Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 81 Three Talents of Heaven and Earth, Zulong Mountain Pilgrimage Day

Jinwu blooms with infinite light and heat, but on a new day, Longgu is extremely lively.

The drum shook the sky, and the dragon spirit rose to the sky. Huge figures crossed the sky and flew to Zulong Mountain in the center of the Dragon Valley. These are huge strange beasts. They are all scattered cultivation in Longgu and entered Zulong Mountain for pilgrimage.

The yellow demon strolled in the sky, mixed among the herd, and restrained her breath, which was not inconspicuous at all. However, in the eyes of the beasts, there was fear, worship, desire and so on.

They can't help but not be afraid and worship!

"Free Mo" is the root of their fear, and the reason for their worship is to refine the stand-in puppet.

Originally, many of their monsters were resentful of Huang Xiaoyao's slavery and wanted to betray Huang Xiaoyao to get the protection of the dragon court when worshipping the ancestral dragon.

However, now, they no longer have this idea, and they dare not have it.

Whether their souls or stand-in puppets, they have been engraved with enslaved runes by Huang Xiaoyao. As long as Huang Xiaoyao's soul moves, they can die without death.

Moreover, in their opinion, a strong man who can have the courage to compete with the powerful Longting on his own, no matter how strong he is and has such a state of mind, he will definitely become a Taoist in the future, so they have become willing now.

Now Longgu is under martial law. Overnight, the Longting soldiers who fought outside have returned to Longgu to prepare for pilgrimage.

This pilgrimage was originally only held once in ten thousand years, showing the power of the Honghuang Longting, which was only held once a thousand years ago. However, now, because of Huang Xiaoyao, the Longting has only been held.

One, Longting's expeditionary troops repeatedly lost in the hands of Huang Xiaoyao, which made the Longting soldiers have demons, and their morale greatly reduced their fear of "free demons", and it is not conducive to their practice or the expansion of Longting's territory.

Two, the heavily guarded Dragon Valley has actually mixed into so many enemies, which makes many dragons panic in the Dragon Court, especially the Twelve God Kings and the Nine Gods. Even the weak 'Burial Dragon Tomb' people have mixed into the realm of the Twelve God Kings of the Dragon Valley. If the "free demons" come in, is it okay?

Outside the Dragon Valley, hundreds of millions of miles of Long Valley actually have Longting soldiers. All kinds of strange beasts have turned into bodies, all of which are hundreds of feet high. They open their eyes, grin, and do not restrain their powerful breath.

Those who can become Longting soldiers are all the best in the territory of Longting and loyal to Longting.

However, it is inevitable that they are unfaithful, because they have been crowned, and their souls have been sold to Longting, and they have crazy faith in Zulong.

Therefore, after they became Longting soldiers, they fought everywhere, and their cultivation also rose with the water. This is the win-win situation between them and Longting. Although they are nominally slaves, it is related to the life and death of Longting. Longting is destroyed, they are destroyed, Longting is born, and they are born.

Before they were canonized by Longting, they were all strong people and ancestors of various ethnic groups in the land. They had a strong Taoism, a strong and complete inheritance, and the luck of the clan. However, when Longting stepped into their land, enslaved their people, and robbed their spiritual treasures, in their hearts There is hatred that can't be extinguished even by faith, so when they help Longting fight, they are full of hatred.

Longting wants this effect. He doesn't care about the life and death of these soldiers, doesn't care about their thoughts, but only cares that they are slaves of Longting and slaves sealed by the Dragon List.

"These are all dead people!" Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart that at the same time, he was very afraid of the dragon list. He couldn't help thinking of the list of gods in the battle of gods in later generations. The people on the list are destined to be the gods of the heavenly court, similar to the dragon list in front of him.

However, this dragon list is more cruel than the list of gods. The list of gods is the people who should be robbed in the disaster, while the dragon list is to seal the book of creatures into disaster, just like refining a spiritual treasure.

This is a group of soulless people!

Huang Xiaoyao flew slowly, always mixed among the beasts, observing the position where the Longting army stood. In a faint time, he could see that the position of these armies composed of quasi-holy creatures formed a mysterious array.

The so-called three talents of heaven and earth take the dragon court fortune as the sky, the Tianlong ancestral spirit of the Tianlong Mountains as the land, and hundreds of millions of dragon court soldiers as people, forming a powerful array of heaven and earth, covering the whole Tianlong Mountains.

"Nima, it's just a mosquito can't fly away, but there are still a few very mysterious places, full of resentment, murder, evil spirit, thirty-six laws of Tianang, seventy-two stars, hey, I don't know what Longting is used for? Is it the so-called 'death-seeking cave'? If I release all the creatures in the 'death-seeking cave', isn't it too evil, hey!" Huang Xiaoyao smiled in his heart.

After flying for a long time, he finally came to the foot of Zulong Mountain. Zulong Mountain is one million feet high, and a ladder reflects the invincible power of Zulong. Ninety-one golden dragons flew on the top of Zulong Mountain and roared up to the sky, as if to provoke the sky, which showed the strength of the dragon court and the invincibility of the ancestral dragon.

The ladder emits golden light and leads directly to Zulong Mountain. Countless colorful winds and clouds float on the stairs, falling majestic pressure.

This is a ladder that can only be walked up, and only the main characters of Longting can follow the floating clouds to the top of Zulong Mountain.

This is also a ladder, magnificent and fairy, with a general weather that can't be seen at a glance.

