Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 198 Nirvana Mountain Guard 2

"Ha ha... Your words are a big joke. The relationship between cats and humans has never been better. Can a wolf ambitious person like you provoke it? As for domestication, hehe... As long as you can live a good life, especially many people with higher status than ordinary human beings before, what can you care about?

The cat tiger sneered and asked extremely sarcastic questions.

"Ha ha, as for why I am against you, you want to destroy our good life now, who is against whom? And we are not the same as you at all. When did you wolves get along well with human beings? Why don't your close relatives think so? I think it's because you are not familiar with each other and finally abandoned by human beings, right? At the same time, we are envious and jealous, aren't we cats and dogs?

The voice of the cat tiger then changed again, and every word directly entered the heart of Gersan and many surrounding cats. Especially when all the cats heard this, they suddenly felt it deeply. Cats and dogs can be said to be the closest animals to humans. Most humans, especially those domesticated by themselves, will not hurt them at all, but let them live a much better life than in the wild.

Wolves would have had the same opportunity as dogs to live with humans. However, because the wolf itself is too bloodthirsty and ferocious, most of them can't hurt people like cats and dogs at all. On the contrary, many people who have saved wolves will suffer from it, which is the key that directly leads humans to completely giving up domesticating wolves in the future. Human idioms such as wolf ambition and snake heart are not nonsense.

"Humph... Sure enough, it's a group of hopeless idiots who have been brainwashed by human beings. In this case, then die!"

Gersan was choked by the words of the cat tiger and didn't know how to answer for a while. He could only hum angrily and kill the cat tiger.

"Well done, today I'd like to see if you are a powerful wolf or a cat!"

The cat tiger was full of fighting spirit, and his eyes flashed with excitement and said loudly, turning into a streamer to kill him.

Nirvana Mountain in the night, like a tower that suddenly appeared on the vast plain, looks lonely and cold. The night should have been quiet, but now it is very cold, and there is a sense of murder in this coldness, which makes people feel the chill in the depths of the heart and soul!


Suddenly, the sound of countless cicada wings beating the air sounded, and a black cloud floated over from the distance, and it was about to cover the whole Nirvana Mountain.


At this time, the sound of a phoenix broke the tranquility, countless lights shined, and countless fires were ignited in an instant, shining the whole Nirvana mountain like day. The murderous atmosphere that was originally hidden in the night broke out in an instant, and then countless birds sounded, and huge shadows suddenly flew up from the mountain and directly to the black clouds like a sharp sword.

" come? They seem to have expected it for a long time? And what is the sound of the bird's song at the beginning? Why does it sound so terrible?

Seeing that Nipan Mountain was instantly brightly lit, like a daytime scene, it immediately gave Nie Ying an ominous feeling.

"That's right, the sound of this bird makes me feel scared!"

General Morishige of the mantis also muttered beside him.

"Order immediately. No one can participate in the war without my order! Let's wait until we see the situation clearly.

Nie Ying pondered for a moment, turned his head and looked at the army of mantis hiding in the grass behind him, and then said to the mantis generals around him.


In the time when Nie Ying talked with a group of mantis high-level officials, the Fengjiao army composed of thousands of raptors, the only air force Zhang Yi and others currently own, finally met with the mantis army and fought in a regiment.

The current army of mantis is indeed very powerful and huge in number, but in the face of these huge birds of prey, the former natural enemies still make them involuntarily have fear and fear in their hearts. As a result, it leads to a decline in its own combat effectiveness, which is an instinctive reaction, no wonder it is bold.

At the same time, these raptors also showed their strong fighting power as natural enemies and sky hegemons. Whether it is a claw or a bird's beak, every attack is like going deep into the soul, and it is absolutely aimed at the weakness of the mantis. It can be said that they will now take away the life of a mantis every time they take action.

Conversely, because these raptors have got a lot of benefits from Huang Fengjiao, causing their strength to soar in a short period of time. It is difficult for these mantis to cause much damage to these birds. In just a flash of collision, the bird army suddenly has an absolute advantage.

The war in the air and on the mountains is still continuing. Green and blood-red blood turns into blood rain floating in the air. There are countless small mantis below that are not bigger than their thumbs. The tide of insects is like a tsunami locust, rushing crazily to the largest gate of the base, the southern gate.


As soon as they arrived at the gate and were about to rush into the gate, these mantis groups were immediately blocked by the power grid and electrocuted countless people in an instant. The bodies of the small mantis kept falling to the ground like a rainstorm, and then were burned by the ground and burned by the ignited wood flames.

