Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 74 Asceticism

"The dragon comes out of the abyss!"

"Yunlong Probe"

"Long Teng Sihai"

"Dragon Out of the Abyss"


On the empty grass, Zhang Yi kept practicing boxing over and over again, and Ji Tianxue kept throwing fist-sized stones at Zhang Yi not far away. And the wings are either split, or grasped, pinched, or pointed, or pumped... constantly changing moves to smash these flying stones.

With the deepening of the practice, my understanding of these martial arts moves has become deeper and deeper, and the power of each time has been improved. At the same time, the momentum of his body also began to change rapidly. If Zhang Yi was like a nerd with no power when he practiced this set of martial arts, now he is faintly like a real warrior, and he seems to be moving towards the general.

"Well, you have practiced well in the past month. It's time to carry out the next training!"

Ji Tianxue is very satisfied with Zhang Yi's hard work during this period and does not hesitate to praise herself. In fact, as a teacher and woman, it is really difficult for her to train Zhang Yi personally.

But there is nothing we can do. After all, Zhang Yi's own foundation is too poor, which is like a three-year-old child with the power of an adult. The strength is enough, but he can't exert his due power. There is no shortcut to martial arts. It must be done step by step. No matter what kind of anti-sky skills and methods you practice, its martial arts moves have evolved from basic moves. To put it a little hard, you can't even walk and want to run first?

Although Zhang Yi's foundation has been practiced for a period of time, it is still far from enough, but time does not wait for people. It is impossible to practice the foundation for five or six years as Ji Tianxue was a child. Since time doesn't wait for you, you have to make a compromise and directly practice the three introductory martial arts skills!

Although it is only three tricks, each move is all-encompassing and has infinite changes. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can also cultivate the foundation by the same time. Why not? In fact, according to Zhang Yi's idea, he only tried his best to practice the hell magic knife method, but he was ruthlessly opposed by Ji Tianxue and Luo Ting.

The reason is very simple. The real hand-to-hand boxing is much stronger than knife. It can also be used at any time, and it can also exercise physical strength, agility, reaction speed, etc. More importantly, in fact, all kinds of weapons-based martial arts such as swordsmanship and swordsmanship have a lot in common with boxing, and they have mutually confirmed and evolved with each other.

For example, many of the basic moves that are well known as straight fists and stabs of guns and swords. The vibration attack principle of cannon fist and gun stick is the same, and the way of handling hand knives coincides with knives and daggers, and many of them even evolved from each other.

And then there is a very important point in the shape of various moves. What is shape? Shape is the meaning of image and imitation. As we all know, most martial arts actually began to evolve from the imitation of various animals, and then after continuous improvement in actual combat, martial arts moves that are completely suitable for human beings have appeared.

As the people who create these moves, they are all people who have a deep understanding of the moves themselves. They can understand their essence and integrate their own spirit into them. But many later generations only saw the skills and moves of death, but did not understand its essence. For example, a simple white crane to dry its wings, many people have learned the move, but have not learned its essence, which is the look and momentum of the white crane spreading its wings.

If a tiger loses the momentum of the king of mountains and forests, what is the difference between it and a cat? A dragon has lost its mysterious, domineering and noble momentum, so what's the difference between it and the snake? If people want to understand these moves evolved according to various animals, they should first understand the corresponding animals, not only to imitate the image, but also to imitate the corresponding momentum.

When you have imitated the image momentum, then you are a real beginner. At this time, what you learn is like, which is a basic stage of martial arts. And the next thing to do is to learn what it is. It is like the difference between heaven and earth, which is like a huge gap between you and an individual.

Now Zhang Yi has finally finished learning something and has begun to move towards learning something, but this step is too difficult to know how long it will take.

"Good! Thank you for your hard work these days. You have come to help me. You have fallen behind yourself!"

Zhang Yi nodded and looked at the person in front of him with some guilt.

"Who said I fell behind? Haven't you heard that no matter what you do, it's a kind of practice? It just depends on whether you understand it or not!"

Ji Tianxue smiled mysteriously, like a snow lotus blooming extremely holy.


Zhang Yi shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's talk as we walk, you are now proficient in the first three moves, but the momentum is still not enough, because your moves have not yet arrived, or the moves have not yet arrived. If you want to exert its greatest power in any move, you must integrate your mind into it.

