Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 276 Two-line War 5

"It's time, do it!"

At midnight, the time finally arrived on time in an extremely depressing atmosphere. With Xiang Yang's low and soft shouting, all the people who were watching the time lurking showed a cold blade at the same time.




"Looking for death..."


"There is an enemy attack!"


In an instant, the whole dinosaur army was shocked by the boiling noise, and the middle and high-level generals were constantly attacked, and countless people died directly. Even if they did not die, they were seriously injured. It is this situation that has led to the chaos of the army of dinosaurs, which had been killed and injured in countless times because of the daytime war, and is now even more chaotic.

Because of the lack of leadership, countless soldiers and low-level officials are at a loss and don't know what to do. Some directly follow the group, while others are directly stunned. At the beginning, due to everyone's sudden attack, almost after a fatal blow, they all immediately turned on the stealth effect of the armor and disappeared directly into the darkness.

The first wave of attacks was almost very smooth, but at the beginning of the second wave, almost all dinosaurs were prepared, so the attack from the second wave was not so easy. Many people failed and were found to have to evacuate.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi's first wave of attack targets at the beginning were assigned according to their respective strengths, and they were lower than their strength, so they could make the first wave so smooth. However, the second wave began, because the opponent became stronger and the opponent was already on guard, of course, there was a high possibility of failure.

Of course, these are the achievements of the elite members of ordinary forces, and the elite members of several top forces obviously have much higher combat effectiveness and execution power. Almost all of them were completely discovered after completing the second goal and had to escape.

As for the senior officials of various small forces, in fact, their records are similar to those of several top power elites. This comparison can clearly show the huge gap between them. The high-level officials of top forces such as Xiang Yang and the high-level and elite members led by Zhang Yi are much more brilliant.

Of course, the most brilliant results belong to Zhang Yi, and the most brilliant of them are the girls of the Feng Killing Legion. Each of them has completed more than double the tasks, and at least one has killed more than a dozen enemies.

The cooperation between Zhang Yi and Miao Feng is even more crazy. In a short period of time, more than 50 people were killed by the two. You should know that this is a real middle- and high-level general. There are no guards with them. If you add guards, there should be more than 300.

Wars have always been cruel, especially this kind of war related to the rise and fall of each other's entire ethnic groups, combined with the hatred accumulated by each other because of the war. So that there will be no soft hands on both sides. Especially the human warriors who have been suppressed for too long and aroused endless anger and hatred by the ferocity and bloodthirsty of dinosaurs.

Of course, they will not miss this opportunity to kill crazily. At this moment, not being crazy is not human. Not killing is not only sorry for themselves, but also for all the people, as well as those souls who have died under the dinosaur army. Kill, kill, kill... kill desperately, the purpose of each shot is to kill.

Especially those who have been surrounded and found unable to escape, at this time, like a bloodthirsty Shura, they madly killed all the dinosaurs they saw, killing one is enough, killing one more to earn. Now even if I die, I can calmly face the souls below, and I am worthy of the people who gave birth to me and raised me.

"Why do I feel wrong?"

"I'm the same. I always feel that I'm stared at by a lot of eyes!"

" careful!"

At the same time, many of the pioneers who attacked the city of Nirvana and changed into a human appearance. At the moment of the attack, the target range was suddenly shrouded in a sharp edge and killed by knives in the blink of an eye. Then the skilled shadow collectively packed up the body and put it into the stove and burned it.

"Their first wave has been wiped out by us, and even their bodies have been burned into ashes."

Yao Jiang happily reported this result of less than ten minutes, and now has more respect and worship Ji Tianxue.

People are not only extremely beautiful, like the immortals who come down to the earth. They are the goddess in the minds of countless men and can't have any blasphemy thoughts. Only a strong man like Zhang Yi can press them under him. Force has convinced countless men, including themselves.

Now the outstanding leadership and command skills have also been completely demonstrated due to the urgency of the situation, especially this series of watertight arrangements. Let these damn alien creatures step into the death trap step by step until they are dying.

