Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 538 The Secret of the Four Realms

Four powerful forces wanted to seize the chaotic green lotus, but were stopped by a strange force. Moreover, this strange force formed a Taiji pattern, which turned the direction of the four forces and attacked Allah in all directions.

Huh? The balance between the two instruments! Who are you?" Allah was shocked.

The power of these two instruments is the power of the real God in the world, and this power is the core force of this strange world and the power they want to control but can't get.

"Huh? How dare you recognize the power of balance? Presumably you will get the inheritance of the last God!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Do you dare to ask who the senior is? Do you know our master? Allah in all directions is solemn and respectful.

They have cultivated to this level and are domineering in endless chaos and nothingness. If they hadn't met a space god, they could be said to be invincible. Within their cognitive range, only the previous four gods and the purple thunder talents who briefly became the co-owners of the four worlds are the most powerful. The existence of looking up.

Moreover, they all know that their most powerful power comes from this strange world, and they only know a name for the "power of balance between the two instruments". In the world, they, like the god of space, they just feel the power of balance. The threshold.

Within the scope of the road, the power of the two instruments is only yin and yang, but when this power sublimates into the power of balance, it is beyond the existence of the road.

This power is very powerful. As long as you control this power, you can be invulnerable and truly immortal, because any force acting on the body will be reflected by the balance of the two instruments.

They have only seen this power in the previous Sifang Allah and Zilei Taoist.

Moreover, Huang Xiaoyao's words make Allah think that Huang Xiaoyao must know the previous Sifang Allah.

Huang Xiaoyao's heart moved, and the power of the heart lotus changed strangely. He actually simulated the original power of the four world and said, "Who do you think I am?"

The so-called success is the strength of Xinlian. This is the change that has taken place after the power of the soul has evolved to a high level, and Huang Xiaoyao has understood the origin of the four world and can easily simulate the origin of the four world.

Moreover, Huang Xiaoyao is not very clear about the history of the four world. If he wants to test the four God, he wants to know who the purple thunder Taoist is.

Sure enough, Allah was shocked and shocked: "I have seen the purple thunder real person!"

"Do you know me?" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Of course, if it hadn't been for the token left by our predecessors, we wouldn't have entered this place! However, didn't the senior break through the air?" Purple God.

"I have transcended my fate and come and go freely! On the contrary, why can't you understand the most powerful power in the world now after getting my token? Your master, you can understand it just once you come in!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

With the strength of Huang Xiaoyao's spiritual power, he can reason. He came to a conclusion from the previous dialogue between God in the four directions that the purple thunder Taoist appeared in the four world after the disappearance of the four Gods, and the last four-way Allah also entered this place to pursue the gate of Hongmeng, which is very obvious. However, the purple thunder Taoist must be the primitive creature of this strange world, born from the origin of the four worlds.

"The seniors laughed. Our qualifications cannot be compared with the masters. Our masters are the first creatures in the four world and the first batch of the most powerful creatures. After countless eras, we understand the real supreme road. We can only be regarded as the four world. The nextborn spirit, so..." Allah said.

"So, the first batch of creatures can get the infinite creation of the birth of the road. Do you know who opened up the four world?" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Don't the seniors know?" Eternally, Allah doubts.

"I was born from here without the memory of the four worlds, and after I entered the four worlds, I soon broke through the air to explore the truth of fate, so I am not very clear about the four worlds!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"No wonder, seniors, about the origin of the four worlds and all sentient beings in the four worlds, only the legends of all walks of life in the memory. Only the four of us who jumped out of the restrictions of all walks of life can get the mystery of the origin of the four worlds. Moreover, this is the secret passed on by God from generation to generation!" The way of Allah.


"In our memory, the four worlds, originally just one world, are called the sons of chaos and the children of the chaotic ancestors!" Eternal God.

"Chaotic Ancestor God? Children?" Huang Xiaoyao was extremely surprised. Xinlian ran at a high speed and quickly came to countless conclusions. Then he locked a conclusion that he thought was closest to the truth and asked, "Since there is a chaotic ancestral god, then there should also be an ancestor god in endless nothingness!"

"It turns out that the seniors already know! Yes, there are chaotic ancestral gods and nihilistic ancestral gods. Legend has it that in order to balance the two rituals, endless chaos and endless nothingness are formed. The original endless chaos and endless nothingness without any creatures are always in a balance, deducing the trajectory of the Tao. At this time, the intersection of endless chaos and endless nothingness Under the effect of creation, the oldest creatures were born, that is, the chaotic ancestral god and the nihilistic ancestor god. Eternal God.

