Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 37 Annoy Concubine Xiao

Yao Yulu and Ji Shuidong also wanted to persuade Song Jinzhi at this time. The relationship between the three was not good, but Song Jinzhi had been helping them before. When Ji Shuidong was framed, she also helped a lot. Such kindness was about to return. Yao Yulu said, "Song Xiunu, I and Shuidong and I happen to have nothing to do. Come I'll help you, but forget the regret for Wang Xiunu.

Song Jinzhi nodded gently and said, "Well, I'm also unable to do it alone. Two beautiful women can help me make more paper money, so that Shuzhen can also walk well on the road."

"When she went like this, Song Xiunu's heartache is also human. Even we, we have regret to see her death at a young age."

"Walking in such a hurry, it's too late to say goodbye. I can only do these small things to express my heart. Previously, Shuzhen was anxious and a little rude to Ji Xiunu, but these days when I got along with her, I knew that she was not evil, but she used to be arrogant in the house. When she went this time, Ji Xiunu should not pay attention to it.

Ji Shuidong has faded those right and wrongs in his heart. After all, the people have gone, and the dead are the eldest. He hurriedly said, "Shuidong has never been careful. I can see that Wang Xiunu is still young and a little arrogant is not a big deal. I also feel sorry that she left like this."

Ji Shuidong said from the bottom of his heart. Who doesn't sigh about Wang Shuzhen's death this time? Although I used to be used to bickering and show women's calculations, no matter how I left, I still have some thoughts in my heart.

"That's good. She is also familiar with me in this palace. If I don't give her a simple memorial this time, I will be sad." Song Jinzhi then said.

"Wang Xiunu must also watch Song Xiunu's benevolence and righteousness in the sky, blessing Song Xiunu to win the emperor's heart as soon as possible." Yao Yulu said with some feelings.

"It's just a blessing. It's just a small matter within my ability. I hope that since no one can find out the truth for her, she can avenge herself."

Yao Yulu didn't expect Song Jinzhi to say this so bluntly and said, "Although Wang Xiunu's death was so strange, why did she recognize that it must have been done by others?"

"It's okay for me to guess randomly by intuition, but at this point, it's useless that I can't do anything." Song Jinzhi's look is even more lonely. Although her friendship with Wang Shuzhen is not as close as Yao Yulu and Ji Shuidong, she is also a person who accompanies each other in the palace. Song Jinzhi can't understand this matter for her, and she is a little unwilling.

"It's a good thing that Song Xiunu can understand, and it's not good to continue to pester others." What Yao Yulu said came from the bottom of his heart.

After saying that, he picked up the scissors he brought and cut the paper money with him according to the appearance drawn by Song Jinzhi. The falling confetti scattered all over the ground and fell lightly on people's hearts.

After dinner, when it was settled, the girls have come to the bamboo forest, except for Liu Feifei who accompanied the empress dowager to the temple.

Song Jinzhi distributed the cut paper money to the beautiful girls, which was also a thick raft. He put the prepared copper basin in the mud of the bamboo forest, put the paper money in the middle, lit the fire, and said, "Sister Shuzhen, you went early this time. I hope you can live a better life there. , the world is complicated, and you must choose the road more clearly in your next life.

Song Jinzhi's words seemed to be heard by Wang Shuzhen, but sometimes she told herself. At this moment, she was a little regretting her decision to enter the palace that day, but at this stage, instead of kneeling down, it is better to straighten her waist and walk down.

Other actresses also came forward and sprinkled the paper money in their hands in the middle of the burning brazier, muttering, "Wang Xiunu, have a good journey."

"Wang Xiunu, I hope you can live happily over there."

The bamboo forest was suddenly blown by a gust of wind, and the bamboo leaves sounded in the wind, as if Wang Shuzhen heard the last little response left by everyone's wishes.

At this time, an unexpected person walked into the bamboo forest, which was Xiao Shufei.

Xiao Shufei was going with the maid to ask for some spices from the emperor. As she walked through the bamboo forest, she saw a few pieces of white paper flying towards her face, only the size of a woman's palm, and a piece of paper floating on her face. She picked up the paper in shock and found this white paper. However, it was like paper money, which made her angry and afraid. She angrily tore up the paper money in front of her and hurried to find out where it came from.

Walking in the quiet bamboo forest this evening, she encountered paper money flying down, and Wang Shuzhen had just left the personnel, which made Xiao Shufei very panicked, but I'm afraid that only Xiao Shufei herself knew where the shock came from. She slowly searched, and as a result, she saw a group of beautiful women standing in the bamboo forest, with a hot basin under their feet as if they were paying tribute to someone.

Xiao Shufei raised her eyebrows, bit her lips tightly with her white teeth, and rushed over with a fiery look. She looked at the beautiful women in front of her and shouted, "How dare you dare to hold a memorial ceremony in the palace? Don't you want it?"

