Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 131 God's eyes enlightened, the white jade dragon elephant is the mount

"How dare you understand the three Buddhas? The World Honored One once said that you can understand the three Buddhas, open up the realm of blis, understand the highest realm of Taoism, can spread cause and effect, be happy and be free, and you can be in three times and space at the same time. In the past and the present future, we don't know how many years we have not grasped the doorway. Why can you, a person who does not practice Buddhism, understand? He must be shocked.

They were shocked, but Huang Xiaoyao took it for granted, because he practiced the way of the soul, and the soul was very powerful. Coupled with the breaking eyes against the sky, and the latest time magic power, he could quickly regroup the runes of Buddhism and Taoism.

Huang Xiaoyao flew for a long time and was squeezed out of value by Huang Xiaoyao. All the Buddha's feelings in their souls were analyzed by Huang Xiaoyao and turned into their own perceptions. Huang Xiaoyao looked at the dying introduction and Zhuan. In their souls, the will of the ancestors seemed to wake up and suddenly turned them north. Fang shook it and disappeared gorgeously in the clouds.

Back to the edge of the ancestral land of the spirit clan, Huang Xiaoyao suddenly stopped because a sound sounded in his ear.

"Ah, it's the smell of that bad guy. I don't want to go. That bad guy is very powerful!" Yaya floated up from the top of Huang Xiaoyao's head and said in fear.

Huh? Is that the bad guy who wanted to catch you before? Where is it?" Huang Xiaoyao asked, because Yaya had described the strong man to him, which was so powerful that even Yaya could almost escape.

"In the center of the lake, but it's strange that the bad guy doesn't seem to be so powerful, and his breath is looming. I don't know what's going on?" Yaya said.

"Jianmu's ancestor?" Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart.

Suddenly, a plan flashed in Huang Xiaoyao's mind, a chance to kill the ancestor of Jianmu, so that Ruoguo could escape the shackles of will. At the same time, it was also an opportunity to get a complete road of life.

For the road of life, Huang Xiaoyao has been coveted for a long time. The qi of life can accelerate the operation of the power of blood. The road of life can simply complement the Secret Book of Ten Thousand Bloods and accelerate the evolution of blood.

At the same time, Huang Xiaoyao is very annoyed that Ruoguo is controlled by Jianmu's ancestors. He practices freely. The people around him must not be controlled by any strong man, even the way of heaven can do it.

"Don't be afraid, that bad guy has been injured. Shall we do something interesting?"

"Okay, okay, what's the interesting thing? Can you kill that bad guy?" Yaya said excitedly, controlling the chaotic jade and flying around the yellow demon.

"Of course!"

Next, Huang Xiaoyao cultivates in the forest of life, first solves several strong men in the palm world, and then returns to the ancestral land of the spirit clan.

In the palm world, the seven killers sat around each other, and a ten thousand-foot magic flag was set up in their hands. The spirit of the demons was strong, and the demons flew on it, trying to devour the vitality of the palm world and break out of the world. However, the Jiuyou earth seemed to turn into a purer magic spirit and constantly devour these demons.

The world has yin and yang, and there is light and darkness. The same is true of the free world of the yellow demon. The pure yang fairy world represents all beauty, fairy and light, and the nine secluded world is yin, representing all darkness, reincarnation, hell...

The eyes of Huang Xiaoyao's will appear in the world in the palm of his hand, shining a little green light, constantly analyzing these heavenly demons. These heavenly demons are very pure, representing all the dark things in the depths of the hearts of life, with the characteristics of destruction and containing fear. The source.

At the time of Xiaoyao Island, Huang Xiaoyao once killed and devoured Luo Hu's soul, got the seed of the way of heaven and demons, which has been sealed in the free world. Now he suppresses the souls of the seven killings, and the eyes of the magic god constantly absorb their magic runes. The seeds of the way of heaven and demons are suddenly ready to move and turn into a dark seed. , greedily absorbing the magic runes of the seven killing Taoist people.

"The devil, free, shuttles through the void, appears in the world, seduces the demons of people's hearts, and eats on the demons to achieve the world of demons!" A realization emerged in Huang Xiaoyao's heart.

The seeds of the magic road were once again integrated into the free world and disappeared, as if they were giving birth to something, and were suppressed by the heavenly way of the free world.

The free world is the foundation of the free way, all-encompassing and all-encompassing, accommodating the 800 side gates of 3,000 avenues, accommodating chaos, and destroying Hongmeng. This is Huang Xiaoyao's expectation for himself.

Now, there is only one avenue that achieves the ultimate, that is, the yin and yang avenue, which achieves the pure yang fairyland and the nine secluded world.

Countless big worlds are the development direction of Huang Xiaoyao's free world. Hundreds of schools of thought contend and boundless avenues contain endless hope. Any creature has the hope of achieving their own road. This is the rule formulated by Huang Xiaoyao for the free world.

The Book of Changes says that everyone is like a dragon! That's the reason.

I don't know how long it took, Huang Xiaoyao finally squeezed out the magic sense of the seven killing Taoists, and then threw them into the depths of the sky at will before Luo Hu's will awakening, allowing them to survive and destroy themselves.

In Kunpeng's eyes, he is still as arrogant as ever, as sharp as a hero, which is the characteristic of space magic.

Time and space, time and space, time is illusory and illusory. Space is the subject of any world. There are countless spaces, from small to large, from low level to advanced, ubiquitous, such as mustard space, small world, big world, chaotic space, Hongmeng space, nothing space, etc. It even contains the immaterial power of the spiritual level, such as spiritual space, soul space and so on.

