
Chapter 051 Here comes the opportunity

There are too many tricks, too many.

Basically, Zhao Ba Neng has affirmed that Lao Zhang's death must be a means for Fan Jia to control Sun's skinning!

Zhao Ba can not only be ashamed of his life, but also angry! But now he is not qualified to be angry. Does he really want to "grab the ground with his head"?

No! Zhao Ba Neng now has to use the Fan family to achieve his goal. The cultivation of the Book of Wealth requires a lot of financial support. Without money, Zhao Ba Neng can't practice at all, and he can't let the firewood flowers bloom on his chest. Therefore, in this case, Zhao Ba Neng does not intend to tell Duan Muying the result of his inference.

He will only tell Duan Muying one direction, a possible direction.

"Why should I leave?" Perhaps he felt the heavy tone of Zhao Ba Neng, and Duan Muying's eyes were full of suspicion.

"Because some things have been beyond your control, let me tell you the truth, Lao Zhang's death is no longer a simple murder case. Behind this case, there are too many games, Sun peeling father and son, the new municipal party secretary Su Hong, Fan family, and even your Duanmu family, of course, I don't know who else is behind Su Hong. Zhao Ba Neng shook his head: "I don't know which force Su Hong belongs to, but from the current situation, he certainly does not belong to your Duanmu family or the Fan family. Maybe he is an upright leader, but often such a leader will only be resistance to your family!"

"The Duanmu family is different from the Fan family. We are not involved in any gray industries!" Duan Muying tried her best to correct her family name, but only in exchange for Zhao Ba Neng's sneer: "Xiaoying, have you ever seen a white crow? Well, it's not good to say so. It seems that I haven't even seen a black crow. These days, birds are dead!"

Zhao Ba can speak vulgarly, but the meaning is very profound.

Duan Muying suddenly felt that she had underestimated this man before, especially when he analyzed the cause of Lao Zhang's death, as if the outline originally hidden in the clouds had appeared little by little. Naturally, Duan Muying will not be scared away by Zhao Ba Neng's words. She stood up and looked at Zhao Ba Neng, "Since you don't want to tell me everything, okay, I'll go to find Fan Tongxin now. Humph, if he doesn't cooperate, I will directly put him in the bureau on the reason that you report him as a murder suspect! "

"Hey, Xiaoying, you don't call it a code word. It's a trap! When did I report that Fan Tongxin was a murder suspect? Do you think the handle of Master Fan is so easy to grasp?

Maybe Zhao Ba Neng's nervousness finally gave Duan Muying a sense of victory. She looked at Zhao Ba Neng with a smile, "Well, if you don't want to be this 'whistleblower', tell me the original story!"

Zhao Ba can't help it.

He can only gently shrug his shoulders, "Well, my captain, a beautiful woman with a full sense of justice, with a mouth on your face and handcuffs on your waist. You have to go to Fan Tongxin. I'm against it at all."


"Don't be surprised, I really don't object, but..." Taking out his mobile phone and pretending to look at the time, Zhao Ba Neng said, "I'm afraid you can't find anyone now. I heard that he has returned to the provincial capital at noon today. I guess he will not appear in Xihong City for a long time in the future!"

Zhao Ba can believe that before the matter of Balipu is over, Fan Dingsheng's steady person will never let Fan Tongxin take risks. Although the Fan family is not short of such an heir, if Fan Tongxin has an accident in Xihong City, the Fan family will really be lost. That person.

"How can this happen?"

Hearing Zhao Ba Neng's words, Duan Muying couldn't believe it and called Fan Tongxin directly.

I guess Fan Tongxin was a little excited when he saw Duan Muying's number. Even Zhao Ba Neng heard Fan Tongxin shouting on the phone.

"Shut up! Let me ask you, where are you now? What, on the highway? All right, then take the bus. It's okay!"


Duan Muying simply hung up the phone and looked at Zhao Ba Neng's eyes suspiciously again, "Are you a fairy or a monster?"

"Oh, I'm actually the God of Wealth, really!" Zhao Ba can blink his eyes, but unfortunately, his eyes are really small, and it looks as if he hasn't blinked.


"Brother, brother, good news!"

"What good news?" Early in the morning, Zhao Ba Neng was still sleeping, and the phone rang. Wei Fatty's voice seemed to have just picked up a 100-yuan bill on the road, or won 20 yuan in the seven-star lottery.

"I just received accurate news that Su Hong only took the driver early this morning and went to Balipu!"


Zhao Ba can turn over and get up from **. He can't afford to give himself clothes. He grabbed the phone and rushed to the bathroom. "Wei Fatty, I can tell you, get ready quickly. We'll leave immediately. By the way, call the construction engineer in your company. Let's go to Balipu immediately. Hurry up!"

