Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 143 Yulu Heart Disturgy

On that day, Lian Xingyue and Liu Feifei insulted Yao Yu again and again. Yao Yu must have remembered it in his heart. Now that Yao Yulu is a nobleman, even Xingyue is still so big or small, which is really unbearable.

Concubine Zeng frowned slightly and said, "Liancai, Yao Gui's position is higher than you. Although she is a sister in a palace, the etiquette you should have is also indispensable. I also heard it in the sedan chair just now. If this spreads to the queen, it can be small or big."

Lian Xingyue looked even more aggrieved and unconvinced, saying, "She is just a noble person..."

Before she finished speaking, Concubine Zeng immediately scolded fiercely, "Hold up, if such unruly words are spread out, you can't even do it!"

Concubine Yue also looked dissatisfied and said, "I don't even know the rules. You can rest in the Starlight Palace today. There is no need to go."

Yao Yulu smiled and said, "Lian Cairen is in a bad mood today. He is too angry. He really shouldn't go, so as not to bump into the emperor there."

Even Xingyue's eyes were slightly red, and she didn't even say anything, but she walked back with anger. She never thought that she would have today's situation, and she was actually put on by Yao Yulu, who had ridiculed in the past.

The group no longer paid attention to the lonely back and got into the sedan chair. The sedan chair moved slowly. Yao Yulu sat in the sedan chair but was not at ease. She always treated people generously, but it was really difficult to care about the humiliation of Xingyue and Liu Fei for her in the past. Today, it broke out like this, but she had some guilt. What's the difference between this and them?

She sighed slightly, lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and asked Lv Fangxiao beside her, "Bang Xiao, did I go too far?"

Lv Pan and Xiaolian shook his head and comforted him, "The little master is just treating him in his own way. He wants to deal with such people in this way, so that they can't remember their identities."

Yao Yulu did not see the pleasure after revenge at all, and she has been holding a sullen breath in her chest.

In the middle of Quyu Palace is a surrounding canal. The canal is narrow and slender, surrounded by jade stones, painted with golden paint on both sides, and carved with dragons. The repair of the whole hall is also mostly in the style of banquet, but it is gorgeous but a little low-key, which is very suitable for royal private parties.

The emperor is sitting in the middle, followed by the princes. Yao Yulu looked from afar and saw that Li Qingyu still had an unruly smile on his face. He sat on the side of the emperor, and there were six princes Li Qinghui, ten princes Li Qingjun, and thirteen princes Li Qingxi on both sides.

When the previous emperor reigned, the sixth prince and the tenth prince were both born by Concubine Li. Because they had a good relationship with their father and mother, even the mansion they live in now is not far away. At that time, the two also participated in the battle for the throne with Li Qingxiao, but fortunately, after Li Qingxiao ascended the throne, they lived peacefully in the prince's mansion. In the plain days, Li Qingxiao did not do anything else, and the brothers got along well with each other.

Behind the sixth prince sat the princess and the side princess in the house. The side princess had a one-year-old son beside her, and her status was no lower than the princess at all. Even at this moment, the sixth prince often stared at the children after that year, which showed his love for his son.

Behind the ten princes sat a princess who was granted by the emperor. I heard that the two were also close friends. Although they had no children, the husband and wife also laughed, which made the three thousand concubines in the harem envied them all.

The thirteenth prince is still young. When the emperor ascended the throne, he was just a child. Now he is just a young man in white. The emperor has no children so far. He also loves this thirteen brothers. He always feels that this young brother should also be loved by himself and takes good care of the thirteenth prince.

The only elderly Li Qingyu has no wife and children so far, and holds military power in his hand, and the Empress Dowager has always regarded him as his own.

Since Yao Yulu entered this Jade Palace, she has always nodded slightly for fear of looking at Li Qingyu.

"Today I called you here for this 'flowing water' conference, and also to relieve our boredom. Maybe we haven't been together like this for a long time. Li Qingxiao said with a smile.

"Brother is really elegant. It's really fun to do 'flowing water' in this season." The sixth prince said cheerfully.

"My younger brother and the sixth brother rarely go to the palace, but I didn't expect the royal brother to build such a good place." The ten princes also echoed.

"Okay, okay, it's best if you like it. Today, my concubines will accompany us. Let's drink and write poems together and enjoy a good night." Li Qingxiao's majestic face was full of smile and unstoppable joy.

Li Qingyu didn't say anything and drank alone. The sixth prince beside him said, "Why is the eighth brother so quiet today? He doesn't look like yours."

