Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 515 Pect for All sentient beings

"Ah! It's the voice of the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven wants to collect natural materials and earth treasures and refine powerful magic weapons. We should support them. Besides, they can also enter the central heavenly court. Why not?

Whether it is immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons, or other races in the world of heaven and earth, they have expressed their support for the Jade Emperor. They gathered natural resources and earth treasures to go to the central fairyland.

In the Jade Emperor's hall, the Jade Emperor looked at the dazzling treasures of heaven and earth and said with great joy: "This is the supreme of heaven and earth. In a word, it can complete what I have been able to accomplish in the past hundreds of millions of years. It turns out that there are so many treasures between heaven and earth. Looking at the quality of these heavenly treasures, they are absolutely innate. At the level, there are some chaotic talents hidden in the day after tomorrow, and these talents can't be seen by ordinary people!"

However, if you want to refine the list of gods, Xuanyang jade seal and refine the immortal prison, these are not enough. The most important thing is to gather the seeds of 3,000 avenues and 800 side gates. Only in this way, whether it is the immortal prison or the list of gods, they contain the way of all sentient beings. As long as you enter the list of gods and immortal prison, you will be enslaved and imprisoned. Three thousand avenues, It is already in the list of gods, and there are only 800 people left.

As the Jade Emperor became the real supreme of heaven and earth, his ambition has been revealed without reservation.

He looked at the West and didn't know what he was thinking.


Bzhou shan, shrouded in an atmosphere of enlightenment. Around Vzhou shan, there seems to be an invisible force field, which makes all sentient beings unconsciously fall into the realm of enlightenment. They are intoxicated and relieved. Countless moto gods are out of the body, interpreting the most initial road. They are defenseless from each other, and the heart of enlightenment is very pure. Essence.

"Tao, invisible, ubiquitous, does not know its origin, runs through Hongmeng, fate, chaos, nothingness, heaven and earth, time and space, civilization..."

"Endless chaos, with the origin of chaos, contains the origin of chaos, and the birth of three thousand chaotic races. When the world is destroyed, it is broken into a place of chaos and creation. Countless worlds, floods, chaos origin heart, contains three thousand to 800 side gates, three thousand demon gods are born in it, Pangu opens the heaven and the earth, and the heavens and the earth are beginning of chaos. ......”

"The way cultivated by all sentient beings begins at three thousand to eight hundred side gates, and thousands of magical power can lead to the road. However, there are thousands of magical power, thousands of magic paths, and no one knows what way leads to the road. We are all explorers. The road is long, and I will search up and down!"


The sound of the road came from the mountain, telling the origin of heaven and earth for all sentient beings, the origin of the road, the origin of chaos, the origin of chaos, the magic power of the road one by one, returned to the original, so that all sentient beings can reach the essence, and the magic power of the road at a glance. They have advanced rapidly, the yuan spirit is full, and the magic power is endless.

Of course, there are excellent creatures with excellent natural enlightenment, but some creatures are extremely distressed, they don't know what to say, and even fall into delusion.

Huang Xiaoyao overlooks heaven and earth, and contains a deep whirlpool in his eyes, filled with the endless breath of the road. With the power of true words, he tells the original true solution of the road for all sentient beings, and Nuwa's free Taoist realm is shrouded in mountains, which greatly benefited the creatures who come to listen to the Tao.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe ten years, maybe 20 years, and the time is very short, but under the influence of the free Taoist realm, these creatures seem to have understood the Tao for thousands of years, and most of them have understood the road, and there are thousands of creatures who cut off three corpses and go straight to the realm of saints. If it weren't for the lack of strength, it must be the cultivation of saints.

"Thank you, teacher!" All sentient beings worship the Tao.

"Very good, you can come and listen to the Tao, instead of being summoned by the Jade Emperor, which shows that you all have a very strong desire for the road and are not confused by power. This is the most suitable belief for seeking Taoism. The catastrophe of heaven and earth is about to rise. What I can do is to let you have self-preservation. If you have any doubts in your heart, please put it out now. Right!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

If the previous impression of all sentient beings on Huang Xiaoyao is extremely powerful and mysterious, then at this moment, Huang Xiaoyao is a real sage in their hearts, a real Taoist, a great virtue and great wisdom, so selfless that only a supreme state of mind can do it. If the Jade Emperor is now recognized as the supreme emperor of heaven and earth, then Huang Xiaoyao is the uncrowned king in the hearts of all sentient beings. Their fear of the Jade Emperor comes from the power of the central heavenly court. Their awe of Huang Xiaoyao comes from the heart, which is the awe of the strongest.

"Dare to ask the Taoist, since we are all seekers, what are we looking for? Where is the end of Tao?

