Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 513 "Good Luck" of the Jade Emperor

"Xiaoyao Taoist, is the space god really so powerful? Can't the powerful people in the holy world such as Pangu God resist? Taiqing saints.

"You don't understand the concept of controlling the power of a universe. You can imagine that you control the power of a thousand worlds and the realm of saints, so how many world powers are there to control a universe? And this is not as simple as one plus one, but after controlling a universe, it is already supreme creation. He is the road of this universe. The world of gods and demons is an old universe. It used to carry the power of twelve saints, but now it can carry the power of twelve saints and the power of countless saints, Pangu, at best. It's just the pioneer of the flood!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Happy Taoist friend, if this is the case, isn't Kasuo, the god of space, invincible? In the world of famine, as long as there is no birth master, no one can resist the power of Casio!" Hongjun Road.

"Before that, I also don't understand why the flood and wilderness world will appear at the highest fruit level after the birth of the birth of the three world, and why it makes countless people fight for the highest fruit position. Now I understand that there is a rule instinct in the flood and famine world that can predict external disasters and want to inspire all sentient beings to become strong. Unfortunately, The rules of the three realms are still not perfect, and it is not sure of the real balance of the three worlds!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Oh? Is the highest fruit position the redemption of the world? If so, is there some kind of subconsciousness in the rules of the world, the ancient way of heaven? What is the real balance of the three worlds? The saint asked.

Hongjun frowned and looked at heaven and earth thoughtfully. There was a sense of being calculated in his heart. In fact, he also did not understand what the real balance between heaven and earth was. Is it that the three worlds of heaven and earth are equally powerful?

Only Huang Xiaoyao himself can truly understand the mystery of tomorrow's world, which is also the conclusion he has recently realized.

As Xinlian is in the guardian power of the two instruments at the balance point of the world, his understanding of the road of heaven and earth becomes more and more profound.

He finally knew why the power of heaven and earth appeared and why there was a humanistic post. It turned out that the rules of the road of heaven and earth, just like every great disaster in ancient times, is the self-purification of heaven and earth by the rules of heaven and earth. There is a self-guarding power of external destruction, that is to say, the rules of heaven and earth There is a subconscious, which is self-generated by the world, and is also the split of fate.

What is the fate? Huang Xiaoyao doesn't understand. He only knows that it is the most powerful existence born in the long river of fate, which can manipulate the fate of all sentient beings. Why was the split of fate born in the universe?

For this problem, Huang Xiaoyao has a general judgment in his heart. Perhaps, every universe, even every world, has a consciousness split of fate. That is to say, fate is a strange existence. His consciousness is full of "you" and "nothing", which can be said to be ubiquitous. That's why he can Control the fate of all sentient beings.

That is to say, in the endless chaos, there is a fateful existence. In the endless nothingness, there is also a fateful existence. Every universe has a destiny. Huang Xiaoyao even suspects that the Hongmeng world also has a destiny.

However, this fate is usually sleeping. Perhaps in the eyes of fate, every creature of the world, or those masters of Hongmeng, are ants and will not attract his attention.

Of course, this is all Huang Xiaoyao's guess, which is his Xinlian's perception of heaven and earth and the combination of all knowledge.

Moreover, Huang Xiaoyao guessed that the balancer who crossed the long river of fate from the world and entered the Hongmeng world found the loophole of fate. This loophole may be the balance.

What is balance? That is, it is indestructible. All destruction is due to the loss of balance.

There is a balance point in a small space, a balance point in a small world, a balance point in a large world, a balance point in a universe, a balance point in endless chaos and endless nothingness, a balance point in the Hongmeng world, and even a certain balance point in the long river of fate itself.

The balance point is the loophole of fate, and it is also the most mysterious and powerful power in every world or universe. This power is above the road of heaven and earth, which is why the power of balance is called a taboo force.

Huang Xiaoyao feels that if his heart lotus integrates the balance point of the world, then he can devour the balance points of other worlds on the basis of the flood and famine, and in the end, even devour the balance point of the long river of fate. At that time, it is the real detached fate.

Even Huang Xiaoyao speculated that everything that happens is caused by the subconscious activity of life, just like the existence of ideological activities of living beings, and their thoughts control actions, and countless sentient beings, including all existence and non-existence, are all part of the consciousness of fate.

This is a terrible guess.

If the subconscious of the flood is the split of fate, then why does he have the power of self-guarding? Is it fate that doesn't want the world to be destroyed? There is also a fate in the world of gods and demons. Why does the world of gods and demons have the so-called eternal power and let the creatures in the world of gods and demons have the idea of invading the flood?

This is the subconscious, no subjective thoughts, no intelligence, just a potential rule that controls the operation of the world.

He can influence the thoughts of creatures, but he can't subjectively control the fate of all sentient beings, which is why there are variables.

Of course, Huang Xiaoyao also understands that as the human race becomes the protagonist of the three worlds, the human race must be targeted by fate. It is not that the human race is very powerful, but that every human race is a variable. When there are too many variables, it will make the fate wake up through the subconscious.

The subconscious of the flood world, if you want to resist the power of destruction of the outside world, will the highest fruit position be born, and there will be a humanitarian post. It is because everyone in the three worlds is like a dragon, and everyone can become a Taoist. In fact, this is also the result of Huang Xiaoyao's heart lotus on the subconscious of the flood world.

Huang Xiaoyao's idea is that at the moment when the human race enters the two worlds of heaven and earth and becomes the protagonist of the three worlds, he must control the balance point of the flood and famine world. Even if his fate wakes up, he can ensure that the flood and famine world is immortal.

Therefore, someone must attract the attention of fate, that is to say, the power of the highest fruit position must be controlled by others, not by Huang Xiaoyao.

This is also the reason why Huang Xiaoyao asked Hongjun to gather the strong people of all sentient beings. He wants to choose the existence that can control the highest fruit level from these people, and others must do everything they can to help this person, so that they can not only resist the invasion of the world of gods and demons and the world of the four corners, but also let Huang Xiaoyao control the world before his fate comes to wakes. Balance point.

"Yes, Master!"

Hongjun frowned and looked at Huang Xiaoyao in shock. A force of resistance surged in his heart. He immediately excluded the power in Huang Xiaoyao's words and looked at Huang Xiaoyao deeply, which was quite meaningful.

Huang Xiaoyao smiled mysteriously at Hongjun and said, "Hongjun Taoist friends, when the luck of heaven and earth gathers, it is also the time when the number of days is formed!"

"Hmm?" Hongjun was shocked and quite surprised. Isn't this free Taoist opposed to my chessboard? Why do you say that now?