Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 176 Concubine Xiao fainted

In the middle of the night, Yao Yulu couldn't sleep. The scene of Lv Fanxiao waking up repeatedly appeared in her mind. She always felt something wrong. It seemed that Lv Fanxiao seemed to know something, but because of the few people present, she didn't say anything. She couldn't sit still any more when she thought of this and got up directly. Come on, put on a cloak and go out. Lv Pangxiao has always lived alone, so now it's much more convenient.

It was very cold outside. Yao Yulu couldn't help tightening her clothes before knocking on the door, "Pang Xiao, are you asleep?"

The sound of getting out of bed came from the room, and then the door opened. Yao Yulu entered the door directly. Presumably, Lv Panxiao would not have fallen asleep, otherwise she would not have opened the door when she had just knocked on the door.

Yao Yulu entered the room and suddenly felt much warmer. Both of them sat in chairs without lighting the lamp.

"Pang Xiao, what's going on today?" Yao Yulu asked hurriedly.

Lv Panxiao also showed a solemn look on her face, so she slowly opened her mouth and told Yao Yulu all about what she met the dark shadow.

After listening to her words, Yao Yulu couldn't help frowning, "Who are you taboo about?"

Lv Panxiao looked at Yao Yulu's face and couldn't help nodding, "The person I met with the black shadow that the little master said was actually very similar to Xiao Xuanzi's figure."

After Lv Panxiao's words, Yao Yulu couldn't help frowning. What's the matter with this little Xuanzi? Does he still have a party in the palace?

"However, the maidservant was not sure, because the dark shadow was talking to the maidservant at that time, but her voice could not tell who it was at all, so the maidservant did not dare to tell the truth." Lv Pangxiao said.

Yao Yulu nodded, "Okay, Pang Xiao, you can have a good rest these days. If Xiao Xuanzi is really unfavorable to us, I won't keep him."

Lv Panxiao nodded. Just now, she had been thinking about the process at that time, thinking about who the man was, but she couldn't remember at all. Maybe she really didn't know him.

Yao Yulu returned to her palace and had a little distrust of Xiao Xuanzi for a moment, especially now that these things are combined, which can't explain Xiao Xuanzi's innocence in any case.

Xiao Shufei sat on the chair impatiently. Lian'er brought the medicine in and looked a little trembling. "Mother, the maidservant brought the medicine."

Xiao Shufei nodded and looked at the dark medicine eyebrows tightly. "Call the prince."

Lian'er answered obediently and walked out. Xiao Shufei sat in a chair, half narrowing her eyes, and her eyes were full of fierceness, but when she saw the bowl of medicine, there was another wave of Xiyi in her heart.

"I met Xiao Shufei." The prince came in and knelt on the ground respectfully.

Xiao Shufei sat on the soft couch, with a faint smile on her lips. She stared at him and said, "Prince, you should know what this palace has asked you to do here. Where has the emperor been staying these days?"

The prince sweated coldly and couldn't help touching the sweat on his face. "Your Majesty, the emperor has been in the Yuxia Palace these days."

"Hmm!" Xiao Shufei snorted heavily and her face changed. She knew that the emperor must have gone to the coquettish fox. Since she learned that Yao Yujiao was pregnant that day, the emperor had not come to her for a long time, and she didn't expect that she had been staying with her. Now Yao Yujiao can be regarded as a collection of thousands of pets. It's arrogant again.

These didn't make her sad, but the emperor knew that her arm was also injured and never asked her once!

"Go down!" Xiao Shufei said with a pale face that she had been in this palace for so many years. She had never seen any big winds and waves, but in previous years, the emperor was not very favored Yao Yujiao. There were only a few days in a month with her. I don't know this this year. Since Yao Yulu entered the palace, the two sisters did not know how to give it to the emperor. What kind of ecstasy soup has fascinated the emperor like this. She can't let such a thing continue.

Xiao Shufei took the bowl of dark medicine and drank it in one gulp. Her mouth was full of bitterness, just like her current mood, but it was much more bitter than the remaining medicine in her mouth.

The next day, there was an exclamation from Xiao Shufei's palace. Lian'er shouted and threw the basin out of her hand. Just now, Xiao Shufei was sitting well on the dresser. She was just a gap for water, and Xiao Shufei fainted on the ground.

"Mother, how are you?" Lian'er asked nervously.

Xiao Shufei's face was very pale and her face was also tired. She opened her eyes quietly and let Lian'er help her to bed. She felt much better when she lay in **. She didn't know what was wrong. Just now, she felt dizzy and fell to the ground. Her hand touched her face and couldn't help thinking What? "Go and call Concubine Jin."

