Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 12 First meeting with the queen

"Jinzhi is stupid, can you ask your aunt to say it clearly?" Song Jinzhi didn't understand the meaning of this.

"As long as the truth is known to those who want to know her, and those who want to know will tell other people who don't care." Lv Pangxiao knew that there were ears on the wall, and the painting could only be clicked. She continued: "This harem is terrible, but what's more terrible is that you have lost your conscience in this harem. If you can save yourself, it's better to borrow flowers to offer Buddha and protect others and your conscience. Fang Xiao knew that although Song Xiunu looked a little cold, her heart was still like a child. At this point, please consider more about it.

Song Jinzhi was secretly shocked. It seemed that Lv Fangxiao had understood her intention. She couldn't help sighing that her aunt's meticulous words were so watertight.

"Jinzhi understands what my aunt means, and I thanked my aunt first." Song Jinzhi was slightly blessed again. After thanking Lv Fangxiao, she pushed the door and left. In fact, she had not yet thought about what Ji Shuidong would do about this matter, but she was afraid that her conscience would be burned.

After noon, Yao Yulu was secretly anxious and couldn't find Song Jinzhi's shadow. It was not until the afternoon when he was training that Song Jinzhi came late. Yao Yulu naturally didn't know what Song Jinzhi had done at noon. She secretly complained about the woman's wise and self-preserving move, but she was full of confusion about her resentment. What would she do if she were Song Jinzhi?

When Lv Panxiao saw that the beautiful girls had arrived, she began to talk about the arrangement this afternoon: "Before this draft, the beautiful girls wanted to visit the concubines in the palace one by one. This afternoon, everyone went to the Fengyuan Hall to say goodbye to the Empress. It was originally scheduled for a few days, but today the Empress named to meet the show girls in this draft. , just arranged in the afternoon.

After listening to Lv Panxiao's words, the girls talked about "Is this going to see the Empress?" I haven't had time to prepare yet."

"Yes, will it be too casual to wear such a simple dress?"

"Today's queen still doesn't know what kind of temper she has, and it's better to talk less."

Seeing the words of the girls, they seemed to be a little worried and nervous. Lv Panxiao comforted them, "Don't be too eager. The Empress is very reasonable. There will be nothing wrong with these rules."

Yao Yulu sighed in her heart. At this time, she was very confused and even wanted to see the queen. This process was a top part of the draft. I'm afraid that she had no intention to do it safely, but nothing could be found.

I left the Taoyuan Hall and walked almost a column of incense before arriving at the Royal Garden. This was the first time these girls came to the Royal Garden. Although they did not dare to chattering more, they were also full of surprises. This royal garden is full of ancient cypress locusts, with strange mountain stones, golden statues, clustered with potted flower piles, white jade-roofed imperial pavilions, and stone-carved dragon fountains below. The layers are staggered and the scenery is fascinating.

As the imperial garden went west, it took less than half a cup of tea to reach the Fengyuan Hall where the queen lived. The garden of Fengyuan Hall is planted with high-looking peonies, clusters of golden yellow shining like glazed blue tiles. In the middle, there are dozens of koi in the clear water, and the pebbles on the ground are paved with the word "Fu" pattern. In front of the hall are several white jade carved columns, on which are carved with phoenix dance around the nine days. The cloud-top sandalwood is used as a beam, and the inlaid wooden door is a section of carved peony totem.

The beautiful girls waited for the notice outside the hall with their aunts, and saw a young inner supervisor shouting in a shrill voice: "The beautiful girl from Taoyuan Hall enters the hall."

The girls followed their aunts, entered the hall unceremonially, and saw the queen who led the harem and the mother of the world.

The queen's palace is really not comparable to the Taoyuan Hall. Although the Taoyuan Hall has its uniqueness, this Fengyuan Hall can really be called magnificent. The good white jade floor shines with warm light, peonies on the eaves carved from sandalwood, and the wall panels made of floating windows carved by green tiles and jade are in the center. A straight pillar is carved with a lifelike phoenix, and there is a golden carved bench in the middle, on which sits the queen.

She is dressed in a red and yellow gold and silver silk Luan bird embroidered dress. Her sleeves are embroidered with large peonies. The neckline is embroidered with butterflies with gold silk thread, and the skirt is embroidered with golden auspicious clouds. It is decorated with gems and accompanied by beautiful jade. Her ink-like hair is tied into a high phoenix bun. In the middle of the phoenix bun is a gold-plated phoenix hairpin. Jinfeng shouted a night pearl in her mouth. Under the night pearl was a piece of tassel. Her face was charming and magnificent. Her eyebrows were faintly swept with spring, and her skin was as delicate as warm jade. Although it did not have an unrivaled appearance, a smile also touched people's hearts.

The girls only dared to look up secretly to see what the queens in the world looked like. As they entered the hall, several aunts first came forward and said with a ten thousand blessings: "I see the queen. The girls who entered the palace draft this time are all here. I also ask the queen to read it."

The beautiful girls also followed their aunt and said, "Empress Jin'an."

The queen nodded slightly, revealing a fing solemnity and inviolability, and said, "ping shen shen. This year's beautiful girls are quite beautiful. I don't know if they are as good-looking and virtuous.

"It takes the Queen's review to choose a filial and gentle woman." It turned out to be Yao Yulu's sister Yao Yujiao Yufei!

I saw a woman coming late. She walked to the front of the hall and passed the beautiful girl and said, "My concubine came late, please forgive me."

This woman is the jade concubine. She wears a pink collar narrow-sleeved skirt, embroidered with a golden soft jade pattern, tied a high bow with purple smoke yarn at her waist, and several budding orchids embroidered with silver silk on her cuffs. Soft white fine yarn is wrapped around her waist, and light golden smoke yarn is wrapped around her body. Three thousand green silks are tied together with only one jasper inlaid gold bead hairpin. A butterfly bun, fragrant, jade, tender and more beautiful than flowers, pointing like peeling green onion roots and containing Zhu Dan, which is exactly the beautiful woman who describes such a gorgeous six palaces.

Yao Yulu saw the Jade Concubine for the first time in recent years. She thought to herself that before entering the palace, she had the appearance of sinking fish and falling geese. She didn't expect to be so beautiful in the palace in the past few years. No wonder she was so favored by the emperor. In just a few years, she climbed to such a high position. I don't know how this sister would treat her.

"Sister, please get up. It's too late. How dare you blame me?" The queen said with thorns.

"Thank you first." With that, he walked to the seat in front of the queen and slowly sat down.

"I heard that Yufei's sister is also among the beautiful women. I don't know what kind of national beauty is?" The queen seems to have known Yao Yulu's identity and wants to find out.

"Sister's words are serious. I haven't seen this sister for many years, but we don't know each other so well." Yufei's words surprised Yao Yulu, as if she intended to get rid of her.