Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 116 Heartbreak

"Now the breakthrough can finally cultivate the broken heart. I hope the power doesn't let me down!"

Zhang Yi's eyes shining like stars stared at the sky, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, muttering to himself with infinite longing.

Breaking heart is the only one of the hell magic knife method that is completely thorny, so the requirements for knives are extremely high. Only slender knives such as Tang Dao and Toyo*, and the sharp tip of the knife can meet the requirements.

The main force relied on by the heartbreaker is actually the power of rotation. It uses high-speed rotation like an electric drill, and then cooperates with the power of shock to assassinate the opponent's key parts with a violent amount of violence, and at the same time crushing everything in the key parts.

The heartbreaking type is extremely difficult to practice. First of all, it is difficult to use the machete to accurately stab small targets. Although the curvature of this kind of long knife is very small, it still exists. Since its existence will affect its accuracy, it is not as easy to grasp as guns, sticks and swords. The biggest advantage of the knife is actually to cut, chop, chop and pick. The difficulty of stabbing is very huge.

So when ordinary people talk, many people will say who will cut people with a knife, and few people will say who will stab people with a knife. This is the difference. It is difficult to use a knife to stab, but in this stabbing process, it is completely imaginable to use the gas formed by the transformation of nuclear energy in your hand to rotate at a high speed.

Although it is very difficult, according to its power, it is equally powerful. Once stabbed, the knife body will be pierced into the enemy's body like an electric drill, and then the power of rotation and shock will destroy its body tissue, just like a meat grinder. Its single attack power is to be ranked before the whole hell magic knife method. Third, if you find the opponent's weakness, then its attack power is the first.

Therefore, Zhang Yi must learn and master this move, and it is best to be proficient in the shortest time, so that it will be easier to deal with the enemy's high-end combat power. So Zhang Yi pulled out a long knife with joy and began to practice hard, but at the beginning of practice, he felt great resistance. The first question was how to make the knife body rotate according to his own will.





In just 15 times, the nuclear capacity of the body was exhausted, and the forehead was full of sweat. If this doesn't work, it will be consumed like this only 15 times. There must be skills in it. Well, it must be that I haven't understood it yet. If you only rely on the nuclear emperor's formula to stimulate it, it is difficult to practice a few times a day. What if you use the nine-turn Xuanyuan formula to promote the real gas? Just think about it. Anyway, it's a waste to keep it, and it's not difficult to make up for it after using it.





"The consumption of using Zhenqi this time made me laugh a lot. I finally touched a little pulse and used it 21 times at a time. It's not bad and a little progress. Hey... It's time to save nuclear energy and Zhenqi!"

Zhang Yi said to himself, and then sat down. The nuclear emperor's secret and the nine-turn Xuanyuan secret heart method began to operate crazily, forming a vortex airflow within ten meters around, all of which rushed to Zhang Yi. Whether it is nuclear radiation energy or heaven and earth aura, it is sucked into the body by Zhang Yi and stored in the middle and lower Dantian one Sunday.

The current geographical environment is really a paradise for two completely different practitioners such as Zhang Yi. Although nuclear energy and Reiki have nothing to do with each other, they will not exclude each other, and there is also vaguely implicated in the integration of each other. After being sucked into the body, nuclear energy flows through blood in the blood vessels, and true qi does flow through the meridians and acupuncture points. This is like fish swimming in the water, while cattle and sheep run by the river without interfering with each other.

"Wow... It's good that the realm has improved. Now the speed of recovery has more than doubled. In three and a half hours, my strength has returned to its peak, and it has improved slightly. It feels so good! Do you love the breakthrough that can be absorbed faster after all the power is volatilized?

Fee the surging power in his body, Zhang Yi is very happy, and this is the effect!

"Well... I seem to be able to look inside now. I haven't tried it for so long. It's hard to remember, just try it!"

He did it when he thought of it, so Zhang Yi took his mind back and integrated it into his body, and then the situation in his body was quickly imprinted into his mind. The meridians that meander like streams, the mysterious meridians with some fog flowing and circulating rapidly, the lungs are rhythmically contracting and expanding, and the heart beating constantly.

The idea entered Zhongdantian and saw that it was now foggy and slowly rotating. The newly entered nuclear energy turned into countless subtle and imperceptible fog particles into Dantian, and then was absorbed and assimilated by the whirlpool, and then thrown into the periphery, gushing out from the exit and rushing around with the blood vessels.