Although this is due to the help of super high-tech, without such strict arrangement and deployment, this high-tech ability cannot be exerted at all. Yao Jiang was originally a very good soldier and went straight to the National Defense University to study. His grades were not bad. Otherwise, he would have stayed in the army for so long and become an official.

I have studied various strategies and tactics when I was free, and various battles from ancient times to the present have been deduced by him, so I have some experience. Ji Tianxue's deployment from the beginning has brightened his eyes. Although it is not a standard modern war command method, and even looks a little chaotic at first, when a series of instructions are issued, it is found that although it is a little chaotic, it coincides with superb strategies and tactics.

With the cooperation, the intelligent brain has produced instruments that have suppressed the ability of alien organisms in the past two months to have such brilliant results. When it comes to the manufacture of this instrument, we have to start after the industrial ship is obtained and comes back.

By chance, someone found that the blood shed after a person was injured with a corrosion effect. It was found by the careful Luo Ting. After the test, it was found that it actually had a mutant heterogeneous gene. Then, according to this gene, secret screening and searching began, and finally found more than a dozen from ordinary people.

After going out, several of them were caught and brought back for torture and conducted research. Finally, under the strong level of technology and equipment, the final secrets of these alien creatures were excavated, followed by secret weapons and monitored.

Due to the existence of this super cheater of the entire industrial ship, the task that would have taken countless years to complete was actually conquered in less than a month, and then, of course, related weapons and equipment were produced.

Especially the completion of the monitoring equipment, so that these are usually extremely secretive and can almost change into alien creatures of any biological shape. They are invisible under the monitor and can be very accurate to distinguish them from humans and other organisms.

"Okay, that's good. Thank you for your hard work. Now we will start implementing the second step of the plan."

Ji Tianxue, who has already guessed and knows the results of the war, is still extremely happy to hear Yao Jiang's words, but there is not much change in his expression, and it still seems a little cold. This is a habit formed early. Even if he wants to change it now, it is very difficult.

"Okay, I'll inform everyone immediately."

The excited Yao Jiang nodded and turned away.

Then less than five seconds, the originally dark Nirvana City was brightly lit, and the fire was shining. All kinds of sad wailing, painful groans, noisy noises, etc. were intertwined into a painful symphony.

"Haha, my fathers succeeded!"

Beros said in a ferocious voice, eager to join the battle immediately. Human flesh and blood are really tasteless. It would be better if human women and themselves* could give birth to children. In particular, it is said that doing that with a woman is much better than doing it with his fellow race, which makes his blood boil when he thinks of this.

"Well... Now it's our turn to do it. This time we must let Zhang Yi come back and suffer for the rest of his life, haha..."

Although there is still some uneasiness in his heart, Antru still believes that the strong strength of his children is not comparable to these weak human beings at all, and his own strength is the same.

"Have you finally really started? This time is not only the end of these nirvana human beings, but also the end of you alien creatures. Didn't you want to kill me for a long time? In fact, so do I. After all of you die, this great industrial ship will be mine. At that time, I can use it to create powerful weapons and legions to unify the world and realize Brother Hao's lifelong wish, haha..."

Zhou Peng, who finally received the general attack order, sneered and secretly thought that after taking a slight glance at the Carlot behind him, he also rushed to Nirvana City with the large army and joined the battle in a blink of an eye.

"It's your appearance, otherwise, hum..."

When Carlot saw Zhou Peng's movements, his face was full of disdain. After humming a few times alone, he quietly followed him.

"I'm Zhang Yi. Everyone listens. All the people under the liquefied environment immediately withdrew from this battle. All the people on the liquefied environment came to gather here to get rid of most of their senior officials at once as possible."

Hidden in a grass, watching Zhang Yi, the real high-level officials of the dinosaurs begin to gather quickly, take a deep breath, look at Miao Feng, and then connect the communication of all the personnel who came to the operation and said in a low voice.

"Okay, guys, wait a minute!"

Of course, Hao Bent is the most positive, and he even has a blind trust in Zhang Yi.

"Okay, no problem!"

Xiang Yang looked at several people around him, and then nodded and agreed cheerfully. Although he knew that it was very risky, if he could succeed, it would cause a huge blow to the dinosaurs.