Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 263 Tiandu Covenant 6

"Humph... it's up to you, a birdman? Not qualified enough, draw a knife!"

With a cold hum, the violent thunder turned into a mysterious trajectory, tearing the air, with cold air. Where the knife body passed, layers of frost fog appeared in the air.


Mars splashed everywhere, and ice chips flew. Zhang Yi suddenly flew 50 or 60 meters away like a broken kite, and then fell to the ground very awkwardly. Although the horror of the other party has been predicted for a long time, I still didn't expect that the other party would be so horrible.

The power of a casual blow is not what you can compete with now. It's too terrible. With such strength alone, compared with ordinary people, it is reasonable to say that it is a god, but unfortunately, the other party is just a demon in a sacred cloak, which is no essentially different from the so-called devil.

"How is that possible?"


At the same time, Xiang Yang and others who saw this scene were also unbelievable. No one can deny Zhang Yi's strength, at least much better than them, but they are not the enemy of this angel in front of them. At this time, everyone has a intuitive understanding of the so-called angel's strength.

You should know how many people have heard of the division of angel strength, which is divided by the number of wings. The two-winged angel in front of him is the bottom of the angel. With Zhang Yi's strong strength, he can't even take a move. What should he do if he waits for others? Thinking of this, everyone's faces suddenly turned pale. No one wanted to be a slave, and no one was really afraid of death at all.

"Ha ha, I have some skills, so I won't die. I can really have fun."

Seeing that Zhang Yi could still get up, the angel's handsome face showed surprise and interest at the same time. It's not easy to come down and have fun. Although it's really too weak, it's okay to play. It's better than going back to the top and being played!

"Okay, let's have fun!"

Zhang Yi wiped off a trace of blood from the corners of his mouth and burst out. The violent thunder roared in his hand, and the water attribute aura within 100 meters converged into his hand like a tide. At the same time, the nuclear energy in the body was converted into electrical energy and injected into the violent thunder.

"Oh... the strength has improved again, and it's more interesting. God said, there should be ice!"

Seeing the terror that Zhang Yi now broke out, the arrogant angel still did not pay attention to it at all, but looked at Zhang Yi with pity like an ant. With the singing of the holy sound, a huge ice cone lightning shot at Zhang Yi.

"Damn it, dead bird man, die for the uncle, break the soul!"

When the words fell, Zhang Yi immediately showed the most powerful single attack knife skill he could now perform. He shot into the air, and his body flashed strangely to avoid the horrible ice cone. Suddenly, lightning appeared in front of the angel, and a knife was as fast as lightning and lightning.

"Ah... Damn, you damn ant dare to hurt me!"

The angel didn't expect to be in this situation at all. At the moment when Zhang Yi suddenly approached him, he felt the crisis and really paid attention to it and resisted it with his heart. However, it was too late. Zhang Yi had cut his body quickly. A string of bright blood bloomed in the air, and then severe pain came to his mind.

"Go to hell, God said, there will be wind!"

"God said, there should be fire."

"God said, there should be water."

"God said, there should be thunder."


I didn't expect that Zhang Yi not only caused damage to his body, but also hurt his soul. At this time, he was completely furious. I was hurt by such a lowly creature, which is unforgivable. I must play you to death. After giving himself a cure and curing the injury, various powerful spells bombarded Zhang Yi one after another.


Zhang Yi was so angry that he vomited blood and cursed. Facing one horrible spell after another, he did not even have the ability to resist, but could only rely on powerful light martial arts to keep dodge. Even with such a clever body, he was inevitably injured and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

Of course, there are several people who are also so angry that they want to vomit blood. Of course, they are the host Xiang Yang. Looking at the fireballs, ice bombs, water arrows, wind blades and lightning, they keep destroying the hard-won buildings. At the same time, hundreds of people have been killed.

"Haha... It's fun, isn't it? My patience has been exhausted. Go to hell, Sword of Light, and judge the demon in front of me!"

The angel who finally lost his patience waved the holy sword in his hand gently at Zhang Yi, and a white sword light suddenly shot out.

"It's over, are you going to die here?"

found that he suddenly couldn't move, and at the same time felt this horrible sword that made people unable to resist any thoughts. Zhang Yi was really desperate. It was terrible!


Seeing that Zhang Yi was about to die under the light of the sword, Miao Feng let out a heartbreaking pain and howl, and at the same time rushed to Zhang Yi desperately.

