Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 16 peek at the portrait

Song Jinzhi stopped the piano in his hand and said with a gentle smile, "Yao Xiu's words are heavy, but it's just a boring afternoon to pass the time."

"Song Xiu's female piano skills are superb, and she pops up such a wonderful song casually." Yao Yulu secretly admired that this woman was really different. Everyone else was busy, but she composed the song leisurely. I'm afraid that her father had already prepared and didn't bother the young lady.

Song Jinzhi smiled, as if acquiesced in Yao Yulu's praise.

"Sister Jinzhi, won't you prepare a portrait of tomorrow?" Ji Shuidong was not as meticulous as Yao Yulu, and she blurted out.

"Jinzhi has no intention to insert the willow, so it's good to let nature take its course."

What a sentence without intention to insert willows, I'm afraid it's unintentional to insert willows. Yao Yulu thought to herself that she was a little concerned about Song Jinzhi's indifference and cleverness. At this time, this excellent piano skills made her be more careful of this woman.

Song Jinzhi entered the palace, which was purely her father's will, hoping to have a good foothold in the harem and have room to compete with Yao Yujiao. Her mind was not the master of this harem, but it was natural, and her father would prepare for her. She has a lot of thoughts, and she knows that she can't say these words, so she has to prevaricate them like this.

"It disturbed Song Xiunu's elegance, and Yulu left first."

Yao Yulu could see that Song Jinzhi didn't want to talk more, so she took Ji Shuidong back to her room together, picked out tomorrow's clothes and jewelry, and rested early after dinner.

In the early morning of the next day, Yao Yulu and Ji Shui got up when it was bright in winter, put on the clothes they chose yesterday, put on matching jewelry, and gently stroked their eyebrows and slightly red lips. It was time to go to the front hall.

Ji Shuidong took Yao Yulu's hand and went out of the door together. When he arrived at the front hall, he saw Song Jinzhi and Wang Shuzhen coming earlier than them.

When Wang Shuzhen saw Yao Yulu, she quickly put it on her and said closely, "Ah, Sister Yulu is dressed so beautifully today. It seems that she wants to win a good picture in the portrait."

Yao Yulu smiled and said, "I am praised by my sister. Today, my sister is also very eye-catching and will definitely win the emperor's joy."

Yao Yulu looked at Song Jinzhi beside her and saw that she was only wearing a white satin fan butterfly sleeve group today, slightly pink, and stood in today's purple and red beauty.

Yao Yulu carefully prepared it, wearing a golden pink gauze ribbon skirt and a fresh crescent bun, which is neither vulgar nor novel.

At this time, my aunt hadn't come yet. The girls were chatting or tidying up their clothes, and the front hall was very lively.

"My sister is so beautiful today." When Liu Feifei saw Yao Yulu and others, he stepped forward and said.

Because of Zhao Qian's previous words, Yao Yulu had long been wary of Liu Feifei. She greeted politely, "Thank you for your praise."

"Can you do something well?" Liu Feifei's question is a little direct, which makes people unable to figure out the meaning.

"My sister must be ready, right?" Although everyone knows about the painter, it is not appropriate to drag it in front of people. Yao Yulu couldn't figure out what Liu Feifei meant and asked.

"My sister is joking. A small family like my sister can't afford that kind of spare money." Liu Feifei said with a smile.

"My sister's words are a little strange. I'm afraid that the four-grade staff are not a small family." So far, Yao Yulu doesn't want to guess with her like this anymore.

At this time, Lv Pangxiao had arrived and could see that it was a little late. She hurriedly said, "You girls must be ready to stop, so I rushed to the courtyard next to the imperial garden. Today's portrait is very important. Please perform well."

Once again, they came to the imperial garden. Although the girls did not have the fresh feeling of the last time, they couldn't help but feel good when they looked at the flowers and plants in the garden, the seductive fragrance and flying butterflies. This time, the location of the portrait is the side courtyard of the imperial garden. The yard is not big, slightly simpler than the main garden, but the grass is also very good. It's annoying.

"Lin painter, Qian painter, are you two here today?" Previously, it was agreed to arrange four famous painters, but Lv Pang Xiao asked doubtfully when he saw that only two came.

The two painters, old and young, looked like they were only in their twenties, wearing a blue robe. He came forward and said, "Just now, Concubine Yan wanted to draw a few pictures in the house, so she called them away."

"So that's it. The girls in this year are very clever and have a good appearance. Please take care of the two painters." Lv Pangxiao secretly thought that the painter was called away at this time, and there were only two left. I'm afraid it would be delayed until dinner.

The portrait began. The two painters sat on a small rattan chair, and the beautiful woman made all kinds of simple and solemn movements. In order to look more beautiful in the painting, she was afraid that her face would be stiff and motionless.

The painter did not communicate with the show girl in the process of painting, but when it was Liu Feifei's turn, she sat in front of the painter and smiled at him. The painter also returned such a smile. He had never seen it, but Yao Yulu, who was behind Liu Feifei, was shocked. Yao Yulu observed carefully and saw Qian Hua When the teacher painted for Liu Feifei, she sometimes frowned, sometimes smiled lightly, and tried her best. She thought that she didn't know how much silver Liu Feifei had stuffed for the painter, and she tried so hard to paint for her.

At this time, several maids came in from the courtyard, followed by Yao Yujiao.

