Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 544 Great Dream (Final Chapter)

The real Tao is being nurtured from the mainland, and Huang Xiaoyao is the person who controls the truth, but it is hard to say whether he can hide it from the chaotic ancestors.

Messages spread into Huang Xiaoyao's heart, making Huang Xiaoyao understand the origin of Tao and let him know the deepest secrets.

"Impossible, I will divide myself, integrate endless chaos and nothingness, control the most powerful force - Hongmeng and the four world, and even create Hongmeng origin stone with the core source of nothingness, combine Hongmeng origin stone with the endless chaotic core source to nurture the most powerful creation, and nurture you, the strongest one, both However, you were conceived by the origin continent, so you must be restricted by the origin continent!" Chaos Ancestor Shinto.

"Ha, you calculate everything, and the plan is indeed seamless. Anything that happens in endless chaos or endless nothingness has cause and effect. Even when I was brought by Pangu from later generations, it is cause and effect. Everything is under your control. What you want to create is a perfect Origin Continent, this origin Continent is under your control. As long as the origin Continent nurtures the power of balance between the two instruments, fate can be born, and you can transcend the real fate! It's a pity..." Huang Xiaoyao shook his head and said, which was really full of pretentiousness and became unpredictable.

In his view, the most powerful force is not to destroy the world, nor to destroy endless chaos or to destroy endless nothingness, nor to destroy the road, but to the power of the soul, the power of wisdom, omnis everything, and to control everything.

The real power is to be free and comfortable. No matter what force you face, you can face it calmly.

His current state is an invincible omen, because he knows the most primitive secrets. With these memories, he makes the strongest dare not act.

Huang Xiaoyao can't imagine how powerful his fate is. With the aftermath of his power, he can make Chaos Ancestors dare not act rashly.

However, what makes Huang Xiaoyao sad is that his real fate has gone. This is the information he got from these memories. It is not so much secret as the last words of real fate.

The real fate is omnipotent and can make the chaotic ancestors fear. Why does it die? How is this possible?

Before, Huang Xiaoyao also thought so, and he felt incredible and couldn't believe it, but this is another fact that Huang Xiaoyao had to believe.

Fate is formed by the power of balance between endless chaos and endless nothingness. It exists for balance. Its mission is to limit the power of chaotic ancestral gods and prevent chaotic ancestral gods from controlling the Tao and control all sentient beings.

If the source of fate is the road of perfection, if the road is perfect, it is always balanced, and it doesn't matter whether there is fate or not. That is to say, fate is actually the core source power of the road of perfection.

However, the perfect road gave birth to the body of the chaotic ancestor god. In order to control all sentient beings, he turned Tao into endless chaos and endless nothingness and balanced chaos and nothingness.

The body of the chaotic ancestor god is divided into two, integrating endless chaos and endless nothingness, creating the son of chaos and the world of Hongmeng respectively. They sealed their fate at the cost of eternal sleep.

Fate is sealed and cannot be supplemented by endless chaos and endless nihilistic power. After all, it will one day go to extinction, because fate is a very mysterious force, an invisible force, and needs to rely on the source.

In fact, if Tao is regarded as a creature, then fate is his soul, just like the yellow demon. If his body dies, then his spiritual power will also die, but the soul that exists relying on the source may not necessarily die.

Therefore, the power of the soul is very powerful, but it must be limited to the source of the body. The power of the soul is the power to balance the body and the moto god.

The chaotic ancestor god itself only understands the power of balance between the two instruments of fate, but does not understand the essence of the balance power of the two instruments. That is to say, the chaotic ancestor god only understands the power of balance, but does not understand the way of balance.

"What's the pity? Don't pretend to be a ghost. You can't communicate the real fate, because there is no loophole between endless chaos and endless nothingness. However, since you can get this information, it shows that you have understood the balance and creation of the origin continent, and you are the fate of the origin continent. Hahaha, you can't escape my control, and you are wrong to let The origin continent has devoured the four worlds, endless chaos and endless helplessness, and Hongmeng returns!" Chaos Ancestor Shinto.

I saw the chaotic ancestor turned into a 150,000-foot giant, opening his mouth and blowing, endless chaos and endless nothingness split a gap, and a vast long river appeared, leading to endless places, and above the long river, there was a purple and confused world. There was no life in the purple world, only one The Tao is crisscrossed with the net-like purple spirit.


The chaotic ancestor god sucked hard, and the whole Hongmeng world turned into a purple storm and spread into his big mouth. His whole body turned into a layer of purple armor, which was extremely powerful.