Although Xiao Shufei has a lot of selfishness in this move, there is a memorial for the death of the person who came out of the concubine's throne in the harem. Other people are just hasty. If she sacrifices privately and burns paper money, it is a big taboo. Lv Panxiao did not know that the beautiful girls are such nonsense. If she knew it, she would have stopped her early.

The people the girls saw turned out to be Xiao Shufei, and they were scared to death. They hurriedly said, "Princess Xiao Shu is auspicious."

Song Jinzhi slowly came forward and said, "Mother, Wang Xiu's daughter fell into the water yesterday. The sisters want to worship her and ask her to forgive her."

"Worship? When will you change the rules of this palace? Do you think you can act recklessly by relying on your father's identity? When Xiao Shufei saw that Song Jinzhi was talking too much again, she was even more angry and scolded harshly.

"Wang Xiunu died young and was so miserable when she died. This worship is just to make Wang Xiunu feel at ease and don't want to come back to linger in the world."

This made Xiao Shufei take a few steps back, as if she was greatly frightened. She even scolded, "You know what the crime is to believe in ghosts and gods so much and humiliate the harem!"

"If the Empress insists on blaming, Jin Zhi is willing to be punished on behalf of the ladies. This matter is Jin Zhi's idea and has nothing to do with others."

"A good sentence has nothing to do with others. Where does this paper money come from?" Xiao Shufei scolded angrily.

This shocked Yao Yulu and Ji Shuidong. The two of them helped at least half of it. If they continue to investigate, the blame will be inevitable.

Before the two could speak, Song Jinzhi took the lead and replied, "The rice paper brought by the people's daughter from home was cut by herself." She knew that the idea came from her and didn't want to implice others, so she took care of it all by herself.

"Song Jinzhi, you are so bold that you are so brave enough to bear it. It's better for you to accompany Wang Xiunu bravely!" Xiao Shufei's voice was fierce, and her words were fierce, but she knew that it was inevitable to kill Song Jinzhi. The beautiful women were shocked by Xiao Shufei, who was suddenly killed in the bamboo forest, and quickly begged for mercy: "Your mother, forgive me. Song Xiunu is also out of good intentions."

"Good intentions? Can good intentions regard the rules in the palace as a child's play? Is it my turn to plead with you lowly girls here?

Xiao Shufei was so angry that she couldn't say anything. Since then, she has hit the hearts of all the beautiful women again and again with her own high power. This may be the most wrong step for Xiao Shufei to enter the palace, but she has long been overwhelmed by the Holy Pet. How could she pay attention to these lowly beautiful women?

Song Jinzhi is still neither humble nor arrogant as usual. Although she is modest, the words she said show her arrogance: "Mother, the law is nothing more than humane. If the Empress thinks that Jinzhi is deeply wrong, then Jinzhi is willing to be punished."

Xiao Shufei is usually spoiled in the palace. How can she stand Song Jinzhi's tone of not being neither humble nor arrogant, soft and hard? She said, "A good sentence of law is nothing more than human kindness. Then I will reward you with 30 boards, and the rest of the beautiful women will each palm ten feet."

The thirty boards, this words made the beautiful women present tremble. These thirty boards almost killed a weak female stream.

Yao Yulu knew that it was not easy for Song Jinzhi to recognize Wang Shuzhen's death in his heart, which also had a slight anger between Xiao Shufei's words, but how could she be so untidy? If these 30 big boards go down, she still have half a life, and if she is weak daughter, how can she still live? She thought that Song Jinzhi was kind to her and Ji Shuidong, so she knelt down and said, "The Empress Xiao Shufei spared her life. It is difficult for Song Xiu's daughter to save her life. Prime Minister Song Cheng has made great achievements and her beloved daughter has this accident. The emperor must be difficult to calm down. Please think twice and punish her."

Yao Yulu said such words and announced that she had drawn a clear line with Xiao Shufei from then on. Although Xiao Shufei is so high, she has some scruples about Yao and Song's two families. After all, she has no reliable party members in the court, and there is no one in the family, but she has been panicked and angry for a long time. If she takes it back, it will be even more lost. With her arrogant temperament, she must have said more arrogantly, "You are a bitch again. Are you coming to plead? Even if it goes to the emperor, she will worship in the palace, so you can share the fifteen boards for her!"

Yao Yulu never thought that Xiao Shufei was so disrespectful of her decentness. At this time, Ji Shuidong hurried forward and said, "If the Empress wants to punish Sister Yao, Shuidong is also willing to share the burden for her sister." Ji Shuidong's words made her tremble. She has always been timid and afraid to say much to the imperial concubine Xiao, but now her sister who usually loves her most and her benefactor who has saved her before are going to be punished, but she can no longer hold it.

At this time, Li Lingyun also came forward, knelt on the ground and said, "Ling Yun is also willing to be punished for Song Xiunu and ask the Empress to fall."

Several straightforward girls knelt down one after another and said similar words. Seeing the girls kneeling on the mud land of the bamboo forest, some of them have sobbing and lost their voices. This sudden tragedy and the severe punishment they are about to face make them show amazing unity when they are in chaos.