Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 522 Consequences of greed

"The three emperors of heaven and earth, humanity covers heaven and earth, and the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth!"

A lucky hand actually penetrated the pillar of the Jade Emperor's fortune and grabbed it to the humanitarian post.

"You should know how to be content!" With a whisper, the hand was extremely powerful, penetrating the pillar of luck of the Jade Emperor and grabbing the humanitarian post. The humanitarian post seemed to have met its master and jumped into that hand by itself.

Everyone was shocked. What is this? Who is this? Is he also the supreme emperor recognized by heaven and earth? Why can he penetrate the heaven and earth luck belonging to the Jade Emperor at will? Isn't that humanitarian post born of heaven and earth? Why are you so kind to that hand?

All sentient beings were shocked, the saints were shocked, and even the saints in the holy world were shocked. They did not understand why anyone could ignore the supreme luck of heaven and earth?

Heaven and earth are supreme. Since he can collect the luck of all sentient beings in heaven and earth, he is the Lord of heaven and earth recognized by all sentient beings, and all sentient beings in heaven and earth can't disrespect him.

Even the saints in the holy world did not dare to interrupt the integration of the Jade Emperor's humanitarian posts, because they knew that it was impossible to block the Jade Emperor's Tao. The Jade Emperor had become a climate and was unstoppable. Even if they had Taoism in the wilderness, their luck was too weak to pose a threat to the fate of the Jade Emperor.

"You bastards are looking for death! Heaven and earth luck, suppression!" The Jade Emperor was furious and felt that his majesty was challenged. If it was stopped, it would definitely have a huge impact on his luck. Even if it did not make his supreme position of heaven and earth disappear, it could cause a devastating blow to his majesty and definitely make him unable to integrate the power of the highest fruit position to achieve the best effect.

The Jade Emperor was shocked, and the heaven and earth were boiling, turning into countless dragons of luck around the Jade Emperor. However, those dragons of luck did not have the previous obedientness, but had a kind of rejection of the Jade Emperor, which surprised the Jade Emperor.

"Why? Why? Why?" The Jade Emperor was furious. He couldn't understand that he had worked so hard for so long that he conquered all sentient beings with supreme power and obtained the supreme position of heaven and earth today with supreme power. In the past, these fortunes were like arms and obedient. After integrating these fortunes, he reached an unprecedented height, but now, these fortunes How can he not be shocked by the rejection of him? Does the luck of heaven and earth exist? Aren't these the thoughts of all sentient beings?

Not only the Jade Emperor was shocked, but also the saints who studied the power of luck and the saints of the holy world were unbelievable.

Luck, as we all know, comes from all sentient beings, is a force in the depths of the hearts of all sentient beings. It represents the support of all sentient beings for a creature, such as the luck of an empire, which represents the support of the people of the empire; the luck of a sect represents the support of sect disciples to the sect; the luck of a heavenly court It represents the support of all sentient beings for the heavenly court.

From a sect to a heavenly court, luck cannot be deprived by others, unless the controller of the sect or the emperor of heaven does something to disappoint all sentient beings, but luck can only disappear and return to heaven and earth, and cannot be controlled by outsiders.

Is that mysterious hand more powerful than the Jade Emperor? Can it be above all living beings in heaven and earth? Or is he Pangu, the pioneer of heaven and earth?

"Huh! Humanity belongs to humanity and belongs to the human race. You are the supreme of heaven and earth, and the human world is the foundation of the three worlds. Don't bring the human world into this whirlpool. You should take care of yourself and take care of yourself!" The voice was extremely mysterious. That hand took away the humanitarian post and then disappeared. The Jade Emperor's luck in heaven and earth was unimpeded.

"Presumptuous! Immortal prison suppression!" The Jade Emperor was furious and used his own world. The fairy prison was formed by the fusion of Xuanyang Jade Seal and the list of Gods, which contains the original power of the Jade Emperor.

The most important thing is that the original intention of the birth of the fairy prison is that the Jade Emperor wants to imprison all sentient beings. The fairy prison contains the supreme ambition of the Jade Emperor. The powerful ambition has become a Tao, which can forcibly control the luck of heaven and earth and enslave the hearts of all sentient beings.


A dragon roared, and those lucky dragons roared up to the sky, and their bodies were twisted, as if resisting this kind of force.

At this moment, there is a very disgust in the hearts of all sentient beings in heaven and earth. They seem to have lost something. They don't know what they have lost, but the eyes of the Jade Emperor are full of indifference, which is a contradiction.

"Self-destruction! Find your own way to die! Ambition is powerful, but it needs to balance benevolence and righteousness and light, otherwise it will only be a short flash in the pan. Unfortunately, you don't deserve to be the real supreme of heaven and earth! The real emperor thinks about how to be detached from all sentient beings, not to complete you alone!" The sound sounded again.

"Two instruments of the universe! The heart is supreme!"

A strange power came out of nothingness and covered the immortal prison of the Jade Emperor, making the power of the Jade Emperor's immortal prison wander in a small space, making the Jade Emperor uncontrollable.

"Who are you? Are you Hongjun? Or the saint of the holy world? The Jade Emperor woke up from his anger and immediately shouted.

"Hongjun Taoist friend, your chance has come!" The voice did not answer the Jade Emperor's words, but said to heaven and earth.

