
Chapter 112 Zhao Ba Neng's Method

In addition to the driver, Fan Xiaomin is also on the Mercedes-Benz.

Looking at Li Ming's appearance, he should be waiting for the car, so the black Mercedes-Benz carrying Zhao Ba Neng stopped quietly in place, and the dark glass windows separated the inside and outside of the car into two worlds.

Not long after, a white BMW came, Li Ming got on the car, and the Mercedes-Benz also started, hanging not far away.

"If you stop later, don't move. I'll go alone."

"Are you alone? Are you crazy! I think it's better to call someone. It's not good to call Ma Sanwa. Fan Xiaomin still knows more about the people around him after dealing with Zhao Ba Neng these days. In her opinion, the strongest combat effectiveness should be Ma Sanwa, who is a newborn calf.

"It's too late, stop!"

The BMW stopped, and Zhao Ba could see Li Ming get out of the car with a man and walk to a teahouse on the roadside. He didn't have time to discuss with Fan Xiaomin anymore, but directly asked the driver to stop and follow him.

Li Ming's walking posture is very special, as if he is paddling. He looks extremely arrogant and looks like a demon king of the world. Zhao Ba can shake his head: 'In this mentality, I also learn from others to mix society, that is, I have never seen a real underworld, otherwise I would have been reincarnated long ago?'

Follow Li Ming into the teahouse and watch him walk into the private room upstairs.

Of course, Zhao Ba Neng couldn't follow up. He could only find the waiter's little sister to make up, but it turned out to be a group of fox friends invited by Li Ming to play cards.

It's hard to say about playing cards. Maybe they will play all night. Zhao Ba can know that he can't wait and has to leave.

"How's it going?"

"Let's go! I'm not here to meet anyone, playing cards, pure ruffian hooligans.

"That's 700,000! But our own money!" Fan Xiaomin was unwilling at this time. Obviously, people like Li Ming simply take other people's money to be unrestrained. Although Fan Xiaomin's family is destined to be 700,000 is not a large amount in her eyes, it is purely another matter to be blackmailed.

It's a pity that Zhao Ba can't do anything now. There are many people in public. Instead, he frighten the snake.


A word is easy to say, but difficult to do.

The Dutch Bay section is just the beginning. Seeing that the Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, there seem to be more and more migrant workers who can't get paid on the whole Xi'e Highway section. The situation is getting worse and worse. Even Su Hong had to come forward and negotiate directly with Zhao Ba can.

Although the relationship with Su Hong is different, Zhao Ba Neng still looks business when he is outside. He strives to prove that the arrears of wages to migrant workers is not the problem of Xi'e Company, but that someone is making trouble. At the same time, Zhao Ba Neng also stated on behalf of Xi'e Company that even if the relevant departments could not find out who was messing in it, Xi'e Company would pay these additional salaries in advance.

Xihong City news media has also begun to report on the "bad" incident in Xi'e Company. On the second day of the report, some migrant workers with different bids unexpectedly went to the gate of the municipal government to denounce Xi'e Company.

When Fan Xiaomin received the phone call, Zhao Ba Neng was drinking coffee.

"Mr. Zhao, you guessed that they have gone to the gate of the municipal government."

"Let's go, this is the end of the play, it's time for us to play!" Putting down the cup, Zhao Ba can take Fan Xiaomin sisters, Ma Sanwa and others to the municipal government.

"Where's the money?"

Ma Sanwa did not ride in the same car as Zhao Ba Neng, but the two Fan sisters were in Zhao Ba Neng's Mercedes-Benz.

"I took it with Ma Sanwa, a total of more than 3 million, and I was ready yesterday!" Fan Xiaoling replied.

Zhao Ba doesn't care about who the money is given. All he cares about is whether he has it or not. Since Fan Xiaoling said he has it, there is no problem. Yesterday, Zhao Ba Neng has discussed with Duan Muying that if there are migrant workers blocking the door today, then someone from their police station must go to the scene to maintain order, because Xi'e Company will take a large amount of cash to the municipal government to deal with the matter on the spot.

