
Chapter 072 There is a car accident, you can't do it casually

"If you have the ability to win for a while, you win, and the past will be written off. If you lose, hum, it's not difficult for you, kowtow twice, and then shout three times to your aunt, and I will bypass you!" Fan Xiaoling's expression was very confident. After all, her car is a modified Cayenne. Even on the national highway, the advantage over Q5 is obvious. The only worry is that Zhao Ba can produce any more moths, which is not comparable to her at all.

Looking at those slightly purple mouths, Zhao Ba can really have the impulse to slap his face with big ears. Zhao Ba can see too many self-righteous ladies like Fan Xiaoling. With his eyes narrowed, Zhao Ba can smile and said, "To be honest, this bet makes me race. I look down on people too much. How about we add some notes? I don't know if Miss Fan dares to answer it?

"Joke! Is it possible that I, Fan Xiaoling, can't take out what you can take out of the mud legs from the poor valley? Even if you win and ask for my Cayenne, I will be a bastard if you frown! Say it, what's the bet?

Zhao Ba Neng's eyes scanned Fan Xiaoling from his head to his feet, and then from his feet to his head. He stayed for a little time in the raised and sunken places of Fan Xiaoling's body, which made Fan Xiaoling, who had never been so "forced to look at" like this, rose a cool feeling in his heart: 'This damn animal will not look at his aunt's milk. Is this a milk skin? What if he proposes to win and go to sleep?

Just as Fan Xiaoling was worried, Zhao Ba Neng suddenly waved his hand, "Come on, whoever goes to the Bali Shop first will win. I lose. What can you do if you like it? If I win, you will..."

"What do you want?"

Fan Xiaoling suddenly hugged his chest, which was a little exaggerated.

"Ha, don't be so nervous. Compared with our daughter-in-law, you make me a little unappetizing. If I win, please don't appear in front of me in the future, lest I will be upset!"

After saying this, Zhao Ba can not give Fan Xiaoling a chance to talk back. He jumped into the car and started it. The roar of the motor made Fan Xiaoling dare not slow down. The ghost knew whether the madman who poked her four tires with a cone would drive away. Anyway, Fan Xiaoling did not believe that there would be any gentlemanly demeanor in this animal's heart.

Strictly speaking, Cayenne and Q5 are not very comparable in performance. In particular, Fan Xiaoling's Cayenne has been modified by a master.

Of course, racing does not all depends on the performance of the car, otherwise there is no need to rush. As soon as the data is bright, the winner will come out.

Even if there are curves on the highway, not to mention the national highway in small places, the narrow two-way four lanes, there is not much space for Cayenne to really give full play to its speed advantage.

So the two cars could not open the gap at the beginning, and Zhao Ba can run at least six or seven times on this road. Although he doesn't know it well, it is much better than Fan Xiaoling, whose eyes are blackened. Not long after getting in hand, Zhao Ba Neng borrowed an oncoming truck and pulled away Cayenne's position. Volkswagen's cars mainly pay attention to maneuverability when they are abroad, but after entering China, it is common to increase the length in order to meet the unique aesthetics of the Chinese people, and some maneuverability has been sacrificed. Fortunately, China's national highways are indeed not very spacious. The huge body of Q5 allows Zhao Ba to make full use of it, even if Fan Xiaoling tried her best to solve the problem, but she couldn't forcibly surpass Zhao Ba Neng.


It is a stupid thing that no professional driver would do to hit other people's buttocks with the head of the car. Not only is it easy to lose direction control, but the hardness of the front itself is not as the buttocks. What's more, the car can still run without buttocks, but without a head, it's a fart!

Fan Xiaoling was angry all the way and greeted the 18th generation of Zhao Ba Neng's ancestors one by one, but still failed to overtake. If there is no accident, it is estimated that the two will maintain this situation to Xinrong Township and then to Balipu.

In that case, it is estimated that Fan Xiaoling will not raise his head in front of Zhao Ba Neng in the future.

Just as Fan Xiaoling's head was hot and he was about to find an opportunity to give Zhao Ba Neng a fierce move, suddenly, the Q5 in front of him stepped on the brake!


ABS and EBD worked together. Fan Xiaoling felt that her hands clenched on the steering wheel were about to shake off, but Cayenne still did not stop completely. Seeing that she was about to have a close contact with Q5's buttocks, Fan Xiaoling gritted her teeth and threw the steering wheel to the left, "Oh!" Cayenne rushed to the retrograde lane with Q5.

"Bah!" The driver of the fast-moving truck on the opposite side stared, crazily stepped on the brakes and flashed the headlights with a horn. Fortunately, Cayenne's performance was outstanding. Fan Xiaoling hit the right plate hard again. After wiping the Q5, the car threw back to the right.


Fan Xiaoling, who was a little relaxed in front of him, scolded angrily and then stepped on the brakes again!


Even Rolls-Royce does not want to stop at a distance of 40 kilometers, and Cayenne is only less than three meters away from the buttocks of the truck with twin yellow lights after turning around Q5!

In the huge impact, Fan Xiaoling only felt a shock, and then his eyes darkened and briefly lost consciousness.

