Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 140 Winter goes and spring comes

"I really can't see others suffer such grievances. How can she, a little maid of honor, dare to think like this? It must be Yang Cairen and Jinfei who wanted to kill me to force her to do so. I think she has no choice." Yao Yulu closed her eyes, but her heart was as painful as a needle. She couldn't tell what kind of thought it was. Is she afraid? Is it panic? Are you worried?

"Can she appreciate that the little master is so kind?" Wu'er curled her lips aside and said.

"Everyone will remember the favor when sending help in the snow." Yao Yulu said indifferently.

"But little master, that's it?" Ninger asked unconvincedly.

"How can it be like this? Even if I want to be so afraid of Yang Cairen and Jinfei, I don't follow." Yao Yulu opened her eyes with a little awe-hearted look, as if she had some intention.

"I always feel that this is not that simple, but I can't tell what's wrong with it. Pang Xiao, what do you think?" Yao Yulu stared at a pool of filth on the ground and asked.

"I thought it was just that the two of them had come up with such a random idea."

Yao Yulu nodded, played with the paper bag in her hand, and said, "I don't think that's all, but I'm always unsteady with other people's things. This paper bag needs to be changed back for her."

What does the little master mean? Lv Panxiao asked softly.

"Xuanzi, I'm going to bother you. You can find an opportunity to put this thing into Yang Cairen's house another day. I don't know if you can do it in any inconspicuous corner?"

Xuanzi said seriously, "Please rest assured that it is not difficult for me to do this after night, and there are very few remote guards in Yuemei Palace, which is not a difficult thing."

Listening to Xiao Xuanzi's confident words, Yao Yulu's depressed mood finally eased a little and said, "Do you know medical skills and some kung fu?"

Xuanzi scratched his head, "It's all the fur learned before entering the palace."

"Little master, even if you put this thing back to Yang Cairen, it won't do anything to her if she doesn't enter the fumigation furnace." Wu'er asked.

Yao Yulu seemed to be a little tired and gently held her forehead with her hand. "I can't think of any idea for a moment, just put it with her first. If something happens one day, I always feel that it can be useful."

"Yes, this musk is forbidden in the palace, and she can't live there." Lv Pang Xiao couldn't think of any good way for a moment, but felt that there would never be a mistake in following what Yao Yulu said.

When everyone went out and only Yao Yulu herself was left in the hall, she sat quietly in the dark front hall. The candle was still on in the future. Only a little dark light mixed with the color of the sunset lit up the hall. At this moment, her heart was as calm as water, but there was no room for a trace of waves. She still felt that this was Life can also be spent calmly. I didn't expect her not to hurt others, but others would not let her go after all.

A few days later, Xiao Xuanzi had done a good job without shocking anyone's attention, and Yao Yulu didn't think of any idea, so the matter was stranded like this. Since that day, the new moon has been transferred to the garden and no longer works in the temple, but it is out of law to leave her a life without any punishment.

The time is passing slowly. At this time, the imperial city has really entered winter, and it is almost the first month. The magnolia in the West Hall Garden has moved into the house, but fortunately, the garden is not lonely. At this time, the plum blossoms have bloomed, the fragrant stamens are blooming in the wind, and the strong leaves standing silently in the cold.

Yao Yulu looked through the window lattice and looked at the complicated and messy branches outside the window. The gray cracked bark was covered with a layer of light silver frost. On this winter foggy morning, only the plum blossoms outside the window were full of Luo Fu. The beauty of the jade made it gloomy for a moment, but it was greeted with a green luster. The sun shakes out the clear light of the garden, fragrant and ethereal, faint and fragrant, no less than the white magnolia flowers in the room.

Yao Yulu looked at the blooming plum blossoms and realized that she had been in the palace for a year. This year had passed so quickly that she passed quietly. She walked in such a hurry, but she was capricious. Whether she looked back or looking forward, there was only a dark red that could not see the end. Gong Yan, I can't see this desire and affection.

"Master, Xiao Xuanzi has completed your entrustment last night." Lv Pang Xiao walked into the hall with the freshly cooked sugar water. The small bowl of tai blue was filled with white fungus and red date soup. The white heat slowly floated out of the bowl noodles, and the fragrance immediately spread.

Yao Yulu held a heater in her hand. I don't know if it seemed to be a little melancholy because of the gray weather. After listening to Lv Panxiao's words, I was not surprised. "It's really hard for him. I feel much relieved to have you by my side."

Listening to Yao Yulu's words, Lv Pangxiao didn't know what to say and could only say, "It's a blessing for the slaves to treat slaves like this. This white-eared red date sugar water has just been boiled by the maidservant. The little master can warm up by tasting it."

