Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 66 Nuwa God Female Snake Tail, Enlightenment of the Imperial Daughter's Heart Sutra

On the creation island, there is a mess, and the deep ditches on the ground are criscrossed. The original fairy island turned into a hell. The high mountains and trees are destroyed, the rivers are cut off, and the land of the creation island is full of with dead bones, emitting a gloomy atmosphere. Within thousands of miles of the creation island, it turns into a deadland, and no creature dares to approach.

And the legend of Xiaoyao demons has begun to spread on the Honghuang. This time, it is no longer the Xiaoyao demon of the 800-li Liusha River, but a peerless demon that devours blood and devours souls. His demon's reputation even wants Luohu Demon Ancestor, the East China Sea to destroy thousands of dragon court soldiers and kill thousands of dragon court soldiers, and make the Honghuang creatures frightened by the wind. , and also made the Longting soldiers afraid.

Some creatures didn't believe it and came to the East China Sea Creation Island. However, they were scared by the deadly spirit, and thousands of dead bones became their eternal demons.

However, at the top of the 100,000-foot mountain of Creation Island, there is an undestroy fairyland, which actually has the smell of life.

"Hey! Hello! Don't come here. Come here and I'll call someone. Hey, if I don't bring this, what evil have I done!" This sound came out as if the owner of the voice had suffered great grievances. The sound came from the top of the 100,000-foot mountain of Creation Island, mixed with six deep-depth voices.

Huang Xiaoyao was exhausted because of the power of the yin and yang creation map, and the power of the soul continuously used the two great powers of "yin and yang killing" and "yin and yang dragon scissors". He was powerless, but the power of the unremeasurable formula was still there.

However, the power of the infinite heart formula can only make him resist the power that affects the soul, such as heart demons or heart disasters, but it cannot dispel the influence of Zulong Jiuyang for Nuwa and others.

Huang Xiaoyao's soul power is seriously consumed, and he can't use his magic eyes, nor can he use his own magic power "big phagocytosis" and "big blood soul". Therefore, even if the tens of millions of yin and yang swords transformed by yin and yang killing have absorbed countless souls and blood, he can't digest it. He can only be sealed in the free world, and can only wait for him to return. Only the power of the soul can be decomposed and digested.

Huang Xiaoyao's soul way pursues evolution, so he is not like the way of Panwang's soul. He devours the souls of creatures at will, nor does he want to devour blood like the devil's way.

He wants to make full use of these precious resources. Only by using the secret book of ten thousand blood and the way of soul can he absorb these souls and blood without any sequelae, otherwise this is Luo Hu's magic method.

Huang Xiaoyao has countless times fantasized about how to show his heroism and how to travel around the world. However, now, it is completely an unexpected scene for him. Of course, Huang Xiaoyao is not a male chauvinist. He still readily accepts this way of sexual encounters.

Huang Xiaoyao tried his best to recover his cultivation. The power of his soul attracted the secluded sea of souls and constantly let the power of the soul circulate along the bloodline of the soul and slowly recovered.

At this time, Nuwa spit out a strong pure yin qi in her mouth and spread into Huang Xiaoyao's body. This pure yin qi contained infinite creation, containing heaven and earth to yin. Suddenly repair Huang Xiaoyao's damaged body, unexpectedly made the blood grinding disk in his blood heart slowly rotate.

However, before the matter was finished, Nuwa's beautiful snake tail suddenly cracked, revealing a pair of white and delicate legs, and a yin atmosphere rose from Nuwa's body, forming a path to gloomy cloud.

With the introduction of pure yin qi into the body, it unexpectedly attracted a wisp of chaotic qi in the free world, and the chaotic qi suddenly turned into countless pure yin and pure yang qi, reshaping the origin of yin and yang.

Boom, as if it were pioneering, the origin of black and white rotated rapidly, forming a black and white yin and yang fish, constantly rotating and chasing, forming a yin and yang pattern, and the yin and yang pattern was formed again.

