Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 520 God, the Secret of the Four World

click! A 100,000-foot crack appeared in endless chaos. The crack connected to nothingness, making the chaos and the power of nothingness surge, destroy each other, and produce a powerful and incomparable power of destruction.


A man stood in endless chaos, roaring, and the huge axe in his hand split into endless chaos, and suddenly opened up the world and destroyed everything.

He is resolute, angular, and full of the beauty of power, as if he has cultivated the road of power to the extreme, and every hair in his body can open up the world.

Next to him, there is a 36-grade green lotus with the power of creation, exuding endless power of creation, interpreting three thousand avenues in endless chaos, one thought of life and death, one thought of chaos, one thought of nothingness, and a beautiful figure standing on the green lotus.

Their breath can be said to be with endless chaos, as if they have integrated into endless chaos and use the power of chaos and destruction at will.

They are powerful, but their expressions are extremely dignified, moving quickly in endless chaos, as if fleeing.

"The power of recklessness, the ancient forbidden area!" A voice full of wild power sounded in the endless chaos, accompanied by a mysterious and powerful force, forming an ancient forbidden area in endless chaos. This forbidden area can even exclude the power of endless chaos and endless power of nothingness.

As soon as this forbidden area fell, it immediately restricted the action of the big man and 36-pin green lotus.

"Hahahaha! Such a powerful body is really a creation. It is rare. My reckless universe cultivates the ancient power and majors in a powerful body, but no one has ever cultivated the body so perfectly. If you are given enough time, it is enough to surpass anyone in my reckless universe! And these many green lotus actually contain such a powerful power of creation. If I integrate into my body, I can go further and become the lord of the universe of the vast universe, hahaha! Pangu and Qinglian Taoist friends, you make it easy for me to find for a while. A big man full of wild power came out of nothingness.

"God!" Pangu urn said, "Are you alone?"

Pangu and Chaos Qinglian looked at each other and saw each other's happiness.

"What about one person? Do you think you can resist? Ha ha, I admit that your qualifications are very good, even more than the creatures of our four world, but your fault is that you entered the four world so early. If you manage your world well and make your world as powerful as the four world, I may not be able to do anything about you. Unfortunately, your road is not The root cause is untenable!" The way of Allah.

Pangu and Chaos Qinglian regretted in their hearts. Before that, they felt that they should take the road of the Holy Road, enter the endless chaos and endless nothingness to find opportunities, and want to step into the realm of the boundless Luo.

They themselves thought that they could escape from the flood world and cross in endless chaos, so they stepped into the world defenselessly.

After entering, they knew that their previous ideas were wrong. They were not completely separated from the world of the flood and famine, but entrusted themselves to the flood and famine. With the strength and strength of the flood and famine, they can enter the flood and enter the endless chaos to find opportunities. As long as the flood and famine is not extinguished, even if they meet in endless chaos. When it comes to disaster, you can be reborn in the flood.

This is the real freedom, the real detachment. No matter how powerful it is, there must be a place of origin, a destination, no freedom of destination, just wandering, like rootless duckweed.

After entering the world of the four directions, they found that no matter how powerful the world is, they want to integrate their origin into their world.

This is different from the so-called saint's sustenance. They are not the sustenance of the motoshin, but the sustenance of the origin. They integrate their own origin into the cycle of the world and participate in the creation of the world. They can not only be with the world, understand and progress together with the world. Their immortality has created the immortality of the world. They can enter endless chaos and endless nothingness at will. They are not afraid of the power of chaos and nothingness and destruction, and they can get endless opportunities. After getting the opportunity, they are growing themselves and also growing their world.

This is a virtuous circle, and the reason why the four world can be born at the same time as the Hongmeng world and the long river of fate. After countless wars, Pangu and Chaos Qinglian have felt the power of the four world and benefited a lot, and have stepped into the realm of Luo Jinxian.

Pangu and Chaos Qinglian stirred up the wind and rain in the four worlds and set off a huge storm, making those creatures know that there is a world called "Honghuang".

The creatures of the four worlds look down on those worlds in endless chaos, because they all know that those worlds will eventually be destroyed one day. As long as Allah is not born, they cannot be immortal.

What is Allah? He is the real master of the universe, who fully controls the core source of the universe.

A long time ago, Allah was born in the four world, but finally disappeared in the four world. Some people speculated that those Allahs have seen through their fate and stepped into a higher level.

