
Chapter 103 What is Xiao Yaojing's true identity

Zhao Ba can shake his head. There has been an accident tonight. Compared with that Ma Zhengguo, it is impossible to kill the horse gun again. Instead of changing places, Zhao Ba can feel that it is better to stay here. Anyway, after dawn tomorrow, he will take Ming Feiping to solve the rest of the things and then return to Xihong City!

"What about this woman? Do you want me to call my second brother?"

Call Fan Tongxin to come, then Xiao Yaojing will definitely not have a good end. Looking at Xiao Yaojing sitting aside, Zhao Ba Neng is actually a little strange. Why didn't she follow the police just now?

Maybe the way Zhao Ba Neng looked at Xiao Yaojing made Fan Xiaoling misunderstand, or because Xiao Yaojing's pitiful appearance at this time made Fan Xiaoling disgusted him. In short, after seeing Zhao Ba could shake her head again, she finally sit still and stood up and said, "Then do whatever you want! Humph, if you die under the peony flower, it's also romantic to be a ghost! I don't care!"

Zhao Ba Neng vaguely guessed the reason why Fan Xiaoling, who slammed the door, was angry, but he thought about it and felt unlikely.

"If you don't leave, do you really want to wait for her second brother to come? I told you that this girl's nerves are not very normal. Although I don't agree, it's hard to guarantee whether she will call Fan Tongxin after she goes out! I think you'd better leave immediately, or contact Ma Zhengguo and find him!"

Zhao Ba Neng's words shocked Xiao Yao's delicate body.

"Actually, I haven't got the villa he promised."

"Well, I guessed it. Looking at his expression when he heard me say that just now, the typical jealousy that he hasn't eaten yet. Tut, Xiao Yaojing, I really admire you for playing with such a young master in the palm of his hand."

"What did you say?"

Xiao Yaojing asked repeatedly as if she hadn't heard Zhao Ba Neng's words clearly.

"Well, didn't you hear what I said? Xiao Yaojing, if I remember correctly, it seems that your family situation is also good in college!"

"No matter how good it is, can it compare with you, Ma Zhengguo and the Fan family? You just heard that Ma Zhengguo said that he was from the Ma family in Luoyang. In China, this family has great influence. I don't know how did you offend such a family?

Xiao Yaojing seems to have calmed down. She is not only tidying up her clothes, but also mending herself, like a celebrity who is about to go to the dinner party.

Zhao Ba Neng quietly looked at Xiao Yao quietly dressing herself up, with a smile on her face, "I said, Xiao Yaojing, what would you do if Ma Zhengguo took out a pistol just now?"


It seemed that she couldn't hear Zhao Ba Neng's words clearly. Xiao Yao quietly stopped what she was doing and turned her head to look at Zhao Ba Neng. She had just painted half of the eye shadow, and her whole face looked a little strange.

"Will you watch Ma Zhengguo shoot? Two bodyguards, how sure are you to clean up?

Zhao Ba can say it slowly, and Xiao Yaojing can't sit still this time. She suddenly got up, holding her bag in one hand and tweaking the sea on her forehead with the other hand, "Zhao Ba Neng, what do you think you know?"

"No, I don't know anything." Zhao Ba can shake his head with a smile, "Look, I'm just a poor person living in Xihong City. What can I know? I don't know anything! Tut, the Luoyang Ma family is too powerful, isn't it? Mu Xiu in Lin, the wind will urge him. To be honest, if the Ma family is a peaceful enterprise, it is very disgusted with some behaviors of the country!"

Having said this, the expressions of Xiao Yaojing's often displayed charm on her face, or the timidity just showed by her little daughter's family disappeared. At this time, the expression on Xiao Yaojing's face was that Zhao Ba could think of a person - Duan Muying.

"Zhao Ba Neng, I don't know what you're talking about." After a moment of silence, Xiao Yaojing packed up her things as if she was going to leave immediately. Zhao Ba Neng did not stop him, but just watched quietly. It was not until Xiao Yaojing had walked to the door of the room that he said, "Xiao Yaojing, for the sake of everyone's classmates, I just want to remind you one thing."


"Don't imagine yourself too much. Those magical characters in movies and TV don't really exist. There are some things that you don't regret until they happen, it's too late!"

"I...thank you! In fact, you have nothing to do with my work. I'm sorry for involving you this time!"


The door of the room is closed!

Zhao Ba Neng exhaled a long breath, and he felt a little physically and mentally exhausted.

From the beginning of the reunion, he felt that Xiao Yaojing's performance was a little abnormal, but he did not speculate in a bad direction until he invited Mingfeiping out for a midnight snack, and Xiao Yaojing actually followed. Zhao Ba Neng began to suspect that this woman had other ideas.

Although Zhao Ba Neng's life experience can be said to be rich, he can neither see through people's brains nor become a roundworm in Xiao Yao's stomach, so he can only use a simple method to make women drunk.

Of course, it is not easy to get Xiao Yaojing drunk, but Zhao Ba is different. He has some small abilities brought by the flower mark on his chest.

Yes, it's just a small ability. For example, through the eyes, people who are a little confused lose their ability to think independently in an instant.

Three minutes, in fact, Zhao Ba Neng only made Xiao Yaojing lose the ability to think independently for three minutes, which is the limit of what he can do.

In the three minutes that Xiao Yaojing didn't remember, Zhao Ba could ask something, something that surprised Zhao Ba could surprise himself.

First of all, he did not expect that his former college classmates would become people in state institutions after graduation. Secondly, he did not expect that the country was investigating the powerful Ma family now. Of course, he thought later that this was also normal, when the power was not controlled by the state. When it can affect social stability, the state will begin to investigate and control such a force. If it is found that this force is out of control, it will take some means to restrict it or destroy it directly.

This is the reality.

It's a very simple reality, but Zhao Ba Neng really didn't expect that Xiao Yaojing not only successfully contacted Ma Zhengguo, but also used him as bait. Perhaps if Ma Zhengguo's bodyguard harmed Zhao Ba Neng today, it would really meet Xiao Yaojing's intention, whether it was Ma Zhengguo's on-site arrest or as A means of controlling Ma Zhengguo are beneficial and harmless to Xiao Yaojing and the department behind him.

Unfortunately, Zhao Ba is unwilling to be the bait on the hook, so although he knew Xiao Yajing's plan, he had no intention to cooperate. The reason why he waited until Ma Zhengguo was actually just to see who the Ma family is now on the table.

To be honest, he is a little disappointed.

Judging from Ma Zhengguo's performance, it is not much better than Fantong. He is a slightly thoughtful second ancestor, and he is not yet a qualified heir of a big family.

"Is there no one in the Ma family? Or because the people of the Ma family have noticed that they are making a big wind, so they have begun to take some confusing measures?

Strictly speaking, Zhao Ba Neng has always been hidden by the family. At least the outside world knows that there are few such people in the Zhao family, which is almost impossible. This is also the reason why Zhao Ba Neng can survive when the Zhao family is in college in Danyang. There are moves that those who have Chinese thinking will do.

In his head, Zhao Ba can lie down**, tossing and falling asleep, and memories of the past are constantly flashing in his mind.

Yes, he is the result of the Zhao family's stay and the only hope for the Zhao family to stay in this world. But in fact, Zhao Ba can't want this to be his own life. Perhaps because he was arranged as a "seed" role since he was a child, his life has worn a thick mask from the beginning. Until now, Zhao Ba can still feel that he is like an actor.

Touching the firewood flowers on my chest, the blooming flowers and the remaining buds, "I hope it can really free me. I hope Xiaoyao and my children can live like real people!"