"Thank you for your support! Guard the flood and famine, I have a share!"

A figure of immortal Taoist bones appeared from the void. His immortal spirit seems to be ethereal and mysterious. If it is compared with Taoism, no one in this world can compare with him.

"Hongjun! What do you want to do? Jade Emperor said that with his current status, he was no longer afraid of Hongjun, and there was no need to call Hongjun a teacher.

"The way of opportunity is really mysterious and profound, and the boy in those years also has today's achievements. He has forgotten kindness and cause and effect!" Hongjun laughed.

"Oh! Grace? Didn't you say that love was the origin of demons? Isn't it said that the love demon is the natural enemy of the monk? Do you also say kindness to me now? In your chessboard, there is no such thing as love, only the indifference of 'the heavenly path takes all things as ants and saints and the people as ants'. All sentient beings in heaven are your pawns. In those years, Sanqing and the two saints in the West are all your chess pieces, aren't they? Hahaha, if it hadn't been for the free Taoist who always made mistakes in your calculations with variables, you would have become the most powerful person in the wilderness! You have long integrated the way of heaven and become the ancestor of heaven and earth!" The Jade Emperor said sarcastically.

Hmm? What do you mean? Among all sentient beings, only those who have ancient memories know that the Jade Emperor was originally the boy of Hongjun, but most of the sentient beings only know that Hongjun is the original national teacher of the Jade Kingdom, and later continued to serve as the national teacher in the Central Heavenly Court.

Although most people know that the Jade Emperor originally respected Hongjun and asked Hongjun's opinion on many major events, they did not know that there was still such a relationship between Hongjun and the Jade Emperor. The powerful Jade Emperor was just a boy of Hongjun.

The Jade Emperor is so powerful that he is just a boy of Hongjun, so how powerful is Hongjun? Most creatures respect Hongjun, because only the people of the Jade Kingdom who have soared from the human world or those with ancient memories know the power of Hongjun.

"You can think I'm possessed!" Hongjun doesn't care about the words of the Jade Emperor, because for him, the most important thing is not other people's opinions or what the past was like, but his opportunity to become a Taoist. For him, as long as he can become a Taoist, he can't fall into the devil, and whether he has feelings or not, it doesn't matter, just as he is willing to destroy the holy path and enter the flood and famine in order to achieve the road in his heart. The world is average.

I have to say that Hongjun's desire for the road is stronger than anyone else. This desire originally came from the magic idea of the original spirit of creation. Later, in order to get rid of the control of the original spirit, he wanted to rely on the flood and famine to get rid of it, which made him want to calculate all sentient beings and integrate the heavenly way to become the Taoist ancestor.

However, the existence of Huang Xiaoyao's variable has caused problems with Hongjun's calculation, not because his calculation power is not strong, but because Huang Xiaoyao's variable is too powerful and strange.

However, the strong desire for the road is not only Hongjun's advantage but also his shortcoming. Just like now, in order to become a Tao, he has been in the calculation of Huang Xiaoyao. Although he can also become a Tao, he has already admitted defeat to Huang Xiaoyao.

"I didn't expect that such a proud person would admit defeat to the free Taoist! In this case, you can set up your chessboard and let me see how powerful the calculating power was. I want to let all sentient beings in heaven and earth see that I am the strongest in heaven and earth!" Jade Emperor Dao.

"Xiaoyao Taoist friend is right. The way of ambition is really strong, because he belongs to the overlord, but you have gone astray. The real hegemony is not like you. You don't deserve to be the real supreme of heaven and earth. For the sake of the flood and famine, it's time for the days to appear!" Hongjun Road.

"Number of days? Do you still want to control all sentient beings with your Xuanqing Tiandao? Paranoia, now all sentient beings in heaven and earth are the people of the central heavenly court, all under the control of my immortal prison. Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will die!" The Jade Emperor is domineering.

I have to say that the Jade Emperor is too anxious. He does not have a deep understanding of the overlord emperor's way derived from supreme ambition, and the fairy prison he created is the stain of his overlord emperor's way. This is his defect, a defect in character, and there is humility in it.

Or, in the depths of the Jade Emperor's heart, it happens to be the opposite of what he showed externally. The more domineering he is, the more humble he is, the more inferior he is. He can't forget the humiliation in his heart and the humiliation of the ancient pawn.

If you don't forget honor and disgrace, you can't get relief! If he does not forget the honor and humiliation, he will never be able to embark on the road of the strong, because the strong will not remember the honors and humiliations of the past, but will only regard the honors and humiliations of the past as a training. After he becomes a strong man, he will only regard these honors and humiliations as a driving force for his continuous progress.

The strength of the Jade Emperor himself was not obtained by him through endless hardships, but given to him by others. If he sinks down to absorb these forces and turn them into the precipitation in his heart, he will definitely become a real supreme strong man. Unfortunately, he is too anxious to escape the fate of becoming a power slave.

Just before that, he was confident that he could fully accommodate the luck of heaven and earth with his strong body, which was really good. If he only took the supreme fruit position with the power of the two worlds of heaven and earth, he could definitely succeed, but he was too greedy and wanted to seize the power of the human world and made a mistake. The taboo of the little demon.

If Huang Xiaoyao's taboo is beneficial to all sentient beings in the wilderness, Huang Xiaoyao will not stop him but support him, but the Jade Emperor's fault is only for himself.