
Chapter 130 Weng's Son-in-law's Gossip

Su Hong's office looks very simple.

According to reason, the financial revenue of Xihong City is not bad, but Su Hong is obviously not the kind of person who likes to be extravagant and wasteful, but the people below do not dare to be too casual when arranging his office, so the final result is simple but not simple, with extraordinary quality everywhere.

"Secretary Su."

Zhao Ba Neng's name is very formal, and when he heard this name, Su Hong also nodded and asked the office staff of the secretarial department who were waiting to sign the documents in his office to leave first.

" Sit down."

After waiting for others to make tea and close the door, Su Hong said, "You boy, you actually laid a heavy hand in Bali without telling me. I will sue you Aunt Gao later!"

"Secretary Su, let's not get involved in family affairs about this job."

"Oh? Do you know it's a job now? Well, if someone hadn't wanted to show their merits with me and report the matter, I wouldn't have known why you rented it for 40 years? Do you really want to plant trees and sell them for money? Ba Neng, I'm not talking about you. Although your income conditions are better now, Xi'e Company is not yours. How much can you earn in a year of hard work? You and Aunt Gao and I have the heart to do good deeds, but have you ever thought that if you live with Xiaoyao in the future, you will have money!"

Su Hong called Zhao Ba Neng to the office today, which is not all business. From the standpoint of pure work, Su Hong should not only praise or praise, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"Isn't it that Aunt Gao put too much pressure on you? I don't think you should be the kind of person who is greedy for pleasure. I heard Xiaoyao..."

Bi Ziyao has no secrets in front of Zhao Ba Neng. Basically, as long as Gao Minghuan talks to her, Bi Ziyao will tell Zhao Ba Neng what she talked about, including the relatively difficult life of Gao Minghuan when she just married Su Hong.

Zhao Ba can talk about Su Hong's past in the office, but there is a little smell of Su Hong's old bottom, so Su Hong immediately stared: "Don't say a few words and no one treats you as a mute! I have read the plan sent by Xinrong Township! For the future happiness of you and Xiaoyao, I pulled down my old face this time. You boy, smartly agree to let the nearby villages use water for free. I just take this reason to apply for some subsidies for you. Although the amount is not large, the rent of the land leased with you is just offset!"

Don't you need to spend money?

Zhao Ba Neng hurriedly sent the cigarette to his father-in-law, "That's really great. At least it saved me a lot of liquidity..."

"Don't say thank you. In short, I will only support you for what you do to serve the people, but I hope you can stick to it instead of give up halfway. I have seen too many young people, and they are the same as you when they do things at the beginning. They have faith and momentum. Unfortunately, they lack unwavering will. , finally give up halfway, Ba Neng, no matter what we men do, it's more important to stick to it!"

"Yes, uncle is so right."

After saying that, Zhao Ba can suddenly turn his head and say to Su Hong when he opened the door to leave, "uncle, persistence is really important. How can you catch your aunt?"

"Get out!"

Su Hongqiang suppressed his smile, scolded angrily, and chased away Zhao Ba Neng with a smile on his face.


How much platinum does Balipo contain?

Neither Zhao Ba Neng nor Wei Fatty knows this. At first, Fatty Wei thought that he could not dig many gold mines, but in fact, he didn't understand that sometimes the wealth brought by the associated mines of platinum was more objective. So when the first profit of more than 2 million yuan entered Zhao Ba Neng's account, both of them were a little surprised.

Zhao Ba Neng knows best that because of the road problem, there are two factories that have just been built are inefficient. In fact, they have not started construction for less than 20 years, which has brought him 2 million wealth. Doesn't that there are as much as 100,000 net profits a day? Mining platinum is too profitable!

In fact, Zhao Ba Neng misunderstood that the profit allocated by the Fan family to Zhao Ba Neng did not deduct the production cost, that is to say, the cost of building two factories and preparing to invest in road construction was not accounted for in the profit paid to Zhao Ba Neng at all.

