
Chapter 045 Escape from Death (Click to Update)

The man who rushed to the sky was secretly happy that he successfully hugged Zhao Ba Neng's legs and made great contributions. After going back, the boss must have a lot of rewards, but he did not find that Zhao Ba Neng's right toe had quietly stood up, and he was sliding. If he continued, he would definitely be stabbed in the throat!

This is Zhao Ba Neng's calculation.


The sound of touching his toes and throat is extremely low. If Zhao Ba can't know it, I'm afraid he wouldn't have noticed this slight noise. As a normal person, suffering a heavy throat is not only painful, but more importantly, it can't make a sound at all!

Maybe it was because the speed of the slide was too fast, or maybe it was because the man's own weight was too heavy. When his throat was poked by his toes, he suddenly said a word, loosened Zhao Ba Neng's calves with his hands, turned over and fainted!

The five people who followed him didn't know what had happened at all. They thought that the fainted guy had hugged Zhao Ba Neng's legs tightly and were happy to come from it. Two impatient guys picked up the stick in their hands and knocked Zhao Ba can knock on Zhao Ba Neng!

If Zhao Ba can really be hugged by two legs, he must not be able to avoid these two sticks, but now the situation is completely different. When the stick falls, the light of the street lamp can just let Zhao Ba see the direction of the stick coming, shake his body slightly, and lightly flash between the two sticks.

Both ears were full of whistling. Zhao Ba was not in a hurry, and his right shoulder tightened and hit the guy beside him fiercely!

In fact, the attack power of people's shoulders is not inferior to fists, but most people don't know how to use it. When the crisp bone dislocation sounded, the man who was hit by Zhao Ba can howled miserably, and his body deflected and fell to the ground!


A heavy stick hit Zhao Ba Neng's shoulder, and the fierce force made Zhao Ba Neng stagger out. His left shoulder was numb for a while, and he didn't know if he had been interrupted. Gritting his teeth and turning around, Zhao Ba can see the guy who had just knocked his stick coming up again.

The ground in the forest is uneven, and there are not only fallen leaves, but also many branches piled up on the ground. If you are not careful, you may be tripped by the branches.

Zhao Ba can live in Majiatun for five years. He is already very familiar with this situation in rural areas. He knows that he must raise his feet as much as possible to avoid being tripped when walking in the woods. Unfortunately, several guys who attacked him obviously do not know this common sense.

The man holding the stick was proud of the blow just now, trying to follow the 'open twice', but his feet tightened and hung by the branches!


The instinctive reaction made him exclaim, and at the same time, the stick in his right hand was also unstable, and his body leaned forward. It didn't look like he wanted to attack Zhao Ba Neng, but as if he wanted to kowtow to Zhao Ba Neng!

But Zhao Ba could not plan to accept such a junior. He quickly grabbed the stick in mid-air and grabbed the stick in mid-air before the guy landed.

With the weapon, Zhao Ba Neng was a little relieved, and the remaining three people also gathered around at this time. Zhao Ba Neng did not run again, but his back was close to the tree trunk, and the stick pointed slightly to the periphery, "Who let you come?"

This is the most curious thing in Zhao Ba Neng's heart. How did these guys know that they blocked him at the gate of Duanmuying Community? When he came, he was already very careful not to be followed by people. He should never follow him.

If they didn't follow themselves, how did these guys find themselves?

"You should know who let us come, Zhao Ba Neng, you have offended people who should not be offended!"

Someone opened his mouth to speak. Zhao Ba can listen to the accent. He should be a local from Xihong City. 'Is it Wang Dongcheng's person?' Zhao Ba Neng's heart flashed these days. If it is Wang Dongcheng's people, did Wang Dongcheng betray Zhao Ba Neng in private?

The other party did not give Zhao Ba to think more. The man who had just spoken suddenly showed a dagger, and the pale knife body emitted a frightening light under the thin light. "Don't worry, it won't kill you. Let us take off one arm and let you go to the hospital!"

If you are an ordinary person, I'm afraid your feet are already soft when you see this situation in front of you.

The firewood flowers on his chest emitted a trace of warm current, which operated in Zhao Ba Neng's body, making the sour and soft feeling in his body gradually disappear after strenuous exercise, giving him confidence.

"One arm?"

Zhao Ba Neng sneered and suddenly jumped up like a tiger in mid-air. His right foot stepped on the tree trunk fiercely, and his body actually rose again. The stick in his hand hit the forehead of the guy holding the dagger and slapped fiercely. After a "wow", the stick rubbed the man's ear!

"It's so fast!"

The three people were shocked at the same time. They didn't expect that Zhao Ba Neng, who looked thin, could make such a fierce action, especially the guy who raised the dagger. If he hadn't reacted fast enough to let the stick pump it, the consequences would have been very serious!

"Up, kill him!"

