Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 134 Moving into the New Hall

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"Little master, I went to the Xinghui Palace early in the morning. The window was really repaired and clean. The emperor knew that the little master liked light colors and didn't use many golden and brilliant materials. Most of them were mainly jade. It was so elegant when he entered the hall." Xiao Xuanzi ran all the way back to the West Hall. He was a little breathless, but his face could not be covered with joy.

After hearing this, Yao Yulu suddenly felt a little happy in her heart, "Well, it must have taken a lot of effort to repair it for such a long time."

"Little Lord, Eunuch Yu said that we can move there today. I don't know when we will leave?"

"Xinghui Palace is very far away from Yuemei Palace. Wait for me to see Xu Cairen and tell her the news before leaving. You can clean up first and I'll come."

Lv Panxiao said that he leaned into his bedroom to light up debris.

This late autumn palace has already had a chill. Yao Yulu is wearing a cotton-padded palace uniform, embroidered with money and magnolia, and her jade satin clothes look straight.

The high sky is blue and deep, and I occasionally see wild geese flying in rows. I think I'm rushing to the south for the winter.

When I arrived at the North Hall, I saw that the hall looked very full. It turned out that there were a lot of congratulatory gifts that had not been put away. Thinking that Xu Cairen had been pregnant for five months, the people in the palace were also idle and quickly expressed their feelings for fear of falling behind.

"Sister, are you here?" Xu Cairen had a sweet smile on her face and slowly stepped out. Her bulging abdomen made it a little difficult for her to walk.

"Sit down quickly. Don't come out in such cold weather." Yao Yulu quickly helped her walk back to the hall and said softly.

"How can you be so careful? Look at my sister's hurry." Xu Cairen did not change his previous temperament and still said mischievously.

"They are all going to be mothers, and I don't see you look like an adult." Yao Yulu gently put her shoulder and smiled.

"Sister Yao has to say a few words as soon as she sees Ning'er. Ning'er is afraid of her sister." Xu Cairen said coquettishly.

"You still have a afraid person who is a good thing, otherwise won't you be lawless?" Yao Yulu's face was also smiling. At a glance, she caught a glimpse of Xu Cairen's hand wearing a good jade bracelet, but the design was very unique. It seemed that a big bead was covered with a small bead. The crystal clear jade color glittered in the sunlight. It seemed that the workmanship was very troublesome.

Yao Yulu then asked, "Sister, this bracelet is really unique. Why haven't you brought it before?"

Xu Cairen's face did not look happy, and he curled his lips and said, "It was given by Xiao Shufei."

Yao Yulu thought that such a good thing was rewarded by the emperor or the empress dowager, but when she heard Xu Cairen's words, she was even more confused and condensed her look, "Princes Xiao Shufei? Is there something wrong with my ears?"

"Sister Yao heard it correctly. It was really given to Ning'er by Xiao Shufei. Yesterday, Xiao Shufei and the emperor came to me together. Xiao Shufei wanted to apologize for what happened last time, but her attitude was very sincere. She took out this bracelet and gave it to me, saying that it was the dowry of her mother's family in those years. Xu Cairen muttered that his expression was not festive.

"If I remember correctly, Xiao Shufei used to be promoted as a maid of honor, and her mother's family is not good. How can she get such a valuable dowry?" Yao Yulu had doubts and said.

"Ning'er originally thought so. Later, when she thought about it, she said this because she was obviously serious about herself. It's really a good thing. If Ning'er didn't wear it, she looked stingy, so she put it on." Xu Cairen played with the bracelet with his hand, and the crystal clear jade beads made the arm whiter and tenderer.

Yao Yulu felt that it was also reasonable. She thought she was too careful and said, "Well, Sister Ning is thoughtful, but she still needs to be more careful. Xiao Shufei's mind is heavy, and we can't guess whether it's true or false."

"Emp, Ning'er wrote down what my sister said. What's the matter with my sister coming at this time?" Xu Cairen stretched out slightly and asked.

"I've forgotten about asking you about your bracelet. Just now, my father-in-law sent a message saying that he could move to Xinghui Palace in a while, so he came to tell Sister Ning. Yao Yulu said slowly.

After hearing this, Xu Cairen sighed and looked a little unhappy and said, "I know that my sister will move to Xinghui Palace sooner or later, but I still feel much sad when I hear it today."

Yao Yulu gently patted the back of her hand and said, "It's not like moving out of the palace. I will definitely come to find you often."

Xu Cairen pulled a smile at the corners of his mouth and said, "If Sister Yao has moved away, Ning'er will be more lonely."

Yao Yulu looked at Xu Cairen's appearance and was also a little moved. "Sister Ning, I will definitely do what I say and often come to you."

Xu Cairen smiled reluctantly and felt that he was a little out of shape. "Sister, go quickly. Ning'er is fine."

The gifts placed in the front hall are wrapped in golden brocade, which makes the house shine golden, and even this dark autumn day is also stained with some bright colors.