The yin and yang creation map formed this time has changed. Huang Xiaoyao's soul recovered a little, used the broken divine eyes, and suddenly became clear. He constantly analyzed the operation of these yin and yang forces, analyzed the trajectory of the yin and yang creation map, and finally appeared one runes one after another, which is a secret book to practice the power of yin and yang.

"Yin and Yang sympathy, enlightenment yin and yang, yin and yang double cultivation, heaven and earth, yin and yang operation, creation is life!" Huang Xiaoyao sighed at his creation and actually realized this kind of skill from Nuwa.

Huh? Such a strong pure yin? It is worthy of being a strong man who can compete with the Dragon Emperor, and it is the body of heaven and earth. The pure yin qi contained is of higher quality, which actually makes my yin and yang shape again, and it is more powerful than before. Let's do it!" Huang Xiaoyao shouted in his heart.

With the recovery of Huang Xiaoyao's yin and yang, his strength has recovered, and he suddenly wants to show his hero.

Huh? Something is wrong!" Huang Xiaoyao suddenly held an empty hug and didn't let him react. A powerful force came to him. Before he could scream, his body had been hit to the bottom of the ground.

"Ah! I'll kill you!" A scream sounded, and Nuwa was already wearing a fairy clothes, and a pair of phoenix eyes were full of evil spirits, shouting angrily.

Nvwa had not yet relieved her anger, followed Huang Xiaoyao's body and constantly bombarded Huang Xiaoyao's body with one punch. The speed made Huang Xiaoyao have no time to control the yin and yang, so she could only let Nuwa drive him into the ground.

With the analysis of Huang Xiaoyao's powerful soul, he immediately understood the situation in front of him. How could he not see that Nuwa had woken up?

Although Zulong Jiuyang qi is extremely powerful, the furnace fire that has been cultivated is pure, specializing in dealing with women, and it is easy to attract deep love for the yin body of heaven and earth, however, as a human snake family shaped by the qi from heaven and earth to yin, has a special bloodline. After a period of spring dream with Huang Xiaoyao, she has excreted Jiuyang gas. Out of the body, and broke Nuwa's yin road, making her snake tail disappear.

In the future, Nuwa is no longer the body of Yin. She can only practice the road of creation. Even if she re-cultivated to the road of Yin, she can't practice to the peak.

Just when Huang Xiaoyao wanted to take the initiative and go further with Nuwa, Nuwa suddenly woke up and immediately understood the cause and consequences. Although she knew that it was not Huang Xiaoyao's fault, she could not let go of her heart, could not accept the fact that her pure and jade body was stained, let alone accept her dark road. Broken facts.

Suddenly, he was angry and used his strength to bombard Huang Xiaoyao's body.

"Hey, I'm the victim. I'm wronged. Hey, come back. I won't be polite if you come again!" Huang Xiaoyao shouted, but did not resist.

Although I am right about the whole thing, I have broken Nuwa's yin body. Although Nuwa is still perfect, after all, I have a dew marriage with him. As a man, I should take responsibility, so I can only let Nuwa completely vent her anger.

It's nothing to beat your woman.

"Who asked you to come, who asked you to help us, who asked you to come, who asked you to come!" Nuwa seemed to be tired of beating, suddenly flew to the top of the mountain, and then cried sadly.

At this moment, Nuwa is not a high and inviolable goddess, but a fairy who fell to the mortal world.

"Well, can I watch you being caught by Longting? Can I watch you being ruined by Zulong? Never! When I saw the attack of Longting's army, I had planned to die with Longting, and more than a thousand years ago, when you saw me, you believed that I didn't take the chaotic ice dragon ball. How can you be occupied by such a beautiful and kind goddess? I will never tolerate it! Who knew that Zulong was so obscene that he practiced the spirit of Jiuyang so obscene, ah! No, your two sisters and disciples are still being invaded by the spirit of Jiuyang. Late, they will be burned by love and completely become witches!" Huang Xiaoyao comforted Nuwa, and suddenly there were Ruo Guoguo and others in the fairyland.

"Ah! Hurry up, if my sister is become a demon, I will never ignore you!" Nuwa exclaimed that after venting her anger, she also knew the facts of what Huang Xiaoyao said, and was moved by Huang Xiaoyao's concern, and had faintly forgiven Huang Xiaoyao in her heart.