Lian'er ran out quickly, and her eyes tightened. Will it really be the effect of the medicine? But if it is really about medicine, will it affect her body? She couldn't help but be upset when she thought of this. Is it true that folk medicine can't be trusted as the emperor said?

Xiao Shufei lay on the soft couch with her eyes closed. Her face was pale and her frown seemed to endure great pain. After a while, Lian'er came in and followed by Concubine Jin. When she saw Xiao Shufei's pale face, she also opened her mouth wide.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Concubine Jin quickly asked.

"Well, don't you know what's wrong with me? Are the folk prescriptions I asked you to bring really not mixed with anything else? Xiao Shufei asked coldly.

Concubine Jin was shocked and her face turned pale. "Sister, I don't have it. The channels of the prescription are all made by one person, and there is no fake hands at all. Is it related to this folk prescription?"

Concubine Jin guessed that the cold sweat fell down, and her eyes glanced at Xiao Shufei from time to time. Xiao Shufei's face was flat, and she couldn't help wondering. Could it really be a matter of the prescription? Why did it become like this?

"Sister, why don't you find a royal doctor? You look ugly." Concubine Jin said worriedly.

Xiao Shufei nodded. In fact, she was only Zhu Jinfei's. She was afraid that Jinfei put something into the medicine, but now it doesn't seem to be her business, so she has to wait for the imperial doctor to come to find out whether it is the medicine. She is also to blame for this matter. She did not ask the royal doctor when she took it.

"Rian'er, go and call a royal doctor." Xiao Shufei opened her mouth faintly, and then looked at Jinfei. If there was a problem with this medicine, she really didn't know what to do in the future.

The royal doctor came quickly. Xiao Shufei did not say that she was taking the folk prescription, but directly asked the royal doctor to take the pulse.

"Mother, what kind of medicine have you taken recently?" The old traditional Chinese medicine doctor asked slowly.

"How can I see that I fell ill after taking medicine?" Xiao Shufei lay on the soft couch and asked gently squinting.

"The Empress's illness suddenly fainted because the medicine she took conflicted with the essence of the body. I just prescribed some conditioning medicine for the Empress, but..." The royal doctor wanted to speak and stopped.

"But what are you talking about?" Concubine Jin asked quickly, with an anxious look on her face.

The old emperor stroked his beard with his medical hand, and then slowly said, "But the medicine taken by the Empress must be stopped and can't be taken again. The medicine is harmful to the Empress. If the Empress insists on taking it, it will cause great damage to the Empress's body."

Xiao Shufei nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, but you can't reveal today's matter, including the reaction of taking medicine in this palace. You can't say it."

The old imperial doctor glanced at Xiao Shufei. He knew Xiao Shufei's fierceness in the palace. Since she dared to say so bluntly, it was too easy to give him a small imperial doctor to cure him.

"I won't say it. Please don't worry about this." The imperial doctor said quickly.

Xiao Shufei nodded with satisfaction, "It's so good."

After the imperial doctor went out, Jinfei quickly sat next to Xiao Shufei, "The emperor is right. I really can't believe this folk prescription. Don't take it, sister."

Xiao Shufei stared at her fiercely, "Do you mean that this is the only way I believe in rumors?"

Concubine Jin was scared by her momentum and quickly explained, "Sister, that's not what my sister meant. I just said that because I cared about my sister."

Xiao Shufei snorted coldly, but she didn't say anything more, but her face seemed to be more ugly. She didn't want to argue with Jinfei. She knew that she spoke without going through her brain at all, but there was a burst of anger in her heart.

Concubine Jin's anger subsided and sat next to her, "Sister, since this medicine doesn't work, let's not take it."

Xiao Shufei's eyes shrank tightly, "Continue to deliver medicine tomorrow."

Confie Jin looked at her in surprise and didn't know what Xiao Shufei meant. Since the medicine could not be taken, why did she continue?

Xiao Shufei picked up the tea next to her and took a sip before continuing to say, "I'll tell the medicine delivery tomorrow and ask him to help me find someone."

After Xiao Shufei finished speaking, a faint smile appeared on her lips, but there was a fierce light in her eyes.

The weather is very good today. Xiao Shufei was accompanied by Jinfei to enjoy the flowers in the imperial garden, but unfortunately, she happened to meet Yao Yujiao, who was also enjoying the flowers, and both sides stopped.