At this time, the West Hall was very lively. The palace people were busy packing things into the sandalwood box. Lv Panxiao and Ninger Wuer were packing up Yao Yulu's things in the bedroom. When Yao Yulu returned to the West Hall, they had almost packed them up.

"Master, it's all packed up. Do you have anything else to take away?" Xiao Xuanzi carried a big bag in both hands, and his forehead was sweating in such a cold weather.

"It doesn't matter. Didn't the Ministry of Internal Affairs send someone to help?" Yao Yulu asked lightly.

"Here, they are all waiting at the door. Mr. Qiu of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the little master can't be neglected here." Xiao Xuanzi said with a smile, with a little pride in his tone.

Yao Yulu also smiled lightly and nodded to follow the palace people around her to walk out of the West Hall.

There was a sedan chair and a cart carrying things parked at the door. Grandpa Qiu also came in person and said, "The emperor specially told me to do it myself and take care of the little master."

Yao Yulu helped Grandpa Qiu's hand and put on the sedan chair, "I'm sorry to bother you."

She slowly opened the curtains and saw that the plaque of the Yuemei Palace in front of her was still the same as when she came that day, but the flowers and plants at the door had already withered in response to the season. Things are still like that, but people are not as good as before. On that day, they entered the Yuemei Palace in a depressed state, and today they moved out happily. But I have seen too much in these short months, and I don't know what the way forward will be.

"Lord, let's go?" Lv Pangxiao looked at Yao Yulu in the sedan chair and asked softly.

Yao Yulu nodded and let go of the curtain. There was no mottled light and shadow in the dark red sedan chair, only a deep sigh.

It seems that after walking for a long time, he arrived at the gate of Xinghui Palace and only heard the eunuch outside the sedan chair gently open the curtain, "Little master, we are here."

Yao Yulu stretched out her white and tender jade finger and gently put it on the eunuch's hand, slowly got off the sedan chair and was awe at the door of Xinghui Palace. This is different from the scenery of Yuemei Palace. The high door ridge is inlaid with white jade carvings, and the middle one is also painted with gold-painted star and moon patterns. The high plaque red coral is the bottom, with golden characters written in the middle- - Starry Palace.

At this time, the concubine Zeng had arrived at the door to greet him. Which of the people in the palace did not know how to judge the situation. At this time, Yao Yulu was favored, and even the concubine Zeng was a little more flattering her.

The eunuch opened the carved red painted door and said, "Please enter the palace."

Yao Yulu held her face high, and her shoes on the soles of her feet stepped on small steps. The calmness on her face was the same as before, but there was a little joy in her heart. Today, she entered the Starlight Palace with her face held high like this, and the future days should also be spent in this palace with her face held high. Every day of bullying under the past will disappear. It was scattered behind.

Standing in the door are a group of concubines of Xinghui Palace, led by Concubine Zeng. She is old and vigorous, and she has not fallen out of favor in front of the emperor. She always has a quiet smile on her face, which seems to be a good position to get along with.

Behind him stood Lian Xingyue, Yue Concubine and Lian Guiren.

"Sister Yao, I've been waiting for you for a long time before you came. The West Hall has been cleaned up. Just tell me what you need." The concubine Zeng smiled and said softly.

Yao Yulu leaned down slightly and said, "I have seen the concubine and the concubine." He also made a salute to the noble lotus.

Lian Xingyue did not smile on her face, and she could still see a trace of disgust from her eyebrows. She reluctantly asked An, "I have met Yao Guiren."

Yao Yulu smiled quietly and nodded, "Even talented people didn't expect us to be neighbors. In the future, we have to get along well."

"What Yao Guiren said is that they are all sisters when they enter Xinghui Palace, and they will definitely get along well in the future." The concubine said with a smile.

Lian Guiren seems to be a little silent, but there is no smile on his face. Except for Lian Xingyue, the people in this hall seem to welcome the arrival of Yao Yulu.

"I'm afraid I'm tired of cleaning up. Let's go to the West Hall to have a rest first. Yuexin, Juxin, you go and help Yao nobles clean up." Concubine Zeng ordered the two maids around her not only to be polite, but also asked them to help.

Yao Yulu quickly declined: "You don't have to bother the people in the palace. If my concubine is not busy here to ask for your help, the concubine will take it."

The main garden of Xinghui Palace is indeed not comparable to the Yuemei Palace. Compared with Yuxia Palace, it is not necessarily worse. In the middle is a small bridge and flowing water. Although it has arrived in late autumn, the flowers and plants in the garden have not withered. Yao Yulu looked at the surrounding scenery and was stunned. God suddenly said to Lv Yuxiao, "This place is really beautiful."

Lv Panxiao was very happy, and his face was also full of smiles. "Little master, go to see the West Hall. It will be better after taking so many days to repair it."

Yao Yulu nodded and walked in the direction of the West Hall. After walking for a while, Yao Yulu was a little stunned when she looked at the door in front of her. It was still a carved red paint door, but it was not a rich and noble flower case, but a magnolia that Yao Yulu liked.