Red Makeup Emperor Cultivation

405, at a critical time

At the critical moment, the murderous spirit burst from below, and a red knife burst into the air. When the ground was cut on the flight shuttle, the blood knife hit the waves to form red ripples. The flight shuttle was pushed away half a meter away and flew out of Han Jing's side. The blood knife drew an arc in the air and shot back, and the enchanting blood light gushed out of the knife body to form a light shield flying around Han Jing.

After the flying shuttle rushed over, an old man in green robe jumped out. Han Jing remembered that this man was the old man of the Xuan Temple, surnamed Gu. There was no time to look at the knife. She was strong first. The ice soul sword suppressed the white wings, and the empty left palm revealed an ice-blue halo. She raised her hand and sprinkled it at the old man surnamed Gu.

"What an arrogant girl!" The old man in green robe scolded. The sleeves of the robe were raised, and the pine needles turned into ice mysteriously flew into the wide cuffs as if attracted.

The armor level on the white wing is not low, and the hot red light confronts the cold sword light of the ice soul sword. In the sword light of the ice soul sword, it is still fighting for trapped beasts, making Han Jing unable to deal with the old man in the green robe. Han Jing, just take it!" In the light of the sword, he still laughed wildly.

"Lord of Vlaor, the old demons of Montenegro attacked us. They are at your instructions, right?" Han Jing shouted fiercely. This idea suddenly came out for reasons that she didn't even think of it herself.

"How did you guess?" Bai Yi blurted out and asked.

The answer was the scream of the old man in green robe, and he immediately covered his face and retreated violently. It turned out that the pine needle-like ice mysterious power unexpectedly broke his sleeves and unexpectedly shot into his face. This kind of close-range intensive shooting could not stand it, even if his strength was strong, and his face was pricked into honeycomb eyes. The small and dense blood eye can't be seriously injured, but it hurts. When he retreated violently, he howled like a ferocious and terrible beast.

"Would you hurt the ancient?" Bai Yi was shocked. He is clear about the ancient strength. How evil is Han Jing? When she fights with him, can she be distracted to attack the ancient?

On the ground, the dead corner that Han Jing could not see, Ye Guyun communicated with the knife spirit with his intention, and the bloody knife turned straight to the old man in the green robe.

The old man in the green robe was shocked and didn't dare to hold its front. He raised his sleeves and threw out a dark iron ring. "bang", the iron ring hit the body of the blood knife at a sharp rotation angle. Mars splashed, and the blood knife was shaken out and hit a towering lonely peak, and the hard rock peak was smashed and rumbled. Make a loud noise.

While the black metal ring of unknown material hit the bloody knife, the old man in the green robe roared, "Death!" As soon as the voice rose, the person had changed his shape behind Han Jing and hit Han Jing's back heart with his palms. This applause is amazing. With one blow, Han Jing will be patted into meat mud.

Ye Guyun dodged between the falling rocks in the air and did not forget to pay attention to Han Jing. Seeing that she was in danger, she took the knife and split it in her hand. The sharp blood-colored knife with a bloodthirsty and violent smell burst out and broke through the air with red ripples.

The knife is so fierce that the power of this knife can be imagined that the old man in green robe does not intend to take it and float out quickly. His body is fast, his blood knife is faster, and he cuts into his vest with indestructible domineering. The sharp blade easily broke through his body protection and cut through his body.

When he lowered his head and saw the knife bursting in front of his chest, and the blood light sprayed with a blood spring. Only then did the old man in the green robe realize what had happened. Before he could make a last scream, his body fell on both sides. Before his death, the anger surged in his heart, and the idea of destroying the world made his potential explode to perform his secret skills step by step by step in this situation. The two bodies burst at the same time, turning into a bloodstorm to form a distorted blood-colored space.

There are some subtle gray ripples around the bloody space. There is no doubt that the space is twisted and torn cracks. Whether it hits these gray ripples or the bloody space, Han Jing has no good fruit to eat.

The night clouds on the ground were in a hurry and split the knife from the air. The blood knife flashed, the bloody space collapsed and dispersed, the gray ripples surged, and the surrounding air also surged, but it could not penetrate the blood light shield formed by the blood mad knife around Han Jing's body, firmly guarding her back, as he said before, so that she had no worries.

There was a familiar breath behind her, which made Han Jing feel calm, but she had no time to look back. She just accelerated the speed of the attack and wanted to cut Bai Yi down with her sword.

At the same time, there was a loud noise, and a flying boat on the Xuan Temple, which besieged Yang Feng's exclusive flying boat, was blown off and turned into a big fireball and fell down. Yang Feng's exclusive flying boat took the opportunity to break through and rushed over to assist Han Jing.

The loud noise made Bai Yi understand that something was wrong. He self-exploded the armor that could resist the ice soul sword, and the explosion wave washed away the sword aperture of the ice soul sword, and also washed him down to fly thousands of kilometers away.

Recognizing Yang Feng's exclusive flying boat, Ye Guyun took it for granted that Yang Feng was also on it, just like he formed a mental illness: Yang Feng came, and A Jing was safe! With the knife in hand, he silently glanced at Han Jing and left.

