
Chapter 088 Dream of Double Staying

Bi Ziyao is really drunk, and Zhao Ba can not take advantage of people's danger.

settled down Bi Ziyao, took a long breath, and walked to the balcony full of stars. Zhao Ba could light cigarettes for himself and lie on the balcony railing.

Xihong City at night does not have the bright appearance of first-tier cities. Perhaps it is because there is less light pollution that the starlight in the sky is particularly obvious.

Thinking about what Fan Xiaomin just said to himself, a brand-new wholly-owned company, this is really a big pie falling from the sky, but Zhao Ba can worry about whether this pie will be too big? The reason why the Duanmu family agreed must be the work done by Fan Dingsheng, but what does Fan Dingsheng plan to do?

"Fan Dingsheng, Fan Dingsheng, there are some things that you can't change if you want to change. Six years ago, a bald Zhang participated in Chang'an? Hey, it shouldn't be. But since you gave me the money, why don't I dare to accept it?

"Brother Neng, we're back."

After closing the wine, Ma Sanwa and Wuqing could only leave, because today is Christmas, and they came back a little late with a midnight snack in their hands.

"Three baby, eat less. It's so big. Give me the chicken leg!"

Wu Qing was grabbing a midnight snack with Ma Sanwa, but unfortunately he didn't have enough strength and moved slowly. Get out of here. It's because I'm strong that I should eat more!"

"Sil low, Xiaoyao is sleeping." Zhao Ba Neng frowned, not because the two were talking. He thought of who should he use when he went to move in when the company was really registered successfully? Ma Sanwa and Wuqing? Obviously, it doesn't work. The two guys are too small, and they don't have the ability to do this.

"Talent, where should I get some talent?"

Zhao Ba can touch his chin, and the stubble began to grow crazily after midnight. In fact, Zhao Ba Neng has several partners in his heart, all of whom are his former classmates or friends, but he is a little uncertain. Now that he suddenly appears, will those friends and classmates really come to help?

Back in the room, Bi Ziyao slept very well, and the room was filled with a faint smell of wine. Only beautiful women like Bi Ziyao sprayed out such a smell after getting drunk, which made people addicted.

Is Zhao Ba can really not drink?

No, in fact, he not only wanted to drink, but also drank very much. Although Fan Xiaoling was very arrogant at night, if it were Zhao Ba Neng six years ago, a girl like Fan Xiaoling, he could have drunk three, at least three, in one night! Women don't get drunk, and men don't have a chance. Zhao Ba Neng has won a lot of this opportunity before.

I'm tired of it.

So now only a simple girl like Bi Ziyao can touch the softness in Zhao Ba Neng's heart and let him sit by the bed willingly and stare at the sleeping beauty quietly.

" girl, what should you do if I really go that way?"


Knowing that Bi Ziyao came to Xihong City for Christmas, Gao Minghuan called Zhao Ba Neng and Bi Ziyao home. At the dinner table, he also counted Zhao Ba Neng, a "probable son-in-law" and did not often take Bi Ziyao to the door.

Seeing that Zhao Ba can laugh bitterly, Su Hong quickly came out to make up the scene, "Minghuan, don't always complain about Ba Neng. He, an old man should have his own things to do. What's the point of running around with his daughter-in-law all day?"

"There are many reasons for you!" Of course, Gao Minghuan is not really angry, that is, it's just words. She is very happy that Bi Ziyao can come. This person, especially women, likes the feeling of groups of children in the family when they get older.

It's still the same. After dinner, Gao Minghuan took Bi Ziyao to the room to chat and left the table for Su Hong and Zhao Ba Neng.

"Su Bo, I heard that the road has begun bidding. What's the situation?"

"Well, the result of the bidding is almost coming out. It's strange that it's a brand-new company, but the qualifications and procedures are completely in line with the standards. The leader above opened up, and I can't say more. I'll talk about it for you after the new company comes to Xihong City."

What Su Hong said is obviously consistent with what Fan Xiaomin said. The Fan family and the Duanmu family work hard at the same time. Su Hong, a municipal party secretary, can't stand it alone. The hat is too small.