"Is there an end to the road! Everyone has their own fate, and what they seek are different! Some people build avenues, some people build heavenly roads, some people build tunnels, some people build humanitarian roads, some people build left roads and so on!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"If there is no end to the road, why do we pursue a road without results? Aren't all sentient beings people without goals? Since there is no result, why do we keep staying in a certain place and life and death? What does it have to do with us? Some creatures asked.

"Ha ha, who can see the future? Even the ancestor of time and space who controls the long river of time and space can't see the future. Even in the long river of fate, the fate of all sentient beings is divided into countless tributaries. If everything we do is doomed to a result, will we still achieve it? The joy of living lies in the process of pursuing results. This process keeps us strong. We have lofty ideals, but this ideal does not have to be finally realized to prove the value of the ideal, but to strive for the ideal, strive for the goal, and let us get closer to become In the end, you found that our ideals were naturally realized. Even if they were not realized in the end, we would leave no regrets in our endless lives. We have gained a lot from it and become the person we want to be. When you find yourself, you will become the way. If you must set an end for the road. Point, that is to find yourself, and you are satisfied with yourself, that's the way!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

As Huang Xiaoyao said, he actually exuded a plain breath like a mortal, returning to the truth, which is the real road to simplicity.

"I understand. My ideal is to have a river where I can see the beautiful banshees bathing every day. This is my greatest pleasure. I think I have achieved it, because I have shaped a big river in my cave, in which there are countless banshees. It turns out that the road is so simple!" An obscene-like Taoist muttered to himself.

"Hahaha!" Countless people laughed, and they were all happy, unprepared, and their minds were as crystal clear as newborn creatures.

However, the breath of the obscene Taoist unexpectedly changed for a while. In his yuan god, there was a winding Tianhe. There were countless beautiful figures bathing in the Tianhe River, and this obscene Taoist yuan god actually stepped into the realm of perfection and reached the peak of quasi-saintness.

"I'll wipe it!" Countless people sighed, with envious expressions on their faces, and thoughtful. At this moment, they are thinking about their own path. What do I need? What kind of person do I want to be?

"Teacher! If the end of the road is what kind of person we want to become. Among all sentient beings, there are mortals, immortals, demons, demons and demons. They have different vision. Mortals may just want to eat and drink enough. When they have enough to eat and drink one day, won't they become a way? I used to be a wild wolf. What I think about most every day is to catch prey and eat enough. However, when I am full, I am still a wild wolf without wisdom. Why can't I become like this man? Direct to the quasi-holy realm?" There is a demon fairy.

"You are full, do you want to eat more? Do you want to become stronger? Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Of course, if I don't become strong, I will be eaten by other creatures!" That demon fairy road.

"This is the way. The reason why I say that there is no end is that we live in this world. There are countless pressures from the outside world, which constantly change our ideas and make us try our best to become strong. At that moment, you have embarked on the process of seeking Taoism. Ideal is the source of desire and our search for Tao. The source! At the moment you are full, you have a more urgent desire in your heart, indicating that you have not reached that kind of impure and impurity, or, you are still driven by your own instinctive desire, and you have not entered the Tao. How can you talk about it? Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Ah! This Taoist is so obscene, how can he become a Taoist? Doesn't he have more desire in his heart? That demon fairy road.

"You are obscene!"

"Because he has been obscene to the extreme, you only see the result, but you can't see the endless suffering he has experienced, his efforts, his persistence, and his strong will to experience endless suffering for enlightenment!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huang Xiaoyao waved his hand and saw the life of the obscene fairy forming an image and interpreting in front of everyone.

At this moment, the obscene Taoist became solemn, and everyone looked at him full of admiration.

"The road, from ignorance to blindness, from blindness to complexity, experience infinite training, and finally simplify complexity, this is the road!"

"According to the teacher, each creature has different requirements for themselves, and the final achievement is strong and weak. So, what kind of road is the most powerful? The way handed down by Hongjun's ancestors was finally interpreted into countless Taoisms of Xuanmen, with the appearance of Sanqing saints, the two saints of the West, etc. Their road is fixed. As long as we follow those roads, we can become extremely powerful. Therefore, if we follow the teacher's road, won't we also reach teachers as Today's achievements?" There is a spiritual path.

Every powerful road needs to practice the Dharma. These cultivation methods form a Taoist system. Within the Taoist system, there are countless sects and countless disciples, especially the Western Buddhism of the Three Qing Dynasty. Since practicing these Taoist laws can also become powerful, why do all sentient beings need to find their own Taoism?

"Ha ha, this is also a way to seek the way! It can also make you become a Taoist, but if you don't find your own Tao, you will never surpass your predecessors!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Time passed quickly. Huang Xiaoyao answered questions for all sentient beings. Finally, at the end, the business did not want to leave. Some creatures volunteered to enter the free path, and some creatures left to look for opportunities.

At this time, a storm is about to sweep the world.