At this time, on the square under Zulong Mountain, there were already standing the solemn Longting soldiers and Longgu Sanxiu who came to make a pilgrimage with a frightened expression.

This is a picture of all sentient beings, either fearful, or fanatical, or indifferent, unyielding, or cowardly, or strong. Even if they turn into themselves, they can still see the uneasiness in their eyes.

Yellow Xiaoyao is among them!

On both sides of the stairs, there is a direct access to Zulong Mountain, but it has been full of troops with spiritual weapons and infinite power. They are all the best in the Longting army. They are selected from hundreds of millions of creatures as the imperial guard of the Longting to guard Zulong Mountain.

Zulong Mountain usually does not need to be guarded, because under the power of Zulong, no creature dares to be presumptuous here, but now it is different. Pilgrimage is the most important thing, more important than expanding the territory.

Every pilgrimage can transmit the power of the Longting to the wilderness to the maximum extent, so that all the territory is covered by the dragon court's luck, which means that the Longting's luck is stronger.

At this time, the enemies of Longting will come to challenge.

Just like 10,000 years ago, during the pilgrimage to Zulong Mountain, the Northwest Devil's Palace sent strong men to come, but returned with great defeat. This time, Longting suffered heavy losses in the East China Sea. Will they let go of this opportunity?

Obviously, not. Huang Xiaoyao has learned these news from the tens of millions of creatures he subdued, but it is also the reason why he is now leisurely.

"Kill!" A murderous atmosphere came and formed a cloud of murderous spirit. Twenty-five figures appeared at the foot of Zulong Mountain. They were full of murderous spirit, resentment, evil spirit, and a murderous spirit that existed after killing thousands of creatures.

Twenty-five figures were silent and extremely cold, but the killing words sounded in the sky. They quickly went up the sky stairs, when 36 seats flew out of Zulong Mountain towards the temple, as if they were welcoming them.

They flew forward to grab the killing sword on the dragon throne, and then sat down, but the remaining eleven dragon thrones were empty! It seems to be calling its owner.

This is simply powerful!

Wo! Twelve golden dragons flew into the sky, and the infinite dragon spirit rolled, and the power of the rolling dragon shocked the mind. Twelve golden dragons turned over the clouds and rain, from a million-foot ladders along the clouds and fog. Not long after, twelve dragon-shaped seats flew out of the temple on Zulong Mountain, and twelve golden dragons turned into people with different expressions. Some old people and some middle In the year, some of them were young people, all exuding a strong atmosphere. They sat on the dragon chair gracefully.

This is the second power of Longting.

The creatures under Zulong Mountain are simply cicadas. How dare they resist? The faint fear in my heart.

Of course, there are tens of millions of creatures biting their teeth and resisting the power of Longting. They are all the strongest in Longgu Sanxiu. They are all creatures enslaved by the yellow demon, and have been refined into double puppets.

At this time, the sound of the piano sounded, as if it was a confusing sound. Nine figures appeared on Zulong Mountain out of thin air. They stood on nine different dragons and looked light.

"I support that these nine grandchildren have improved their cultivation and entered the realm of transformation. They are comparable to the Dragon Emperor and others. They are worthy of being one of the creatures who enjoy the most luck in the dragon court." Huang Xiaoyao was shocked when he saw Tianlong Jiuzi, but he was not afraid.

Because Huang Xiaoyao can see that Tianlong Jiuzi's cultivation is at most similar to that of Long Cang, the second general of Longting. Huang Xiaoyao is not afraid, because he also has a card that has not been released.

The sound of the piano gradually stopped, but it ushered in a domineering spirit, which contained the emperor's hegemony.

"Oh! I am the only one in heaven and earth!" A nine-clawed golden dragon flew out of Zulong Mountain. His body was 100,000 feet, and the golden dragon was surrounded. As soon as it appeared, it flew out of the Kowloon throne in the temple. A list and a Kowloon jade seal turned into ten thousand feet.

Seeing this figure, I can't help but make people excited, and I can't help but be convinced and worship!

This is the dragon emperor, the split of Zulong, and the emperor's hegemony.

"The dragon emperor is powerful, and the dragon is immortal!"

Boom! With the shouting of hundreds of millions of creatures and the fanatical shouts in the hearts of hundreds of millions of creatures, the power of faith came from the heads of these creatures and gathered into a 100,000-foot Xuanhuang dragon, straight up and soaring in the sky.

An infinite power spread all over the land, and a stream of luck came from all directions, showing the strength of the dragon court.

"One step by kowtow, remember the ancestral dragon in your heart; pilgrimage through the ages, achieve the eternal saint!" The Dragon Emperor took the dragon list in his hand and shook the space with a sound containing the road and spread it all over the dragon court.

Sure enough, with the sound of the voice of the Dragon Emperor, an illusory chaotic dragon shadow appeared over Zulong Mountain. He looked up to the sky, and his mysterious eyes burst out against the sky.

This is Zulong's belief body!

Huang Xiaoyao looked at the creatures kneeling on the ground under the pressure, but he did not kneel down, but occupied it straight. A sense of freedom flowed all over his body, isolating the will of the ancestral dragon, and the powerful soul power came out to perform a great dream, creating a miniature dream. The power of the soul surged, turning into a figure kneeling on the ground. .

This kneeling figure is one of the tens of millions of puppets refined by Huang Xiaoyao, and it is impossible for him to kneel down.

The free will, even the way of heaven does not kneel, not to mention Zu Longhu?