Yao Yulu looked at the silver-eared red date sugar water in Lv Panxiao's hand and also had a little appetite. She took it over and drank a few sips slowly. Then she felt that her empty stomach warmed up a little and said, "Is the silver and carbon in our West Hall still enough?"

Lv Panxiao replied, "Of course it's enough. The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not dare to neglect it at all. In this way, it has become a lot richer. The fire in our hall is burning vigorously."

Yao Yulu listened and said for a moment, "Well, you can take more and send it to Shuidong. Last time she complained to me that the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent her all black charcoal, which is not something that can be used in the house."

"The little master is still thoughtful. The emperor hasn't been to Ji Cairen for a long time. It is only then that the Ministry of Internal Affairs dares to send the black charcoal used by the slave." Lv Pangxiao couldn't help saying sadly when he thought about the situation of Ji Shuidong these days.

"Yes, after looking at it like this, I have to help her, but I can't help much. Sending some silver and carbon is also to solve the urgent need." Yao Yulu said with a faint melancholy in her expression.

"What the little master said is that the maidservant will be sent there. Just now, the queen's palace sent someone to send a message to the little masters to gather in Fengluan Hall in the afternoon, saying that they wanted to prepare for the "flowing water" in the future.

The so-called "flowing water" is a group of people gathering around the curved canal and placing wine glasses upstream. The cup flows with the water. Whoever flows in front of him will take a glass of wine and improvise a poem. In previous years, activities were held in spring. This year, Li Qingxiao became interested and built a canal in Quyu Palace. He said that he would do it once in winter, and did not invite outsiders to leave his family alone for fun.

Yao Yulu got this news a few days ago. It's interesting to think about it. At least it's much better than being bored in the house in winter.

Yao Yulu nodded and said, "It's been another year, and it's so fast."

Long Xiao retreated, and the room was quiet again. Yao Yulu held the stove but didn't want to do anything. She just sat quietly. She didn't know whether it was dark or winter fatigue, so she couldn't lift her spirits.

In the afternoon, the sedan chair was waiting at the door early in the morning. Yao Yulu slowly got on the sedan chair and drove in the direction of Fengluan Palace.

There are several pots of blooming gentleman Xiaolan in the hall of Fengluan Palace, and the light yellow adds some warmth to the cold winter.

The concubines all put on long brocade clothes and put on various wool cloaks outside. Xiao Shufei and Yufei also arrived this day. Because of the first recovery from a serious illness, the emperor specially put on a long cloak with marmot hair to spend the winter. Although it seems that although it is not as noble and gorgeous as fox hair, the heating effect is much better, which also makes it for a while. Others are envious of a lot.

Yao Yulu wore a long brocade dress, with pink silk thread embroidered with a plum at the end, and a light purple open gauze dress on the outside. She simply pinned a hairpin in the shape of jade bamboo on her head, which seemed to be elegant.

When everyone saied the queen, they took off their cloaks and gave them to the slaves beside them, and sat down in order.

Yao Yulu looked at Yang Xuanshi sitting opposite. Seeing a proud smile on her face, she couldn't help but feel a burst of anger. Could it be that this woman thought that her trick had been successful?

"Today, this palace also takes advantage of the matter of 'flowing water' to ask the sisters to get together. It's okay if it's cold. Don't neglect each other's friendship." The queen said with a smile as usual.

"What the queen said is that it's cold, and this person's heart is still hot." Concubine Zeng complimented with a smile.

The queen nodded, slowly looked at Yao Yujiao, looked at her clothes, and said, "Is this marmot cloak of Yufei newly rewarded by the emperor? It looks really good."

Yao Yujiao was still a little weak and couldn't stand a little cold. She didn't have time to change her cloak and said, "It's just that the emperor's concubine is weak and gives it to my concubine to keep out the cold."

Since Yao Yujiao recovered from her last illness, she is no longer so indulgent and less angry when talking. In the past, she would definitely have had a few words with the queen.

The queen nodded. Before she could speak, she listened to the disobedity of Concubine Jin sitting aside and curled her lips and said, "The emperor really spoils the Jade Concubine. The queen hasn't had such a good thing yet. Did the Jade Concubine put it on first?"

The atmosphere in the hall was quite harmonious, but when Concubine Jin said this, everyone suddenly changed their mood, and Yao Yujiao's expression was slightly more serious. Even this little thing had to be provoked by this Concubine Jin. She had already taken her anger, but this Concubine Jin was still unremitable.

The queen's face changed slightly, and Jinfei's words instantly offended the two. not only Yao Yujiao couldn't hang her face, but also the queen beside her looked a little unhappy.

Seeing this, Jinfei didn't think she had said the point, and her face became more and more arrogant.