Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 304 Qiankun Ding, Nuwa's obsession

"Nvwa, I'll take you to a place!" Huang Xiaoyao said, pulling Nuwa and disappearing in place.

They came to a beautiful world, full of fairy fog, white, infinite void, and a vast continent into their eyes.

Here, it is very much like 33 days, with a fairy atmosphere, which makes people feel free and detached.

In the center of the mainland, there are three vast fairy islands. There are countless fairy palaces on the fairy island, with creatures playing.

"What a beautiful, so special breath, freedom, independence, freedom, maybe this is the real fairy way! Brother Xiaoyao, is this the world of Xiaoyao? Nuwa asked.

Nuwa is well-informed and controls the origin of thewa emperor. The origin of the Washuangtian is a higher level of fairy spirit than the aura. All the demons born in 33 days are naturally powerful and full of essence because they were born from the fairy spirit.

However, the 33-day fairy spirit has a deficiency, a lack of a will, and a spirit. Those creatures born in 33 days have no difference in the essence of the soul and the creatures born in the wilderness.

However, although the world in front of us is not complete for 33 days, it seems to be born above any road. Its barriers are very thick, which seems to contain the daily ladder. This ladder represents a spiritual quality. As long as you pass through the ladder, you can find the fairy gate and step into the fairy gate, which is the real fairy. .

Nuwa is now powerful and has understood the way of quasi-holy, but she feels that she has not yet become an immortal. The immortal should be self-improvement and conquer the power of heaven and earth with her own strength, climb the ladder with her own strength, break the barriers of immortality, and achieve the quality of immortality.

Immortals should not only have strong power, but also have a transformed soul.

"I'm going to climb that ladder!" Nuwa said firmly.

"Good!" Huang Xiaoyao didn't say anything. He brought Nuwa here to let her pass the baptism of the pure yang fairyland.

Today's pure Yang fairyland has changed and become very perfect, and the rules have been formed to make the pure Yang fairyland work.

In this vast space, there are 33 floating continents, and each continent is separated by thick barriers, just like time and space.

However, in the center of the fairyland, from the first floor, there is a chaotic giant tree that only the yellow demon can see runs through for 33 days, and it is just a crown, and the body and roots are unknown.

This giant tree extends countless steps, extending up layer by layer. Starting from the first day, there are 100 steps to the second day, and there are 1,000 steps from the second day to the third day. By analogy, the higher the ladder increases tenfold.

And the most amazing thing is that at the end of each ladder, there is a white light portal behind which is a nothingness, representing the unknown.

This is the fairy rule set by Huang Xiaoyao for the future creatures in the free world. Without the baptism of the ladder and stepping into the fairy gate, he is not qualified to become immortals.

The soul of Huang Xiaoyao followed in Nuwa's footsteps.

Nvwa, formerly known as the Chaos Demon God, also integrates the true spirit of the flower god and has unique qualifications. She soon understood the artistic conception of immortals, surpassing layers of stairs, and finally reached the peak of the 33rd floor of the sky.

has changed, and Nuwa's breath has changed. Her cultivation is still the same, but her breath is restrained, and the origin of her body contains a powerful artistic conception, free and unrestrained.

A mysterious breath of creation emanated from her body, covering the whole 33 days. In an instant, the initial creatures born within 33 days stopped one after another, as if they were understanding something.

I don't know how long it took, and many creatures realized their fairy skills.

In 33 days, countless new buds emerged from the earth, containing the joy of rebirth.

She smiled happily. At this moment, her mind merged with all sentient beings in the pure yang fairyland and felt the birth process of life. The breath of creation on her body became stronger. A three-legged tripod appeared from her head, absorbing the power of creation and wanted to plunder the origin of the pure yang fairyland.

The Qiankun tripod is the core of the chaotic green lotus and carries the refining power of chaotic green lotus. This is a powerful creation. In those years, after Huang Xiaoyao got the Qiankun tripod, he let Qingyi and Molian return to their original state and enter the chaotic beads.

The universe is spiritual. It knows that the breath here has a great effect on him and wants to refine it all.

Nvwa suddenly woke up. She felt that she could not control the universe tripod and was immediately shocked. The universe tripod seemed to be affected by a powerful force and turned into a 100,000-foot giant tripod, trying to devour heaven and earth.

"Hmm?" Huang Xiaoyao used the magic-breaking eyes, penetrated the heavy void, and saw a layer of fog in the depths of the chaotic beads. It was this layer of fog that generated a power to control the universe tripod. His broken eyes could not see through this layer of fog.

But when I thought about it, I suddenly knew what it was.

When Huang Xiaoyao used the Qiankun tripod to return the source of green lotus green clothes and the silent black lotus ink lotus back into the chaotic beads, he once felt a divine idea.

At that time, he already knew that the divine spirit came from the land of the end of the law, and the land of the end of the law was transformed by the remnants of chaotic green lotus.

He hasn't seen the end of the law for so long that he almost forgot that there was this variable in the chaotic beads.

