Red Makeup Emperor Cultivation

153, where it appears, where it is not peaceful

Ji Xinwu's feelings were no less than the bystanders. He felt that the golden space formed with the help of the sword light was about to collapse, and the gesture changed. The golden space suddenly contracted and condensed the golden beam, and the extremely thin sword light could not even count the bean sprouts in that beam.

As the light of the knife becomes more and more solid, the buzzing sound of the knife body becomes more and more loud, and the space is stirring. He Yuanshan's figure holding his sword and flirting with the sky also clearly appears in the eyes of the audience. Compared with him, most of the audience is still optimistic about Ji Xinwu, who has the upper hand on the surface.

The inequality of Xuanbing was confirmed at this moment. Before the golden knife of Ji Xinwu, the long sword of He Yuanshan was dim.

As if he was so dull that he couldn't feel the gap, He Yuanshan stared at the blade splitting in the air, and the sound explosion generated by the rapid friction between the knife and the air was like thunder. At first glance, it hit the top of his head. Two extremely thin feather-shaped sword light suddenly burst out from the tip of his sword body, which weakly penetrated the small gap between the blade. Shoot away.

The light feather is faster than the solid knife light, almost in a flash to Ji Xinwu's eyes. This move was learned from Han Jing's battle against Bai Yiming.

Ji Xinwu also bowed his head in time to avoid Rubai Yiming's reaction at that time, and two feather-like ice-blue rays flew over his head. As soon as I looked up, I saw that the light feathers as thin as cicada wings were close in front of me. I turned my head in time to avoid it and broke out in a cold sweat. No matter how high his armor level is, he can't prevent his eyes. There is only one way to become blind by light feathers.

Compared with Bai Yiming's battle against Han Jing, Ji Xinwu's response was obviously much worse. At that time, Bai Yiming began to fight back after avoiding the attack of three waves of ice blue sword light sent by Han Jing. The sword power changed, and the sword light was like a long tail of a water dragon sweeping away the feather-like ice blue sword light and shooting at Han Jing. However, Ji Xinwu retreated again and again, higher than He Yuanshan's strength and the level of Xuanbing, but he was suppressed by one side and had no power to fight back since then.

and Han Jing finally used that trick "Wanmei Tuyan" to turn half into "knocking ice and jade crumbs" and defeat Bai Yiming's "water dragon explosion!" The defeat below is different, and He Yuanshan's amazing replication has the opposite ending.

The light of countless ice blue swords on the autumn water sword used by Han Jing at that time suddenly appeared, and turned into a little ice blue jade crumbs, arranged in a grid-shaped pocket to cover the water dragon. The ice crumbs melted into an ice blue streamer flashed away. The smooth body surface of the water dragon appeared a white depression, which almost cracked Bai Yiming's move and made Bai Yiming's move "water dragon explosion. "Reverse the form.

The water dragon suddenly burst open, blowing up the remnants left by Bai Yiming and Han Jing. The shock wave hit the autumn water sword. At the same time, her tiger mouth was also shocked and bleeding, and she could no longer hold the sword. The broken sword shot out with the shock wave.

Fortunately, Han Jing's body flew away involuntarily, and when he floated up to catch her, the slender left hand playing the strings casually scratched half an arc. A fiery shield-shaped light mask suddenly appeared, and the shock wave of the water dragon explosion hit her fiercely.

The impact of water and fire forms a stronger and more dazzling shock wave, causing space shocks, and it is also ravaging the smooth and solid ground. The ground of the whole training ground trembles, quickly cracking into horizontal and vertical cracks.

Han Jing's face was pale after derailing, and her body was also trembling rapidly. Her lips squeezed tightly but showed unwillingness and resentment. At that time, Leng Wuhen also laughed and said, "It seems that he is still unwilling to force a sound to this point?"

"In his shadow, I believe that my progress will be faster." Bai Yiming made a joke.

He Yuanshan was also hit hard at that time. After listening to Bai Yiming's words, he turned the pressure into motivation. After that, he asked Han Jing for advice, and she also said her experience without reservation, which made him gain a lot. In today's battle, he almost copied Han Jing's routine, but because his opponent was not as good as Bai Yiming, he did not copy the end of Han Jing's defeat.

When the light feathers of the sword as thin as cicada wings forced Ji Xinwu to retreat, He Yuanshan used a trick similar to "Wanmei Tuyan" to "Peach and Li Zhengchun", and countless sword flowers suddenly appeared, covering Ji Xinwu's Tianjie Xuanbing in it.

The ground-level Xuanbing did not fight against the Tianjie Xuanbing, but under the battle rhythm controlled by He Yuanshan, the tip of the sword touched the knife like a dragonfly, and the sword flower fell on the knife body, and Ji Xinwu felt a shock wave with a strange rhythm rushing into his hand holding the knife.

Even Leng Wuhen did not see that He Yuanshan's last move was still learning from Han Jing. Only Yang Feng found that the frequency of the sword flower falling was similar to the rhythm of the "forging jade" he taught Han Jing. He couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Perverted understanding can also be integrated into swordsmanship! She can't be so evil!"