Everyone said with a little blessing, "The Jade Concubine is auspicious."

The jade concubine smiled and was very beautiful. She said, "It turns out that today is the day of showing female portraits. I came here to pick some osmanthus flowers to make desserts for the emperor. Does it bother your sisters?"

Yufei's words were very polite. At this time, Yao Yulu happened to stand in front of her. Yao Yulu was still thinking about how to greet her sister. Unexpectedly, Yao Yujiao looked at her and turned her head to the back of the yard. She turned a blind eye to Yao Yulu and looked at her like air. Yao Yulu was shocked. How could her sister do this? Although we have not met many times, as the only relative in this palace... She was a little discouraged and stubbornly turned her head away from it.

"Yufei, why don't you change your place? Don't disturb your elegance." Lv Fanxiao said slightly behind the jade concubine.

"Don't be so troublesome. I'll just pick a few." Compared with Concubine Jin's arrogance and domineering, Yufei seemed to be more approachable. The beautiful girls couldn't help but have a good impression on this superior concubine, but Yao Yulu's face was even more confused by her sister's behavior, and she was secretly angry.

The small basket in the hand of the maid beside the jade concubine was full of osmanthus flowers. The jade concubine said, "Then the palace will go first. I hope you can win the emperor's favor as soon as possible." She looked back and smiled, which made people's hearts ripple.

After Yufei left, the painters continued to paint. When it was Yao Yulu's turn, it happened that the painter of Qian to paint for her, and Ji Shuidong sat next to her and was painted by Lin painter. The two looked at each other and smiled and put on a dignified posture. Yao Yulu's heart was very calm. She thought that she had enough money to give the painter. Count, I don't want to be as beautiful as a fairy in the painting, but as long as I draw eight points of her eyebrows.

The painter painted very quickly. Although he was not as meticulous as he had just painted for Liu Feifei, he also looked at the meticulousness of the painting. Yao Yulu saw that the painting was finished and said with a shallow smile, "Yulu, thank you, the painter."

Yao Yulu and Ji Shuidong strolled in the back of the courtyard and saw that the osmanthus flowers in the garden were really beautiful. The osmanthus was fragrant and refreshing, so they also picked a few more. There were also some spring flowers around the osmanthus flowers, which was really lonely.

"Sister, I don't know how the painter paints. Why don't you show us?" Jishuidong is a little anxious.

"I'm sure I won't show it to you. If the painting is not good, won't you ask him to come back?" Yao Yulu scraped the tip of her nose and joked.

"I hope so. I heard that the Empress Dowager has seen satisfaction and specially summoned it. That's really a great opportunity."

"With so many portraits of beautiful women, why is it easy to stand out?" Yao Yulu picked a spring flower and put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it. The fragrant smell made her tiredness dissipate in the past few days.

"Sister, didn't you hit some?" Ji Shuidong was very confused to see that Yao Yulu was not full of confidence.

"How many of the girls didn't do this? It's just looking forward to the painter raising his hand. Yao Yulu said that most of the girls who entered the palace were well t know this.

The painter was busy until it was getting dark. Near dinner, he finally drew all the portraits of the girls and handed them over to Lv Fanxiao, and then handed them over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was handed over to the Empress Dowager after a brief review.

"Ji Xiunu, Yao Xiunu, I don't know if you can help me take the painting to my bedroom. I still have something to rush to Qingyang Hall." Seeing that Ji Shuidong had not left yet, Lv Pangxiao grabbed her and asked.

"Aunt Lu, you're welcome. We'll send it to you right away." Yao Yulu said.

"That's really troublesome for the two girls. Although this painting is not a secret, if other actresses look for you along the way, you can't give it." Although Lv Pangxiao couldn't get away, he still told him uneasily.

"I will definitely remember my aunt's words. Please relax." Yao Yulu and Ji Shuidong took this pile of paintings and rushed back to the Taoyuan Hall. The imperial garden in the evening was different from when the sun was shining. Peony lowered their heads shyly. The night reflected in the red and gold glazed tiles was particularly bright, and the gurgling water sounded more like music because of the silence around it.

Yao Yulu seemed to have the intention to look at these words and walked to Lv Panxiao's bedroom. Yao Yulu smiled at Ji Shuidong and said, "I want to see my appearance."

"My sister thinks so too." Ji Shuidong said hesitantly.

"Look, Aunt Lu didn't worry too much about us getting it back. Don't say anything." Yao Yulu looked through it gently. There was not much time. She didn't have time to look at other people's appearance and hurriedly looked for the paintings of the two of them.

The first thing I saw was Ji Shuidong's painting. The people in this painting were very beautiful and charming. The curved eyebrows were full of tenderness, and the curved corners of his mouth were very gentle, which made Ji Shuidong's appearance very real.

Ji Shuidong smiled faintly and was very gratified. She whispered, "Sister, who is the beauty in this painting?"

"You're still naughty. It's you. Look at me." Yao Yulu smiled when she saw Ji Shuidong's a coquettish appearance.

turned two more pages, and an extremely ugly woman appeared in front of her. The woman's eyes were like a mouse, her fat head and big ears, and her face was concave and convex, which made people unable to look at. Yao Yulu was very surprised. There was no such a woman among the beautiful women. Yao Yulu looked down and saw the name under her feet of the painting: Yao Yulu.