"If I help them relieve Jiuyang's poison, will you promise to be my Taoist couple in the future?" Huang Xiaoyao said with great joy.

"Think beautifully! You can cure them first!" Nuwa said.

As soon as they escalated, they suddenly appeared in the fairyland. They saw five women all over their bodies entangled with each other and rolled in a stream of Jiuyang. Their eyes became more and more affectionate, and their breath turned into a magical spirit of love.

"It's not good! The way of creation!" Nuwa took action first. She didn't want to see her sister become a demon.

A spirit of creation suddenly washed the hearts of Ruoguoguo and others, but the most powerful of Nuwa is the road to the Yin Road. Now it has been broken, and the spirit of creation is extremely weak. How can it compete with the Jiuyang qi of Zulong?

"Let me do it, yin and yang! The whirlpool of yin and yang!" A picture of yin and yang appeared on the top of Huang Xiaoyao's head, constantly rotating, forming a whirlpool, wrapping Ruoguo and others, constantly absorbing the spirit of Jiuyang.

"Won!" Ruo Guoguo suddenly woke up, and then saw the scene in front of him. Suddenly, she screamed "ah", and her delicate body was immediately covered with green fairy clothes. However, she, who used to be gentle, now lowered her head and was extremely shy.

"Ah!" Changxi's originally holy and cold face is now extremely shy, and she can't wait to find a hole to penetrate it.

The nine-tailed fox Xuanmiao also woke up and was not shy. Instead, she looked at the yellow demon with charming eyes. Obviously, she was almost possessed this time, but her charm greatly increased.

Jiutian Xuannu and Huayue were also sober one after another. They shyly flashed behind their masters, only daring to show one head and looked at the yellow demon shyly and curiously.

Huang Xiaoyao finally absorbed the qi of Jiuyang, and the yin and yang vortex turned into pure white, and then fell into the yin and yang creation map, and the power of yin and yang creation map became more powerful.

After Nuwa's explanation, Ruuoguo and others finally knew the cause and effect. At the same time, they were extremely shy. Thinking of their delicate bodies in front of a man, they couldn't wait to find a hole to dare to see people.

However, they are all firm-minded people. They suddenly regain their nature and are extremely grateful to Huang Xiaoyao. The man in front of them is not only extremely powerful, but also saves their lives without taking advantage of people's danger. They are simply gentlemen.

However, they don't know that Huang Xiaoyao has no chance.

"Huh? Sister Nuwa, why is your tail missing? If she exclaimed, she knew that the meaning of Nuwa's snake tail was the embodiment of the way to the yin. Now that it is gone, doesn't it mean that the foundation will be destroyed?

"Ah! Nothing. In order to resist Zulong's nine-yang spirit, I destroyed myself to the origin of yin. My sister doesn't have to worry. I can practice the road of creation in the future!" Nuwa's face turned red, and then said lightly, "Friend Xiaoyao Taoist, thank you for saving your life. Our Creation Island suffered this disaster. I can't keep you. We need to rebuild the Creation Island. Well, see you later!"

This is Nuwa driving people away.

"Ah, it is no longer safe here. I have a cave called Xiaoyao Island in the East China Sea, which is also an innate island, which is transformed by chaotic fragments. Unlike the island of creation, the chaotic ice dragon absorbs the source. The island is rich in nature, and there are three-light divine water known as the ancestor of natural waters, and twelve green lotus. , is a good place to cultivate the Tao, and I have arranged a lot of arrays on the island, which is extremely safe. You'd better go to Xiaoyao Island to practice, so as not to attack Longting again. Huang Xiaoyao said.

"No!" Nuwa said immediately.

Huang Xiaoyao finally realized the meaning of the undersea needle of a woman's heart.

"Nvwa, if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your disciples. Well, that's it!" Huang Xiaoyao suddenly became domineering. He knew that Nuwa was losing his temper with him, so a volume of Yin and Yang creation pictures disappeared on the creation island.