
Chapter 099 Fairy Tea

The crystal clear sheep fat jade porcelain cup feels like being pinched in the hand of a gorilla in Zhao Ba Neng's hand, and there is no such beauty at all.


The only feeling of Zhao Ba Neng under the first cup of tea is bitterness.

Cao Zheying nodded, "The first cup will be a little bitter. Try this second cup..."


"The third cup..."

"It's still bitter. I said, beauty, these three cups of tea are very bitter. Why do you tell me every time, not bitter?" Zhao Ba can finally help asking after drinking three cups of his drooling tea.

And Cao Zheying didn't mean any unpleasantness on her face, but the corners of her mouth raised, but nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, Zhao Ba Neng, at least you are an honest person."

"Is it just because of suffering?"

"Because of bitterness!"

"If you rise, the people will suffer; if you die, the people will suffer; if you die, you will suffer; if you die, you will suffer. This word of suffering is actually the true meaning of human voice, so the ancients said: Only when you suffer from suffering can you be a superior..."

"I don't want to be a superior. I just want to be a real person."

"That's just your ideal way of thinking. Do you want to be a real person? What kind of talent is a real person who does not have enough *, strength and power? Why do you want to be a real person in your ideal? Tao Yuanming once thought about it, but what about his final outcome? Du Fu also thought about it, and then what? Thinking that you can't achieve the goal, you can only know it before you go..." Cao Zheying poured out the water in the copper pot and then started making tea again.

"I'm a little dizzy from what you said. How do I feel that you don't look like a person living in this era?"

"As a mature man, you shouldn't say such a sentence. There are no fairy tales in the adult world.

"Isn't martial arts a fairy tale for adults?"

"Do you believe in martial arts?"

"Don't believe it in the past?"

"Believe it now?"

Looking at Cao Zheying's eyes without any impurities, Zhao Ba Neng didn't know what to say. The mark of the flower on his chest is still slightly hot, and how did he climb over the wall just now? The situation is still vivid. If this is not martial arts, is it magic? Of course, in Zhao Ba Neng's heart, the old Taoist priest has been attributed to a demon by him, the kind of great demon that will harm the world even if he dies. At this time, he looked at Cao Zheying, who was quietly making tea in front of him, and suddenly felt that this woman was a demon.

No wonder she is locked up here. If such a woman is released, won't the world be in chaos?

Just as Zhao Ba Neng was thinking nonsense, he suddenly noticed a detail - the copper pot on the charcoal stove was actually all brass!

The copper pot is naturally brass, and Zhao Ba Neng didn't notice this at the beginning. However, when the water boils on the road, won't brass conduct heat when the water boils? Watching Cao Zheying lift the copper pot calmly and leisurely with her white palms, Zhao Ba Neng suddenly felt that his hair stood up!

"Something, you haven't seen, you can't deny its existence, can't you?"

Another crystal clear cup of tea was served by Cao Zheying and handed to Zhao Ba Neng.

The tea is still the same tea, and the water is still the water in the copper pot. When Zhao Ba Neng poured tea into his mouth for some reason, he was stunned.


"No, you can think of this as a magic trick, as if I sprinkled honey in the water!"

Although Cao Zheying said so, Zhao Ba Neng's taste buds will not lie. That is definitely not the sweetness of honey. This sweetness is so pure and natural that even when the tea is completely swallowed, there will still not be even a trace of unhappiness, refreshing!

"In this world, many people are proud to drink my tea, but few can drink a third cup. The first cup is suffering; the second cup is suffering; the third cup is suffering.

But Zhao Ba can just clearly feel that this fourth cup is sweet.

The charcoal stove was covered by a copper plate. Obviously, Cao Zheying did not plan to continue making tea. She stood up and looked at Zhao Ba Neng, "It seems that there will be no second person coming today. Well, you should also go."

"Are you leaving?"