While refining muscles, bones, blood vessels and organs to strengthen the strength of the body, it constantly integrates with the body to make it a part of the body. Every week of the cycle, these nuclear fog will be pure and remove the rest of the messy things, which is also a purification process.

Zhongdantian's current space is about the size of a thumb and spherical, which makes Zhang Yi a little surprised. You should know that according to medical records, this Dantian is only the size of a needle tip. And now there is such a large space in it. Is your Dantian affected by space power now?

If there is a master, he will definitely tell Zhang Yi that any skill with the ability to cultivate Dantian will have a process of opening up Dantian space, which is indeed greatly related to space power. Advanced power method will not only expand the space of Dantian, but also expand the meridians and blood vessels, and even the internal space of cells. The process and results of this expansion space will not cause external changes, except for the meridians, blood vessels and Dantian that are too small.

After observing Dantian, Zhang Yi then entered Dantian. At this time, the scene of Dantian was also completely displayed in his mind. The fire attribute true qi and the light blue ice attribute true qi turn into countless small fog particles and gather together with the same attributes.

After that, like a yin and yang wooden fish, it slowly rotates clockwise around the center of the spherical Dantian, about one revolution per second, and this process also produces an indescribable suction, which can accelerate the process of Reiki absorption and transformation. This Dantian space is about one-third larger than that of Zhongdantian. Although I don't know the reason, I also know that this is definitely a good thing.





This time, a total of 43 times have been used, and the improvement is obviously very huge, but it is still difficult to grasp. Although some veins have been figured out, it is still extremely difficult.

"Is my brother-in-law also practicing heartbreak?"

Miao Fengying came and sat next to Zhang Yi without scruples, and asked with a smile.

"Well, it's so difficult to practice. Are you also practicing?"

Zhang Yi turned her head to look at this beautiful sister, showing a smile that she thought was good.

"Well, I'm also practicing. It's really difficult to practice and master. Why don't we exchange our experience?"

Miao Feng said expectantly.

"Okay, that's it..."

Of course, Zhang Yi agreed, and then the two began to communicate and tell each other their ideas and experiences without reservation. After the exchange between the two sides, they found that many originally hazy ideas suddenly became suddenly cheerful and looked like this.

When the communication between the two sides was almost the same, their respective skills had also returned to the peak state, and then they separated and began to practice separately. After the new round of practice, the two gathered together and began to discuss enthusiastically. When their skills were fully full, they separated and went back and forth.

Time passed quickly. Zhang Yi and Miao Feng came to this area on time every day. Now it is named: uranium ore forest, and the stone forest center begins their desperate cultivation moment. The origin of uranium ore forest is, of course, because the stone forest here is rich in uranium ore, and many metal uranium fragments are directly formed, which are very pure. This uranium metal block has been collected a lot and put into the space belt for standby at any time.

After this period of hard work, both Zhang Yi have made rapid progress and have basically mastered this trick, but it is still a long way from being proficient in actual combat, and the time has passed another month.

"Come on, take it, it's heartbreaking!"

Zhang Yi held the knife in his right hand and shouted in a low voice. The knife body rotated quickly, with a sharp broken space, stabbing out like a high-speed rotating drill.

"Good luck, heartbreaking!"

Miao Feng also held the knife in her right hand, shouted with unparalleled fighting spirit, and pointed at the tip of the knife and pointed at Mai Mang.


The two sides collided with the tip of the knife, the explosion sound of the air sounded, and a circle of air waves exploded like a halo. The two were shocked by a huge shock force and flew back more than ten meters before landing.

"How about we drive the most primitive nuclear attack?"

Miao Feng, a militant, felt that this was not enough, so he proposed.

"Okay, you can try it. I also want to know how powerful it will be after using the original nuclear energy now. Let's take it!"

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he immediately made a move. A small amount of original nuclear energy poured into the knife body, and then the knife body rotated at high speed. A fingertip was as big as a top and a small whirlwind, flashing metallic and lightning from the tip of the knife.



Two people roared at the same time.


The deafening terrorist explosion sounded, and a mushroom cloud with a diameter of about ten meters rose to the sky. The fire wave with a height of three or four meters instantly swept everything about 50 meters in diameter. Several stalagmites about ten meters high were completely destroyed, and the two flew 60 or 70 meters away like broken kites.