"Hey, Ba Neng, I'm smarter than you this time. I'm already in the car and driving towards your house, but do you really want to bring an engineer?"

"Nonsense! Do you think Su Hong is that kind of official? If he asks professional questions later, who will be responsible for answering them? Are you still me? It seems that you haven't even graduated from junior high school!"

"Nonsense! At least I'm an MBA!"

"You are an NBA! Don't talk nonsense. I'll wash up. You wait for me downstairs!"

Since Duan Muying came here last time and discussed the case with Zhao Ba canoneng about Lao Zhang's case, Zhao Ba Neng has been very low-key in the past three days. During the day, he is basically at home, checking information on the Internet and watching the news. At night, he went to the wine to chat with Mr. Bi and see the scene.

I don't know if it is the tranquility before the rain. Recently, the good security in Xihong City has made 110 almost moldy. Even in places like bars, everyone is peaceful.

"Brother Neng, are you going out?"

Wuqing's voice came from the restaurant. Sometimes Zhao Ba Neng felt that without Wu Qing, his life would be a mess.

"Well, I'm going to Balipu, and I'll leave the house to you!"

Zhao Ba can destroy Wu Qing's idea as soon as he opened his mouth. Wuqing wants to go with him. Although Bi Ziyao has "internally decided" to become his sister-in-law and dare not think too much about giving him the big bear bile, maybe there is a "little Bi Ziyao" in Balipu? Wuqing is not too small. Recently, he has been fooling around in a bar. He has understood what "cultivation" is.

Unfortunately, he has no chance today.

The sound of the horn sounded downstairs. Zhao Ba could grab the deep-fried dough sticks and rushed out of the door. Before leaving, he remembered to tell Wu Qing that if he didn't come back tonight, remember to ask Hu Rui for leave. The reason was casually made up by Wu Qing.

"There is a heterosexual and inhumane, good! If Boss Hu asks me tonight, I will tell him that you went on a blind date!" Listening to Zhao Ba Neng's footsteps rushing downstairs, Wu Qing secretly felt fierce in his heart.

Zhao Ba Neng, who had already sat in the Audi Q5, was not in the mood to take care of Wuqing. When he closed the door, he urged Wei Xiaohai to drive.

"When is the news?"

stuffed with deep-fried dough sticks, Zhao Ba Neng's words are extremely vague, and I don't know how Fatty Wei understood it.

"Hey, it's also a coincidence that the brother in my municipal party committee bumped into Su Hong's driver this morning. As you know, these drivers spend their time playing cards in the car class when they are free. My brother often goes there. The two of them are a little close to each other. As soon as they ask, they inadvertently heard the driver say that they are going on a long trip today. I don't think they will be able to come back to play cards at noon!"

"Fuck, Fat Wei, you really have a way!"

Since signing an agreement with the Fan family and Zhao Ba Neng generously divided his profits to Wei Xiaohai, Wei Xiaohai resolutely disagreed with Zhao Ba Neng calling himself Hai Brother again. Finally, Zhao Ba Neng felt that the name "Wei Fatty" was appropriate and intimate. Wei Xiaohai thought about it and did not object, so it was settled.

Wait for Zhao Ba to finish eating deep-fried dough sticks and wipe his hands clean, Wei Fatty quickly stopped and let Zhao Ba can come and drive.

"I drive, what are you doing?"

"Fuck, didn't you ask me to call an engineer? Haven't I had time yet?" Fatty will always find countless reasons for his laziness, and Fatty Wei is no exception.

Of course, the engineers in Wei Xiaohai Construction Company will not take Q5, and Wei Fatty will not fall off the chain at this critical moment. He directly asked the company to send a car to pick up the two engineers, and then dared to go to Balipu.

At the beginning, Fatty Wei still discussed this and that with Zhao Ba Neng. Later, I don't know when, Fatty Wei's response gradually became low, and finally completely became the sound of fat pigs eating. Zhao Ba can turn his head and look. Well, the corners of his mouth are drooling!

Regardless of Wei Fatty, who is asleep, Zhao Ba can think about the next action steps while driving.

Since Su Hong went out with only one driver, presumably the purpose is not to disturb the local government. It is very likely that Su Hong will not even pass through the county and go directly to Balipu. If he can't do it, he won't even know. What needs to be understood now is what Su Hong is going to do?

Is it purely to go to Balipu for research, or with other purposes? If there is any other purpose, what kind of purpose will it be?

These are all questions that Zhao Ba can consider.

Su Hong is not simple. Since he has decided to take the opportunity of Su Hong to go online with him today, Zhao Ba Neng does not want to waste this important opportunity because he is not well thought about it. It should be said that the situation of meeting Su Hong again in Balipu in front of the school under construction determines whether Zhao Ba can leave a good impression on Su Hong's heart!