His soul suddenly shrouded this layer of fog, suppressed it with the power of the whole chaotic beads, and then took the universe tripod into his hand. In this world, Huang Xiaoyao is the most powerful, and it is easy to seal the universe tripod.

"Brother Xiaoyao, how could this happen? Wasn't Qiankun Ding refined by me? Why is it still out of control? Is it..." Nuwa wondered. She also knew that this universe tripod was transformed by fragments of chaotic green lotus. Now she can't control it. Doesn't it mean that chaotic green lotus is not dead?

Her predecessor was the chaotic demon god. She knew that Chaos Qinglian was the greatest creature in chaos. Her body contained powerful creation. Later, Hongjun took advantage of the weakness of Chaos Qinglian and let Pangu enter it and seize everything of Chaos Qinglian.

It can be said that without chaotic green lotus, there would be no current flood.

"You're right. The remnants of Chaos Qinglian are indeed in this world, but I haven't communicated with her. It's extremely mysterious. I don't know if it's only subconscious. It usually doesn't appear. It only appears when you feel her body!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Ah, it's too dangerous, Xiaoyao, you still have to find a way to get her out, because I'm afraid of something will happen in the end. If it hadn't been for Hongjun, Hun Kun and Lu Min with me to help Pangu, Pangu, Pangu could not have occupied the chaotic Qinglian in the end. Although she only had remnants, she was extremely horrible. We knew that she could It is not known that it can come from a more powerful world than chaos, or from the origin of chaos!" Nuwa said, extremely worried.

"Don't worry about her. I think I have a feeling that this remnant has a great effect in the future. Now I will help you completely refine the universe tripod first. The universe tripod is very important to you!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

In the future, Nuwa wants to create people to become saints, and the Qiankun tripod is the key. Huang Xiaoyao believes that as long as Nuwa completely refines the Qiankun tripod and kills the corpse with the Qiankun tripod, she must be very strong and no longer the weakest saint.


Boom! The whole chaotic bead shook, and the power of chaos formed a chaotic oven, in which there was a powerful real fire burning. Huang Xiaoyao put the universe tripod into the oven.

Boom! A powerful refining force emanated from the universe tripod and actually absorbed the real fire of the oven. He wanted to refine the oven, but Huang Xiaoyao was already ready to let the universe tripod continue to absorb the real fire.

Sucing... There were bursts of noises in the Qiankun tripod.

In the universe tripod, the real fire turns into a figure, which is exactly the appearance of Huang Xiaoyao. This is the infinite soul differentiated by Huang Xiaoyao, forming a flame.

At this time, a figure appeared in the universe tripod, which was transformed by the soul imprint of Nuwa.

"Nvwa, let's hit the core of the Qiankun tripod together. There is the imprint of chaotic green lotus. As long as the brand is broken, you can completely refine it!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Endless souls form a torrent, impacting the core of the universe tripod. Some of these torrents turn into grinding discs, constantly grinding the imprint of chaotic green lotus, some turning into sharp swords, cutting imprints, and some turning into burning real fire, melting...

Huang Xiaoyao's 3,000 Avenue and 800 side gates were vividly reflected at this moment. Before long, the imprint of the deep-rooted chaotic green lotus was uprooted by him.

Nuwa took the opportunity to leave her brand in the depths of the Qiankun tripod. In an instant, a powerful power of creation integrated into Nuwa's mind. Her cultivation was profound and had reached a bottleneck. Now she absorbed this powerful power of creation and suddenly realized it.

"Attment, cut!" Nuwa's heart moved, as if the water came naturally, and a powerful force cut into her mind. The three blooming flowers appeared above her head. With a click, a flower was cut out by him and turned into an extremely holy woman, exactly the same as Nuwa, but it lacked a human touch.

This figure exudes a power of creation and an unwavering will. With a flash, she entered the universe tripod and refined in an instant. The universe tripod changed into a human form. It was the Nuwa just now.

"I have seen this image for the Virgin Mary!" The holy and indifferent Nuwa said.

"Well, you are the corpse of my obsession, carrying my infinite desire for cultivation, including the pursuit of the road in my previous life. You can cultivate wholeheartedly and pursue the ultimate of creation!" Nuwa said.

"Love is the most powerful demon, I hope you will be vigilant!" Said the Virgin Mary of Creation.

Huang Xiaoyao was surprised to see. Although he knew something about the so-called method of proof of the three corpses, Hongjun had not yet preached. The current method of the three corpses was in Hongjun's hands, so Huang Xiaoyao did not know much about the method of the three corpses. Now it seems that there are indeed merits.

He didn't expect to let Nuwa refine the universe tripod and let her kill the corpse in advance, and be the first to cut out the corpse of obsession. Huang Xiaoyao knew that he killed three corpses, killed the good corpse with merit and virtue, and killed the evil corpse with karma. The most difficult thing to cut was the corpse of self-obsessiveness.

No matter who is, the most difficult thing to defeat is himself. Huang Xiaoyao was moved and moved by Nuwa's decisiveness. He knew the real reason why Nuwa could cut out the corpse of obsession first.

This is the power of love.