Red Makeup Emperor Cultivation

82, sheep that can water

The water contained ice marrow in the lake can be directly absorbed by the ice beast. This little antelope drank a lot of lake water, and the energy in its body rushed to the advanced threshold, and it was time to change the sheep's horns. However, because the foundation was not solid, it had no time to get rid of the sheep's horns horns, so it asked Han Jing for help. After pulling out the sheep's horns, the little white antelope shouted twice, as if to express gratitude.

"Oh, lamb, practice quickly. I have to find a dead fox. Goodbye." Han Jing shook her hand with a smile and turned around. There was a sharp tingling from her left side. "Oh," she shouted, and the cold sweat on her forehead rolled down.

It is estimated that there is armor on her body, but she still cracked the side bone by the one hit by Binglin. She didn't feel the mental tension before. In addition, the action of turning at this time completely broke the split bone, and she felt pain.

"What's wrong with Hanqing?"

Leng Wuya and He Yuanshan asked with one voice, which were all heartfelt concerns.

Lu Yang also asked, "Hanqing, are you all right?"

"A little injury, you can't die." Han Jing hummed. She can't tell the truth that the bone is broken, otherwise Leng Wuya and others have to help her check the injury, so they have to untie the armor. At that time, it's really difficult to escape.

At this time, the little white antelope also bleed and scratched Han Jing's arm with the new horn, as if asking her what was going on?

Touching the lamb's horn, Han Jing said half jokingly, "It's a pity that you can't talk, otherwise you can lead the way and you will definitely find the dead fox faster."

He shouted twice, and the little white antelope half knelt on the ground, swinging its horn to signal Han Jing to ride on its back. Han Jing touched its meaning. After riding on its back, it floated up like a white cloud, which was a little faster than Han Jing's full-speed "chasing wind and electricity".

Leng Wuya was stunned before they chased them one after another. Along the lake are all high-level mysterious beasts. Seeing that they have been lost, they dare not call.

Around the shore of the lake, the two lakes are the shortest apart. The little white antelope did not slow down. It floated out like an arrow and fell to the surface of the water.

The slanting wind is gentle, with light scales. The little white antelope with poor swimming skills only has its back and head exposed on the surface. Han Jing can only stand on the back of the sheep. It is not easy to maintain balance. With an ice soul sword in the lake and is not afraid of the cold in the lake, she sees the rare ice gulls and other ice birds not far away, and she has to flirt with them. .

The palm wind with the power of rotation rolled up jade-colored waves and hit the birds. For a while, the birds flew around and the birds were noisy. But the strange thing is that many birds are chasing the waves and singing happily. The waves fell, and Hanjing and the lambs went away, and they came again and flew around her endlessly.

"Do you want to drink water and are afraid of the cold?"

Han Jing, who is smart with ice and snow, has a good reason to guess. Among the birds hovering on the lake, many weak young birds can't stand the cold of the lake and can only get up on the surface of the water. After taking a breath, they will fly down to drink water again. The waves caused by Hanjing did good for them.

Among some winged air-land amphibious beasts drinking water on the shore of the lake, some weaker cubs also flew up one after another, learning to drink water birds. On the shore of the lake, the cold and endless people who followed were all stunned. Although the mysterious beasts were busy drinking water and did not act aggressively against them, they also had a sense of breath unevenness due to the impression of the invisible high-level mysterious beasts, and even the weakest Lu Yang had to hold up the universe umbrella again.

Just now, it was said that the injured Han Jing had nothing to do with the mysterious beast and rare birds. What is her level of strength?

In fact, the reason why Han Jing is not afraid of the pressure of the mysterious beast is that she relies on the ice soul sword contained in Dantian, but also the mysterious beast ice that has signed a master-servant contract with her. She still doesn't know how cool Binglin used to be in this world of ice and snow. Once again, he deeply realized the gap with Han Jing. Leng Wuya looked at the beautiful scenery on the lake. The lake wind set off his clothes and hunting, which made him feel so lonely.

"Why did Han Qing leave us and run away?" Lu Yang shouted. At this moment, he forgot that he had let Leng Wuya throw away Han Jing before, and played with the mysterious beasts and birds on the lake with only one eye.


is also a lucky guy who has been drinking water and has advanced directly, and he is a high-level mysterious beast with a pair of curved corners and a cow head and a leopard tail. Originally, there was no specific attack target, but he happened to hear Lu Yang's voice, turned around and roared at them, and the sound wave hit them like a sledgehammer.

He Yuanshan, a poor elite, has a low level of thin armor. Suddenly, blood sprayed, and a paper kite with a broken body flew out.

The cold situation with the armor suit was slightly better, but his whole body was full of qi and blood. He floated up, grabbed He Yuanshan and rushed under Lu Yang's umbrella, and hurriedly avoided the distance with Lu Yang. Running out, Lu Yang stopped and exhaled and asked, "The mysterious beast didn't chase." Chasing you, you big-headed! It's not the way to find death if you want to die!" He Yuanshan broke his mouth and cursed, and his mouth was bleeding. Obviously, he had just been shocked and injured inside. Leng Wuya didn't say anything, and Lu Yang also looked at the expression of an idiot.