Of course, it's a good thing to have money. Zhao Ba can feel the movement on his chest and smile on his face.

If it hadn't been for Duanmu's boldness to appear in front of him again, Zhao Ba Neng would have been in a good mood in the next few days.

"What do you think of a cowhide candy? I can tell you, I've already told you, and it's useless for you to follow me!" Zhao Ba Neng rubbed his forehead and made Duan Mu heroic. It's not easy to fight, let alone fight, so Zhao Ba can hold it very difficultly.

"I have several university diplomas and various professional knowledge. Isn't Xi'e Company developing? I have professional skills in this field, so let me stay in the company to help work!"

There is already Cheng Linqiang in the company, as well as Fan sisters, and Cao Zheying. In fact, Zhao Ba Neng already feels that talent is enough. But he couldn't make up his mind to drive away Duanmu, so he had to call Fan Xiaomin, his professional secretary.

"Ouch, you should know each other, right?"

Fan Xiaomin and Duanmu are naturally known. Every year, the two families hold a grand banquet together. At their age, they happen to be the most active at the banquet. They don't know the root, but at least they are very clear about each other's identity and personality. Seeing Duanmu's heroic appearance in Zhao Ba Neng's office and saying that he wanted to join Xi'e Company, Fan Xiaomin's first thought was that the platinum mine in Balipu was exposed!

Fortunately, although Fan Xiaomin is a woman, the city is not bad. After quietly asking what Duanmu Haoqi meant, he really found a position.

"No, beauty, you let me be dignified and become a warehouse manager?"

"What's wrong? Don't you know that one of the most important jobs in a company is warehouse management? Fan Xiaomin broke her delicate fingers and said to Duanmu angrily, "People who don't trust are not acquaintances, not their own people. Do you think they may go to take such an important job as warehouse management?"


Duanmu hasn't found a rebuttal yet, so he heard Zhao Ba Neng make a final say, "Ok, that's it! Either you are the warehouse manager, or you can go back. Our company's temple is small, and the last position is the warehouse manager!"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Even if Duanmu is so unwilling in his heart, he can only admit it.

"Do you think it's the Duanmu family who already knows Balipu..." After Duanmu left the office, Fan Xiaomin was a little worried to talk to Zhao Ba.

Even if he knew the reason why Duanmu came to Xihong City, Zhao Ba Neng still said with a confused face, "Why don't you explore the mouth of Duanmu?

Fan Xiaomin almost agreed, but on second thought, there is a lot of knowledge in this exploration. What if the Duanmu family arranges Duanmu Haoqi to follow Zhao Ba Neng just because he is worried about investing in the assets in Xi'e Company? Isn't that exposed by yourself?

"Forget it, or we'd better observe for a while, but we can't let Duanmu interfere in the affairs of Balipu and Xinrong Township!"

Zhao Ba Neng naturally knew about Fan Xiaomin's proposal and nodded. He said, "Well, anyway, I gave it to you. How to arrange his work is up to you. You are the secretary of the general manager, and these things are your responsibility."

"You... Mr. Zhao, are you too lazy? In the past, you said that you were going to be busy with the construction site, and now you have also handed over the construction site to Fatty Wei. I really don't know. You are yelling tired every day. What on earth is it?

"Hey, I said Comrade Fan Xiaomin, am I the boss or you are the boss? Is it possible that I have to report to you what I do every day? You are not the leader of my family!"

"Hmm! If you say so, I will talk to Xiaoyao later. Anyway, I heard Xiaoyao say that you have been very close to Cao Zheying recently. Cao Zheying is very charming, isn't she?


Recently, Zhao Ba Neng has been very close to Cao Zheying, but if Fan Xiaomin hadn't opened the words at this time, Zhao Ba Neng himself had not noticed this point. No wonder Bi Ziyao seemed to be very depressed recently, and even twice proposed to Zhao Ba Neng that she wanted to go back to Balipu to teach.

All of a sudden, Zhao Ba can fall into meditation.