Red Makeup Emperor Cultivation

136, vicious curse

"Then, it can be said that the goblin Mei Xueyi lured him to Yaogu, and it was also her instigated the blind fool to capture the children of the Xuanqi Temple in revenge for Yang Feng's abandonment. Therefore, the culprit is Mei Xueyi. If Yang Feng wants to investigate, he can completely hand over Mei Xueyi to Yang Feng for disposal.

When it came to complacency, Yuan Qinglin smiled happily.

The maid raised her head, looked at the master in disbelief, and quickly lowered her head for fear of being found by her.

"Look, how affectionate it is. I'd like to see if Yang Feng is cruel to kill his old pet for the sake of his new love. Well, I'm really looking forward to seeing how this pair of adulterous women turn against each other!" After saying that, Yuan Qinglin fell into a pathological satisfaction and was speechless for a long time. The wind blew her long hair, entangled and curled, covering her strange smile.

Yuer, the maid, thought she could escape the disaster and breathed a sigh of relief. Yuan Qinglin had returned to normal and said indifferently, "Yang Feng's disciples can't stay. You go to the black aunt to pick up the evil, and then solve the scourge. I will treat your family well.

Black evil is an invisible poisonous gas refined by secret methods. It is colorless and tasteless. It quickly decomposes into dust after being poisoned and dies. But this kind of poison is not easy to store, and you have to find a living host like a kind of poison.

Because refining is not easy to withstand wear and tear, the living host is responsible for the dead. Yuer was unfortunately selected as a host by Yuan Qinglin, because except for a limited number of people, she will not tolerate people in the world who know their sinister and vicious side. Just now, she was out of control, and Yuer heard what she shouldn't have heard, and she noticed that Yuer could not live.

Yuer's family died in Yuan's family and did not dare to escape. Yuan Qinglin was very relieved to use the waste and let Yuer become a black evil host to assassinate Han Jing.

"Thank you for your grace." Yuer kowtowed to Yuan Qinglin with tears and staggered to the other end of the garden.

Until Yuer's figure disappeared outside the arch of the garden, Yuan Qinglin said to herself, "Yang Feng is mine, and no one wants to take him away." Her beautiful face finally showed a ferocious color, and the deep resentment suddenly turned from those cold eyes to undisguised.

This is Yuan Qinglin's true face. Even Mei Xueyi, who has had a grudge against her since she was a child, doesn't know it. Her almost weak and meekness are all pretending to be. In order to show her self-restraint, it is far from Mei Xueyi's small family that uses nepotism.

Yang Jiashe chose her to prove that her disguise was successful. After all, whether she and the Yuan family are willing to admit it or not, although her aunt is the wife of three sons, she does not speak as usefully as Mei Xueyi's aunt. Even her aunt's son needs to please Aunt Mei Xueyi.

Therefore, the significance of grabbing Yang Feng from Mei Xueyi is of great significance to her, her aunt and even the whole Yuan family. Yuan Qinglin didn't want to and couldn't let Yang Feng recover. She couldn't afford to pay the price.

Knowing that Yuer did not dare to betray, Yuan Qinglin looked at the arch of the garden and couldn't help chasing after her.

I didn't know that Yuan Qinglin came later, and Yuer walked heavily into the dark building built next to the garden.

In broad daylight, the room with closed doors and windows is dark and winter, but there is a faint fragrance of flowers and plants permeates the room. At the top of the stairs that Yuer didn't see, there was a thin shadow standing against the wall, and the dog stared at her greedily as meat bones.

I didn't adapt to the darkness in the room, and my heart was extremely flustered. After a few steps, Yuer stopped and had the idea of turning around and running away. When she was about to turn around, Yuan Qinglin asked gently at the door, "Yuer, why did you stop?"

With a sudden trembling, Yuer suddenly felt that death was better than living with the master's side. The maidservant is looking for Lord Black. She replied.

"Just go ahead. When it's time to stop, Aunt Black will prompt you." Yuan Qinglin's face was also calm, and her tone seemed to make Yuer turn black into her body.

Human life is as cheap as an ant in Yuan Qinglin's eyes. Yuer knows this, and she has to accept her fate if she follows such a master. However, admitting fate is a thing, and being willing to die is a thing. At the moment when the black evil enters the body, the body is like being plunged into the pores of thousands of ice needles around the body, and it is like tens of millions of ants drilling into the flesh and bones. The flesh and flesh of the whole body are frozen and the perception is still frozen. The pain is infinitely enlarged, which makes people feel that it is a luxury to be able to fall into a coma. shou.

It can't be completed in a day or two, so the pain suffered by Yuer can be imagined. In this kind of pain of life and death, Yuer survived to the day of the departure of the representative team to participate in the ranking competition in the Nanmo Branch of the Xuanqi Temple, and she is still awake.