"I am the way! The origin continent listens to my order, divides endless chaos and nothingness, and becomes a new fate!" The chaotic ancestor shouted, raised his big hand, and the whole continent of origin was raised by him.

"Hahaha! Go to hell! Origin of the mainland, control the fate! You can't escape from the palm of my hand!" Chaos Ancestor God looked at Huang Xiaoyao.

The chaotic ancestor god has been calculating for so long that this game has come to the end. He took back the power of Hongmeng and used the power of endless chaos and endless nothingness to control the origin of the continent in an instant.

The origin of the mainland was originally the original stone of Hongmeng, which has always been under the control of the chaotic ancestral gods.

Boom! After the earthquake of the origin continent, the strong people on the origin continent woke up from enlightenment, especially the space god, chaotic Qinglian and Pangu. They stood up and looked vigilantly and solemnly at the giants between endless chaos and endless nothingness.

This giant is not very big compared with endless chaos and endless nothingness, only 150,000 feet, but how can the origin of the continent be more than 150,000 feet? However, the whole continent of origin is in the hands of giants, which is very strange. This is the power of Tao.

Huang Xiaoyao was brought to the mainland by a powerful force, but he was still as chic as ever. He looked at all sentient beings with a smile.

As soon as he appeared, Pangu and Chaos Qinglian flew over and said respectfully, "I have seen Xiaoyao Daozun!"

When the space god saw the attitude of Pangu and Chaos Qinglian, although he was puzzled, he still said, "Happy Taoist friend, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

The space god stood on the world tree. He was extremely proud and did not show much respect to Huang Xiaoyao, because he did not fully understand Huang Xiaoyao.

"I've met several Taoist friends! However, this is not the time to catch up, because the next is the biggest disaster of the origin of the continent and the biggest disaster of all sentient beings! If you can't overcome this disaster, everything will be like a dream, and everything will be meaningless. Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Happy Taoist friend, how dare you ask who the giant is?" Pangu Road.

"He is the chaotic ancestor god, the nihilistic ancestor god, and the lord of Hongmeng, the lord of 'fate'. He is the way we have been pursuing!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huang Xiaoyao transmitted some information to the yuan gods of all sentient beings and frightened them.

The rise of the origin continent has made all sentient beings see the hope of freedom, see the real perfect fairy road, and even see the endless road. However, now, Huang Xiaoyao tells them that everything is a dream and tells them that they are just a split of this chaotic ancestor god, as long as the chaotic ancestor takes it back. None of them will exist.

"Hmm! What about Chaos Ancestors? The origin of the continent is under my control. There are infinite sentient beings, giving me the strength to suppress and devouring the chaotic ancestral gods!" The god of space is domineering.

"Good!" All sentient beings seem to have grabbed the life-saving straw and contributed all their strength one after another, making the body of the space god higher and higher, and can actually reach the height of the chaotic ancestor god, which shows how powerful the power of sentient beings in the mainland originated.

Even Pangu and Chaos Qinglian pass on their power to the space god, because they know that only the space god has the power to fight. It's not that they don't believe in Huang Xiaoyao, but don't know the real power of Huang Xiaoyao. They only know that the power shown by Huang Xiaoyao is not as powerful as that of the space god.

"Hahahaha! Origin Continent, suppress it for me!" The space god is full of confidence.

But is it useful? The origin of the continent is bred by the chaotic ancestral gods. No matter how it is changed, it is impossible to pose a threat to the chaotic ancestral gods.

"Hmm! You are all ants that have fallen from me, collect! The origin of the continent is integrated into me!" Chaos Ancestor Shinto.

The rolling power was absorbed by the chaotic ancestral gods, and the power of sentient beings became weaker and weaker. Even the souls of weak creatures immediately dispersed, and the body of the space god gradually became smaller.

"Ah! Why? I control the balance of the origin continent. Why doesn't it work for you? The god of space was shocked.

In the impression of the space god, the balance between the two instruments is invincible, which can reflect any force and protect him from any harm.

Huh? Why do you also control the balance between the two instruments? Then destroy you first!" Chaozu God doubted that Chaozu Ancestral God was originally the creator spirit. He had been sleeping. Previously, the space god attracted the door of Hongmeng. He did not know that it was the space god, because what he saw first was Huang Xiaoyao. He thought that only Huang Xiaoyao could control the balance between the two instruments, or that only one person could control the balance of the two instruments. Control.

But now, why can two people control the balance between the two instruments? Did something happen to the origin of the continent and give birth to two fates? The chaotic ancestor was puzzled.

The space god found that his strength, including the balance of the two instruments, was absorbed by the chaotic ancestor god, which made him tremble.

