Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 313 Eternal Fire, the Great Trend of Heaven and Earth

The eternal door on Huang Xiaoyao's head bloomed with holy white light, and endless white light sprinkled on the wilderness land and was absorbed by infinite sentient beings. Those creatures who almost died because of their resistance to the divine thoughts of Hongjun saints instantly recovered their peak power. A light gate opened in the depths of their hearts, and fires of hope shot out of the light gate. Enter the gate of eternity.


A yellow flame flew out of the gate of eternity, like a beautiful fire elf, forming a light curtain wall in the sky, and figures appeared on the wall. Those figures walked step by step along the ladder to the door of eternity, and their eyes were firm.

"The eternal fire is endless!"

As those figures stepped on the ladder to the gate of eternity, the soles of their feet emitted powerful power. This force integrated into heaven and earth, making heaven and earth change greatly, and powerful forces formed a storm, dispelling the mysterious energy of Hongjun Daozu.

Huh? Is this the light of heaven? How is that possible? How can you attract the light of heaven? Hongjun was shocked. Now Honghuang Tiandao has become complete, and Hongjun's control of Tiandao is getting weaker and weaker, but after all, he is a saint, and the yuan god is the executor of the void and the heavenly way. However, he can no longer attract the light of heaven, otherwise, he will be truly invincible at that time.

"The door of eternity is the vitality of heaven, which represents the strong belief in the hearts of all sentient beings. The power of all sentient beings is extremely powerful. As long as there is a door of eternity in their hearts, there is hope. The fire of hope emitted from their hearts will strengthen the eternal gate, which is equivalent to strengthening the heavenly way. Of course, it can attract the light of heaven! Hongjun, I advise you to retreat, otherwise it will block the strong road of the rules of heaven. Hey hey, what will happen then..." Huang Xiaoyao said.

When he planned to establish the road in Wuzhou Mountain, he had already foreseen the current situation. He knew that Hongjun would definitely stop it, but he was not afraid, because he had the eternal gate and the immortal throne to integrate into heaven and earth, and also knew the general trend of the development of the rules of heaven. The rolling trend was unstoppable and it was a for a fore.

The reason why he chose to establish the Tao now is that he wants to tell the existence of the Tao. Only by gaining the upper hand in the game with Hongjun can he truly let the Tao go deep into the hearts of all sentient beings and make them sincerely feel that the Tao is a very powerful road.

The endless mountain gods and the twelve branches are all his accumulation of the tunnel, and the choice of the twelve ancestral witches is also within his expectation. As long as these forces are gathered, the immortal throne can be completely formed, emitting immortal light, let the tunnel slowly rise, and form tunnel rules under the earth.

And the change of the eternal gate is also in his plan. When the Taoist is established, all sentient beings in heaven and earth will go to the mountain, and Hongjun will definitely stop it, but this is to test all sentient beings for Huang Xiaoyao and test those creatures with free hearts and those who really yearn for freedom.

Hongjun's saint's divine thoughts not only can't stop these creatures, but also completely form the door of hope in the hearts of these creatures, connect with the door of eternity, and completely form the door of eternity, and strengthen the way of heaven to attract the light of heaven.

Huang Xiaoyao stood on the mountain, and at his feet was the immortal throne with golden light shining and simple light. On his head was the eternal gate emitting holy white light, and the breath was extremely powerful. At this moment, he felt the power of control. The eternal gate represented the vitality of the Honghuang Tiandao, so that his soul of heaven and earth were integrated into the way of heaven and the immortal throne. The source of the tunnel rules makes him integrate into the earth, step on the earth, and his power is endless.

Now the Eternal Gate and the Immortal Throne are finally complete. As long as they absorb the disappeared vitality of heaven and the endless potential under the earth, at that time, Huang Xiaoyao can really have the fighting power of saints, and it is also the time for him to open up the world.

"Hmm, there are ants under the saints!" Hongjun's voice sounded, and a figure appeared from the void, stepping on the Taiji map, holding a plate of ancient flags in his hand, and creating jade butterflies on his head. His back emitted infinite light, illuminating the sky, and a fairy ethereal void appeared, showing the mysterious Tao. His yuan god flashed in the void and could appear anywhere in the void, as if nothing I can't.

"Ah! So powerful, is this a saint? It turned out that it was just his split! This is the real power!" Zhun said that he was in the west of the wilderness and watched the game between Hongjun and Huang Xiaoyao.

"This free demon seems to have the upper hand, but in essence, Hongjun's Tao is more powerful. This free demon is a little overpowerful!" The ancestor of the Styx River's eyes shot out to kill light. I don't know what he was thinking. The dark blood sea under his feet was surging, and the blood waves rotated, forming a mysterious blood-red Taiji map.

Between heaven and earth, all sentient beings once again felt the irresistible power and retreated one after another. There was no longer the thought of going to Wuzhou Mountain to listen to the Tao. Instead, they waited for Hongjun to preach and pass down the way of Xuanmen. Only those creatures who yearned for freedom and freedom stayed.

However, there are few creatures left, not one in ten thousand. It can be seen that there are few staunchful creatures. However, this has made Huang Xiaoyao very happy, because his freedom does not care about the number of people, but must have a free heart.