Li Qingyu frowned slightly and said, "These days are just boring. How can they be accompanied by so many beauties as the emperor's brother?"

After saying that, Li Qingyu's eyes swept at Yao Yulu, but the gentle glance was full of affection, and his eyes contained thoughts that could not fade.

Yao Yulu was slightly stunned for fear of being seen by the emperor. She immediately bowed her head and dared not look up again. In the past days, Li Qingyu treated her bit by bit, and she was not an ungrateful person, but what is her identity now? It was a nobleman favored by the emperor, and Li Qingyu was the dignified eighth prince. Whether it was common sense or rules, it was unacceptable for the two to have another intersection. In those years, Pan Jinlian, who seduced Wu Song, could not be such a villain. The folk is still like this, not to mention in the deep palace, not to mention in her heart at this time. The man is the emperor and her husband. She can no longer accept Li Qingyu's kindness, and even this affectionate glance can no longer stand it.

Li Qingxiao showed a little displeasure, but he had no choice but to pay attention to his brother and said, "Today is a good day. Let's not say more, otherwise the wine will be cold."

"What the emperor said is that since today is the 'flowing water' conference, it should also be said in poetry." The queen tightened her clothes and said with a smile.

Everyone bowed their heads and said that the eunuch had put the glass in the goblet pool, and the clear pool slowly pushed the glass forward. If the glass stopped or rotated in front of anyone, the person would drink and write poems.

The golden jade cup floated slowly in the flowing pond. The canal was long and narrow, and the wine glass floated so slowly that it stopped in front of Song Jinzhi.

"Soong Xiaoyi has good luck." The queen neatly straightened her clothes and said with a smile.

Song Jinzhi was slightly stunned, "My concubine is ugly."

Song Jinzhi first drank all the wine and said, "Since this day begins with my concubine, I thought of a poem 'Green Ant New Wine, Red Mud Small Fire. If you want to snow late, you can have a drink."

Li Qingxiao immediately laughed a few times and said, "Song Xiaoyi made a good start. This winter sounded with warmth all over her body."

The ten prince beside him also echoed, "I heard that she is the daughter of Prime Minister Song. She is indeed erudite and talented."

Song Jinzhi sat down with a slight smile.

This simple round is over. The first words of the following people should be against the end of Song Jinzhi's poems, and the mood cannot be suddenly changed, and it is not easy to think about it.

The lights and shadows on the goblet pool are shining in the pool. There are singers playing slow and soft music outside. The rest of the sound is pleasant and touching. A burst of soft music slowly floats into the hall, accompanied by the look of everyone's faces.

Everyone stared at the wine glass that continued to float and stared intently at who the wine glass would stop in front of. It was the wine glass that stopped in front of the queen. The queen's dignified face deepened a little smile, got up and drank it all, and whispered, "No old wine is not as good as Shi Youfeng."

After listening to this, the former concubine immediately said, "The queen has a good idea. She also talks about wine, but it's more delicious."

"The queen said it well. This wine glass favors women and ignores us men." Li Qingxiao smiled strongly and could see that he was in a good mood.

There was another slow drift, but I didn't expect that the wine glass stopped in front of Li Qingyu. Yao Yulu was shocked. She didn't know where her thoughts came from. She felt that her hands and feet were instantly cold, and there was a layer of cold sweat on her back, as if she was afraid of Li Qingyu's words.

Li Qingyu raised his glass, and the smile on his face was always cynical, just like when Yao Yulu first saw him that day.

His handsome face was coated with a layer of crystal jade under the light, with a little sadness in his unruly look. He slowly chanted, "The wind and clouds are light and sunny, blowing away the reflection to see the face."

After listening, the ten princes asked, "Brother Eight is a person who misses in his heart."

Li Qingxiao also felt that there was some affection in Li Qingyu's poem and said, "Why don't you say it and listen to it? How about I tell you about marriage?"

Li Qingyu waved his hand and said, "Brother Mo Kaichen is joking. It's just a poem."

"The eighth brother has never paid attention to men and women's affairs. Now that he is old, he should think more about it." The sixth prince drank a cup and said boldly.

Yao Yulu, who was sitting aside, shook her hand slightly, and the teacup in front of her fell on the skirt. The tea instantly shadyed through her clothes. It seemed that it was neither decent nor elegant. Yao Yulu was slightly blessed and said, "Your Majesty, I have stained my clothes. I'll go out to sort them out first."

Li Qingxiao nodded with a smile, "When you come back, you have to punish Yao Guiren's wine."

Yao Yu's charming eyes, bent down and smiled back, and left the hall with Lv Panxiao.