Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 461 The universe is the heart, into endless chaos

(ps: In the last chapter, I spoofed the four world, renamed the Eternal Divine Realm, Hengsha Heavenly Kingdom, the Mang Universe, and the Purple Virtual Real World)

Pangu, with the highest qualification in the world of Hongmeng, will be sent into endless chaos by the masters of Hongmeng, and Chaos Qinglian is also a powerful Hongmeng spiritual root. Although it is severely damaged by the magic idea of the original spirit, once it awakens, it can recover quickly.

The magic idea of the founding spirit was not willing to fail, so when Pangu opened the world, it closed the chaos with supreme power, forcing Pangu to turn into the flood and the land. At the same time, it kept Hongjun's Taoist foundation and secretly used its magic power to let Hongjun and the remnants of some chaotic demon gods awaken in the flood and manipulate the development trend of the flood, that is, The so-called heavenly trend.

Pangu understood the "way of rebellion". After turning into the land of the flood and famine, he became stronger. He brought the yellow demon from the depths of endless time and space into the flood and famine, stirred up the storm of the flood and famine, making the yellow demon stronger step by step and becoming the biggest variable of the flood and famine.

During this period, Pangu and the magic thoughts of the Genesis Yuanling secretly did not dare to take action, but manipulated all sentient beings behind their backs to achieve their respective goals; while Chaos Qinglian was not actually suppressed in the flood, but secretly paid attention to everything about Huang Xiaoyao.

What happened after the flood, in the eyes of all sentient beings who do not understand the truth, is indeed exciting and wonderful, but in the view of Huang Xiaoyao now, this is just a chess game, and outside the chess game, there are players who manipulate everything.

"I wipe it, where does this come from? Who opened up the world? Why is there a so-called balancer? So, is there anything more powerful than domination outside the Hongmeng world, the long river of fate, the long river of time and space, endless chaos, endless nothingness and the four world? Or...the rule of balance is the ultimate road?" Huang Xiaoyao couldn't help it. This information made him in a trance, and even the soul of chaos could not let him digest it immediately.

also said that when you think that you have come into contact with the essence of something through endless disasters, you suddenly find that you are very superficial, and there are more secrets for you to explore, there must be waves in your heart. Some people who are not strong-willed will even be discouraged or self-abandoned.

However, how powerful is Huang Xiaoyao's free will? Even the power of balance could understand that nothing could shake his heart. Even when he learned these truths, a feeling of excitement rose in his heart, and he had a strong desire to explore these secrets.

He looked at the origin of the magic idea in his hand, and an idea was born in his heart. As soon as his mind moved, a soul power integrated into the magic idea, and then threw the magic idea into the long river of time and space. The magic idea drifted along the long river of time and space, and then escape into the cosmic oven transformed by the flood and famine.

"Hey, the creation spirit wants to refine me into a split body and then control Hongmeng, then I will do what he wants. When he wakes up, he will find that the magic idea with his power has understood the power of balance!" Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart.

He had to do this. Although he realized that the power of balance had become a balancer, it did not give him any sense of security. On top of fate, there were so many Hongmeng masters pressing on his heart, as well as the sleeping creation spirits. Once these masters awakened, he would die without a burial place. He is now. What confidence can compete with those Hongmeng masters?

How powerful was the strong man who crossed the long river of fate with his own strength? Even he was about to fall. Huang Xiaoyao knew in his heart that compared with the strong man, he was a green onion, an ant who understood the supreme power. There is no resistance in front of huge things.

He also needs to rely on the future flood and famine world, reunite all the worlds transformed by the fragments of the land of chaos, devour the power of balance, go to the four world, devour their balance power, understand the mystery of fate with his own strength, step into Hongmeng, and cast a complete balance rule.

There is an example of the fall of the balancer, Huang Xiaoyao will not be so stupid. He wants to give full play to the advantage of free and play a big chess game with the existence in the dark.

Huang Xiaoyao is a balancer. The biggest advantage is that no one can regard him as a chess piece, because once the power of balance falls into the chessboard of any strong man, the chessboard of this strong man will be balanced. The chess pieces will always be evenly matched and cannot be played. This is the strength of the power of balance.

Therefore, as long as Hongmeng dominates, Huang Xiaoyao is relatively safe and can develop his strength secretly.

For Xiaoyao Road, he has too much to give up, such as his confidant, his disciples, and the boys who cry and become strong to avenge him, all of whom he can't give up.

He sinks his heart and feels the heart lotus. He only sees the ever-changing power of the heart lotus in the space, containing the original power of chaotic beads, which has become the origin of the universe. With the power of blood, the chain of power rules and rules is empty, and the blood line covering the sky has turned into a rule, and no one can check it. The power of the soul is the source of the heart lotus, which can be false or real. It is ever-changing and has the shape of everything; there is also the power of the soul, with the immortal atmosphere and the immortality of the soul of chaos.