Any normal person will briefly lose consciousness when a car accident occurs. Although Fan Xiaoling acts like a madman, he is not really crazy!

Cayenne turned off the engine, and his red front face was in close contact with the rusty buttocks of the truck. The windshield was shattered, and the blown airbag emitted a stream of white smoke, making the truck driver, who had never dealt with the airbag roar beside him, saying that the car was going to explode.

Zhao Ba Neng watched Cayenne rear-ended the truck.

He didn't think of Yin Fan Xiaoling. After all, the crash was not a joke, but he never thought that Fan Xiaoling forced to overtake him in order not to chase his tail. As a result, in order to avoid the truck coming from the opposite side, he rushed to him and caught up with the tail of the truck.

"Damn it, mother-in-law who is looking for trouble!"

jumped out of the car, and Zhao Ba couldn't forget to bring the fire extinguisher in the car.

The glass in the cab was still intact. Because of the impact, the four doors were automatically unlocked. Zhao Ba could take the woman tied to the seat belt out of the car without much trouble.


In fact, Fan Xiaoling was not injured, but temporarily dizzy because of the huge kinetic energy impact. When she was held down by Zhao Ba Neng, she immediately woke up.

"Ah~my car! Damn, Zhao Ba Neng, you accompany my car!"

This kind of car may be relatively common in big cities, but in Xihong City, there is absolutely no place to repair it. Looking at the broken front, Fan Xiaoling has the heart to kill Zhao Ba Neng.

"Is it okay? If it's okay, just call the traffic police. I'll go first!" Put Fan Xiaoling, who was still shouting, on the roadside, and Zhao Ba could get up and turn his back to leave.

"Bastard, stop!"

Fan Xiaoling gritted her teeth and stood up and chased after Zhao Ba can. She didn't even forget her bag!


"Aren't you afraid that your car will be stolen?"

Zhao Ba can ask, staring at the woman sitting in the co-driver who is busy with makeup.

"Isn't it just a car?"

"Didn't you just fight with me? Pretgued?"

"It was just now, and now it is now!" Fan Xiaoling put down the makeup box in her hand, took out a cigarette from her bag and lit it with herself. Are you still a man? There's so much nonsense. If you don't want to send me back to Xihong City, I have to go to Balipu with you and look at your fairy daughter-in-law by the way!"

He was not happy to let Zhao Ba send Fan Xiaoling back to Xihong City, but it didn't seem to be right to let Fan Xiaoling follow him to see Bi Ziyao like this, but what made Zhao Ba was depressed was that Fan Xiaoling did not treat himself as an outsider as soon as he got on the car. No, he even lit a cigarette.

"If you see my daughter-in-law later, you are not allowed to smoke in front of her, so as not to bring bad people!"

Who says that women who smoke are not good people? Did you say it or did the law say it? Fan Xiaoling stared and deliberately raised the cigarette in his hand like a demonstration. Zhao Ba Neng could only ignore her attitude.


Bi Ziyao was very happy to see Zhao Ba Neng, but when she saw Fan Xiaoling sitting in the co-driver, she suddenly became a little restrained.

"Go back!"

Zhao Ba Neng did not give Fan Xiaoling a good look, and directly let Fan Xiaomin, who was still the co-pilot, give way.

"I gave it to my sister-in-law's face, but I'm not afraid of you!" Fan Xiaoling stared at Zhao Ba Neng, and then wanted to squeeze out a flower-like smile to Bi Ziyao, "Come on, sister-in-law, sit here. Do you want me to fasten your seat belt?"

'What is this madman doing?'

Fan Xiaoling's performance made Zhao Ba Neng feel a little nervous. Have you ever seen the weasel pay New Year's greetings to the chickens? Zhao Ba can feel what's in front of him. Fortunately, although Bi Ziyao was a little nervous, she did not humiliate Zhao Ba Neng in general. She smiled eight hundred times, and then Shi Ran sat in the co-pilot and let Fan Xiaoling make a seat belt for her.

Wait for Fan Xiaoling to honestly get into the back seat of the car, Zhao Ba Neng breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes looked at Fan Xiaoling, and as a result, Fan Xiaoling made a grimace, as if he was laughing at Zhao Ba's ability to save a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart.

"Are you going to eat at your godfather's house?" Just now, as soon as we met, she had heard Zhao Ba can say it, but Bi Ziyao was still a little worried. The car just walked out of the Balipu. After looking back several times, she asked again.

"Godfather? It's the secretary of the municipal party committee of Xihong City. Sister Xiaoyao, you are really great. As soon as you come out of the mountain, you recognize a great godfather.

"Shut up! No one will treat you as a mute if you don't open your mouth!" Zhao Ba can roared at Fan Xiaoling, and then whispered, "Yes, your adoptIVE mother is here and wants to meet you."


Bi Ziyao lowered her head. Although Zhao Ba Neng's roar just now was aimed at Fan Xiaoling, it also scared Bi Ziyao.

"No way! How can you be so casual!" Fan Xiaoling was quiet for less than two minutes and suddenly shouted in the back seat.