Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 542 Devouring the Four World, Great Horror

"Zi Lei Zhenren really didn't lie to us. There are really secrets here. Look, this array and endless chaos outside form a perfect cycle, endless chaos is immortal, and the array is immortal!" God in Hengsha.

"But this formation is so perfect, how can we get in? I can feel the mysterious road inside, which must be a further opportunity for us!" The way of Allah.

"Since the balance power of the two instruments has a strong protective power, its attack power should also be also very strong. At the beginning, we used a killer mace to stop the chaotic Qinglian and Pangu who escaped were stopped by the real person Zilei. Do you remember that power?" Purple God.

"Yes, that force can reflect the attack power and make the attack force attack in the opposite direction. This array is perfect and is a balance in itself. If we attach to the array with the balance of the two instruments, can we destroy the balance of this array?" Eternal God.

At this time, God looked into the depths of chaos, and they were shocked by a vast force, and the appearance of this power actually made the perfect formation of this secret place appear waves.

They saw a vast divine mountain that was getting bigger and higher, and the vast giant tree on the divine mountain. On that mountain, there was also a chaotic green lotus, and a giant chopped chaos with a huge axe.

Huh? Did the space god succeed? What a vast origin. I didn't expect that the world of gods and demons and the flood and famine had changed like this. Our guess was right at the beginning!"

"Never mind, Zi Lei Zhenren said that we can't grasp our own destiny in the future. What's the use of these origins? Strengthening ourselves is the first priority, and we must find our own way in endless chaos!"

Taking advantage of the waves of the perfect array in the secret place, God immediately used the power of the balance between the origin of the four parties and the two instruments, and gradually penetrated the array, not to mention that it was still effective.


In the four world, the disappearance of Allah in the four directions has made all sentient beings in the world wonder. Some strong people guess that Allah in the four directions has entered a higher world, and some strong people are fighting endlessly to fight for the throne of Allah in the four parties.

The battle is extremely fierce, and there are many creatures, which makes the origin defect of the world serious.

They competed, but they didn't know that the crisis of the four-way world was approaching, and a divine mountain was rapidly approaching the four-way world.


The vast universe was bombarded by a vast force, and the whole universe was shaken. Countless continents were broken and stars fell.

A bright green branch quietly penetled into the vast universe, as if hundreds of millions of whiskers were born from the branches, absorbing the origin of the vast universe.

This impact is a devastating blow to the reckless universe. For the creatures of the reckless universe, it is a natural disaster. Most of the creatures have been destroyed without reacting.

The four worlds are connected with each other and have the connection of that strange place. From the other three worlds, there are bursts of origin to repair the vast universe. However, the strange branch is getting bigger and bigger, as if forming a towering tree, and wants to greedily plunder the origin of the vast universe.

At this time, in that strange territory, the round stone is bright, and the origin of the four-way world inside is finally loosened, and the origin disappears faster and faster with the destruction of the vast universe.

In the round stone, a lotus flower exudes supreme mystery opens. The lotus flower is sometimes chaotic, sometimes nihilistic, sitting between chaos and nothingness.

"It's time! Supreme Heart Lotus, tolerate everything and devour the power of balance!"

Huang Xiaoyao finally waited for the time. He interpreted endless chaos and nothingness in this place in the form of Xinlian, just to wait for the origin of the four worlds outside the world balance point of the four world to loosen. He did not expect it to be so fast.

However, Mount Vu was originally the manifestation of his free path, but now Mount Vuzhou is the origin continent, and he can feel the changes of Mount Vu at any time.

The fusion of Bzhou shan and the world tree makes his free path perfect. Relatively speaking, the space god is just his pawn. He controls the world balance point of the origin continent. No matter how powerful the space god master is, it is impossible to escape from the control of the yellow demon unless the space god gives up the origin of the continent. The origin of

However, now the origin of the continent devours the whole endless chaos, which is a general trend. Where can the space god go? Eventually, one day, we can only return to the continent of origin, because the continent of origin is endless.

Huang Xiaoyao's forehead is the supreme heart lotus, constantly devouring the balance power of the four world and approaching the world balance point. Although the world balance point has a little wisdom, it is difficult to defeat Huang Xiaoyao, because his understanding of the power of balance has reached a high level.


The origin continent once again bombarded the reckless universe. This time, the power of the origin continent is more powerful, and it seems that the power of the reckless universe has gradually weakened.

Even the space god who realized the way on the world tree felt that there was a strangeness. He suddenly felt that there were more and more balanced forces on the continent, which gave him a feeling that he could not control.

"Is it because it has devoured the origin of the vast universe? It should be. The world is too powerful!" The space god said to himself.