"Hate Mei Xueyi, hate Yang Feng's disciples. They made you suffer this kind of pain. Curse them." Yuan Qinglin said quietly outside the door. Her voice was a little uncertain in Yuer's ears, but the words were engraved in her mind, attracting Yuer, who was half unconscious, to burst into hatred.

In the dark, some things are really unreasonable. Han Jing felt Yuer's hatred. She couldn't help rubbing her arm and blurted, "Who, it seems that you hate me to the bone marrow?"

"Nonsense again!" Yang Feng laughed and scolded. He was in a good mood and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. Just when I saw the night clouds behind Han Jing, there was a faint cloud floating on her face.

After Ye Guyun came, in addition to sleeping and following the hut, he stuck behind Han Jing like dog skin plaster, following more faithfully than her shadow. Yang Feng always wanted to find an excuse to send him away, but he failed to do so. This time, when he went to the main hall to participate in the competition, he originally wanted to let him stay on the pretext that he was not a representative of the team members, but he didn't pay attention to it at all. Han Jing even thought that his master of the branch hall farted and let him stand behind her.

"Who said nonsense? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Han Jing said back smoothly, and 800 impatiently urged Yang Feng to quickly get on the flying boat that had been refuted by her as a fancy before.

To be honest, Yang Feng also doesn't like the exclusive flying boat assigned to the owner of the branch hall, but he must take this thing to participate in celebrations or other large-scale activities in the main hall.

The appearance looks like a fancy and unbearable flying boat, and the inside is exquisite and elegant, luxurious and gorgeous. In such an environment, Yang Feng is as comfortable as a fish entering the water. Ye Guyun looks at the outside as if it is missing, and Leng Wuya and a few other famous ginseng players are not like other students. Nervous but still silent. Only Han Jing's mouth kept asking questions without saying anything, and also hurt Yang Feng by the way.

"Alas, this plate hangs on the wall like a baked cake and doesn't know what it's useful. It's really like your big cake face. It's so ugly."

Looking at the place of Han Jing's finger, Yang Feng kindly prompted: "That's the lid of the vent."

"It doesn't matter what it is. The point is that it's as ugly as your big cake face."

"Hey, what's wrong with being a teacher?" I really want to say that I am a rare handsome man, but looking at the players sitting around the long table, Yang Feng closed his mouth.

"Ccricket!" Turning her eyes, Han Jing said with resentment, "In the early morning, when I saw me and A Yun, my face was neither face nor nose, and it was stinky."

Oh, the problem is here! Yang Feng rubbed his nose and said secretly: Yesterday, he said that he could not let Ye Guyun follow him, but you didn't say anything. Who can be in a good mood when he saw this follower coming early in the morning?

He Yuanshan finally couldn't help laughing, peeked at Yang Feng, and quickly lowered his head.

"If you want to laugh, just laugh, He Yuanshan, let A Da out quickly. The little guy must be suffocated." Han Jing said self-righteously, which made her cold and couldn't help shaking her head and laughing.

Put out the little babonet of the contract mysterious beast and looked at the little guy jumping on Hanjing's leg. He Yuanshan sighed and said, "The ring of the beast will suffuse the mysterious beast. This argument is really a long story. Don't say that when you arrive at the main hall, or it will make people laugh."

"If I say yes, I will! Who dares to laugh, I will beat him up!"

The arrogant and domineering shook his fist at He Yuanshan, which made Leng Wuya finally laugh and said, "Well, please leave us some time when you plan to say so."

Han Jing, who is quite smart, was confused at this time: "Why do you leave a little time?"

He Yuanshan laughed and said, "We have to stay away from you when we don't know you."

Gu Yun laughed with everyone all night.

The restraint of Yang Feng's presence was swept away, and the students soon forgot Yang Feng, who had been silent. This is a very fresh feeling for him. From childhood to age, as long as he is present, he is always the one who attracts attention.

Time passes in laughter. The holy city where the Xuanqi Temple is located has arrived.

In addition to being so fast and stable that you can hardly feel the bumps, Yang Feng's exclusive boat also reflects the superiority that ordinary people can't enjoy when entering the holy city - there is no need to queue up at the gate of the holy city and be inspected.

Han Jing refused to go directly to Xuanqi Temple to go shopping, so Yang Feng asked Leng Wuya and He Yuanshan to accompany her. As for Ye Guyun, there is no need for Yang Feng to open his mouth to follow Han Jing.

Just after a rainstorm, the leaves of the tall birch trees on both sides of the streets of the Holy City were washed green, and the drops of water reflecting the sun fell to the ground and ticked.

A rare red-billed crow, the whole body is black and shiny with oily luster, but the sharp beak is red as blood. It stared at Han Jing and her party coming over. When she passed by in the front, she screamed fiercely, and her voice was extremely harsh.

"It's so unpleasant, the cry of this crow. The crows in the holy city are so different. Han Jing said casually, causing some people who had just queued up at the gate for inspection to enter the holy city and look sideways. She also asked Leng Wuya with an innocent face: "Ice, why do they look at me like this?"