Suddenly, the chaotic ancestor god widened his eyes and looked at the yellow demon, which was always light, and the countless creatures on the lotus platform of the yellow demon. It was the warbler and the swallow around the yellow demon.

"Brother Xiaoyao!" Ao Ling, Youhuang and Xiyue screamed and rushed into Huang Xiaoyao's arms. Nuwa and others also came over one after another. They were still in their dreams, incredible. In the lotus in Huang Xiaoyao's heart, they felt extremely comfortable.

On the continent, all sentient beings disappeared rapidly and appeared in Huang Xiaoyao's heart lotus one after another, as if his heart lotus could accommodate anything.

Chaos Qinglian suddenly realized and was shocked, "Is this... this is the original four-color lotus seed?"

"The supreme state of mind, supreme power, this is what I have been pursuing. I didn't expect that Xiaoyao Daozun has reached this point!" Pangu was shocked.

Why is it the power of balance? Why is this balance so powerful? Why can't I control the balance between the two instruments? The space god trembled. With his insight, he had completely figured out the cause and effect, but he still couldn't believe it.

The God of Space understands that when Honghuang and the world of gods and demons merged, the balance power he absorbed was only lent to him by Huang Xiaoyao, and he was just Huang Xiaoyao's chess piece, a tool. With his pride, it was difficult to accept.

But this is helplessness!

"See Xiaoyao Taoist Master! Xiaoyao Taoism is immortal!" All sentient beings kneel down devoutly.

Huang Xiaoyao smiled and said, "A big dream is like a dream, a chaotic Taoist friend. You have shown the way to all sentient beings, but it is a false road. What all sentient beings pursue is just a dream bubble. No matter how they realize it, when they reach your level, they will only be swallowed up by you. After all, it is just an empty! This is the cruelest! What all sentient beings need is to find their own way! As long as you understand what you want, it is the real way!"

"Why are you all right? What kind of power do you have? My origin, why can't I control the balance between the two instruments? The chaotic ancestor was shocked.

"Your heart is also confused. Your heart wants to control all sentient beings and destroy the balance. How can you understand the real way of balance? If you want to control your destiny, how can you understand the core path of fate? Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Well, how do you understand fate? What can you do without the origin of the continent? Your lotus platform is the power of the soul. As long as the source is not there, it will eventually die, and the origin of the continent is the foundation of everything!" Chaos Ancestor Shinto.

"Hehe, you don't understand! Don't know the greatness of the soul, as long as you find your own way, you can do everything! Thank you for opening up the endless chaos and endless nothingness for me. From today on, the origin continent has become the core of the balance of endless chaos and endless nothingness, replacing fate! The origin of the continent is fate, and all sentient beings are fate. There is a balance between heaven and earth. The opportunities are endless, and all sentient beings are like dragons!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huang Xiaoyao manipulates the balance point of the world with the power of Xinlian, controls the origin of the continent and flies into the sky, separating endless chaos and endless nothingness, not seeing the top and bottom below, but no matter how the endless chaos and nothingness are; in terms of concealed, the world trees on the top of the mountain are shining, like the light of hope, making the masses He opened his heart window and found hope.

"I saw it, I saw it! That's my way!"

"I understand! Tao, in the depths of my heart, looking for the way is to find my own heart!"


"Thank you, Taoist master, for being the master of the world!"

Huh? Is this the core of the balance between the two instruments? I understand why I couldn't control my fate at the beginning because I didn't control this core, and the process of Hongmeng's origin as the origin of the continent is the growth process of the core of fate. And you, at the beginning of the birth of the core of fate, you controlled it and grew up with the core of fate. You are so lucky. It's lucky!" The chaotic ancestral god said helplessly.

The chaotic ancestor completely understood and understood the loopholes in his chessboard. In any case, he could not believe that someone could control the seeds of fate at the beginning of the formation of fate.

He accepted the result and had to accept it!

The chaotic ancestor god was extremely ferocious and roared, "So what if you control your fate? What if you let all sentient beings see hope? Since I am doomed to perish, let's die together. After all, everything is like a dream! Hahahaha! Endless chaos, endless emptiness, self-destruct!"


The self-detonation of the chaotic ancestor completely crushed everything, making everything, endless chaos and endless nothingness close together and gradually merge into invisible.

The fusion of endless chaos and endless nothingness interprets the original most perfect Tao, an invisible heart lotus, wandering between endless nothingness and endless chaos, absorbing the most perfect Tao.

A whisper sounded faintly, "Tao, in my heart! It's like a dream, a big dream!"

ps: Unfortunately, the book is finished. I will meet you soon. I hope you will continue to support it! The new book has been conceived for a long time and should be good!