In fact, the space god has been looking for Huang Xiaoyao. After he let Wuzhoushan merge with the world tree, Huang Xiaoyao never appeared from the Zhoushan. At that time, the space god could not recognize him. However, after years of understanding, he knew that the person he could not see through was Huang Xiaoyao.

Why doesn't the space god know that Huang Xiaoyao is calculating him? However, he now thinks that he controls the most powerful force on the continent of origin and is full of confidence. He believes that with his strength, he can block the water and cover the earth. No one will succeed in his calculations about him.

However, the existence of Huang Xiaoyao has always been a thorn stuck in his throat, which makes him very uncomfortable, so he is always looking for Huang Xiaoyao.

He had a guess that Huang Xiaoyao must be in the world, because at that time, shortly after Huang Xiaoyao disappeared from Zhoushan, Chaos Qinglian and Pangu returned to Buzhou Mountain.

Because Pangu and Chaos Qinglian have a close relationship with the original flood and famine world, there is innate cause and effect, and the space god can't help them.

"Ah! Is there any troll outside the four world? Why is it so cruel? Why destroy our world? The creatures of the reckless universe are desperate.

"Allah, come back and save us!"

At this time, a voice sounded in the hearts of all sentient beings, "I am a free Taoist, and the reckless universe is about to be destroyed. You protect the true spirit with all your origin, and you will be reborn in the future!"

This sound spread all over the reckless universe, and it is very reassuring, making all sentient beings involuntarily believe in him, and the sentient beings in the reckless universe do so to maintain a true spirit.

Boom... click...

A vast divine mountain finally broke the vast universe. In an instant, it swallowed the whole wilderness origin, and countless true spirits threw themselves into this divine mountain and disappeared.

The four-way world was originally in a state of balance, but the destruction of the reckless universe made the other three worlds suddenly lose their balance and collapse automatically.

In an instant, it was like a reckless universe, the origin was revealed, countless continents were destroyed, and planets exploded, a tragic situation.

In a short time, the divine mountain devoured the three-way world, and the world tree stood in the center of the four world.

"Huh? This is... So, I finally understand the strangeness of the world. This is the source of balance that I have been looking for before. At that time, I realized a trace of balance in the eternal divine world that I could get the rules of balance in the flood and famine and have today's achievements. Hahaha, as long as the world tree devour this place, the whole The power of the four worlds has become my strength!" The God of Space.

The roots of the world tree explore this strange secret world and constantly devour the core source of the four worlds, which is the core source of the son of chaos.

In the strange secret world, Huang Xiaoyao accelerated his speed, and Xinlian finally wrapped the world balance point of the four world, making him extremely happy.

This balance point of the four worlds is much more powerful than the world balance point in his heart and is difficult to swallow. However, Huang Xiaoyao's advantage lies in his strong spiritual power.

The spiritual power of Huang Xiaoyao gradually wraps the balance point of the world and penetrates into it.

"Who are you?" A simple consciousness passed into Huang Xiaoyao's heart.

"I'm you, you're me, we are one, integrate into my body, let me teach you how to practice!" Huang Xiaoyao said that he has used the supreme power of his soul.

"Are you me? Then who am I? That consciousness is vague.

"You are me, I am you! Do you want to use these powers?"

"I want to! I'm so distressed that I don't know how to use these forces. Those things outside are so abominable. Put me here and won't let me out!" That consciousness said.

Huang Xiaoyao knows that the awareness of the balance point of the world is the origin of the four world outside.

"Who locked you up here?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I woke up here. I really want to go out! Five people have come before. How can I call them? They can't see me. A long time ago, the man said he would let me out, but I waited for so long that I couldn't see him!" That consciousness said.

The five people should be the Taoist of Zilei and the last Allah of the Sifang. Earlier =, Huang Xiaoyao guessed that it must be the consciousness of the chaotic ancestor god.

In fact, Huang Xiaoyao made some guesses with Xinlian interpretation. So far, he is not completely sure. He can only wait for the four God to give him the answer, because he believes that the four God will definitely find that place.

"Do you want to come out? If you want to, relax your mind and let me merge. You will see more wonderful things in the future!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Good, good!" The consciousness was happy.

Unconsciously, Huang Xiaoyao's heart lotus has slowly merged into the world balance points of the four world, and that simple consciousness has been gradually separated by Huang Xiaoyao and bred in the endless chaos interpreted by Xinlian.

At this time, God finally broke the formation of taking out the secret place and entered it. Suddenly, a great terror swept through the endless chaos.

Even Huang Xiaoyao's heart is filled with a horrible atmosphere.