Zhao Ba can take out his mobile phone and have a look. It's almost 6 p.m. This time is too fast, isn't it? As soon as I had lunch, something went wrong. I just drank a few cups of tea when I arrived at Cao Zheying. Why is it almost six o'clock?

"I don't eat lunch, so you can't eat dinner here. I'm going to rest when it's dark, so I can only invite you to go."

Don't eat after lunch?

This habit cannot be cultivated by ordinary people. Zhao Ba can narrow his eyes and look at the woman in blue in front of him.

"Is she a master hidden in the city, or is she an actor hired by others to tease her? If it is an actor, it must be an extremely smart actor who knows magic!"

Emotionally, Zhao Ba Neng vaguely expects Cao Zheying to be a master, but rationally tells Zhao Ba Neng that Cao Zheying is more likely to be an actor. Even if Zhao Ba's IQ is not bad and worldly sophisticated, he still can't make a judgment for a while.

Unfortunately, Cao Zheying did not intend to give him more time. She pointed to the curved corridor and said, "You can go out through the gate along this corridor. Don't climb over the wall again. You are a human and should go through the gate."

"Is that right? Then goodbye. I don't know if we will have a chance to meet in the future?"

"I won't go anywhere, but you may not be able to see me when you come. Buddha said that everything in the world is fate, and I still agree with this sentence. Maybe next time we meet, you will make tea for me?

"You're joking! I don't know how to make tea. Besides, I don't have your skills!"

"If you stick everything in the world to a word 'art', you will be superior and ask for a word of heart for everything. All right, let's go. It's getting dark, and the road here is not easy to go!"

Walk hazy along the not spacious but exquisite corridor. Zhao Ba can find that the corridor has both water and on the ground. The style of building the corridor is purely for easy walking, which is very different from the architectural design of modern China. It often requires a very advanced architectural complex to have this kind of corridor design for people to walk. Is it possible that this courtyard was built very old? But how did such a courtyard survive the continuous war in modern China?

With all kinds of questions, Zhao Ba can unconsciously walked to the gate.

The heavy and thick wooden door is open. Zhao Ba can cross the high threshold of the country. Looking back, he saw the three elegant characters "Nazhen Pavilion" on the two gates.

Nazhen Pavilion? Why doesn't it sound like a house? Smashing the mouth, there is still a trace of sweetness between the teeth. The tea just made by Cao Zheying seems to be as mysterious as Cao Zheying, a woman, and it is memorable.

Cao Zheying, what on earth does such a mysterious woman do?

Zhao Ba feels that maybe he should ask Fan Xiaoling. With Mingfeiping and Xiao Yaojing in the realm of Danyang City, I'm afraid I can't reach such a place.

There was a grunt in his stomach. When Zhao Ba can take out his mobile phone again, the text message prompt sounded non-stop. At a glance, it was all a reminder that there was a failed call.

"Didn't you hear the phone ring?"

When Zhao Ba could take a closer look, he found that the original text message reminded him that he could not receive the call because the owner was not in the service area just now.

But Zhao Ba can't figure it out, just across a wall. Why is he not in the service area? And after entering this Nazhen Pavilion, didn't he still contact Fan Xiaoling under the wall?


Some plots that only exist in novels and movies flashed in his mind. Even people like Zhao Ba Neng couldn't help shivering. Thinking about Cao Zheying's hands that are not afraid of high temperatures and strange tea, the more Zhao Ba Neng thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt in his heart. He quickly took a big step towards the road. At the same time, he also dialed through Fan Xiaoling's phone number.


"Where did you die? Didn't you get through all afternoon? It didn't fall into any hero's grave, did it? Is it so comfortable that you just came back to your soul?

Zhao Ba Neng didn't vomit a word. Over there, Fan Xiaoling has crackled like the heavy rain in July.

"Have you... heard of Nazhen Pavilion?"


"Nazhen Pavilion..."

"What did you go to? You..." suddenly fell silent at the other end of the phone.