Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 484 Shennong's Quality, Apprentice

After the birth of the humanitarian post, the reason why so many people established an empire is that they know the benefits of luck, and the empire is a container for collecting luck.

The higher his status in the empire, the more he enjoys the luck of heaven and earth. For example, Haotian, the Jade Kingdom enjoys the most fortune of the Jade Kingdom. In the human world, the luck can't be seen, but when the Jade Kingdom reaches its peak, Haotian can break the heaven and earth into the holy world with its powerful luck.

In the Jade Kingdom, in addition to the most enjoyed luck by the Jade Emperor and Hongjun, the twelve sons of the Jade Kingdom are below. Among them, the third princes domineering marquis are the most powerful. His cultivation is already in the Taoist realm, and he understands that the emperor is domineering, and he is most likely to become the emperor. The luck he enjoys is only under the Jade Emperor.

Today, Bahou is very happy, because there are eyeliner rewards. It is said that there are many beautiful women in the outer city. Each of them is peerless and fairy spirit. Bahou's favorite is the fairy, which satisfies his perverted pleasure in the process of conquest.

A pair of horses ran out of the inner city. The leader was domineering and majestic, full of explosive power. He rode a black horse, which was extremely irritable and hissed crazily. There was a black smoke under his feet, and the earth shattered everywhere he passed.

"Ah! The marquis came out again, hurry up and avoid..."

The street was empty in an instant.

In the imperial capital of the Jade Kingdom, he can't fly. Even if the hegemony is powerful, he can only walk on the ground. He went down to the ground and said to the running crowd, "Who can tell me where the fairy is and give him a pill!"

"I know I know..." Suddenly, countless people came over and looked at the overlord eagerly.

Entering the Tao elixir can make mortals understand the Tao and step into the immortal way, which can be said to be a step to the sky.

"Very good, you take me!" The overlord is extremely humane to an obscene person.

East of the city, in an ordinary stone house, Huang Xiaoyao is washing the marrow of Shennong Tianyi. Huang Xiaoyao wants to help Shennong Tianyi cast a unique Taoist body - the immortal Taoist body.

The so-called immortality means that the vitality is strong and can live endlessly, and the dead gas poison cannot be hurt, and it can turn the poison into the power of life.

Although Huang Xiaoyao did not know when the Shennong surname originated, and did not know whether the Shennong was the Yan Emperor Shennong known in his previous life, Huang Xiaoyao wanted to cast a local emperor Shennong.

Emperor Fuxi established the Yidao civilization in the eastern land, while Kong Xuan understood the Taoism of the Eastern people on the basis of Yidao. It can be said that the Eastern people have been on the right track.

As long as they are given time, they can develop a strong human civilization. There are many empires in the eastern land, but under the infiltration of such powerful civilization forces, every empire will sooner or later be respected by the human race. At that time, the Eastern human race will be unified, that is, when Fuxi becomes the emperor.

The reason why he is an emperor rather than an emperor is that Huang Xiaoyao can't let others control all his luck before he controls the balance of the world.

The eastern land no longer needs him to worry about, and Fuxi can solve everything; and the central land is the place with the largest number of human races. Because of the existence of the Jade Kingdom, the human race here has suppressed for countless years and it is easier to stimulate the strong desires of these people.

"Hahaha, I feel stronger than ever!" Shennong Tianyi said happily. He took out a stone knife and cut it in his hand, which surprised the old Shennong.

"Little rabbit, what are you crazy about?"

But the next moment, the old Shennong's eyes widened and was extremely shocked. He saw Shennong's heavenly doctor's flesh and blood squirmed out of a long open crack in his arm and repaired himself in an instant.

"Is this... still not a human? Even immortals can't recover so quickly! Little rabbit, why don't you thank the immortals? Old Shennong Road.

"Thank you very much, Immortal!" Shennong Tianyi solemnly said.