"Humph... Is this also a place where you, a little low-level bird, can be presumptuous?"

At this time, a cold and piercing sound sounded, and the sword light that hit Zhang Yi's head was suddenly scratched by a snow-white bird's claw. Then a huge gray-white bird appeared beside Zhang Yi, with a pair of sharp bird eyes, staring at the angel with endless murderous spirit.

" is it possible? are a phoenix, and can you still exist in this world?"

Seeing theming moon protecting Zhang Yi, the angel suddenly panicled like a ghost, jumping like thunder, and his eyes showed deep fear and fear. Oriental Pluto Phoenix, what a horrible mythical beast name, how many heads of Protoss angels have been harvested!

This represents death, destruction, and the horrible existence of real death. This is a real mythical beast, which is much more powerful than pseudo mythical beasts such as lizard dragons!

"You damn birds can appear here again, why can't we appear? All right, go to hell!"

Mingyue's cold eyes, said coldly without any emotion, a basketball-sized gray-white fireball instantly shot in front of him like lightning, an invincible angel for Zhang Yi.


The painful howling resounded through the world, and the angels who were constantly rolling painfully in the sea of fire fell to the ground from the middle of the sky. Before they reached the ground, they had turned into ashes and disappeared. At the same time, the white door in the sky was also closed, and all the visions disappeared.

"Gu Dong..."

Seeing this scene, Xiang Yang and others stared at their eyes bigger than cows. They swallowed their saliva with difficulty and were extremely cold all over. The so-called phoenix in front of them was too terrible. The other party is an angel who has no power to fight back. In this way, he was burned by the gray flame without leaving ashes, and the appearance is a little familiar anyway?

"Hmm, now you know that you may meet your opponent in the future, right?"

After solving this annoying bird man, Mingyue gloated and glanced at Zhang Yi, and then his body quickly became smaller. He flashed and flew to Miao Feng's shoulder and put on a good shape. At this time, the rest of the people knew that this horrible Ming Phoenix was actually a beautiful bird that Miao Feng had been wearing on his shoulder. At this time, everyone looked at Miao Feng's face a little different.

And Miao Feng now doesn't care what others think of her, but she rushes directly into Zhang Yi's arms, sobbing and keeps asking questions to see if Zhang Yi has any serious injuries. For her now, Zhang Yi is the most important thing, and everything else stands aside.

With such a change, of course, today's meeting can't continue. We can only end it hastily and wait until tomorrow. But now everyone looks at Zhang Yi's eyes, which are completely different, both grateful, afraid and afraid, especially the beautiful bird.

The rest of the people can go back and have a rest, but Xiang Yang and others are unlucky and have to appease their subordinates. At the same time, they have to put out the fire, command to save people, rebuild their homes, etc. There are a lot of troubles. If they had known this, they should not have held any damn meeting here!

Maybe it's really Xiangyang's unlucky today. Bai Tiancai experienced great losses, and there was a dinosaur attack in the middle of the night, and many dinosaurs known as the god of the sky joined in. Fortunately, Zhang Yi and others are here, which is currently the most cutting-edge combat power of human beings in the whole continent.

So these dinosaurs are doomed to suffer losses, and this defeat is also doomed. However, Tiandu City, as the main battlefield, was seriously damaged again, which had a very serious impact on Xiangyang's future development. Although he finally won and annihilated thousands of enemies, Xiang Yang's side suffered huge losses. Nearly 1,000 people died in this battle, which is the cruelty of the war.

The battle forced the meeting to be delayed for another day, and finally the meeting began again on the third day. After fierce consultation, everyone finally came up with a plan that everyone was relatively satisfied with. That is, everyone will exert as much power as possible. Xiang Yang is the temporary commander, and Zhang Yi and Da Luo are the deputy commanders.

The leaders of all parties formed a temporary advisory group to decide the direction of the war and determine the major strategic policy. The armies of all forces are not dispersed, but led by themselves, but they need to be arranged by the commander. Everyone tried their best to promote their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, give full play to their own advantages, and also formulated a strategic policy.

This policy was mentioned by Zhang Yi, that is, to first cut off the retreat of these dinosaurs and the possibility of increasing troops, and then gather the strength of everyone to annihilate these dinosaurs who have come to the surface. Except for Xiang Yang, the rest of the forces are the main force of the offensive and defensive war. Xiang Yang belonged as a sharp knife, only participated in the tip war, and also shouldered the difficult task of destroying the lava canyon, the huge cave.