Heart lotus, like the previous chaotic beads, contains all the power of the yellow demon, but now it adds a power of supreme source balance.

Huang Xiaoyao knew his future path, his mind moved, and his heart turned into nothingness, integrated into the long river of time and space, and chased him to the cosmic oven.

The oven of the universe floats in endless chaos, has devoured countless worlds, and even devoured countless chaotic forces. The origin has become extremely powerful. If the previous flood and famine could carry twelve saints, then now, if the flood and famine is completed, it can definitely carry 3,000 saints. Perhaps, at that time, the saints were no longer It is the most powerful.

The saint is known as the mixed yuan Jinxian. Above the chaotic Jinxian, it is the mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian. Further, it is the Taiji mixed Yuan Jinxian and the Wuji mixed Yuan Jinxian. Only in the realm of Taiji mixed yuan Jinxian can you freely enter the endless chaos, which is the so-called innate saint.

Therefore, Hongjun can only be regarded as a mixed Yuan Jinxian, while Pangu is a mixed Yuan Jinxian in Taiji and the only innate saint.

The power of Xinlian is silent, integrated into the cosmic oven and gradually absorbs the innate balance of the cosmic oven.

How powerful a world is, how powerful the power of balance is, but the power of balance cannot be felt. A world is a power of saints, and there is also a power of balance at the saint level. What about the flood? That's 3,000 worlds and countless worlds, and you can imagine how powerful the power of balance is.

Huang Xiaoyao wants to absorb the balance of the world, but he doesn't know when. At that time, he will have the power to protect himself in the face of Hongmeng's domination.

With the re-divination of the flood and famine, every creature will progress and step into a higher level. Perhaps, when Pangu, Chaos Green Lotus, Extermination Mill and all chaotic demon gods awaken, they will reach an unprecedented height.

Pangu goes one step further, which is beyond the existence of innate saints; Hongjun, Time and Space Ancestor, Yang Mei Ancestor, etc. can also become innate saints...

Huang Xiaoyao integrated Xinlian into the cosmic oven, but the power of his soul and blood were separated and turned into a human body. He was in a very strange state, as if he had taken the universe as his heart. Although Xinlian was not in the body, he could use the most powerful power of Xinlian.

He raised his eyebrows and stepped into Buzhou Mountain and felt the strong power of Taoism. He was very satisfied. This time, he established the Tao and refined Buzhou Mountain into a true Taoist spiritual treasure to protect the free path. It can be said that in the future, as long as his confidant is in Buzhou Mountain, no one can hurt him unless he can destroy the free Tao. Unification means breaking Huang Xiaoyao's free will.

His confidants and all his disciples are sleeping, absorbing the power of the cosmic oven and gradually changing the essence of their lives.

"If the origin of the flood and famine is to be improved and complete, it still needs endless power. It seems that it is not so fast. Just right, I can enter the endless chaos and look at other worlds. Maybe I can find the legendary four-way world. Anyway, my Taoist heart lotus has evolved itself in the oven of the universe, and I don't need to engrave it. I want to practice. Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart.

Now he has established a Taoist foundation that has the power of balance and is unique. He does not need to practice deliberately, nor does he need to collect the source and Hongjun and others to fight as before. He just needs to evolve with the cosmic oven.

As soon as his figure flashed, he entered the endless chaos. A disk appeared and bloomed like a petal, opening 36 products, like a boat of flying saucers, carrying the yellow demon to escape at a high speed in the endless chaos.

This is a chaotic disk, that is, it has been bred in chaotic beads since it was refined, and now it is finally useful.

Endless chaos, no direction, Huang Xiaoyao let the chaotic disk fly freely, without the concept of time, maybe a thousand years, 10,000 years or hundreds of millions of years...

In a powerful universe, there is an incomparable ancient tree. The ancient tree supports the universe. Every branch can give birth to a powerful plane world. Every leaf is a world. In these worlds, they must be the master and call themselves gods.

In this world, the most powerful are the space god Kaso and the twelve god emperors, who are in charge of a powerful divine system and occupy the twelve main branches of the world tree.

A long time ago, Cassio, the god of space, fell into a deep sleep, and the world tree had not moved for a long time. It was hidden between time and space, and even the twelve gods could not be found.

However, not long ago, the world trees swayed, countless leaves withered and fell, and countless creatures fell. All sentient beings thought that this was the arrival of the dusk of the gods.

Even the twelve emperors have gone out of the customs and gathered at the top of the world tree, and their expression is extremely solemn.

"The world we despised at the beginning is now the culprit that led to the dusk of the gods. God doesn't know where he has gone and why he hasn't come back yet?"