Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 263 Twelve Support Calendar

"Today, Qin Tianjian is set up, and Bai Zexian is the supervisor to manage the affairs of the wilderness. From now on, I and the Eastern Emperor will be closed for ten thousand years. Emperor Wa, demon gods and demon masters will take charge of the heavenly court!" Di Jun's words resounded all over the world, and every demon can hear it.

Now, heaven and earth are boiling, and the demons on the earth are talking about it. What is Qin Tianjian? Who is Bai Ze? They don't know anything, and there is nothing wrong with the three emperors in charge of the heavenly court.

However, there is a lot of dissatisfaction in the heavenly court. In the past 100 years, the twelve demon saints have calmed the world and made the power of the demon clan full of floods in the southeast and northwest, which can be said to be a high contribution.

However, what does Emperorwa have? He has been closed in the sky; the same is true of demons and demon masters. They have been practicing. After the establishment of the heavenly court, they have never been in charge of heaven and earth, which makes them very unconvinced.

However, if they don't accept it, they can only keep it in their hearts. Who says that their cultivation is not as high as that of Emperorwa and others?

There are also demon master Kunpeng and Fuxi Demon God. The former thinks that Dijun is suspicious of him and doesn't trust him, while the latter thinks that Dijun is playing with him.

When Bai Ze heard Di Jun's words, he smiled inexplicably and was guessed by the master. The emperor was really suspicious. The master said that this was a kind of protection for Nuwa's mother. What does this mean? However, I have now justly become the imperial prison, which is also regarded as establishing a tunnel with the help of the general trend of the demon court. Although it is still within the scope of the heavenly court, it is irrelevant.

Bai Ze can also guess Huang Xiaoyao's thoughts.

Who controls heaven and earth is irrelevant to Huang Xiaoyao. What he wants is not power, but the power of heaven and status. As long as he has his own people to control important positions in these forces, he can integrate the eternal gate and the immortal throne into the throne and status of these forces, and can slowly encroach on the power of heaven and earth. The power of status.

Huang Xiaoyao can come up with this method, which is also a genius. The so-called eternal path of heaven and immortality. As long as Huang Xiaoyao plans slowly, he can always occupy an important position in the wilderness of heaven and tunnels, a position that can affect the development of heaven and earth. This is exactly the effect he wants. Only in this way can he make those The spokesperson of Tiandao is a taboo weapon.

Of course, humanity is different. Heaven is left-handed and the tunnel is right-handed. Humanity is the power of all sentient beings after all sentient beings learn from heaven and tunnels. It includes both heaven and contains the tunnels and has infinite variables, so it is the most difficult to control humanity.

The reason why Huang Xiaoyao turned into a split of the human race and let him have the memory of his previous life is that he wants to establish a humanity that does not rely on heaven and earth, a pure humanity, and a humanity that finally transforms the power of heaven and earth into his own power.

Now, his split has embarked on this road in the dark.

"Your Majesty, I will go to the earth now to form the Qin Tianjian!" Bai Zedao.

"Well, the wise man, please!" Di Jundao.

After a while, Di Jun called Kunpeng demon master and didn't know what to say, which made Kunpeng satisfied.

The reason why Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi practiced in isolation was that he saw a trace of heaven with the help of He Tuluo's book, which made him feel insecure.

In the sky, Nuwa frowned and said, "What on earth is Di Jun going to do?" Humph, who cares about power? In the end, these are floating clouds. Only strong strength is fundamental. If they don't become saints, they will eventually become ants. Maybe they don't understand this sentence!"

Nuwa's knowledge is much richer than that of Emperor Donghuang and others. She is a chaotic demon god and awakens the memory of the two chaotic demon gods. Of course, she knows that it is not the heavenly court that will dominate the flood in the future, but a saint and the spokesperson of heaven.

"Wamei, won't you go out? It is not easy for Dijun and the Eastern Emperor to retreat for ten thousand years. In ten thousand years, we have many opportunities. My demon god must be taken back!" Fuxi said that Fuxi was very concerned about the power of the throne. Over the years, his power had been seized and he enjoyed less and less power of the throne, making his cultivation much slower than that of Nuwa and others.

"Go!" Nuwa said that she knew Fuxi's situation over the years. Although Fuxi had always wanted to save the ancient relationship, Nuwa only had feelings for Fuxi. She knew that Fuxi was unhappy, so she also hoped that Fuxi could transfer her energy from her.


Bai Ze flew to the bottom of the mountain from 33 days, found the cave where he had practiced before, and then sank into his mind and said, "Master, I have become a supervisor of Qintian! What's the next step?"

After waiting for a while, Huang Xiaoyao's words finally came.

"Qin Tianjian, looking at the sky from the ground is a key position in the heavenly court to control the tunnel. Do you think that we monks are very weak about time?" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Yes, thousands of years in a blink of an eye, sometimes closed once, after waking up, I don't know the years, and I don't know what the general trend of heaven!" Bai Zedao.

