of water in the wine. In Balipu, it is the poverty alleviation money for everyone for a year. As for the disaster relief, Bi Xiang has never seen it, and it has never been allocated. At the end of the year, a batch of grain was delivered.

Balipu has been affected every year, because the land is full of stones, and not much grain can be planted at all. In front of the house and behind the house, the land reclaimed by several generations may be washed away by a flash flood!

"I don't know if Xiao Zhao's disaster relief payment, does the grain issued at the end of the year count?"

Zhao Ba can feel that his nose is a little sore.

Although he knows the rules of officialdom, isn't it a little cruel? Even such money has to be pumped with oil and water. Are these people's hearts fleshy? Have they come to the Bali shop to see, stay and feel it in person?

Zhao Ba can no longer want to build a primary school in Balipu, because he suddenly feels that it is meaningless to build a primary school in Balipu. Even if studying is free, Zhao Ba can ask himself that he can't find a teacher who is willing to teach in this primary school!

"Primary school?"

When Bi Xiang knew from Bi Zhizhen that Zhao Ba Neng actually planned to come to Balipu to build a primary school, he was stunned!

"Great, Xiao Zhao, you are such a good person!"

Zhao Ba couldn't help shaking his head, "Bi Zhishu, I'm really hesitant to see the current situation in the village. Tell me, even if I invest in a primary school, what about the teacher? Where should we find a teacher who is willing to teach here?

"Teacher, we have it!"

Bi Xiang patted his scarred knee heavily, "Niu Wa, go and call Mr. Bi!"


Hearing Bi Xiang's name, Zhao Ba can be a little stunned. Could it be that there is still a teacher in Balipu?' Is it possible that the teacher surnamed Bi was originally from this eight-mile shop? Well, yes, I'm not from my village. I'm afraid I can't stay!'

"Ziyao is the pride of our Bali Shop, and it has been the only child in Bali Shop to be admitted to college for so many years. Xiao Zhao, I think you are a good person. If you really build a primary school for Bali Shop, I will introduce Ziyao to you, how about it?" Bi Xiang seemed to be so happy that he couldn't find Bei, and actually began to introduce Zhao Ba Neng a girlfriend.

It is said that beautiful mountains and rivers are more beautiful, and this woman can only be nourished by the right time and place.

Zhao Ba can estimate that the women raised in such a poor mountain and waterless place as Balipu will never be beautiful.

So of course, he will not take over Bi Xiang's words. Then again, even if the woman named Bi Ziyao is really beautiful, Zhao Ba Neng will not agree to Bi Xiang to be a matchmaker.

But after a cigarette, when the woman named Bi Ziyao stood in front of Zhao Ba Neng, Zhao Ba Neng suddenly regretted it!

In this era, I like to use "white, rich and beautiful" to describe a best woman. If the standards are unified, Bi Ziyao can never be regarded as the best woman, because her skin is too dark.

It's sunburn, wind and rain.

But standing at the angle of Zhao Ba Neng and looking up at Bi Ziyao, you can see the delicate skin, like a dark jade pendant, reflecting the light of the sun.

If Bi Ziyao lives in the city and pays attention to herself like other women, her skin alone is enough to envy countless women.

Bi Ziyao's facial features can only be described by the word "exquisite". The eyes, the eyebrows, the lips; every position and every line are impeccable. Even if Bi Ziyao is not half pink, the three thousand harems can only hide her face.

But what shocked Zhao Ba the most was the calmness in Bi Ziyao's eyes.

Her figure is as impeccable as her face, but she wears a set of 'really good' shirts and trousers that were only worn by people in the countryside in the 1980s. This kind of clothing, cut according to the "broad and fat" standard, if it is not too thin to be washed by Bi Ziyao, and Zhao Ba Neng's eyes are too poisonous, I'm afraid that Bi Ziyao will be perfect. The figure is deeply hidden.

It was the mountain wind that completely sold a woman like Bi Ziyao to Zhao Ba Neng.