Time and space are difficult to grasp, because they all contain the potential to lead to supreme domination, which is a way against the sky.

Kunpeng, the power of life is space, and he has a space of life.

However, the space magic power is difficult to practice. Kunpeng doesn't know how many years he has practiced, but his own space has not improved much, and he has not cultivated to the height where he can escape into the void teleportation at will.

The space of the wilderness is too strong. Even if it can temporarily break the space with powerful power and there is a space crack, it is impossible for creatures to survive in the space crack, unless it is the kind of strong physical witness.

"Free demon, kill my soul if you have the guts, and let my master exile you in the endless void. What's your ability to suppress me like this?" Kunpeng Road.

In Kunpeng's soul, there is a space willow, which contains Yang Mei's will, which is also the reason why Kunpeng is fearless. He is sure that Huang Xiaoyao must not dare to kill his soul.

"Hmm! Do you think there's nothing I can do?"

In the soul of Huang Xiaoyao, an invisible space ball suddenly appeared, containing the mysterious power. He used the hand of the soul and even wrapped the willow branches of the space and took them out of Kunpeng's soul.

"Ah! No! Why can you use my master's space source? How could you erase his will to leave it in the source of space? Kunpeng is very afraid.

"Hmm!" Huang Xiaoyao used the power of his soul to form a pure soul fire and burned Kunpeng. Space runes flew out of Kunpeng's soul. These runes are very incomplete, but they contain incomparable mysterious power.

"Is this the Avenue of Space? No, it's just the magic power of space, just like the time acceleration magic power, far from the height of 'Tao', but although it is only the magic power, it is incomparable. It is impossible to prove the Tao just by practicing the magic power alone, but it is powerful. Huang Xiaoyao saw the essence of these incomplete space runes and integrated into the free world.

The free world is a world space, which also contains the source of space. Although it is only the space source of the Great Wilderness Tower, the yellow demon was in chaos, combined with the wild dragon spirit to open up a twelve-layer world, but it is also very powerful. Now the integration of space runes suddenly makes the space of the free world gradually have itself The function of my evolution.

"These space runes are still too weak and incomplete. If it is Yang Mei's ancestor's space road, maybe..." Huang Xiaoyao said.

Kunpeng's soul was burned and gradually weakened. When he was about to touch the true spirit of his life, Huang Xiaoyao stopped the fire of his soul and released him. He was dying. Huang Xiaoyao regarded him as a sandbag and threw him into the sky together with the willow branches of the space.

The emperor has also calmed down. During the whole process, he saw it and became very helpless in his heart. He was the body of a white jade dragon elephant, an arrogant creature. His heart was full of fighting spirit. For many years, once he turned into powder, his fighting spirit was about to be broken. However, just now, he saw a wave of Hehong from Huang Xiaoyao. The incompatible road atmosphere of the wilderness is as if Huang Xiaoyao and heaven and earth are driving side by side.

"Land Emperor, what do you think? I have already told you that it is very impractical that you want to prove it by force. You must have admitted it in your heart! However, if you follow me, I promise that one day I can take you out of the road!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

You're right. To prove that the Tao is as difficult as ascending to the sky. When you find hope, you find that the road to prove the Tao is getting farther and farther away. If you want to break out of the road, it is equivalent to the Pangu god who has been detached from heaven and earth. I have always been living in a dream! I can be your mount, but I hope my soul is still free!" White jade dragon elephant.

"Good!" Huang Xiaoyao released the earth emperor very quickly.

The heart of the strong man of the earth emperor is extraordinary. He is different from Luohu and other chaotic demon gods. Luohu and others have their own way of demon gods. However, the white jade dragon elephant is a creature born of the flood and famine, without any inheritance of chaotic demon gods. They have cultivated their own cultivation with their own strength.

Once a strong man who can prove the Tao, it is difficult to change once he makes a decision. Just like today, if the earth emperor submits to Huang Xiaoyao as a mount, he will not change. This is the reason why Huang Xiaoyao believes in him.

"This is the cultivation method of the white jade body!" Huang Xiaoyao said that as soon as his soul moved, all the runes were immediately transmitted into the soul of the emperor.

"Ah! So, this is completely tailor-made for me, which is a perfect match for my dragon and elephant! Thank you, master!" White jade dragon elephant.

It can be said that the earth emperor was a mount, and there were more strong people without emperors!

"The body of the dragon elephant is not cultivated like you. There are 800 million dragon elephant particles all over the body. Only the body of the dragon elephant can perfectly interpret the dragon elephant town. Therefore, after combining the body of white jade with the body of the dragon elephant, you can always maintain the body of the dragon elephant to reach the highest level of a dragon elephant. At that time, Only then can there be hope!" Huang Xiaoyao said that he had long analyzed the powerful runes of the dragon and elephant town of the emperor, which was also very fruitful for him.

The little demon flew up and stood on the body of the white jade dragon elephant. Suddenly, he felt majestic. The white jade dragon elephant flew up and went to the ancestral land of the spiritual clan.

Along the way, Yaya was very curious about the broken eyes of the yellow demon.

"Mouse, your eyes were not so powerful before, but now they are terrible! How can you see through the essence of the runes of the road? Yaya said.

"Yama, can I discuss something with you? Don't call me Mouse in the future, call me Brother Xiaoyao!" Every time Huang Xiaoyao heard the three words mouse, he got goose bumps and felt uncomfortable all over.

"But... you are a mouse!"

"Don't call me a mouse, or I won't take you to play!"

After bargaining, Yaya was finally forced to let go and called Huang Xiaoyao Xiaoyao Xiaoyao.