"Easy Taoist friend, do you see? This is the will of the saint, the invincible will. You control the eternal gate and the immortal throne, and the mysterious road. However, you, as a Taoist, are sanctified, how can you really let the creatures of your Taoist system achieve true freedom? How can so-called freedom be achieved? Listen to all sentient beings in heaven and earth. In the past, there were six saints in my Xuanmen. As today's Tao changes, there is no fixed number of saints. Only by practicing the way of saints can the empt be achieved by entrusting the void to achieve true eternity!" Hongjun's words resounded through the world.

Yes! Xiaoyao Taoism has not been sanctified. How can his way be compared with the Xuanmen of Hongjun Daozu? At this moment, those waiting creatures completely left.

Huang Xiaoyao did not object at all to Hongjun's words, but listened calmly and said, "Hum! The real invincibility is the strength of the heart, and the creatures with a free heart are the most powerful!"

As soon as the big hand stretched out, countless palm shadows appeared, and those creatures were transferred to the foot of the mountain by Huang Xiaoyao.

Seeing this, Hongjun's figure flashed and disappeared into the sky. A voice sounded: "The sermon is advanced, and the Zixiao Palace stands a hundred years later!"

Hongjun has achieved his goal. Huang Xiaoyao has the eternal gate and the immortal throne. Hongjun knows that he can't stop him from standing, because this is the general trend of the rules of heaven and is unstoppable.

Only a small part of all sentient beings have entered the free Taoism. Hongjun believes that there is not much threat to his Xuanmen Taoism, and only his disciples will be sanctified. At that time, Honghuang will be the world of Xuanmen.

In fact, he can kill those creatures who enter the mountain, but he didn't do so because he didn't want to make a bad impression on all sentient beings.

"I've seen the Taoist Lord!" Those creatures said in unison.

"Hmm! As Hongjun said, I am not sanctified, I can't give you the strength of saints, and I can't guarantee you to become saints, but I will give you the seeds of freedom. My Taoism has no limit, as long as there is a free heart, whether it is the way of heaven, the way of earth, or the way of man, it doesn't matter!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

He was shocked, and the immortal throne and the eternal gate left his body. The eternal gate floated into the void, forming a white eternal light gate over the mountain of Buzhou, while the immortal throne appeared a black and gold portal at the bottom of the mountain of Buzhou, and layers of black and gold stairs leading to the earth.

And his soul is integrated into Buzhou Mountain and gradually refined, so that every inch of land of Buzhou Mountain contains his free will, which will have a subtle effect on the creatures living in Buzhou Mountain.

"Have you seen these two portals? This is the eternal gate and the immortal gate, which contains the heavenly way and tunnel. You first find the voice in your heart, and then choose which light gate to enter, or stay in the mountain to practice. All the answers are for you to find!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

After a while, those creatures finally separated and formed three teams, entering the Gate of Immortality and the Gate of Eternity respectively, and some of them stayed in the mountain to practice.

"Thank you very much, Xiaoyao Taoist friend!" At this time, Hou Tu came out of the twelve ancestral witches and said gratefully to Huang Xiaoyao.

When Hongjun wanted to grab the reincarnation air mass, the twelve ancestral witches thought they had been robbed, but they didn't expect that Huang Xiaoyao was so powerful that he could attract the light of heaven, drive away Hongjun's Xuanqingqi, keep the reincarnation air mass, and integrate into the heavenly soul of the earth.

"You deserve this. Do you stay in Wuzhou Mountain to practice or go back to your ancestral land of the witch clan?" Huang Xiaoyao asked.

"back to the ancestral land of the witch clan! There is a father's temple, which is the foundation of our witch clan! And I also want to practice in isolation and feel the way of reincarnation!" Back soil road.

"Well, the reincarnation of heaven is generated by the tunnel, but it has the potential to become an independent heaven, which can form the reincarnation world, hell, the abyss, the underworld, hell and so on. I promised Pangu's will to protect your witches to become a big family in the vast world, so I don't force you to integrate into the free Taoist system and not to force the earth. The reincarnation is integrated into the Immortal Throne, but I hope you will remember the cause and effect between us!" Huang Xiaoyao said slowly.

As soon as Hou Tu and others heard it, their expressions were suddenly solemn. This cause and effect was so big that they were heavy in their hearts. This was not just a reincarnation fruit. Huang Xiaoyao did this simply to help the witches control the reincarnation of the flood and famine and make the witches immortal forever.

Opening up reincarnation is a kind of infinite merit for the world, and it can even be compared with the yellow demon casting the eternal gate to improve the way of heaven.

However, the merits of heaven and earth obtained by Huang Xiaoyao's casting the eternal gate and the immortal throne have been used to offset the cause and effect of his own ancient demon spirit.

"We witches are not ungrateful people. In the future, the Taoist system of free Taoist friends will always be friends of our witches!" Dijiang and Zhujiu*.

Other witches, even Zhu Rong, who did not deal with Huang Xiaoyao, nodded, and their views on Huang Xiaoyao completely changed.