Although the most powerful people in the world are called Allah, everyone knows that they are not the real masters of the universe. They can only be regarded as the people who have the deepest understanding of the core source of the world of the four world. They have not fully understood the origin of the world of the four world.

However, even so, Pangu and Chaos Qinglian can't be defeated. Pangu and Chaos Qinglian are both people who came down from Hongmeng. They can see that as long as the current Allah in the four world goes further, he can step into the realm of Hongmeng. They guessed that those disappeared Allah is already dominated by Hongmeng. As for why they disappeared, they can definitely have something to do with Hongmeng's domination.

The reason why they are today is because Hongmeng dominates the calculation of endless chaos, wants to seize the power of taboos, and wants to create a powerful universe to devour the world, so as to hold endless chaos in the hands of Hongmeng.

"God, if you are really Allah, we may not be able to escape, because that realm is already the realm of domination, but we are also your current state now. Although we have just stepped in, we also have a struggle. In the end, whoever will die will live!" Pangu Road, Pangu is extremely confident, because his cultivation method comes from the most primitive road. The road is simple, and the road of power is invincible. Moreover, he has seen the master of Hongmeng and knows the power of domination. As long as the meaning of that domination is a little, it can double his combat power.

"God, you four worlds also calculate each other. Aren't you afraid that someone will sit and enjoy the benefits of fishermen?" Chaos Green Lotus Road.

"Hmm?" God is wary that there is some kind of inexperable connection between their four worlds, as if the origin of the four worlds is connected. If the four worlds maintain a balance at all times, it is good to say that once one world becomes weak, it will break this balance and lead to the unity of the four worlds.

The strongest in the world of the four world are always vigilant against each other, and this vigilance goes deep into the bone marrow like instinct, or these strongest seem to be old enemies and old enemies under fate.

The reckless Allah stared and finally relieved his heart and said, "Hengsha Allah, the eternal Allah, the purple and virtual Allah is dealing with the God of that space. How can there be time to be here? Or, they don't like you. Coincidentally, although the origin of the space god is different from you, there seems to be some connection. Do you come from the same world? I'm getting more and more curious about your world!"

Pangu and Chaos Qinglian' hearts thumped, their hearts were heavy, and they were ready to fight to death. They had seen the space god, who was extremely powerful, and his cultivation had been close to those Allah. The space way of the space god was extremely profound. He could actually attract the origin of the world of gods and demons from nothingness in the four world, and Every Allah competes with each other.

At the level of saints, it is difficult to die, let alone strong people like them who have stepped into the boundless realm? Therefore, the other three Allahs discussed and jointly suppressed the space god.

Since the four world is immortal, why does God in the four world still do everything he can to suppress the god of space or Pangu and Chaos Qinglian?

In fact, they are wary of each other, but they don't want to devour each other all the time in their hearts. They usually can't do anything, so they want to use external forces, which is a world of endless chaos or endless nothingness.

The reason why the world in endless chaos and nothingness cannot exist for a long time is that they will enter the endless chaos and devour those worlds every time.

However, they have never met such powerful creatures as the space god Lord and Pangu Chaos Qinglian. They have seen the powerful source of the road from the space god Lord and Pangu. As long as they are swallowed, they can break the balance of the four world.

"If you want to fight, you can fight! In those years, I was groundbreaking, my head was above the sky and my feet were on the ground, and I was fearless! Roar! Open the sky with an axe!" Pangu roared, and the huge axe in his hand bloomed the blade of destruction and split it to the reckless Allah.

However, the most powerful of the reckless God is not the physical power, but can use the origin of the reckless universe to form an ancient forbidden area and weaken the power of Pangu.

Although Pangu's power is profound and powerful, creating a flawless body, now its power is weakened by the ancient power, and the powerful power of heaven is blocked by reckless Allah.

"Chaotic green lotus, the ultimate of creation is destruction!" Chaotic green lotus turned into 36 products and flew to the foot of Pangu, forming a vast source of creation, which can actually be used by Pangu.

In those years, the yuan god of Pangu entered the chaotic green lotus. There was a close connection between him and the ontology of chaotic green lotus. Although the yuan god of chaotic green lotus later returned to the ontology, the power of chaotic green lotus could be used by Pangu, which is equivalent to the combination of the two forces.

"Hmm? A little doorway! However, the vast world is not what you can imagine! Imprisoned in ancient times!"