Huang Xiaoyao thought about it and said to himself, "The power of balance is indeed the most powerful force, and even creation is the birth of the power of balance, so! However, what is the most primitive 'Tao' that gives birth to the balance between the two instruments?

Huang Xiaoyao knew the next thing after thinking about it. Even if the chaotic ancestor god and the nihilistic ancestor god are the most primitive creatures, the sons of Taoism, they also have the commonality of life - the power of the soul.

As long as there is the power of the soul, distracting demons will be born. Chaotic ancestral gods and nihilistic ancestral gods must want to devour each other in the process of chasing the most primitive Tao, so they will fight with each other.

"Chaotic ancestor gods and nihilistic ancestor gods both want to get the most initial creation, so they fight with each other, but one represents the beginning of something, and the other represents the beginning of nothing. It is already balanced, and no one can do anything. They can only surround themselves forever. In the end, they come up with their own way and mix Chaozu God created the opposite path to the Tao and let the creatures continue to degenerate. He believes that when the essence of life of the creatures degrade to the extreme, they can divide the Tao into the simplest runes. As long as they master each rune, they can control the Tao and thus devour the virtual ancestor god! Therefore, he created the son of chaos, which is the prototype of the four world!" Eternal God.

"And the nihilless ancestor god came up with another way. It is said that he deciated from nothingness, incarnated into the most mysterious world, and gave birth to the most powerful master!"

Huh? Since you have such a mysterious memory, why is your cultivation progress so slow? Huang Xiaoyao said doubtfully.

He understands that the memory of God in the four directions is the truth he has been looking for for a long time. Perhaps this is the origin of the Tao, and the relationship between the four world and Hongmeng is also about to come out.

"Hehe! Although we have these memories, I don't know why we never understand the meaning of these memories, as if we can see them, but we can only see them and can't understand their mysteries! Moreover, these secrets are only here. After that, we don't know why the son of chaos will become a four-way world!" God said with a wry smile.

"It's true. We have been born for so long and understand the infinite road, but we can't understand the meaning of the so-called 'making the essence of life of living things degenerate to the extreme'. We are born strong and constantly understand that the essence of life evolves. How can we degenerate?" Purple God smiled bitterly.

"Chaotic ancestor god, the son of chaos, the four world. It turns out that this chaotic ancestor god's so-called 'degenerate the essence of life of creatures to the extreme' is actually the degradation of the essence of the world, but this process is too slow! Moreover, it is obvious that the means of the nihilless ancestor god are more smart, and they even understand the chaotic way of the chaotic ancestor god! The virtual ancestor god made two preparations. First, he cultivated the nihilism to the extreme, gave birth to the Hongmeng origin stone, and then let the Hongmeng origin stone enter the endless chaos and interpret the chaotic Tao of the chaotic ancestor god. It's wonderful!" Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart.

His heart lotus is extremely powerful, constantly interpreting the secrets of the four world and simulating countless truths. He came to a frightening conclusion - Hongmeng dominates countless Hongmeng creatures, but the split of the nihilistic ancestor god, countless worlds in endless chaos, countless creatures, and just chaotic ancestor gods. Split.

Huang Xiaoyao sorted out the information generated by Xinlian and made him get a clearer conclusion.

That is, there is no so-called Hongmeng and the four-way world in this world. At the beginning of the Tao, the birth of the balance of the two instruments - endless chaos and endless nothingness. The balance of the two instruments gave birth to the original creation, which made endless chaos and endless nothingness give birth to the most primitive creatures - the chaotic ancestral god and the nihilistic ancestor god.

Both the chaotic ancestor god and the nihilistic ancestor god want to get creation and control the most powerful balance between the two instruments, so as to explore the origin of Tao.

However, the power of balance between the two instruments is beyond their expectation. No matter how powerful they are, they can't escape the effect of the balance of the two instruments. They can only cycle over and over again and can't get close to the original creation.

They embarked on different roads for the sake of Taoism. Chaos ancestral gods used endless chaos to nurture the sons of chaos, formed the oldest world, gave birth to endless creatures, interpreted the 'road of chaos', wanted the continuous differentiation of chaotic paths, and finally reached the extreme of 'there', which is equivalent to that Chaos ancestral gods want to turn themselves into more Smaller and weaker splits, these splits interpret the smallest avenue runes. When theseda dao runes are interpreted to the extreme, as long as they are united, they can definitely break the balance of the power of the two instruments, thus devouring the nihilistic ancestral gods and controlling the most primitive Tao.