Zhao Ba Neng just landed and didn't turn around, and the wind sounded behind his head.

The frontal confrontation is indeed not Zhao Ba Neng's strength, especially in the face of three or four people. Moreover, his left shoulder is still faintly painful. Even if there is a warm current flowing from the Chaihu flower mark, it has no obvious effect. Zhao Ba can even doubt whether his left arm has been broken?

I rushed forward two steps and saw a thick tree trunk. Zhao Ba Neng crossed and turned around sideways. A stick shadow hit the empty place, which was exactly the position of Zhao Ba Neng's back.

Another man rushed up and turned to Zhao Ba Neng flexibly. However, what surprised him was that it was just the effort of his front and back feet. Behind the tree, there was no shadow of Zhao Ba Neng.

"Where are the people?"

Four men gathered together, including the guy whose stick was robbed by Zhao Ba, and he was the last to follow.

"I don't know, wasn't it here just now?"

Zhao Ba Neng actually disappeared after turning the big tree. Not only could he not see the figure, but the four people calmed down and listened without any movement.

How is this possible?

Where on earth did Zhao Ba can go?

In fact, Zhao Ba can't run far at all. He is on it at this time!


Finally, a guy turned his head and looked up and saw Zhao Ba Neng hanging upside down on a branch like a monkey.

Unfortunately, it was too late. When the four men looked up, Zhao Ba Neng's stick smashed down fiercely from top to bottom!

The first hit was the leader holding the knife. The cut very smooth stick was right in the guy's right shoulder. The dull beating sounded. The man trembled like an electric shock, and the dagger fell to the ground. The crooked body just gave Zhao Ba Neng a neutrality to the ground.

As soon as his feet stepped on the soft soil, Zhao Ba could slightly bend his knees and remove the impact and immediately ran away. This electric flint action made the remaining three men unresponsive.

This time, the three men did not chase again. They were not fools and ate repeatedly in the dark woods. They had already let them know that Zhao Ba Neng's peach was not easy to pick.

Zhao Ba Neng, who rushed out of the road, would not turn around to find trouble for the three guys. The numbness on his left arm gradually disappeared, and violent pain came in waves, even affecting the balance of his running. Fortunately, after running for a while, Zhao Ba can find that those guys did not chase them.

"Fuck, the little white-faced big-faced rice bucket has some ability to find me. Humph, I can't swallow this breath. I want to mess with me, little white face, wait with me!" Taking a good look at the direction, Zhao Ba can go to the house he lent to Wei Xiaohai.

In fact, Fan Tongxin was not really stalking Zhao Ba Neng. He doesn't have the time now.

He just found someone to stare at Duan Muying and wanted to find an opportunity to get close to Duan Muying, but unexpectedly found Zhao Ba Neng. When Fan Tongxin heard his subordinates report that Zhao Ba can not only sit in Duan Muying's car, but also went upstairs with Duan Muying. Suddenly, he suddenly burned in the fire and directly found someone to buy a few bastards and asked them to unload Zhao Ba Neng's arm.

Of course, according to Fan Tongxin's understanding of Duan Muying, nothing should happen between Duan Muying and Zhao Ba Neng beyond friendship, and even the two should not even talk about friendship, but he just can't swallow that breath.

After arranging everything, Fan Tongxin, who was aggrieved, called Hu Rui. Anyway, this sexy young woman was obedient to herself. At this jux point, it was really a sin not to fire herself.

While galloping on Hu Rui, Fan Tongxin occasionally imagined the snow-white body under him as Duan Muying in his heart.

Fan Tongxin, who had hatred in his heart, tortured Hu Rui all the time and killed him. In his mouth, Fan Tongxin still had no intention of giving up.

The mobile phone thrown on the coffee table suddenly rang, and Fan Tongxin released Hu Rui and went to grab the phone with a smile on his face. In his imagination, it should not be a problem for six people to deal with a thin Zhao Ba Neng.

After a while, Fan Tongxin's face turned pale and smashed the phone to the ground fiercely. Fortunately, there was a thick carpet around him, and the innocent phone left a whole body.

"My good brother, why are you still so angry? Didn't you have enough just now?"

The lazy Hu Rui tried to open his eyelids and make a delicate sound.

Unfortunately, at this time, Fan Tongxin had completely lost his mind, and even his physiological reaction had disappeared. He grabbed Hu Rui's clothes and threw them to **. "Tomorrow, you ask me out the son of Zhao Ba Neng. I want to meet him well!"

Hu Rui didn't know what Fan Tongxin was doing, but she didn't have the courage to ask. Fan Tongxin in anger was not what she could bear. After silently putting on her clothes and simply combing her hair, Hu Rui took her bag and was ready to leave the room.

"Hu Rui, I must meet Zhao Ba Neng tomorrow, no matter what method you use, otherwise..."