Yu Youmin was also watching He Yuanshan's game and asked, "Who do you mean by?" Intuitively, Yang Feng's "evil" still refers to Han Jing.

"Can you say that it refers to the person who ordered He Yuanshan swordsmanship?" Yang Feng doesn't want to mention Han Jing's name anymore. He doesn't need to show off how good his disciple's talent is.

Like Yu Youmin, he knows who Yang Feng refers to. Yang Hua wondered, "Why do I feel a sense of familiarity? Does the Yang family have this set of swordsmanship?

"It's not swordsmanship, it's body refining, it's integrated into swordsmanship." Yang Feng said sullenly. Sometimes he really admires his tolerance. If he is narrow-minded, he can't see other people's talents better than himself. He has to strang Han Jing to death before she grows up.

"I'll go to the tofu and kill it. I'm too old to live on a dog." When Yang Hua's words fell, Ji Xinwu's knife flew out of his hand, hit the space wall and fell, and He Yuanshan's sword was also on his neck.

The number one seed player in the first branch hall was eliminated by Han Jing, the number one seed player in the second branch hall was eliminated by Leng Wuya, and the number one seed player in the third branch hall was eliminated by He Yuanshan. The first three in the last individual competition have all been destroyed so far.

At this time, among the players who entered the eighth and ninth floors, except for the two pink newcomers in the Nanmo Branch Hall, they are all the previous players, that is to say, their strength is not as good as the previous top three who were eliminated. What does this mean, need to say?

No wonder Yang Feng dared to boast that Nanmo Branch won the top three after seeing that He Yuanshan won Ji Xinwu. Now no one will have doubts about this, but what makes everyone uncomfortable is that He Yuanshan and Leng Wuya are not on the same level, and there will be no self-killing situation.

Although there will still be a chance to meet on the ninth floor, the premise is that there must be more than three people to enter the ninth floor. In one session, the strength of the players fought fiercely on average in the eighth level. Almost all of them were unable to fight again. In the end, only two people entered the ninth level. Their victory or defeat was the battle between the first place and the second place, and the third place was vacant.

The rule of the challenge is that the first three must be determined in the ninth floor. Leng Wuya eliminated three in the eighth floor and entered the ninth floor, while He Yuanshan eliminated three in the seventh and eight floors. In addition, other players are also eliminating their opponents during this period. When He Yuanshan enters the ninth floor, Leng Wuya is eliminated in the ninth floor. Three players, it is likely that only two of them are left on the ninth floor. The second and third depends on how they are allocated.

Even optimistic people think that one or two more players can enter the ninth level, but as long as Leng Wuya and He Yuanshan can cooperate with each other and draw within the specified time limit, they can fight against other opponents, and then avoid the situation that one must be out by eliminating other players.

Of course, in order to avoid the same players from making a fake draw, the challenge also has strict requirements for difficulty coefficient, and the attack strength must also reach a corresponding level. According to that requirement, it is basically to make the players fight for their lives, and it is really unlikely that they can still hold on. However, He Yuanshan's performance makes everyone think that he can absolutely withstand that difficult and intense attack, and Leng Wuya's Luoshui Sword is also equivalent to an amulet, so as long as the two of them have a tacit understanding in the performance battle, the chance of being caught is very small.

At this time, Xi Quan also sighed, "It's not to blame Nangong He for complaining about me. The suggestion that seemed to take advantage really made Nanmo Branch Hall take advantage of it. If Hanqing is here, as long as there is one more player to enter the ninth floor, one of the three of them must be eliminated by Hanqing. It may still be a dream for Nanmo Branch to win the top three.

"Is there much difference between the top three packages and the first two packages?" Yang Feng slowly asked back, a dead look of "I really don't value other rankings except for the champion", which made all the masters want to flatten him.

The same debate was also going on in the Yu family's shed. Leng Wuhen thought that the Nanmo branch hall was undisputed to win the top three, and Yu Guhong sang against him.

Coincidentally, Han Jing squeezed into the civilian stands and said with determination that the Nanmo Branch Hall must have won the top three. Although her amazing performance in the competition just now became the bright moon among the stars, no one can hide the light. But it is because she is so bright that no one will doubt that she is the bright moon in the crowd crowded in the civilian stands. Besides, her clothes were also rags in the fight. After coming down from the main stand, she specially found a place to change her clothes before coming out.

Han Jing boasted that the Nanmo branch hall took over the top three, which caused a lot of controversy. The civilian stands were like boiling water, which attracted the attention of the bosses in the main stands and the watchhouse of major forces.

"I feel that where the cold green appears, and where it is not peaceful."

"Ten gongs, there is him everywhere."

This is not what the people in the camp of Yang Feng's hostile forces said, but what Leng Wuhen said to Yu Guhong. After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then floated out of the shed together, quickly approaching the civilian stand from the crowd like a fish.