Looking back at the shore of the lake where the beasts gathered, Lu Yang unconsciously wiped his sweat: "It's really mysterious!" After coughing two mouthfuls of blood and phlegm, He Yuanshan said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense. Let's go away. Hanqing will come to us."

He Yuanshan's words were reasonable, and there was no objection. Although Lu Yang felt that it was better to get into the mysterious beast group with Han Qing, he did not dare to find Han Qing alone, so he had to walk with them to the mountains in the distance.

It seems that the mysterious beasts in this ice area are concentrated on the shore of Wangyue Lake. The three of them did not meet the mysterious beasts when they went out, and successfully went to Wolongling, more than ten miles away from the lake.

Han Qing also noticed the departure of the three people. Her thoughts were consistent with He Yuanshan's thoughts and felt that they were still safe away from the mysterious beasts. At this time, she also knew that she was not afraid of the pressure of the mysterious beasts, and that she must have been stained with the light of ice to coexist peacefully with the mysterious beasts.

Drinking the lake has great benefits. Is it more beneficial to soak ice in the lake? She thought that she had also drunk a lot of lake water and felt that the injured bone did not seem to be so painful. It was estimated that the lake still had a healing effect. She was even less anxious to pick up the ice from the lake. At the same time, she was still wondering whether she should also soak the ice sword in the lake.

Unfortunately, Binger woke up for a while and fell into a coma again. I can't give an answer to Han Jing's thoughts. Even if she intends to put this idea into action, she has to get the Holy Star Wanglian to cure Binglin and listen to its opinions.

The twilight is in four, the bright moon is in the sky, the soft light is falling leisurely, and the silver mist rises on the lake like a veil. The chill on the lake became heavier, and the winged mysterious beasts left one after another, and then the birds that could not linger on the lake flew away from the lake one after another.

The little antelope soaked in the lake is cold in the lake, and its body trembles slightly. Probably thought that Han Jing was having a good time, so it kept turning around in the middle of the lake, and even if it was a little cold, it didn't go ashore. Oh, lamb, go ashore quickly." Han Jing squatted down and patted the sheep's head to signal it to go ashore.

The extremely humane lamb immediately swam to the other side of the lake, and Han Jing observed the changes in the lake against the light. Between the light of the scales and scales, there is an abnormal change in the lake water, which gradually becomes gel-like. The moonlight is hazy, and the birds are shadowy.

Han Jing clearly saw the gradually solidifying lake record the beautiful scenery of the birds under the moon. Just as she silently counted the species of birds, the lamb took her ashore. On the shore is the temporary territory of a group of snow foxes. The largest snow fox, the snow fox king, looks not much bigger than ordinary foxes. The only difference is that it can't find a single hair in silvery white body, but it looks cute and harmless. However, no matter how stupid Hanjing is, she also understands that this snow fox is absolutely not simple, especially it may also be the dead fox that robbed the holy star Wanglian. The snow fox herd is opposite the white antelope herd across the lake. The snow fox king saw the little antelope approaching with humans and did not issue an order to attack. It is probably thought that the lamb is naughty to run around, and the lake water is about to freeze. It needs to seize the time to drink more lake water before the lake water freezes.

When the little antelope entered the fox group unscrupulously and rushed directly to the side of the snow fox king, the snow fox king felt that his dignity was provoked and hummed a demonstration. A blood-eating red light flashed in his eyes. The snow foxes stopped drinking water and protested at the sheep. Han Jing jumped off the sheep's back and patted the sheep's head to signal it to leave quickly. But the lamb "meh" and refused to leave.

A white antelope with three large white fox kings on the other side of the lake is also shouting, as if they are greeting the Snow Fox King. The Snow Fox King spit out a very best sentence: "Fuck me!"

"Do you understand human language?" Han Jing shouted in surprise. Now she has more and more reason to believe that this snow fox is the dead fox mentioned by Binglin. How to get the Holy Star Wanglian from it?

The lake water is now gelatinous and will cause indigestion, so the mysterious beasts by the lake have also left one after another. The Snow Fox King thought that the arrival of Han Jing and the lamb had wasted his last precious time, and asked in a bad manner, "Cunning and despicable human beings, what are you doing on my territory?"

Suddenly, she thought that there was a pile of elixir prepared by Leng Wuya in the storage ring. Han Jing quickly took it out and said, "I want to ask you to change some ice marrow."

"Elixir? Ice marrow!" Two screams and a loud voice, the Snow Fox King shouted out and looked left and right like a thief, and then looked at Han Jing's eyes with a fierce murderous spirit.

Human monks of the same level will really kill the Snow Fox King's eye knife, but Han Jing has no discomfort except a burst of hair in her heart. In a blink, she said very innocently, "Why are you so surprised? I'm scared to death! I exchange the elixir for ice marrow and barter it. I'm not going to take advantage of you.