"Therefore, you have to do a great merit, that is, to make the first step of the calendar of heaven and earth and stipulate the years! If you want to make the calendar, you have to take advantage of the role of your twelve branches in heaven and earth. You have to observe the changes of heaven and earth, completely out of the eyes of the monks, and look at the world with the naked eye. At this time, you will find that there is a big difference between heaven and earth!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"What is the calendar?"

"The calendar is the law of measuring time. According to the changes in heaven and earth, time is divided into various intervals, so that there is a change in the hearts of life. For example, if you close once, you don't know the time after you come out, but if you have a calendar, you know how many years you have been closed. This calendar is also a record of civilization. The law!"

"Ah! So complicated? However, according to the master, this calendar is indeed a great contribution to heaven and earth, but what should be used as an era?

"Now is the era of heaven! For the rest, it's up to you to observe the laws of heaven and earth!"

"Okay, I'll summon the brothers!"

Huang Xiaoyao knows that his knowledge only comes from the previous life. He doesn't know whether the method of time differentiation in the previous life can be applied in today's flood, so he can only ask the twelve branches to understand.

The tunnel is very mysterious, including reincarnation, including feng shui, including mountain gods, including the ten heavenly stems of the twelve earth branches, etc. These factors affect the operation of heaven.

The way of heaven is inseparable from the tunnel. Heaven and earth are integrated and inseparable. Only by influencing each other can they form a complete rule of heaven and earth.

It is too difficult to build a tunnel without the promotion of the general trend of heaven and earth. For example, Di Jun and Eastern Emperor Taiyi establish the heavenly court, they can only be established by occupying the momentum of the demon clan.

Therefore, now Huang Xiaoyao also needs to use the general trend of the demon clan to let the twelve branches establish Qin Tianjian.

Bai Ze summoned other earth branches to convey the meaning of Huang Xiaoyao. Sure enough, he sealed the yuan god and observed the world with his naked eye. Suddenly, in their eyes, heaven and earth were no longer the clear world, and their vision could only be covered in a very small area.

However, it was this naked eye that allowed them to see the details of heaven and earth that they could not see before, and see the initial changes in heaven and earth. Suddenly, they understood the sentence that Huang Xiaoyao often said - the road to simplicity.

I don't know how long it took, the twelve voices sounded at the same time in the flood and famine, saying, "I am the guardian of Bai Ze. In response to the order of the demon emperor, in the name of the heavenly court, with the way of the twelve earth branches, establish the calendar of heaven and earth, the calendar, record the law of time, so that all sentient beings in heaven and earth are no longer confused and have a sense of time!"

Boom! There was a thunder in the sky, and the golden merits condensed in the sky, getting thicker and thicker.

"Ah! The merits of heaven and earth, what kind of evil is Bai Ze? Why is it so mysterious? What are the twelve branches? What is the calendar? Why does heaven and earth reward so much merit?

Countless strong people talked about it one after another, and some even beat their chests and feet, especially those strong men in the heavenly court, who were extremely jealous and flew from the heavenly court into the land of famine, trying to seize luck and merit.

"The twelve earth branches are the foundation, and the ten heavenly stems are the foundation, and the solar terms are divided into solar terms. With the right time, the heavenly realm, and the era of metachemical heaven and Taoism, it starts immediately. It is a year for 365 main stars in a year, divided into 365 days, and the golden black rises and falls, and a day is divided into 12 hours!"


Heaven and earth blow the sound of a cheerful road, as if celebrating the formation of a rule of heaven and earth, which has a great effect on heaven and earth and promotes civilization, so that all sentient beings in heaven and earth can know how to cherish time.

Boom! The earth is shaking, and the dark yellow land floats from under the earth, forming dark yellow clouds.

These land transportation are scattered into nothingness and form an invisible status world under the earth. This status world carries the power of the status of the heavenly court.

However, in this status world, Dijun and the Eastern Emperor occupy half, and the rest are occupied by the twelve branches. At this time, a divine throne emerges from under the earth, turning into nothingness and integrating into the status world.

Twelve earthly branches flew from the earth, forming twelve giant beasts, standing between heaven and earth, with powerful power shaking the sky and earth.

The merits of the sky turned into twelve points and flew to the twelve branches respectively.

The twelve demon saints in the heavenly court originally wanted to seize merit, but when they saw that the momentum of each of the twelve branches was stronger than them, they immediately retreated.

"Where do so many strong people come from in this world? Each of them actually has the strength of the southern demon, and Bai Ze was appointed as the supervisor by His Majesty. Is this the supervisor? How can you get so many merits? Kunpeng watched what happened in Honghuang for 33 days.

He will not be as ignorant as the twelve demon saints. Suddenly, so many strong men appear. It must be chess pieces laid by the great powers. This kind of strong man may be the power left over from ancient times.

If you go out rashly, in case you offend the strong man, it will be difficult. After the infinite disaster, they know more about the value of life.

The twelve branches absorbed the merits of heaven and earth as they wished. Their demeanor was also remembered in the hearts of the Honghuang creatures, and countless demons joined the camp of the twelve branches to practice the authentic method.

The Eagle Demon Saint was very angry. Originally, he thought that the merit would weaken his pain of losing his son. Unexpectedly, it was this result, which made him even more angry. He wanted to find the demon hunter and avenge his beloved son.