"Ha ha, don't you hate monks?" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"I hate monies, but what I hate are those ruthless monks. There are also good monks, just like immortals!" Shennong Tianyi Road.

"Well, you are not one-sided, and you are not blinded by hatred. You have great wisdom, you can taste all kinds of grass for a belief, you have great courage, you can consider your father before you die, you have great filial piety, you can work hard for the rise of the human race, you have righteousness, great wisdom, you can make you realize the way, great courage makes you fearless, great filial piety Show your principles and make you popular. You are the leader of the human race I have been looking for for a long time!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Well... Shangxian, how can I be so good? I'm just thinking about how to make more human beings survive in this world!" Shennong Tianyi was embarrassed.

"Ha ha, you may not have thought of this, but it is precisely what you didn't expect to reflect the true quality of your heart. Would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

"The apprentice visits the master!" Shennong Tianyi Road.

"I have countless magical power and countless skills. What do you want to practice?"

"Can I live a long life?"

"You can live a long life!"

"Can you become a strong man?"

"As long as you work hard, you will definitely become a strong man and ensure that you are invincible at the same level!"

"Can all races practice? Can people who are not qualified to practice?

"I can't!"

"Master, is there a cultivation method in the world that can make all people strong? Is there a way to let people control their own destiny? Shennong Tianyi Road.

"Yes, but I don't. This method needs you to understand, but I am your master. I can give you a key, a key that can make you realize your ideal! However, you can't become strong immediately, or even if you don't understand, you will never become strong. Which one do you choose? Huang Xiaoyao said.

Shennong Tianyi was silent, and there was a struggle on his face. He knew the importance of this choice. If he chose those skills, he could quickly become a strong man, but he alone became a strong man and could protect the human race. If he chose the latter, he must realize it by himself. If he can't understand it, he can only live a mortal life, not just not If you can protect the human race, you can't even protect yourself.

But how long can you become strong and protect the human race? Is he going to watch a group of people die in a muddle-headed way?

No, this is not what I want. What I want to see is that a family lives full of faith. They can work hard. Even if they are crushed in the end, they can leave a strong stroke in this world. Yes, I want to choose the key to enlightenment. I want to understand the way of the human race by myself. Shennong Tianyi has firmed himself. My own information.

Huang Xiaoyao has been observing the expression of Shennong Tianyi, and finally, he showed his deep feelings with satisfaction.

In Huang Xiaoyao's heart, he hoped that Shennong Tianyi would understand the Tao himself, and he, just like Fuxi, enlightened Shennong Tianyi and let him understand the Tao.

"Yi Dao" is all-encompassing. In fact, it contains all the essence of Huang Xiaoyao's previous paths, but it can be reflected in the truth, but it can not make people have power. This is also created by Huang Xiaoyao according to the current human race. The human race is a race of wisdom. There should be a way to develop them infinitely. Wisdom, and this method is Yi Dao.

If you want a wise human race like Shennong Tianyi, if you get Yi Dao, you will definitely understand your own way.

"Little rabbit, promise to go to the immortal and choose a powerful skill!" The old Shennong said that he hoped that his son could become strong and become immortal. As for himself, he had given up.

"No! I hope the master can give me the key. I want to understand the Tao that is suitable for all races to practice. I don't want to become immortals alone, but all races can grasp their own destiny!" Shennong Tianyi Road.

At this moment, a sneer sounded from the outside and said contemptuously, "Hahaha, it's really a big deal. Ordinary people are like understanding the road? Even if you are a strong person in the realm of Taoism, you can't realize your own way. You can only practice and become immortals according to your skills. Do you know what it means to understand the road? It means that you can ascend to the sky in one step. As long as you enter the sky, you can immediately become a golden fairy.

"The marquis is right. These mortals like to dream and want all the people to practice? What a delusion."

"I can kill all these people in other cities by myself!"

Several people walked in from the door. The leader was the domineering. His eyes glowed silver and laughed, "It's worth the trip. It's worth the trip. It's really a beauty!"