"For example, the first move of a dragon out of the abyss, you should imagine yourself as a dragon trapped in the abyss for countless years and is extremely hungry. Now it is hard to escape from the cage. What will happen if it meets its own prey or enemy at the same time? What will it be like..."


"Well, our new practice site is this pool and waterfall. The first thing you need is to practice in the waterfall to the point where it is hardly affected by the water flow. At the same time, this waterfall can also exercise your physical strength, and I will also practice with you. It is estimated that Luo Ting and Xiaofeng will also come back tomorrow.

The destination finally arrived, and Ji Tianxue explained her intention.

"Okay, anyway, you are the master, and everything is up to you."

Zhang Yi nodded and said, anyway, I have heard of this training method, but it is not surprising.

"The dragon comes out of the abyss!"

"Yunlong probe!"

"Dragon soar all over the world!"


From then on, Zhang Yi's voice sounded in the waterfall every day. The waterfall was too strong. On the first day, he could not stand firmly, and on the second day, he finally stood firmly. On the third day, he could barely punch without moving his body. On the seventh day, the punch has been smooth. On the tenth day, you can move while punching. On the fifteenth day, you can jump and roll while doing various strange moves. On the twenty-fifth day, it is finally completely smooth, and the impact of the waterfall is not great.

With the impact of the current every day, the physical strength of Zhang Yi also increases day by day, and the lines of the body become more and more perfect. Two months later, the waterfall finally had no impact on him, and there was not much difference between each move. At this time, Zhang Yi was once again arranged to practice in the pool by Ji Tianxue, and it will be finished only if there is little difference from the land.

"Four months have ended like this. During this period, everyone has made great progress, especially you, but it's still not enough."

Ji Tianxue stood in front of Zhang Yi, Luo Ting and Miao Feng and said happily that this period of time was not in vain.

"Now I can't teach you profoundly in a short period of time, so I will teach you the use of power, especially the use of vibration and rotation power. You have all seen those vibrators on the road that rely on the power of vibration to break the hard cement steel floor. I don't think I need to explain the principle too much, right? I think you also understand the power of rotation. Now let's talk about the specific use of it..."

Ji Tianxue explained it carefully again. What she has said in the past few months is more than in a few years.

"You can't do this. Remember to punch out, not only to concentrate your strength to a point, but also to let the true qi vibrate in an instant. In the process of the eruption of true qi vibration, your movements and muscles, bones, blood gas and breathing must also vibrate, just like this.

"No, your true qi vibration broke out too early and did not resonate with muscles, bones, movements, blood gas and breathing. Each outbreak of true qi should be between the moment when the whole set of movements is completed, and the rest of the time you are accumulating power. The body must be in harmony with the inner thoughts, and any subtle movements must be synchronized!"


"Dragon Out of the Abyss"

Zhang Yi shouted in a low voice, and his whole body shot out and punched a big tree. At the moment when his fist was about to touch the trunk, a roar of thunder all over his body sounded from his body, especially the crisp sound of bones. The bones, muscles, blood and true qi in every part of the body instantly resonated. The powerful force concentrated on the center of the fist and burst out.


The big tree shook for a moment, countless leaves fell, sawdust splashed, and the whole tree was penetrated by fists. Then Zhang Yi pushed it gently with his hand, and the wood around the hole instantly turned into countless pieces and slipped down, and then the whole tree slowly fell down, splashing a piece of dust!

"Yes, your vibration power has learned some fur in more than a month, and the rest is hard practice. Next, I will teach you the power of rotation..."

Ji Tianxue was satisfied with Zhang Yi's brave performance just now and said with a smile.

"The power of rotation mainly relies on true qi in the conveying process, which produces powerful destructive power through continuous rotation, and then drives some unique moves..."

"Your rotation speed is too slow, and you have to speed it up. Remember that the faster the better..."

"No, come again..."

"I can still see it, keep working hard..."


"Dragon out of the abyss, drink!"

Zhang Yi was like a dragon. In an instant, he punched a big tree, and the fragments rushed out like snowflakes from the other side. Then Zhang Yi carefully looked forward at the tree hole he had created. There were no doubt that the traces of true qi like threads were revealed, and its power was indeed huge.

"Well... It's not bad. The child can be taught. If you want to have this effect, what you have to do is to talk about vibration and rotation of the two power operation modes into each move at the same time. When the boxing is integrated, it will be integrated into the knife method in the same way. Of course, it is also necessary to practice the knife method in the waterfall for a period of time. I can't teach the rest, it's up to you to understand!"