
Chapter 107 Lower Mawei

"The meeting is over!"

The answer to Zhao Ba Neng is what he thinks is the secretary of the general manager, Fan Xiaomin.

"Is it over? I, I just arrived..."

"It's because you just arrived that the meeting was over! If you arrive a little earlier, maybe we are discussing work discipline now. This is the first day of work. As the general manager, shouldn't it be a typical example?

At this time, Zhao Ba Neng deeply realized how terrible it is for women to be serious. In front of the "re Elders" of these companies, Fan Xiaomin actually had no intention of closing the door at all, so he pushed Zhao Ba Neng to the "ten heinous" guillove.

Faced with the situation at this time, Zhao Ba can know that the more he says, the more wrong he will be. It seems that although the five years in Majiatun have enabled Zhao Ba to successfully achieve the goal of cultivation, it has also aggravated his lazy nature.

"I will review!"

As a leader, self-examination is not a loss of face. On the contrary, self-examination at the right time can add points to yourself in the hearts of subordinates. Looking at Zhao Ba Neng's sincere self-criticism in front of the employees, Fan Xiaomin nodded with deep understanding and a smile on her face.

"Well, since Mr. Zhao has reviewed it, please forgive Mr. Zhao this time. Of course, since as a boss, I have to review, I hope everyone can take this as a lesson and maintain good work discipline, otherwise..."

Fan Xiaomin is actually a very competent secretary, which can be seen from her current performance. Until now, Zhao Ba can find that the employees in his company seem to be women, and all of them can be defined as "young and beautiful".

"Why are they all young women?"

When the door was closed, Zhao Ba Neng finally couldn't help asking.

"Isn't this the dream of many men? I just helped you realize this dream! When my uncle asked me to select talents for you in Fanjia Group, my first screening was to look at life photos. How about it? Are you satisfied?

If Zhao Ba can be replaced by Wei Pangzi, I'm afraid that he will drool and nod at this time. Although there is already Hu Rui, the illusion of Wei Pangzi's "colored flag fluttering" has never stopped. Of course, in terms of Hu Rui's emotional intelligence, even if he knows that Wei Pangzi will occasionally go out to steal fish, as long as he doesn't play "Golden House Hidden" Jiao, Hu Rui will also open one eye and close the other. Unfortunately, Zhao Ba Neng is not Wei Fatty. He has a good immunity to women, especially beautiful women.

"Although beautiful women can improve work efficiency, a company is full of beautiful women, which may have the opposite effect. Have you ever considered this problem?"

"Of course I have considered it! Hasn't our company just been established? Next, we will recruit some people, and a brand-new company is like a new car. It will take some time to run in. I think young and beautiful women can act as excellent lubricants in this run-in. At the same time, these beautiful women I choose are unmarried, even very Most of them don't even have boyfriends. I believe these beautiful women can attract some truly excellent talents to our company.

"You mean those girls outside are not married yet?"

"It's not just marriage, I said, a large number of them don't even have boyfriends?"

"It turns out that they are old girls like your sisters..." Zhao Ba Neng muttered in a low voice, not knowing why. Fan Xiaomin didn't hear clearly and asked. Zhao Ba Neng naturally wouldn't admit it. He snapped his fingers, "Oh, I almost forgot that Xiaoming is coming today."

"He has come and is now in the HR director's office, waiting for you!"


"You are so happy!"

The first sentence Zhao Ba can say when he meets Ming Feiping puts Ming Feiping in the fog.

Because there was no foothold in Xihong City, and Mingfeiping didn't want to disturb Zhao Ba Neng's private life too much, he simply set out in the middle of the night yesterday. When he arrived at the company today, he was just in time to open the door. Fan Xiaoling naturally recognized Ming Feiping at a glance and took him into the company. Fan Xiaomin thought that Ming Feiping could not be regarded as an employee of the company for the time being, so she settled down in the office first, but did not attend the company's morning meeting.

"Ba Neng, what are you talking about?" Ming Feiping yawned. The company gave him a good feeling, but before he saw Zhao Ba Neng, Ming Feiping was still a little worried. In case Zhao Ba Neng was bragging, wouldn't he be very tragic? Fortunately, looking at Zhao Ba Neng like this, he really didn't fool his old classmates.

"Don't you see that all of our company are beautiful women except you and me? Haven't you ever thought that when you really become an HR supervisor, these beautiful women will look at you? Zhao Ba can come forward and patted Ming Feiping on the shoulder: "Brother, you sent it!"

"I... got up in the morning and haven't brushed my teeth yet. You suddenly told me this..." Zhou Xingxing's humor is a game that Zhao Ba Neng and Ming Feiping often play in college. Zhao Ba Neng smiled and said, "From today on, you are the HR director of our company. As for your current job... Well, let me Comrade Fan Xiaomin, the secretary, will explain it to you in detail!"

Managing a company is indeed not Zhao Ba Neng's strength, or he has no knowledge of this at all.

However, as a superior, the most important thing is to employ people, and it doesn't matter whether you can work specifically or not.

Xi'e Highway Investment Co., Ltd. was established to build a high-grade highway from Xihong City to Emei City, so after Zhao Ba Neng had enough greetings with Ming Feiping, Fan Xiaomin urged Zhao Ba Neng to deal with business.

In Danyang City, the big problem has been dealt with. What Zhao Ba can need now is to negotiate with the Xihong Municipal Government to see how long all the procedures can be completed and the highway can start construction.

It's been a few days in a flash.

In this week, Zhao Ba can feel that he has changed from a person to a dog!

Even if Su Hong supports Zhao Ba Neng behind his back, even if there is no place for the whole government department to embarras Zhao Ba Neng, and even with the full assistance of Fan Xiaomin and Fan Xiaoling, Zhao Ba Neng feels that he is about to collapse after a week. It turned out that managing a company was such a painful thing. Zhao Ba Neng began to regret a little. At the beginning, when he was in the Zhao family, he did not seriously learn this knowledge. Now he is a puppet at the mercy of the Fan family sisters. The biggest use is to sign "Zhao Ba" on thick documents every day. The name of " capable".

"I'm looking for Zhao Ba Neng!"

Just when Zhao Ba Neng felt that he was about to be broken by boring work, a heroic female police officer suddenly appeared at the door of the company lobby - Duan Muying!

"Yo, Sister Duanmu is here, please sit down, please sit down!" Zhao Ba can receive it. Whether it is Fan Xiaomin or Fan Xiaoling, she is naturally Duan Muying, a woman who was identified as Fan Tongxin's daughter-in-law by the two families.

"It's really you. It seems that I haven't heard of your rumors for a long time. Why haven't you been in Xihong City recently?"

I don't know why, after hearing Zhao Ba Neng's words, Duan Muying's face was a little ugly. "Yes, at the request of my superiors, I went outside the province for training for a while. I just came back from Danyang City yesterday. As soon as I arrived at the bureau, I heard a legend that you opened a company. Today I came to see it specially!"

"Oh, so that's it. Come on, I'll show you my company!"

"It's our company, Zhao Ba Neng, don't forget that behind this company, there is also the shadow of the Duanmu family!" Fan Xiaomin's words were a little shabby, but it was a pity that Duan Muying, who had a strong heart, did not pay attention to Fan Xiaomin's slightly provocative words at all.

"In addition to looking at your new company, I have something to do with you, can you..." Duan Muying couldn't help gling at Fan Xiaomin as she spoke. Duan Muying's meaning is very clear. She doesn't want other people to be present when talking to Zhao Ba can.