The gate of Xihong Municipal Government was originally an eight-lane spacious road to ensure the smoothness of traffic, but at present, it is blocked. Even Zhao Ba Neng and others have to get off the car in advance and walk there.

In addition to the migrant workers who blocked the doors, there are countless onlookers who don't know the truth. Of course, red banners and slogans and special police and police in black uniforms are also indispensable.

found Duan Muying and asked her to lead the way. Zhao Ba Neng and his party finally squeezed into the crowd and came to the office of the Municipal Government's Office of Letters and Calls.

"Reprove back hard-earned money!"

"We want to survive, we have to eat!"

"Salary, our salary, not project payment!"

"Down with the black-hearted boss!"


All kinds of voices were noisy. Even if Zhao Ba could not hear what she was saying even next to Fan Xiaomin. It was not until he entered the petition office that the situation improved slightly.

"I am the legal person of Xi'e Company. Our company has prepared enough cash to deal with this emergency, but I ask to speak to the majority of migrant workers face to face!" As soon as he entered the office, Zhao Ba Neng explained his position clearly, which was unanimously praised by the leaders and staff of the Government Office of Letters and Calls, and began to arrange Zhao Ba Neng's request.

Soon, the loudspeaker was brought, and the order-maintaining police also gathered around three desks to ensure that no one would interfere when Zhao Ba could speak.

Someone was greeting, and the migrant workers at the scene gradually calmed down.

Zhao Ba can stand on the desk and raise the loudspeaker.

"Brother migrant workers, I am Zhao Ba Neng, the legal person of Xi'e Company! I believe that some of you know me. I'm not talking nonsense today, I'm here to send you money!"


Zhao Ba Neng's short and concise sentence attracted sparse applause, which was not warm, but the noise at the scene declined again.

"This time, you didn't get the wages in time. Xi'e Company is wrong!"

"Our fault is that we did not fulfill our responsibility of supervision and management and handed over the money to the contractor, so that your hard-earned money could not be distributed to you in time. This is the fault of Xi'e Company, and it is also the fault of my Zhao Ba Neng!"

"Four million! Four million is not a small amount. In fact, our company has paid the full amount of four million yuan for the project and paid it to the contractor. However, because of our own mistakes, the money has not been in your hands, so I came today and I brought cash! We should admit this loss, we will admit it! I won't let you have no money to go home for the Spring Festival, and I won't let you be empty-handed to face your family who are looking forward to your full return! For nothing else, just because I am also a child from the countryside, I want to be a responsible entrepreneur!"


The applause finally warmed up!

In fact, when Zhao Ba can say that he brought cash, the migrant workers who really didn't get wages are already very satisfied. In their working career, they have never seen a boss like Zhao Ba Neng, who sincerely considers migrant workers.

The Chinese people are simple. They can forgive anyone's mistakes. As long as they can guarantee their poor rights and interests, they will support and stick to it.

"Not only your salary, I lost the cost of going home for you. In addition, I will give you an extra 200 yuan for every migrant worker friend who can prove that you have children, but these 200 yuan is not for you. Please remember that this is for your children. I hope you are a father. Mother, try your best to give your children a good educational environment, let them study and learn skills. In the future, you don't have to work hard like you!"


This time, the applause was continuous, and some of the migrant workers' hands were red, but they still couldn't stop their excitement.

Two hundred yuan is nothing!

But not reading many books does not mean that these migrant workers will not be simple math problems. How many people are here? Two hundred? Three hundred? Or four hundred? Most migrant workers have children, so how much money does Zhao Ba need to pay at a time? 50,000 or 100,000?


"Mr. Zhao is a good man!"

"Mr. Zhao, we all support you!"

"Mr. Zhao, you are our God of Wealth!"