From beginning to end, Han Jing didn't see the bloody knife clearly, let alone that Ye Guyun was below. After getting on the flying boat, she asked breathlessly, "Which brother was helping in danger just now? Han Jing thanked him here."

No one answered, and Jason just shook his head. When Han Jing was in danger, the flying boat suffered the strongest attack, and they had no time to take care of her.

"Huh? None?" Han Jing was surprised, but she couldn't associate it with Ye Guyun, and the sword spirit of the ice soul sword also fell asleep because it was too much consumed in the war just now, and she couldn't tell her what happened with the bloody knife.

Joson said, "Maybe it was sent by the Lord to secretly protect his wife."

"Don't call me madam, just call me Han Jing." Han Jing's voice was cold, and she forgot to continue to pursue the problem just now.

After the white wings left, the flying boat of the Xuan Temple carried the rest of the people and quickly evacuated. Joson cleverly changed the topic: "Deputy Lord, do you want to chase those people in the Xuan Temple?"

"No need." Han Jing ordered the flying boat to turn back to the Southern Desert Imperial Capital.

Bai Yiming and He Yuanshan both sat in the newly renovated hall and waited anxiously. As soon as the flying boat landed, they rushed over and asked with one voice, "A Jing, are you all right?"

Han Jing, who had just arrived at the door of the flying boat cabin, pretended to be dissatisfied and shouted, "He Yuanshan, you used to call me boss!"

did not argue. He Yuanshan changed his mouth and asked again, " boss, are you all right?"

"Look at me like this, is there anything wrong? Go wash first and talk to you later." Han Jing said vividly, but there was a little less softness and a little more domineering between her eyebrows.

Yang Feng, who rushed back from the main hall, opened the door and looked at the graceful back of the plain dress leaning in front of the window. Her long black half-dry hair was raised and wrapped in the wind, and her white neck was seductive and thoughtless. Somehow, her back gave people a feeling of loneliness, making his chest as dull as a stone.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Han Jing looked back and caught a glimpse of Yang Feng. She felt a severe pain in her chest, as if she had been torn. What are you doing here?" She asked, and a sarcasm flashed at the end of her eyes.

"Jing, are you not hurt?" Yang Feng asked with concern and completely ignored the sarcasm in Han Jing's eyes.

"Let's get to the point, don't talk nonsense." Han Jing said coldly.

Suffocated, Yang Feng looked at the extremely beautiful and cold face and was stunned for a long time.

"If you have something to say, disappear quickly." Han Jing shouted impatiently.

Get used to Han Jing's roar. Hearing her roar, she felt more familiar and cordial than the cold tone. Yang Feng sighed, "Caring about whether you are injured is the most important thing. Secondly, this incident is too big, and if it continues, it will turn into an uncontrollable situation. You must stop this brute form of revenge to talk about it. The way of judgment is to let the Xuan Temple hand over the murderer of the mother, and I can come forward to negotiate with the Xuan Temple.

With a sarcastic laugh, Han Jing said sarcastically, "Do you think the negotiation can make the culprit take the initiative to plead guilty?"

With a sigh, Yang Feng asked, "Can you rush into the Xuanshen General Hall to kill the first evil?"

Her eyes suddenly turned sharp, and Han Jing wanted to say, "Why not!" However, thinking of this, the whole continent, which has just been calm, will fall into war again. It is likely that even the Black Mingzong and the Ice Palace will be involved. How many families will be broken, how many people will be exiled in Yunnan, and how many innocent people will die in the war. This scene is also something she doesn't want to see, and she is sure that her mother under Jiuquan doesn't want to see it.

Han Jing was silent. The messy wind pulled her hair and flew freely. She seemed to exist in the illusion, as if she was as quiet as jade carvings. It seemed that the next moment she would disappear in place and fly away with the wind.

resisted the impulse to forcibly drag her into his arms, Yang Feng did not urge, but waited quietly.

As time passed, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. I probably didn't hear anything, but stopped again, which did not disturb the people in the room.

Her sharp eyes gradually became as plain as a deep pool, bottomless. Han Jing raised her chin slightly and said gently with an unquestionable command: "Go and arrange it. Just once. The result of the negotiation can't satisfy me. I'm not interested in the second round of negotiations, so don't try to fool me with negotiations. Delayed time."

"Revenge for my mother-in-law is also my filial piety. If they want to fool them, I can't agree."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Mother-in-law, this title makes Han Jing's heart cut like a knife. Without mercy, Yang Feng was expelled. She stood quietly like a jade statue for a long time, and tears fell down.

"Mom, do you regret it now?" Han Jing asked softly. In my memory, my mother's face is a little blurred, but I can vaguely tell that my mother always smiles, always looks comfortable and satisfied, and always makes people feel that she is a happy little woman at a glance, but after many years, the truth stripped off is so ugly. The mother's keen and intelligent woman really didn't notice what she loved. Men's true face, isn't the mother really forced to laugh in front of her children?