"Su Bo, let me tell you something first. Yesterday, someone told me that the company that was recruited was partnered with another person, and they chose me to be the head of this company?"


With a big hand shaking, if Su Hong's nerves were not stable, half a glass of wine in the cup would have been spilled. Let you be the head of this company? Didn't I hear it wrong?"

Zhao Ba can smile bitterly, "Su Bo, why did I lie to you?"

Su Hong's face became serious, "Ba Neng, this matter should be cautious. If there is no relationship between you and Xiaoyao, it's okay. Now everyone knows that Xiaoyao is my goddaughter, and you, hey, if the matter spreads out, there will be trouble."

"I'm not afraid of the shadow."

In the face of Su Hong's worries, Zhao Ba Neng could only comfort him with a pale proverb. Looking at Su Hong's puzzled appearance, Zhao Ba Neng took the initiative to pour a glass of wine for Su Hong and filled himself with a glass of wine. "Come on, Uncle Su, let's go."

The two gently touched the glass. Zhao Ba Neng raised his neck and smashed his mouth with satisfaction, "Su Bo's wine is really good."

"There are not many brought out of the army."

"Su Bo, you really shouldn't worry. Isn't it good for me to be the head of this company? As long as I make money innocently, and then use the money I earn, support Balipu, Xinrong Township, and support the charity of the whole Xihong City, I don't believe it. Will there still be dirty water spilled on you? I think Aunt Minghuan will definitely support me.

Now, Su Hong can't say anything more. The Fan family is sending the great wealth to Zhao Ba Neng. Not to mention that the relationship between Su Hong and Zhao Ba Neng is only more than friendship. Even Zhao Ba Neng's own father, he can't push out the wealth he has got.


When Zhao Ba could leave with Bi Ziyao, Gao Minghuan kept telling them to come often.

In fact, Gao Minghuan will not live in Xihong City. This is also the annual leave, family visit and New Year's Day holiday. It is estimated that Gao Minghuan will leave after the Spring Festival at most. That's why she repeatedly told Bi Ziyao to come often and repeatedly warned Zhao Ba Neng to treat her goddaughter Xiaoyao well.

"Hey, now with the support of my godmother, I dare not bully you!"

Bi Ziyao, with a red face, stared at Zhao Ba Neng, "Oh, without Ming Huan's mother, will you bully me? Then I won't come to Xihong City in the future, and I'll still stay in Balipu. At least no one will bully me there.

"However, I will soon be the chairman of a big company. It's up to me what kind of employees to recruit. Let's recruit people according to the standards of Miss International. How beautiful we are, how beautiful they are?"

Zhao Ba Neng is joking.

Zhao Ba Neng did not hide the affairs of the joint company of Fanjia and Duanmujia. So Bi Ziyao knows that this is not a joke, but if it is really like Zhao Ba Neng just said, she specializes in recruiting beautiful women...

It's not that Bi Ziyao has no confidence in women. She also knows that she is already an alien among women. At the age of Zhao Ba Neng, if she is really the chairman of a company with hundreds of millions of funds, she is afraid that there will be more women around him than flies in the toilet. She is also very worried. At that time, Zhao Ba Neng Hold on?

"Brother Neng, I..."

With a little mouth curled, perhaps because she thought too much, Bi Ziyao suddenly seemed to cry.

"Oh, no, aren't I just kidding you? Well, if you don't worry, why don't I recruit you into the company as my personal secretary, which is the kind who is in charge of everything, okay?

Do you care about anything?

This sounded like something special. No matter how simple Bi Ziyao is, she can still hear it, "You are so bad! I don't want to be your personal secretary, but if you dare to mess around, I will, I will ignore you!"

Perhaps this is the biggest revenge Bi Ziyao can say. Zhao Ba can not only feel distressed but also distressed for such a little white flower-like girl.

Bi Ziyao's short vacation passed like this.

Two days, perhaps for many people who love to play, this is not finished without any feeling, but for Bi Ziyao, such a two-day vacation is already very luxurious, because in the mountains of Balipu, there are more than 20 children looking at her back to start classes.

Zhao Ba Neng is actually full of expectations. When can Bi Ziyao really fly with him?