The fire at the door is burning bigger and bigger, and there are still people who are constantly adding firewood. Two large exhaust fans are constantly blowing strong winds, so that the fireworks do not enter the base. For a while, the tide of insects composed of small mantis is blocked from outside, and it is difficult to enter at all.


At the northern gate, more than a dozen huge knife mantis are constantly chopping the steel gate with their huge hard and sharp forelimbs like blades. Every time they can leave a long mark on the gate, and it will certainly not take long to break it.

"Are you finally here? I thought you wouldn't come until we broke the door?"

Seeing the magnificent arrival of Huang's bloodthirsty with a group of yellow wolves and all the other wolf army, the mantis vanguard army general: Amuxi said coldly and with contempt.

"Ha ha... We have rushed over in a hurry and thought you had already broken through here? I didn't expect it to be like this, and that's all!"

Huang's bloodthirsty itself has a bad temper, and he is extremely irritable and aggressive. It's okay to have a roaring day and Jin Xiaoyue to suppress it. Now that there is no such suppression, how can he endure such bullying, so he retorted.

"Since you think we are slow, let's do it yourself. You all stop. Please... let us see the skills of you wolves!"

Hearing Huang's bloodthirsty words, he immediately made Amuxi furious and immediately stopped, and at the same time generously gave up his position.


Seeing the other party's behavior, Huang's bloodthirsty anger suddenly rushed to the sky and stared at Amuxi with anger all over his body.

"Why don't you accept it? We can fight fairly now!"

Amuxi said extremely contemptuously and provocatively.

"Humph... Don't forget the agreement between us. Your queen and queen are personally allied with us!"

Huang's bloodthirsty almost couldn't help doing it, but fortunately, he still kept a trace of calmness and reason, and shouted coldly.

So what? Don't you naively think that Your Majesty will really cooperate with you, a group of lowly and completely unbelievable wolves?

Amuxi didn't care, and his tone was even more contemptuous. He didn't dare to fight with himself even if he said this. It was indeed a group of useless and lowly races!

"Good! Very good! Let's retreat!"

Huang was bloodthirsty and almost mad. In the end, he suppressed his anger and turned around reluctantly to retreat.

"Haha... It doesn't matter to retreat, then the kind you have entered through the sewer will definitely die, and your army will definitely be defeated!"

Amuxi laughed unscrupulously. Anyway, according to the above meaning, his side is just for training troops. It doesn't matter if he can win the best and can't win, as long as he can test the strength of this group of human beings.

"Hmm...what do you want?"

Amuxi's words immediately made Huang's bloodthirsty stop. For a moment, he had to lower his head and ask in a low posture, but he wanted me not to seize the opportunity, otherwise you would have no place to die.

"It's very simple. As long as you bow your head and admit your mistake, remember that every time you delay, the more animals in it will die, haha..."

Seeing Huang's bloodthirsty and softness, Amuxi became more unscrupulous.

"You...don't go too much!"

Yellow bloodthirsty pair of blood-red eyes stared at Amushi coldly.

"Since you don't want to..."

Amuxi didn't care about Huang's bloodthirsty eyes at all and was ready to order to retreat.

"I'm sorry!"

Considering the silver wolves such as Gersan who had sneaked into the base, Huang's bloodthirsty had to bow his head and whisper. Although wolves are bloodthirsty, ferocious and ruthless, they still have a sense of belonging to the wolves themselves, and they are reluctant to see their members of the wolves being hurt.

"What did you say? Speak louder, I can't hear you."

Amuxi is happier and more despised at the same time.

"I'm sorry..."

Huang's bloodthirsty roared loudly, and the sound that reverberated in the air for a long time seemed to keep telling the unwillingness and grievance of the owner of the sound, and at the same time, the anger and murderous intent contained in it were also not concealed at all.

"Haha... you guys continue to work!"

Hearing Huang's bloodthirsty words, Amuxi's smile became stronger.


Just as the mantis were about to start again, suddenly the cry of countless mice sounded, and then suddenly found that the surrounding ground, the mountain kept flying out of the earth and gravel, and then small holes appeared, and countless strange purple-red rays shot out of the small hole, instantly The hole penetrates the bodies of countless wolves and mantis.

Before they reacted, hundreds of mantis and silver wolf bodies were left in the blink of an eye, and these purple-red rays penetrated into the cave again and disappeared clean!